
Category Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous
Version 1.1.10
Format AppAUVST
Compatibility LiptiklMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $60  /  55€
Updated On May 20, 2013
Total Downloads 470
Mac Downloads 247
Category Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous
Version 1.1.10
Format AppVST
Compatibility LiptiklWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $60  /  55€
Updated On May 20, 2013
Total Downloads 470
PC Downloads 223

Song, Music & Rap Lyrics Generator

If you make or write song, music or rap lyrics, poems, copy or ads, then Liptikl could be just what you are looking for. In fact, if you write at all it could well be for you.

Liptikl is a 'cut up' word arranger; a lyric generator & lyric maker. It can give you extra advantage & ideas when it comes to writing. It helps you create genuinely new and exciting word arrangements, very easily.
The cut-up process is often a very powerful technique for stimulating lyric ideas; the random word associations Liptikl comes up with can often give you completely new options to consider.

Liptikl, a 'cut up' word arranger tool, mixes together words from up to 3 different sources, and, according to some inbuilt rules, generates word arrangements from these. You can think of it a bit like cooking...
If you make or write song, music or rap lyrics, poems, copy or ads, then Liptikl could be just what you are looking for. In fact, if you write at all it could well be for you.

Liptikl is a 'cut up' word arranger; a lyric generator & lyric maker. It can give you extra advantage & ideas when it comes to writing. It helps you create genuinely new and exciting word arrangements, very easily.
The cut-up process is often a very powerful technique for stimulating lyric ideas; the random word associations Liptikl comes up with can often give you completely new options to consider.

Liptikl, a 'cut up' word arranger tool, mixes together words from up to 3 different sources, and, according to some inbuilt rules, generates word arrangements from these. You can think of it a bit like cooking (but you don't need to be a cook to use it!). The input sources are like flavours or ingredients. They could be complete chapters, tracts or paragraphs, news or current affairs, some of your past lyrics or writing, or even collections of your favourite words. Because you are working from existing source material and selections of words, when mixed together, unusual, exciting and interesting things can happen.
MacOS 10.7 or later.
Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Liptikl Liptikl v 1.1.10 May 20, 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • €¢ Mac (Standalone):

  • Requires Mac OS X 10.7

  • €¢ Bug fixes
  • Intermorphic Liptikl Liptikl v 1.1.8 Oct 19, 2012 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ Mac (Standalone): Screen changes

  • Open Recent menu has arrived for MAS version

  • Full Screen button has arrived for MAS version

  • €¢ Bug fixes
  • Intermorphic Liptikl v Jul 18, 2011 MacOS X UB
    Small change: reports the OS and number of bits in the Help -> About screen
    could Liptikl v Jun 6, 2011 MacOS X UB
    ★ Mac: Fixed problem with auto-loading via Finder file double-click.
    words Liptikl v Mar 3, 2011 MacOS X UB
    ★ Win/Mac - FIX: simplified and reorganised menu items (Mac Standalone: About moved to Apple menu from help menu)
    lyrics Liptikl v Nov 13, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • New icons and splash to complement the other product rebrandings
  • Liptikl Liptikl v 1.1.10 May 20, 2013 Windows
  • €¢ Mac (Standalone):

  • Requires Mac OS X 10.7

  • €¢ Bug fixes
  • Intermorphic Liptikl Liptikl v 1.1.8 Oct 19, 2012 Windows
  • €¢ Mac (Standalone): Screen changes

  • Open Recent menu has arrived for MAS version

  • Full Screen button has arrived for MAS version

  • €¢ Bug fixes
  • Intermorphic Liptikl v Dec 13, 2011 Windows
    Small change: If File Exit selected, don't quit Liptikl if a modified file is currently open. This is already in the Mac App Store version
    could Liptikl v Jul 18, 2011 Windows
    Small change: reports the OS and number of bits in the Help -> About screen
    words Liptikl v Mar 3, 2011 Windows
    ★ Win/Mac - FIX: simplified and reorganised menu items (Mac Standalone: About moved to Apple menu from help menu)
    lyrics Liptikl v Nov 13, 2010 Windows
  • New icons and splash to complement the other product rebrandings
  • Intermorphic
    Buy Liptikl near Columbus, United States at:

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