
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.5
Format AUVST
Compatibility ElectraXMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $204  /  189€
Updated On Aug 5, 2017
Total Downloads 13,274
Mac Downloads 10,651
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.5
Format AppVST
Compatibility ElectraXWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $204  /  189€
Updated On Aug 5, 2017
Total Downloads 13,274
PC Downloads 2,623


Explore the musical possibilities of multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modeled filters, chaotic fractals, samples, psychoacoustic processing, flexible modulation and an immense sonic range. Combine multiple polyphonic or monophonic synthesizers and 13 different synthesis methods to create incredible results.
All this comes with an easy-to-use interface, high-end sound quality and remarkable low CPU usage for an instrument as feature-rich as ElectraX.
The comfortable preset management provides instant access to a large library of sounds by professional designers.

Features - summary
- Four synthesizers in one interface
- High-end sound quality
- Huge sonic range
- High flexibility
- 13 different synthesis methods which can be combined
- Psychoacoustic processing
- Low CPU,...
Explore the musical possibilities of multi-synthesis oscillators, analog modeled filters, chaotic fractals, samples, psychoacoustic processing, flexible modulation and an immense sonic range. Combine multiple polyphonic or monophonic synthesizers and 13 different synthesis methods to create incredible results.
All this comes with an easy-to-use interface, high-end sound quality and remarkable low CPU usage for an instrument as feature-rich as ElectraX.
The comfortable preset management provides instant access to a large library of sounds by professional designers.

Features - summary
- Four synthesizers in one interface
- High-end sound quality
- Huge sonic range
- High flexibility
- 13 different synthesis methods which can be combined
- Psychoacoustic processing
- Low CPU, multicore processor support
- Easy to use
- 4x multitimbral
- presets by professional sound designers
- 23 exclusive analog modeled filter types
- 45 oscillator types
- 18 effect types; Master effect section with Equalizer
- More than 1000 waveforms
- 64x4 voices
- Midi learn
- Customizable user interface with 4 skins
- Expandability
- Flexible preset management
- Context sensitive help

Features per synthesizer (4 synthesizers available)
- Several playmodes: Monophonic, legato, polyphonic, glide
- 3 multi-synthesis oscillators
- Dual multimode filters
- Dual mutlimode distortion/waveshaper
- 3 LFOs (global or per voice) and a Step LFO, BPM syncable
- Four Envelope generators
- Arpeggiator
- Insert effect, BPM syncable
- Flexible modulation
- Key splitting

Synthesis methods & OSC features
- Virtual analog
- FM
- Sample playback and import of own samples with loop/sustain loop support
- Wavetables with resynthesis function and the ability to load own waveforms
- Ultrasaw (up to 18 detuned oscillators per voice)
- Fractal (a completely new synthesis method)
- Phase distortion
- Waveshaping
- Exclusive oscillator types
- Sync
- Noise
- Ringmod
- Vocoder
- Analog oscillaor drift modelling
- Fat tuning

18 warm sounding effect types
- Reverbs: Hall, Cathedral, Room
- Delays: Delay, Delay band, Ping Pong, Multitap
- Chorus, Ensemble, Phaser, Flanger, Rotary
- Trancegate, Compressor, Ampsim, Equalizer, Surround Encode
- Vocoder

23 exclusive filter types
- 9 analog modeled filters with self oscillation: Lowpass/Highpass/Bandpass 12dB/18dB/24dB
- High precesion digital filters: Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, Notch
- Equalizers: LowShelf, HighShelf, Peak, Wide
- Special types: Phaser, Comb+, Comb-, Vocals, Aliaser, Ringmod
Mac OSX 10.5 or higher
Windows XP, Windows Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64, Windows ME; Intel Pentium4 compatible CPU with at least 800 Mhz; 512 MB RAM
ElectraX ElectraX v 2.5 Aug 5, 2017 MacOS X UB
Drag & Drop modulation: Drag an envelope or lfo and drop it to a knob to modulate it
Right-click on a knob opens a menu where you can assign a massive amount of modulation sources
8 additional delay effects: Wide, Fat, Diffuse, Dual, Tape, Echo, Resonator, Reflections
10 additonal distortion effects: Saturate, Soft clip, Hard clip, Rectify, Bitcrush, Warp,
Waveshape, Ripple, Amp Sim, Multiband
Stereo sample support for FILE -> 'Quick import sample'
Support for 32 bit wav files
Support for wav files created by LogicX
Support for larger samples
Every layer now can play stacked chords. Select 'Stack' in the arpeggiator and choose a chord
Every layer now can solve chords , which is useful for subharmonics. Select 'Chord root' in the
New Midi learn algorithm: Right-click on a knob to assign a CC
Hovering the mouse over a knob shows the current parameter value and the modulation source
Modulation depth control on top left of a knob if a source is assigned
Sectors on knobs show the modulation amount
A red sector is shown when clipping of modulation occurs
7 new LFO shapes: 'Square %'
6 new LFO shapes: 'Stair'
Tooltips are shown when the mouse is hovered over a control
Undo/Redo function for sample editor
New mod matrix targets "PitchOct", which allow a seamless tuning of +-1 octave
FILE -> 'Quick save patch' overwrites the current fxp file with new settings
INIT -> 'Clean matrix' removes unused matrix slots
COPY -> 'Arpeggiator' copies all arp parameters of the current layer
COPY -> 'Step LFO' copies all Step LFO parameters of the current layer
PASTE -> 'Arpeggiator' pastes the arp parameters to the current layer
PASTE -> 'Step LFO' pastes the Step LFO parameters to the current layer
HELP -> 'Show version info'
HELP -> 'Download updates'
More available halftones for the arpeggiator
49 new patches (NewSoundsV2.5)


Drastically enhanced sound quality of frequencies over 10Khz
More linear frequency response
More punchy volume envelope
Enhanced sound of most reverb types
More inituitive parameter names for automation
.rnk files are stored within ElectraX_sounds now
patch rankings are written immideately on change
Slightly enhanced sound quality for very large samples
Enhanced sound of FM
Enhanced sound of Sync
Higher precision of high frequencies for Wavetable oscillator
Higher precision of high frequencies for Custom Wave osciallator
More linear frequency response for fractal oscillators
Optimized performance and sound of hypersaw oscillators
Enhanced sound of distortion
Enhanced sound of the filters on high cutoff and resonance levels
Enhanced sound of the effects
No more missing frequencies above 13 kHz
More smart algorithm for the microtuning
Rearranged FILE menu
More precise knobs
Slightly less RAM required
Enhanced some graphics
More high-end frequencies for 'dynamic loud' mode
More precise LFOs
Enhanced sound of the Multitap delay by adding a low cut filter
Enhanced sound of the PingPong delay by adding a low cut filter
Activation dialog is now also available in German
More intuitive handling of sample markers
Various small enhancements


Workaround for a bug in Orion, which caused a crash on scrolling through the automation parameters
The volume of the first 1ms of a song render could have been to low
Aliaser was detuned in 96kHz
Midi learn did not work on layer 2-4
Fixed a compatibility problem when knob circular mode was selected in some hosts
Fixed a bug in loudness, which did not sound right
Autotuning samples does not longer reset the halftone settings of the osc
Matrix source 'random' did not work in mono modes

Changes (just cosmetical):

Renamed "Bass boost" mode to "Analog boost"
Renamed "Reverb Band" to "Reverb Plate"
Tone2 ElectraX ElectraX v 2.1 Apr 1, 2015 MacOS X UB
New Ultrasaw oscillators (PW controls detuning):

4 new oscs 'Hypersaw Vir 3x-9x' which can sound like a very popular hardware synthesizer
New osc 'Supersaw JP' which has been inspired by another famous synthesizer
New osc 'Supersaw clean' (same as above, but without disharmonic aliasing)
New osc 'Supernoise' with a lush and creamy sound
New osc 'Hypersquare 9x' with 9 detuned squarewaves
New osc 'Hypernoise 9x' with a lush and creamy sound

New effects:

Vocoder Pro is a high-end vocoder with 20 bands. The design is an enhanced version of a legendary hardware Vocoder unit, which costs more than $5000.
Vocoder SVC has been inspired by another very famous and hard-to-get unit.

New features:

The effect parameters of all 4 insert effects can be modulated with the matrix. This can be used to create very unique sounds. Please note that not all possible routings make sense.
Additional matrix target 'FX Mix' controls the dry/wet level of the insert effect
Additional matrix targets 'FX Par1-4' control the effect parameters
The new sound mode 'scientific' turns Electra2 into a precise signal generator
The new sound mode 'LowCut 140Hz' cleans up the mix by removing low frequencies from Pads, Keys and Leads
The new sound mode 'HighCut analog' simulates the muffled sound of analog synths and cleans up the mix by removing high frequencies from bass sounds.
Additional patches which use the Supersaw OSCs: Electra 2.1 now ships with 1240 sounds

Enhanced sound:

The Vocoder effect has been replaced by an enhanced one
Smart oversampling of the existing Ultrasaw osciallators
More linear frequency response
Replaced 'Reverb Hall' and 'Reverb Room' with better sounding algorithms
High frequencies of 'Delay' and 'PingPong' effect

Enhanced GUI & interface:

Mousewheel support for patch browser
Better performance when patch browser is open
Midi CC assignments are shown on top of the knobs
Midi learn is more intuitive to use (right click on a knob)
Menus are not longer closed automatically after 10 seconds
Display of the new Ultrasaw oscs shows spread
Switching synthesis mode does auto-set PW to a useful value

Further enhancements:

Reduced RAM use by 30%. This allows to load 4 additional instances in 32 bit mode.
Faster loading of patches.
Reduced CPU use on patch loading.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a problem with the LFO sync in song mode which could appear in some hosts
Fixed a rarely appearing crash after loading a patch and then selecting 'init'->'reset all'
Fixed a problem with saving the midi learn configuration when several instances were opened and closed at the same time
Fixed a possible GUI glitch after loading a patch
Fixed a possible crash which could happen with some very old hosts
Fixed a problem that could happen if tone was routed in the matrix
Background grid of step lfo was not displayed correctly
Fixed a bug in 'Loudness' where high frequencies were boosted in a slightly incorrect way
Dialog box was opened twice if a double click was used to load a wav to osc


Renamed 'Loudness' to 'Dynamic loud'
Renamed 'Bass boost' to 'Dynamic bass'
Renamed 'Analog' to 'Bass boost'
Renamed 'Psychoacoust.' to 'Loudness'
Tone2 ElectraX v 2.0 Jul 8, 2014 MacOS X UB
  • Over 700 additional patches with over 1500 sounds

  • Completely reworked all factory sounds

  • Comfortable patch browser

  • Sample editor

  • Physical modeling synthesis

  • 16 new effects

  • 5 new filters

  • 236 additional waveforms

  • Enhanced sound quality

  • New graphics

  • Better user interface

  • Enhanced performance

  • A huge number of further new features and enhancements

  • Electra2 is downward compatible with the previous version
  • types ElectraX v 1.4 Feb 11, 2013 MacOS X UB

  • Better overall performance in big projects

  • Reworked graphics and skins

  • Enhanced workflow

  • The GUI code was completely rewritten. It's faster and supports alpha blending now.

  • Enhanced LFOs (random types & frequencies below 4Hz)

  • More easy installation on PC and Mac

  • Legato

  • Key follow of filter with glide

  • Faster loading

  • Enhanced installers

  • Gatekeeper support on Mac

  • 64 bit version is Windows8 compatible

  • Many other small enhancements

  • New features:

  • 64 Bit VST & AU version for Mac (requires OSX 10.5 or higher)

  • Mousewheel support for list selectors and knobs (if host supports it)

  • PDF can now be be viewed from within plugin (Mac)

  • Fixes:

  • Workaround for a host bug in Logic (when garbage Midi data is sent to the plugin)

  • Fix for hosts which did not open GUI on plugin loading (Ableton, Logic)

  • Workaround for a Windows problem when mouse buttons are clicked for a long time

  • Fix for a possible permission problem in OSX Lion

  • Fixed a memory leak

  • Legato, sustain pedal

  • Fixed some GUI glitches

  • Several smaller bugfixes
  • analog ElectraX v 1.2 Jun 22, 2011 MacOS X UB
    New features:
    'Load patch to synth' allows to stack up to 4 patches for fat multitimbral sounds
    'Copy' button now includes the option to create 4x stereo unison patch
    The filter section has been extended with multiple unique Fractal Filters. These innovative, new filter types are exclusive and not available from any other company.
    Analog modeled 'Moog' filter (Analog controls self oscillation and non-linearity)
    Analog modeled State Variable Low-pass with 'Filter-FM' (analog controls FM amount)
    Nonlinear 12dB Low-pass 'LP Shaped' filter
    Native PC 64 Bit standalone version
    20 additional patches
    The oscillators now support drag&drop for wav and resynthesis import
    Samples longer than 10 seconds can be loaded now
    Loop/Single is automatically set on sample import
    Octave/Semi is automatically detected from sample name (e.g. Piano_A-3.wav)
    Last directory is remembered on wav load and fxp load/save
    Mod Matrix destination 'Start' sets OSC start phase or sample start point
    Mod Matrix destination 'Mix' crossblends between filter1 and filter2
    Mod Matrix sources 'Midi CC', 'Breath', 'Foot', 'Expression', 'Hold'...
    Mod Matrix source 'VoiceNr' returns a value which depends on the current voice number
    Mod Matrix source 'NumKeys' counts the number of pressed keys for more dynamic expression
    Mod Matrix source 'KeySat.' returns a saturated version of key follow
    Mod Matrix source 'Impulse' returns a 1ms long impulse suitable for attack sounds
    Mod Matrix: 12 additional analog 'Decay' envelopes as source

    Improved graphics with 4 new skins
    FM on/off, OSC on/off, Distortion type and Sync can also be changed during playback
    Oscillators that are FM modulated by a deactivated source do no longer output noise
    Many improvements in sample handling
    Up/down controls now display an arrow and are more smooth to handle
    Improved sound when using glide mode
    ElectraX is more robust against broken Midi data which is sent by hosts
    Improved CPU compatibility
    Waiting icon is now displayed during patch load
    'Analog' psychoacoustic mode has been improved
    Smarter installer

    Trancegate is now only available as Insert Effect


    Fixed a crash which could happen if patches were loaded during playback
    Fixed a possible problem with could result in hanging notes
    Fixed a rarely appearing problem where the plugin did not output sound
    Fixed a rarely appearing GUI freeze
    Fixed a click in sample playback
    Fixed a possible glitch in the filters
    filters ElectraX v 1.1 Jan 30, 2011 MacOS X UB
    New features:
    * Arpeggiator now includes a 'restart note ordering' option.

    * Better host compatibility.
    * Improved usability and workflow.
    * Improved compatibility with Windows7 and Vista systems.
    * Improved MIDI learn.
    * Easier installation.

    * Less pop-ups.
    * Demo time has been extended (demo).


    * Workarounds for various host related bugs.
    * Fixed a possible crash and GUI glitches.
    * Installer automatically fixes possible Windows7 compatibility problems of VST directory.
    ElectraX ElectraX v 2.5 Aug 5, 2017 Windows
    Drag & Drop modulation: Drag an envelope or lfo and drop it to a knob to modulate it
    Right-click on a knob opens a menu where you can assign a massive amount of modulation sources
    8 additional delay effects: Wide, Fat, Diffuse, Dual, Tape, Echo, Resonator, Reflections
    10 additonal distortion effects: Saturate, Soft clip, Hard clip, Rectify, Bitcrush, Warp,
    Waveshape, Ripple, Amp Sim, Multiband
    Stereo sample support for FILE -> 'Quick import sample'
    Support for 32 bit wav files
    Support for wav files created by LogicX
    Support for larger samples
    Every layer now can play stacked chords. Select 'Stack' in the arpeggiator and choose a chord
    Every layer now can solve chords , which is useful for subharmonics. Select 'Chord root' in the
    New Midi learn algorithm: Right-click on a knob to assign a CC
    Hovering the mouse over a knob shows the current parameter value and the modulation source
    Modulation depth control on top left of a knob if a source is assigned
    Sectors on knobs show the modulation amount
    A red sector is shown when clipping of modulation occurs
    7 new LFO shapes: 'Square %'
    6 new LFO shapes: 'Stair'
    Tooltips are shown when the mouse is hovered over a control
    Undo/Redo function for sample editor
    New mod matrix targets "PitchOct", which allow a seamless tuning of +-1 octave
    FILE -> 'Quick save patch' overwrites the current fxp file with new settings
    INIT -> 'Clean matrix' removes unused matrix slots
    COPY -> 'Arpeggiator' copies all arp parameters of the current layer
    COPY -> 'Step LFO' copies all Step LFO parameters of the current layer
    PASTE -> 'Arpeggiator' pastes the arp parameters to the current layer
    PASTE -> 'Step LFO' pastes the Step LFO parameters to the current layer
    HELP -> 'Show version info'
    HELP -> 'Download updates'
    More available halftones for the arpeggiator
    49 new patches (NewSoundsV2.5)


    Drastically enhanced sound quality of frequencies over 10Khz
    More linear frequency response
    More punchy volume envelope
    Enhanced sound of most reverb types
    More inituitive parameter names for automation
    .rnk files are stored within ElectraX_sounds now
    patch rankings are written immideately on change
    Slightly enhanced sound quality for very large samples
    Enhanced sound of FM
    Enhanced sound of Sync
    Higher precision of high frequencies for Wavetable oscillator
    Higher precision of high frequencies for Custom Wave osciallator
    More linear frequency response for fractal oscillators
    Optimized performance and sound of hypersaw oscillators
    Enhanced sound of distortion
    Enhanced sound of the filters on high cutoff and resonance levels
    Enhanced sound of the effects
    No more missing frequencies above 13 kHz
    More smart algorithm for the microtuning
    Rearranged FILE menu
    More precise knobs
    Slightly less RAM required
    Enhanced some graphics
    More high-end frequencies for 'dynamic loud' mode
    More precise LFOs
    Enhanced sound of the Multitap delay by adding a low cut filter
    Enhanced sound of the PingPong delay by adding a low cut filter
    Activation dialog is now also available in German
    More intuitive handling of sample markers
    Various small enhancements


    Workaround for a bug in Orion, which caused a crash on scrolling through the automation parameters
    The volume of the first 1ms of a song render could have been to low
    Aliaser was detuned in 96kHz
    Midi learn did not work on layer 2-4
    Fixed a compatibility problem when knob circular mode was selected in some hosts
    Fixed a bug in loudness, which did not sound right
    Autotuning samples does not longer reset the halftone settings of the osc
    Matrix source 'random' did not work in mono modes

    Changes (just cosmetical):

    Renamed "Bass boost" mode to "Analog boost"
    Renamed "Reverb Band" to "Reverb Plate"
    Tone2 ElectraX ElectraX v 2.1 Apr 1, 2015 Windows
    New Ultrasaw oscillators (PW controls detuning):

    4 new oscs 'Hypersaw Vir 3x-9x' which can sound like a very popular hardware synthesizer
    New osc 'Supersaw JP' which has been inspired by another famous synthesizer
    New osc 'Supersaw clean' (same as above, but without disharmonic aliasing)
    New osc 'Supernoise' with a lush and creamy sound
    New osc 'Hypersquare 9x' with 9 detuned squarewaves
    New osc 'Hypernoise 9x' with a lush and creamy sound

    New effects:

    Vocoder Pro is a high-end vocoder with 20 bands. The design is an enhanced version of a legendary hardware Vocoder unit, which costs more than $5000.
    Vocoder SVC has been inspired by another very famous and hard-to-get unit.

    New features:

    The effect parameters of all 4 insert effects can be modulated with the matrix. This can be used to create very unique sounds. Please note that not all possible routings make sense.
    Additional matrix target 'FX Mix' controls the dry/wet level of the insert effect
    Additional matrix targets 'FX Par1-4' control the effect parameters
    The new sound mode 'scientific' turns Electra2 into a precise signal generator
    The new sound mode 'LowCut 140Hz' cleans up the mix by removing low frequencies from Pads, Keys and Leads
    The new sound mode 'HighCut analog' simulates the muffled sound of analog synths and cleans up the mix by removing high frequencies from bass sounds.
    Additional patches which use the Supersaw OSCs: Electra 2.1 now ships with 1240 sounds

    Enhanced sound:

    The Vocoder effect has been replaced by an enhanced one
    Smart oversampling of the existing Ultrasaw osciallators
    More linear frequency response
    Replaced 'Reverb Hall' and 'Reverb Room' with better sounding algorithms
    High frequencies of 'Delay' and 'PingPong' effect

    Enhanced GUI & interface:

    Mousewheel support for patch browser
    Better performance when patch browser is open
    Midi CC assignments are shown on top of the knobs
    Midi learn is more intuitive to use (right click on a knob)
    Menus are not longer closed automatically after 10 seconds
    Display of the new Ultrasaw oscs shows spread
    Switching synthesis mode does auto-set PW to a useful value

    Further enhancements:

    Reduced RAM use by 30%. This allows to load 4 additional instances in 32 bit mode.
    Faster loading of patches.
    Reduced CPU use on patch loading.

    Bug fixes:

    Fixed a problem with the LFO sync in song mode which could appear in some hosts
    Fixed a rarely appearing crash after loading a patch and then selecting 'init'->'reset all'
    Fixed a problem with saving the midi learn configuration when several instances were opened and closed at the same time
    Fixed a possible GUI glitch after loading a patch
    Fixed a possible crash which could happen with some very old hosts
    Fixed a problem that could happen if tone was routed in the matrix
    Background grid of step lfo was not displayed correctly
    Fixed a bug in 'Loudness' where high frequencies were boosted in a slightly incorrect way
    Dialog box was opened twice if a double click was used to load a wav to osc


    Renamed 'Loudness' to 'Dynamic loud'
    Renamed 'Bass boost' to 'Dynamic bass'
    Renamed 'Analog' to 'Bass boost'
    Renamed 'Psychoacoust.' to 'Loudness'
    Tone2 ElectraX v 2.0 Jul 8, 2014 Windows
  • Over 700 additional patches with over 1500 sounds

  • Completely reworked all factory sounds

  • Comfortable patch browser

  • Sample editor

  • Physical modeling synthesis

  • 16 new effects

  • 5 new filters

  • 236 additional waveforms

  • Enhanced sound quality

  • New graphics

  • Better user interface

  • Enhanced performance

  • A huge number of further new features and enhancements

  • Electra2 is downward compatible with the previous version
  • types ElectraX v 1.4 Feb 11, 2013 Windows

  • Better overall performance in big projects

  • Reworked graphics and skins

  • Enhanced workflow

  • The GUI code was completely rewritten. It's faster and supports alpha blending now.

  • Enhanced LFOs (random types & frequencies below 4Hz)

  • More easy installation on PC and Mac

  • Legato

  • Key follow of filter with glide

  • Faster loading

  • Enhanced installers

  • Gatekeeper support on Mac

  • 64 bit version is Windows8 compatible

  • Many other small enhancements

  • New features:

  • 64 Bit VST & AU version for Mac (requires OSX 10.5 or higher)

  • Mousewheel support for list selectors and knobs (if host supports it)

  • PDF can now be be viewed from within plugin (Mac)

  • Fixes:

  • Workaround for a host bug in Logic (when garbage Midi data is sent to the plugin)

  • Fix for hosts which did not open GUI on plugin loading (Ableton, Logic)

  • Workaround for a Windows problem when mouse buttons are clicked for a long time

  • Fix for a possible permission problem in OSX Lion

  • Fixed a memory leak

  • Legato, sustain pedal

  • Fixed some GUI glitches

  • Several smaller bugfixes
  • analog ElectraX v 1.2 Jun 22, 2011 Windows
    New features:
    'Load patch to synth' allows to stack up to 4 patches for fat multitimbral sounds
    'Copy' button now includes the option to create 4x stereo unison patch
    The filter section has been extended with multiple unique Fractal Filters. These innovative, new filter types are exclusive and not available from any other company.
    Analog modeled 'Moog' filter (Analog controls self oscillation and non-linearity)
    Analog modeled State Variable Low-pass with 'Filter-FM' (analog controls FM amount)
    Nonlinear 12dB Low-pass 'LP Shaped' filter
    Native PC 64 Bit standalone version
    20 additional patches
    The oscillators now support drag&drop for wav and resynthesis import
    Samples longer than 10 seconds can be loaded now
    Loop/Single is automatically set on sample import
    Octave/Semi is automatically detected from sample name (e.g. Piano_A-3.wav)
    Last directory is remembered on wav load and fxp load/save
    Mod Matrix destination 'Start' sets OSC start phase or sample start point
    Mod Matrix destination 'Mix' crossblends between filter1 and filter2
    Mod Matrix sources 'Midi CC', 'Breath', 'Foot', 'Expression', 'Hold'...
    Mod Matrix source 'VoiceNr' returns a value which depends on the current voice number
    Mod Matrix source 'NumKeys' counts the number of pressed keys for more dynamic expression
    Mod Matrix source 'KeySat.' returns a saturated version of key follow
    Mod Matrix source 'Impulse' returns a 1ms long impulse suitable for attack sounds
    Mod Matrix: 12 additional analog 'Decay' envelopes as source

    Improved graphics with 4 new skins
    FM on/off, OSC on/off, Distortion type and Sync can also be changed during playback
    Oscillators that are FM modulated by a deactivated source do no longer output noise
    Many improvements in sample handling
    Up/down controls now display an arrow and are more smooth to handle
    Improved sound when using glide mode
    ElectraX is more robust against broken Midi data which is sent by hosts
    Improved CPU compatibility
    Waiting icon is now displayed during patch load
    'Analog' psychoacoustic mode has been improved
    Smarter installer

    Trancegate is now only available as Insert Effect


    Fixed a crash which could happen if patches were loaded during playback
    Fixed a possible problem with could result in hanging notes
    Fixed a rarely appearing problem where the plugin did not output sound
    Fixed a rarely appearing GUI freeze
    Fixed a click in sample playback
    Fixed a possible glitch in the filters
    filters ElectraX v 1.1 Jan 30, 2011 Windows
    New features:
    * Arpeggiator now includes a 'restart note ordering' option.

    * Better host compatibility.
    * Improved usability and workflow.
    * Improved compatibility with Windows7 and Vista systems.
    * Improved MIDI learn.
    * Easier installation.

    * Less pop-ups.
    * Demo time has been extended (demo).


    * Workarounds for various host related bugs.
    * Fixed a possible crash and GUI glitches.
    * Installer automatically fixes possible Windows7 compatibility problems of VST directory.
    Buy ElectraX near Columbus, United States at:

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    You can signin with your 440Software account (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) or via FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

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    Filtrer module. BiFilter2 is a high-end quality stereo filter module. BiFilter2 drastically extends the 'filter plug-in' concept to provide today's creative musicians with an...
    Modular filter effect. Tone2 FilterBank3 is more than a filter plugin - it is a complete VST synthesizer and a flexible multi-effect unit. The modular design and flexible modulation...
    Synthesizer. Firebird+ is not just another synthesizer. It provides a powerful, unique, and innovative synthesis architecture for next-generation sounds never heard before....
    Hybrid synthesizer. GLADIATOR is Tone2's latest synthesizer using the groundbreaking Harmonic Content Morphing, synthesis method allowing a unique sound which is not possible with...
    FM Synthesis. Nemesis includes traditional FM synthesis as well as a completely new and improved approach to FM called NeoFM synthesis. NeoFM and several other innovative...
    Synthesizer. - New synthesis method: Impulse Modeling Synthesis (IMS) based on the latest research in psychoacoustics. - Access completely new sonic territory - Sounds more...
    Virtual analog synth. Saurus takes the high regarded analog sound from the past into the unlimited digital realm, fusing them together with a user interface that invites to tweak and...
    Ambience-modeling processor. UltraSpace is the complete ambience-modeling solution. It can simulate nearly any kind of room, echo or acoustic environment with high-end sound quality....
    Warmverb Multi-FX
    Multi-FX. Do you want to flange a feedbacked reverb tail and pass it through a vocoder ? Warmverb is a multi effect unit which gives you the flexibility to create unique...
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