
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.7.4
Format App
Compatibility SunVoxMacOS X Intel
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Jan 23, 2014
Total Downloads 2,768
Mac Downloads 1,503
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.7.4
Format App
Compatibility SunVoxWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Jan 23, 2014
Total Downloads 2,768
PC Downloads 1,265

Sequenced modular synths

SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer with modular synthesizers. It is a tool for those people who want to compose music anywhere. SunVox available for desktop PC (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), pocket computers (Windows Mobile, PalmOS, iPhone/iPad) and netbooks.

Key features
* Modular interface.
* Highly optimized synth algorithms.
* Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on various devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU - 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic).
* Built-in synthesizers:
o FM synthesizer;
o Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms);
o Kicker;
o Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI, AIFF);
o SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for analog-like pads);
o DC...
SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer with modular synthesizers. It is a tool for those people who want to compose music anywhere. SunVox available for desktop PC (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), pocket computers (Windows Mobile, PalmOS, iPhone/iPad) and netbooks.

Key features
* Modular interface.
* Highly optimized synth algorithms.
* Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on various devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU - 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerfull CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic).
* Built-in synthesizers:
o FM synthesizer;
o Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms);
o Kicker;
o Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI, AIFF);
o SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for analog-like pads);
o DC Blocking Filter;
o Delay;
o Distortion;
o Echo;
o EQ;
o Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch);
o Flanger;
o LFO;
o Loop;
o Reverb (with DC Blocking Filter);
o Vocal Filter;
o Vibrato.
* Supported systems: Windows, Linux (x86/x86_64), Mac OS X, PalmOS, WindowsCE (Windows Mobile), iPhone/iPad.
* Export to WAV.
SunVox SunVox v 1.7.4 Jan 23, 2014 MacOS X Intel
What is new:

SunVox has been ported to Raspberry Pi;
engine optimization;
extended Visualization Parameters in the Module Properties: type of the Level Meter, type of the Oscilloscope, background, shadow, etc.;
available Level Meter modes: OFF, Mono, Stereo, Color, Glow effect;
available Oscilloscope modes: OFF, Points, Lines, Bars, Bars2 (symmetrical), Stereo phase scope (Goniometer), Stereo phase scope x2;
default Visualization Parameters can be set in the SunVox Preferences (Main menu -> Preferences -> Modules -> Default visualizer);
new module - Sound2Ctl; this module can convert the audio signal to the numeric value of any selected controller;
new module - MultiCtl; with this module you can control multiple controllers at once;
WaveShaper: new controller "DC filter" (DC Blocking Filter) has been added; enabled by default;
Amplifier: new controller "Absolute" has been added; enable it to apply "absolute value" filter to the signal;
MultiSynth: new buttons have been added: Options, Reset, Smooth, Load, Save;
MultiSynth: now you can switch between different types of Velocity Graphs in the Options menu; it is useful for complex velocity mapping;
DrumSynth is now supports Velocity Change commands;
"Change font size" option has been changed to "Scale"; and now you can change the pattern editor scale very smoothly on any device;
now you can set the name of the pattern, instead of the 16x16 icon;
the Scale parameter can be changed for each module separately (in the Module Preferences, or using CTRL + MOUSE WHEEL);
now the screen orientation can be changed manually (only for Android, WinCE and PalmOS) in the Preferences -> Interface -> Angle;
additional File Browser functions: Remove, Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, Create Directory;
now you can see the file size in the File Browser (except PalmOS);
new simple examples: sound2ctl*, drumsynth*;
new song examples: moon_secrets, CsardasContinuum (by Frantisek Fuka (Fuxoft)), berlin_fm_-_nt, visualizer_demo, silence_artifacts;
bugs fixed.
WarmPlace.Ru SunVox SunVox v 1.7.4beta3 Jan 21, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Extended Visualization Parameters in the Module Properties: type of the Level Meter, type of the Oscilloscope, background, shadow, etc.;
available Level Meter modes: OFF, Mono, Stereo, Color, Glow effect;
available Oscilloscope modes: OFF, Points, Lines, Bars, Bars2 (symmetrical), Stereo phase scope (Goniometer), Stereo phase scope x2;
default Visualization Parameters can be set in the SunVox Preferences (Main menu -> Preferences -> Modules -> Default visualizer);
WaveShaper: new controller "DC filter" (DC Blocking Filter) has been added; enabled by default;
new song examples: visualizer_demo, silence_artifacts;
bugs fixed.
WarmPlace.Ru SunVox v 1.7.4beta2 Jan 10, 2014 MacOS X Intel
V1.7.4 BETA2 (10 jan 2014):

the pattern name and the 16x16 icon can be shown together;
the Scale parameter can be changed for each module separately (in the Module Preferences, or using CTRL + MOUSE WHEEL);
bugs fixed.

v1.7.4 BETA1 (31 dec 2013):

SunVox has been ported to Raspberry Pi;
engine optimization;
new module - Sound2Ctl; this module can convert the audio signal to the numeric value of any selected controller;
new module - MultiCtl; with this module you can control multiple controllers at once;
Amplifier: new controller "Absolute" has been added; enable it to apply "absolute value" filter to the signal;
MultiSynth: new buttons have been added: Options, Reset, Smooth, Load, Save;
MultiSynth: now you can switch between different types of Velocity Graphs in the Options menu; it is useful for complex velocity mapping;
DrumSynth is now supports Velocity Change commands;
"Change font size" option has been changed to "Scale"; and now you can change the pattern editor scale very smoothly on any device;
now you can set the name of the pattern, instead of the 16x16 icon;
now the screen orientation can be changed manually (only for Android, WinCE and PalmOS) in the Preferences -> Interface -> Angle;
additional File Browser functions: Remove, Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, Create Directory;
now you can see the file size in the File Browser (except PalmOS);
new simple examples: sound2ctl*, drumsynth*;
new song examples: moon_secrets, CsardasContinuum (by Frantisek Fuka (Fuxoft)), berlin_fm_-_nt;
bugs fixed.
filter SunVox v 1.6.2 May 18, 2011 MacOS X Intel
* quantization noise is reduced by 4 times (on smartphones and pocket computers);
* added Lo-Fi (fixed point) SunVox versions for slow computers (only for Win32 and Linux x86);
* improved sound quality of the following modules: Generator, SpectraVoice;
* new Generator waveforms: half-sine (6); abs-sine (7); pulse-sine with duty cycle (8);
* added copy and paste of modules;
* added new control "Velocity" to MultiSynth module;
* added ASIO support (for Windows only);
* now Sampler can record signals from another modules; just connect some output module (Generator, for example) to the Sampler and press the "Rec", "Rec mono" or "Rec LoFi" button under the Sampler controllers; "Rec" - record stereo; "Rec mono" - record mono; "Rec LoFi" - record mono with reduced sampling frequency;
* added base MIDI IN/OUT in versions for Linux (ALSA), OSX and iOS (CoreMidi), Windows (MM);
* supported MIDI IN commands: NoteON/OFF;
* supported MIDI OUT commands: NoteON/OFF; Control Change; Program Change; Bank Select;
* use controllers with number 80+X to send MIDI Control Change; where the X is MIDI Controller Number; for example: 8100 8000 - set Modulation (MSB and LSB) to the max value;
* added Input module for audio receiving from microphone or line-in; at the moment only iOS supported; the Input for other systems will be available in the next releases;
* iOS: added D-pad for more precise cursor positioning in the pattern editor;
* iOS: added Audio Copy/Paste (Intua Audio Sharing); Sonoma compatible; Where to find: Main menu -> Export/import -> Copy/Paste;
* iOS: added multitouch support to Touch Theremin;
* iOS: added multitouch support to piano keyboard;
* added Preferences (in the Main menu);
* templates support (in the Preferences);
* fixed bug with overload of EQ module;
* added new songs and instruments (samples);
* many bugs fixed.
SunVox SunVox v 1.7.4 Jan 23, 2014 Windows
What is new:

SunVox has been ported to Raspberry Pi;
engine optimization;
extended Visualization Parameters in the Module Properties: type of the Level Meter, type of the Oscilloscope, background, shadow, etc.;
available Level Meter modes: OFF, Mono, Stereo, Color, Glow effect;
available Oscilloscope modes: OFF, Points, Lines, Bars, Bars2 (symmetrical), Stereo phase scope (Goniometer), Stereo phase scope x2;
default Visualization Parameters can be set in the SunVox Preferences (Main menu -> Preferences -> Modules -> Default visualizer);
new module - Sound2Ctl; this module can convert the audio signal to the numeric value of any selected controller;
new module - MultiCtl; with this module you can control multiple controllers at once;
WaveShaper: new controller "DC filter" (DC Blocking Filter) has been added; enabled by default;
Amplifier: new controller "Absolute" has been added; enable it to apply "absolute value" filter to the signal;
MultiSynth: new buttons have been added: Options, Reset, Smooth, Load, Save;
MultiSynth: now you can switch between different types of Velocity Graphs in the Options menu; it is useful for complex velocity mapping;
DrumSynth is now supports Velocity Change commands;
"Change font size" option has been changed to "Scale"; and now you can change the pattern editor scale very smoothly on any device;
now you can set the name of the pattern, instead of the 16x16 icon;
the Scale parameter can be changed for each module separately (in the Module Preferences, or using CTRL + MOUSE WHEEL);
now the screen orientation can be changed manually (only for Android, WinCE and PalmOS) in the Preferences -> Interface -> Angle;
additional File Browser functions: Remove, Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, Create Directory;
now you can see the file size in the File Browser (except PalmOS);
new simple examples: sound2ctl*, drumsynth*;
new song examples: moon_secrets, CsardasContinuum (by Frantisek Fuka (Fuxoft)), berlin_fm_-_nt, visualizer_demo, silence_artifacts;
bugs fixed.
WarmPlace.Ru SunVox SunVox v 1.7.4beta3 Jan 21, 2014 Windows
Extended Visualization Parameters in the Module Properties: type of the Level Meter, type of the Oscilloscope, background, shadow, etc.;
available Level Meter modes: OFF, Mono, Stereo, Color, Glow effect;
available Oscilloscope modes: OFF, Points, Lines, Bars, Bars2 (symmetrical), Stereo phase scope (Goniometer), Stereo phase scope x2;
default Visualization Parameters can be set in the SunVox Preferences (Main menu -> Preferences -> Modules -> Default visualizer);
WaveShaper: new controller "DC filter" (DC Blocking Filter) has been added; enabled by default;
new song examples: visualizer_demo, silence_artifacts;
bugs fixed.
WarmPlace.Ru SunVox v 1.7.4beta2 Jan 10, 2014 Windows
SunVox v1.7.4 BETA2

Postby NightRadio ยป Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:02 pm
SunVox v1.7.4 BETA2 is ready for testing!
You can get it here:
It is available for Windows, Linux, OSX, PalmOS, Windows Mobile and Raspberry Pi (linux_arm).

What is new:

v1.7.4 BETA2 (10 jan 2014):

the pattern name and the 16x16 icon can be shown together;
the Scale parameter can be changed for each module separately (in the Module Preferences, or using CTRL + MOUSE WHEEL);
bugs fixed.

v1.7.4 BETA1 (31 dec 2013):

SunVox has been ported to Raspberry Pi;
engine optimization;
new module - Sound2Ctl; this module can convert the audio signal to the numeric value of any selected controller;
new module - MultiCtl; with this module you can control multiple controllers at once;
Amplifier: new controller "Absolute" has been added; enable it to apply "absolute value" filter to the signal;
MultiSynth: new buttons have been added: Options, Reset, Smooth, Load, Save;
MultiSynth: now you can switch between different types of Velocity Graphs in the Options menu; it is useful for complex velocity mapping;
DrumSynth is now supports Velocity Change commands;
"Change font size" option has been changed to "Scale"; and now you can change the pattern editor scale very smoothly on any device;
now you can set the name of the pattern, instead of the 16x16 icon;
now the screen orientation can be changed manually (only for Android, WinCE and PalmOS) in the Preferences -> Interface -> Angle;
additional File Browser functions: Remove, Rename, Cut, Copy, Paste, Create Directory;
now you can see the file size in the File Browser (except PalmOS);
new simple examples: sound2ctl*, drumsynth*;
new song examples: moon_secrets, CsardasContinuum (by Frantisek Fuka (Fuxoft)), berlin_fm_-_nt;
bugs fixed.
filter SunVox v 1.6.2 May 18, 2011 Windows
* quantization noise is reduced by 4 times (on smartphones and pocket computers);
* added Lo-Fi (fixed point) SunVox versions for slow computers (only for Win32 and Linux x86);
* improved sound quality of the following modules: Generator, SpectraVoice;
* new Generator waveforms: half-sine (6); abs-sine (7); pulse-sine with duty cycle (8);
* added copy and paste of modules;
* added new control "Velocity" to MultiSynth module;
* added ASIO support (for Windows only);
* now Sampler can record signals from another modules; just connect some output module (Generator, for example) to the Sampler and press the "Rec", "Rec mono" or "Rec LoFi" button under the Sampler controllers; "Rec" - record stereo; "Rec mono" - record mono; "Rec LoFi" - record mono with reduced sampling frequency;
* added base MIDI IN/OUT in versions for Linux (ALSA), OSX and iOS (CoreMidi), Windows (MM);
* supported MIDI IN commands: NoteON/OFF;
* supported MIDI OUT commands: NoteON/OFF; Control Change; Program Change; Bank Select;
* use controllers with number 80+X to send MIDI Control Change; where the X is MIDI Controller Number; for example: 8100 8000 - set Modulation (MSB and LSB) to the max value;
* added Input module for audio receiving from microphone or line-in; at the moment only iOS supported; the Input for other systems will be available in the next releases;
* iOS: added D-pad for more precise cursor positioning in the pattern editor;
* iOS: added Audio Copy/Paste (Intua Audio Sharing); Sonoma compatible; Where to find: Main menu -> Export/import -> Copy/Paste;
* iOS: added multitouch support to Touch Theremin;
* iOS: added multitouch support to piano keyboard;
* added Preferences (in the Main menu);
* templates support (in the Preferences);
* fixed bug with overload of EQ module;
* added new songs and instruments (samples);
* many bugs fixed.

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