
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 7.2
Format App
Compatibility CrusherX-LiveWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $86  /  79€
Updated On Sep 29, 2015
Total Downloads 180
PC Downloads 180

Granular synthesis sound system

CrusherX-Live! is a stand alone synthesizer application whose powerful real-time granular synthesizer algorithm enables you to synthesize very complex sounds and cool multichannel waves. crusherX-Live! does distill and transform sounds quite radically. Based on traditional granular synthesis, crusherX-Live! can be used as a synthesizer or as a versatile effects unit. Features: up to 10 channel ASIO/DirectX, VST(i) bridges, MIDI, Effects, Sampler, FM DCO, joystick force feedback interaction, physical modelling X/Y controller.

You can create sounds with the internal oscillators or samplers as well as real-time stereo input sound (e.g. a microphone). Internal feedback loops allows self-oscillation within crusher-X! Multichannel ASIO Outputs allows extreme impressive sound installations...
CrusherX-Live! is a stand alone synthesizer application whose powerful real-time granular synthesizer algorithm enables you to synthesize very complex sounds and cool multichannel waves. crusherX-Live! does distill and transform sounds quite radically. Based on traditional granular synthesis, crusherX-Live! can be used as a synthesizer or as a versatile effects unit. Features: up to 10 channel ASIO/DirectX, VST(i) bridges, MIDI, Effects, Sampler, FM DCO, joystick force feedback interaction, physical modelling X/Y controller.

You can create sounds with the internal oscillators or samplers as well as real-time stereo input sound (e.g. a microphone). Internal feedback loops allows self-oscillation within crusher-X! Multichannel ASIO Outputs allows extreme impressive sound installations and multichannel compositions up to 10 independent channels. A VST and VSTi Bridge links the crusher to your favorite host application!

An overall multidimensional morphing system morphs the sound between each parameter changing (e.g. on Loading, on Undo/Redo, on MIDI-Event, on turning a pocket dial knob etc.). This creates clouds of sweeping, shifting and graining sounds. The morph time can be ranged from 1msec up to 1 hour!

Beside the interface you can optional control the crusher by using MIDI (unlimited amount of Key-Groups and Controllers with Map-functions) or/and a joystick. If you have a force feedback device you can feel the parameters changing. The ASIO Interface allows using of professional low latency multichannel soundcards and hardware.
CrusherX-Live CrusherX-Live v 7.2 Sep 29, 2015 Windows
Adds more than one controller to a single parameter. That allows e.g. the "reset" of a parameter with a different controller.
Adds import button in assignment list that allows now merging from different assignment lists
Enhances grain view to display the generator routing
Enhances head room for X-Crush processing
Enhances grain generator panning behavior
Enhances the morph engine to cover filter type changes. This enables smoother morphing effects on preset changes if filter type changes are involved
Adds Length to Birth link feature that allows better manual control of the grain density
Supports Windows 10
Changes license agreement to allow copies of the full version on more than one computer
AccSone CrusherX-Live CrusherX-Live v 7.1 Jul 16, 2014 Windows
CrusherX-Live! 7 introdcues a new vapor parameter: X-Crush is invented by accSone 2014 and unique in the world of granular synthesis: It adds a special asymetric ring-modulation transformation feeded by the overlap of each grain with its successor. While interacting dynamical with the other vapor parameters X-Crush will lead from subtile ringing artifacts up to extreme phase shifting and distortion sounds. The UI is reworked to support a better integration into professional environments. crusher-Live! supports Windows 8.1
AccSone CrusherX-Live v 6.14 Feb 19, 2014 Windows
Keyboard now shows the saved generator keys after undo/redo, loading a preset or a file
sounds CrusherX-Live v 6.11 Dec 20, 2012 Windows
We dramatically increased sound quality of pitch shift algorithm by introducing state of the art sample interpolation. And the best: You can switch live back to the old harsh crusher-X sound by just pressing a button.

Add advanced anti aliasing algorithm to improve sound quality on pitch shifting
Add advanced interpolation algorithm on DCOs
Add Aliasing button in vapor panel to switch back to vintage aliasing algorithm (like in older crusher versions)
Improve midi control performance
sound CrusherX-Live v 6.10 Nov 26, 2012 Windows
Add wave buffer loading and saving (wav and aif file support)
Add sound windowing on start/stop vapor buffer trigger to prevent spikes
Add new GUI theme
Add fader wheels on mixer faders
Add global Midi Mode
Add wave buffer visualization in cloud 3D view (z-axis)
Add grain length visualization in cloud 3D view
Add volume control in IO-peak and File-peak window
Add Windows 8 support
GUI Cleanup, increase font size
Replace ? help signs by clickable panel headlines
Move Oscillograph input in front of volume out fader (so that the volume faders do not scale the visible waveform)
Change direction of grain window scan from backward to forward (in case of using a file as a grain window it will now "windowed" in the right direction)
Increase controller assignment performance
Remove crash on extreme big vapor buffer sizes
Remove fast button press bug
Remove crash during fast record off/on switching
Remove newbiew mode
Remove VST bridge functionality (replaced by crusherX-Studio!)
Remove GUI scale and background picture functionality (no longer necessary due to gui cleanup)
multichannel CrusherX-Live v 5.20 Feb 26, 2011 Windows
Add virtual keyboard, keyboard panel and Midi Modes to support tuned granular effects
Add Scala and Tuning File support
Add Key indicator on grain view
Add range buttons to speed faders
Add CPU overload protection and CPU load display in grain view
Add Keytune storing on non gated Midi-Modes
Add Volume control possibility on peak meters including output volume control of all surround outputs
Remove Midi-Note-Off bug in parameter control
Remove Parameter-Assignments from Undo Chain
Highlight features in nag window (only Demo version)
Make Windows 64bit ready
Fix Cloud Depth edit field bug
Fix Key Aftertouch modulation bug
Fix Morph Pause bug
allows CrusherX-Live v 4.10 Mar 10, 2010 Windows
* Multi CPU support
* Vapor Overdrive section with free definable overdrive curve
* 4 more DCOs
* MIDI/Joystick/VSTParameter Controller assignment rework. New learn functionality (right Click on controller). Each UI element can now be assigned to any MIDI/Joystick/VSTParam controller
* Spline Modulation
* Modulation visualization on Vapor panels
* Increase from 100 to 500 Generators
* Increase from 10 to 100 Grains per Generator
* Switch from mono to multichannel granular processing
* Stereo input/sampler/dco
* Switch from 32bit integer to double processing - much more headroom, much more sound precision
* Make Vista and Windows7 ready
* Add new context sensitive help system
* Move to MSI Installer
* Remove Spline Editing/Loading crash
* Add resizable Splin Edit windows
* Table interpolation improves sound, less artefacts on DCOs and vapor section
* Change Splash to accSone brand
* Add accSone and additional skins
* VSTBridges can send MIDI and VST Parameters to the crusher
* Make VSTBridges VST 2.4 compatible
Buy CrusherX-Live near Columbus, United States at:

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Granular synthesis. CrusherX-Studio! 5.2 is the pure and native VST plugin version (32 & 64bit) of crusherX-Live! for Windows PCs. Its powerful realtime granular vapor synthesizer...
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