
Category Tools / Collecting and Cataloging
Version 6.2
Format App
Compatibility NeoFinderMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $39  /  36€
Updated On Feb 20, 2013
Total Downloads 1,722
Mac Downloads 1,722

The disk and data library cataloger

NeoFinder (formerly known as CDFinder) rapidly catalogs your entire disk and media library, and backup archive.
NeoFinder keeps track of your documents, photos, songs, movies, and folders wherever they are stored.

Catalog everything – hard disks (internal, external, USB, FireWire, Thunderbolt), server disks, DVD-ROMs, CD-ROMs, iPods, Blu-ray, USB sticks, and get a full inventory of all files, folders, and important metadata, including thumbnails for photos and video files.

Whatever you need to find, NeoFinder knows where it is! If you are a desktop user, or work in a small or large network, you stay in control of your data at any time.
Mac OS X 10.5+
NeoFinder NeoFinder v 6.2 Feb 20, 2013 MacOS X UB
New Features:

Color labels! Mark any file, folder, or catalog with a color icon! You can turn that option on in the Labels preferences
Cataloging now supports fonts! Several formats are supported
You can now change the font size of all views in NeoFinder (in the View Settings!)!
NeoFinder now remembers the view settings for each catalog!
The FileMaker integration is back with a new sample database! This also means that certain Find parameters are now accessible by AppleScript again
New menu commands "Go Back" and "Go Forward" to ease navigation inside NeoFinder
Added a context menu for "Search These Items", for selected catalog or catalog folders!
The icon in the metadata of Blu-ray movie disks is now used for the catalog icon, if it exists
Folders inside archive files now have a different icon
New command Reconnect Catalog to reconnect a catalog to a modified (renamed or otherwise modified) original volume
One KB now equals 1000 bytes in NeoFinder, not 1024, as before. A hidden setting can be used to change that
Import for catalog now has the option to Select All files, in case the old catalogs have the wrong filetype/creator codes. Please use with care...
The Update in NeoFinder & is back! Cataloging can now be triggered by AppleScript again
Added a menu command to show or hide LIBRARY
The Find Editor has new commands to search for items with or without a comment
The NeoFinder Map now has the option to show the current location in Bing maps


Changing the comment of a Found item works all the time now
The QuickFind field is a little wider now
Opening and closing a large number of items in the list view is massively faster now
NeoFinder can now read the Geotags in movie files of Casio video cameras
If MusicBrainz returns an error message when cataloging an Audio-CD, NeoFinder will now display that
All changes to a catalog are now saved immediately, which is important for networking use
Sorting of certain columns works correctly now
The folder list in the Batch Catalog window and the New Catalog selector now sorts and indents the existing folders in the same way as in LIBRARY
The cataloging progress window is now visible in all screen setups (and multi screen setups, too)
Memory usage during cataloging of Open Meta tags has been drastically reduced
The Find Editor now correctly stores the searched label for Smart Folders
The maximum cataloging depth preference is now honored while cataloging Disk Images as well
Fixes the error -43 when revealing certain files on SMB file servers
Cataloging now deals better with huge files, or very slow disks
Cataloging file and bundle versions is now faster and more reliable
Fixes a problem in the Find engine that could cause problems for non-roman font systems
Handling and speed of large database folders (more than 2000 catalogs) had been improved
KMZ Export now works better with Google Earth 6.2 and newer
Handling of certain MP3 music cover art in PNG format has been improved
Selection on catalogs in the Find Editor and the AutoUpdater window works much better now for larger database folders
Fixes a problem in which NeoFinder would not always automatically mount the server volume that contained the database folder
Fixes a large number of other small problems and bugs
Norbert M. Doerner NeoFinder NeoFinder v 6.0.1 Jun 13, 2012 MacOS X UB
New Features:

Two new columns for catalogs in list view: Number of items inside the catalog, and free space on disk
The "Copy, Paste, Clear" commands for catalog icons are back in the Inspector!
The Inspector now shows all catalog related data
New command-L hot key to open or close the LIBRARY section
The Icon of a catalog now appears next to the name in the Inspector, looks better
Searching for duration now has a unit menu for seconds and minutes
Searching for fonts now uses file name suffixes, not the old FileType codes anymore
NeoFinder now displays the path of Spotlight results in the navigation bar
You can now import NeoFinder and CDFinder catalog files by just dropping them into LIBRARY
The Cataloging Settings window now also has an "Eject afterwards" option


Fixed several possible crashes during cataloging certain kinds of files
Updating an offline catalog now asks you to mount the volume
Fixed an error -47 when deleting catalog folders on certain kinds of file servers
Fixed several problems in the DiskCatalogMaker Importer
Cataloging contents of HTML files is now much faster than before
Searching for duration is now more reliable
The "Play Sound" and "Use PathFinder" options now work properly
Date conversion in the WhereIsIt XML importer works better now
Inspector now immediately updates the label menu when you change the name of labels
Improved cataloging of ZIP archives with Unicode file names inside
The Canto Cumulus Importer now warns you that it needs the UTF8 CRE file format
AutoUpdater displayed wrong error message. It requires a Business License
Fixed several minor bugs, and improved visual design in some places
Norbert M. Doerner NeoFinder v 5.6.1 Jul 23, 2009 MacOS X UB
* CDFinder now catalogs Elgato EyeTV recordings (.eyetv). CDFinder will show the thumbnail for the recording, and also important metadata as well, such as the EPG description, director, actors, and much more. All that is cataloged, displayed, and can of course be searched as well
* The GeoFinder inside CDFinder now uses the street-level OpenStreetMap for the GPS search (requires 10.5 or newer)! That is much nicer than the built-in map, but since it requires Internet access, the old map is still available. Many thanks to Dirk Stichling!
* New CoverPrint templates: one for US-Letter format Avery 5692 labels, and one more for the HP Photosmart Direct Print. Thanks a lot to Deneen Winchester-Ristow and David Robinson for their incredible help on this!
* Double clicking a found item coming from iPhoto will now show this item in iPhoto. There is also a contextual menu command for this, too. You can get iPhoto results by using the GeoFinder, and asking it to search the iPhoto 8 database, too
photos NeoFinder v 5.6 Jul 4, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • CDFinder now creates thumbnails for movie files! This includes a large number of file formats, such as avi, mov, mp4, m4v, mpg, flv, mkv, and more. It requires QuickTime, and possible plugins. CDFinder not simply uses the first frame of a movie, but goes into the duration of the movie and grabs a thumbnail at about 20% of the duration of the movie

  • The extended GeoFinder now has a clearer user interface, and can search your iPhoto 8 database! So without importing any data from iPhoto to CDFinder, you can find all your photos taken at a certain place!

  • The Locr-Upload has been greatly extended: It now also works for photos without geotags, and you can upload multiple photos in parallel with a dramatic speed increase. Also, you can get a list of your albums on the Locr server, and place the uploaded photos in one of them or create a new one

  • CDFinder can now also catalog the GPS coordinates stored in sidecar XMP files or XMP records in photos (used by the GeoTate Jobo software for RAW files, and other tools)

  • New RAR code to catalog the contents of archives larger than 4 GB in size

  • KMZ Export has been improved with better KML content, and an option to include or exclude the metadata

  • You can now exclude files from cataloging based on their name suffixes, or folders based on their name. This is done by a file named DatabaseSettings.xml in your CDFinder database folder. More details in the CDFinder Users Guide

  • CDFinder now detects certain file types even if the files have neither a name suffix or the old filetype info. This includes PDF, EPS, JPG, TIFF, and PSD files. Of course, CDFinder will now also get you a thumbnail for these files as well

  • CoverArt of AAC-Songs will now be cataloged again, supporting the yet again changed format introduced with iTunes 8

  • CDFinder now catalogs custom icons for files

  • The Podcast info text of MP3 and AAC files is now cataloged, and will be displayed, and can of course be searched as well

  • Creation of all thumbnails is now much more robust, and even the numerous bugs in the Mac OS X cannot crash CDFinder any more

  • The comment inside JPG photos is now cataloged (that is the unique JPG comment, not the IPTC comment, which CDFinder can already catalog since version 4.5)

  • Contents of ".sparseimage", and ".iso" disk images are now cataloged, too (along with the DMG and other formats that CDFinder 5.5 already supported)

  • Spotlight search results and iPhoto files located with GeoFinder in the Found Items window are now badged with the Spotlight or iPhoto logo

  • Switching from icon to list mode, and changing the size of the icons displayed, now always keeps the selection visible

  • CDFinder now uses QuickTime to create the preview of PSD files, because CoreGraphics has many bugs with multiple and transparent masks in Photoshop files, which QuickTime surprisingly deals just fine with

  • Bugfix: RAW photos taken with the new Nikon Coolpix P6000 are now cataloged

  • Bugfix: You can now again drag files from offline CDFinder catalogs onto the desktop, or any open Finder window. CDFinder will then ask you to insert the volume, and then copy over the files to their destination

  • Bugfix: A problem detecting volume duplicates if their names contained certain special characters, has been fixed

  • Bugfix: Reading JPEG-GPS data written by the Dawntech di.Gps Mini II will now work fine. They use a slight variation of the data, and that had confused earlier CDFinder versions

  • Bugfix: Fixed several AppleScript problems, including the selection of catalogs that was always only based on the selection of the left catalog list, but never on the really active view in the main window

  • Bugfix: For some audio files, the genre is now correctly cataloged again
  • files NeoFinder v 5.5 Mar 6, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Support for movie files
    * Much faster cataloging
    * GeoFinder to search for photos near a place, and KMZ Export
    * XMP Support for Integration with Adobe Bridge, Photoshop, and all other Adobe products
    * Many more cool new features and fixes
    disks NeoFinder v 5.1.1 Oct 20, 2005 MacOS X UB
    Norbert M. Doerner
    Buy NeoFinder near Columbus, United States at:

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