
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.5
Format VST
Compatibility GenobazzWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Apr 3, 2016
Total Downloads 2,782
PC Downloads 2,782

Monophonic bass synthesizer

Genobazz is a free monophonic bass synthesizer plug-in, designed to be simple to use, for all your bass need, from simple bass to acid bassline.

Feature highlights:

- 8 Waveforms: saw, square, pulse, double sine, saw-pulse, reso1, reso2 and reso3
- 7 Filter types: Fat low-pass, 24dB low-pass, 24dB VCF Ladder, Modulo low-pass, 36dB State Variable, Fat filter, 12dB High-pass
- Full MIDI automation and MIDI learn on all parameters
- 2 Waveforms modulation types
- Sub amplification boost
- Integrated Patch manager
- Undo your changes to initial patch value
- Randomize all parameters
- 38 Factory sound presets
- Note play mode control
- Easy installer
1GHz CPU or higher with SSE 256MB RAM or higher Microsoft® Windows® 7, XP (SP2 or later), or Vista™ VST™ 2 compatible host Sound card with ASIO driver support recommended
Genobazz Genobazz v 2.5 Apr 3, 2016 Windows
BUG Some filters was never selected on randomize.
Added 5 new ZDF state variable filter modes.
Improved Undo and Randomize management.
Improved bass frequency response on 24dB LP Diode Ladder.
GUI improved modulation pop-up usability and design.
GUI Info screen updated.
Updated Setup.
Tek'it Audio Genobazz Genobazz v 2.4 Jan 16, 2014 Windows
BUG performance options are not correctly saved with preset, resolved.
Added semitone controls to pitch.
Added Zero Delay-Feedback version of the 36dbLP State variable filter.
Added 8 new preset to the default bank and improved some other ones.
Unneeded plug-in parameters removed.
Support URL updated.
GUI Improved Right click menu on Pitch knob.
GUI Info screen updated.
GUI Deleted the Filter word in some filter names.
User Manual updated.
Tek'it Audio Genobazz v 2.3.1 May 21, 2013 Windows
Performance options are now saved with the preset.
GUI Modified screen color to gray.
GUI Moved info, social and help buttons next to the Tek'it Audio logo.
GUI Improved random and Undo icons.
GUI Improved performance options (Bend range, Env retrigger, Priority) selector.
GUI updated the info screen.
User Manual updated.
low-pass Genobazz v 2.3 Dec 19, 2012 Windows
Reduced SV Bandpass CPU use.
Faster Undo initialisation.
SSE2 instruction sets requirement.
Reduced plug-in load time.
GUI minor improvements.
SETUP removed Better Installer.
SETUP Windows 8 compatibilty layer.
SETUP other minor improvements.
User Manual updated.
parameters Genobazz v 2.2 Aug 17, 2012 Windows
  • Bug Pan MSEG can now use is full range

  • All MSEG can now be negative to create inverted envelopes

  • Pitch MSEG range is now -4/+4 octaves

  • Added a state variable Band Pass filter

  • Added 2 new presets demoing the negative MSEG

  • GUI Renamed Sync to Host Sync and Free run to Note Gate to avoid confusion

  • GUI Renamed Divide to Beat

  • GUI some cosmetic improvements on the MSEG bottom menu

  • GUI Added close button on the support screen

  • GUI social screen updated
  • waveforms Genobazz v 2.1 Jul 20, 2012 Windows
  • Bug on MSEG max/min value for pitch and pan resolved

  • Bug on Cutoff frequency used with MSEG on some filters resolved

  • Bug some animations are not at the right refresh rate resolved

  • GUI Modulation animation now use realtime animation instead of bitmap

  • GUI Modulation animation begin at knob position

  • Optimization and reduced CPU use on various parts

  • GUI new design for bottom screen switch

  • GUI new design for social network screen

  • 10 New sound presets added
  • filter Genobazz v 2.0 Mar 6, 2012 Windows
    In this major update we have kept the spirit of Genobazz and added features that open a new range of sounds for such a simple synthesizer.
    types Genobazz v 1.2.3 Apr 1, 2011 Windows
  • Bug on MIDI learn for Randomize and Undo resolved

  • Optimization and reduced CPU use on various parts

  • Setup updated
  • download Genobazz v 1.2.2 Feb 25, 2011 Windows
    Changes in Genobazz 1.2.2:

  • Maximum pitch bend range control added

  • Panoramic right click pop-up menu control added

  • Bug on MIDI learn for Pitch knob resolved

  • GUI bigger clickable zone on the screen

  • GUI next & previous patch sprite updated

  • GUI some visual enchancement

  • GUI some Hint texts changed

  • User manual updated

  • Setup english end message updated
  • mac Genobazz v 1.2.1 Dec 16, 2010 Windows
  • Random on switch and screen parameters added

  • Now undo changes on all parameters

  • Reduced CPU on SV filter when "Reso" is modulated

  • "Modul" knob default CC changed from 77 to 1 Mod wheel

  • Bug in Cubase on specific configuration resolved

  • GUI bigger clickable zone on the screen

  • GUI left click for patch manager popup added

  • GUI some visual improvements on the screen

  • GUI some Hint texts changed

  • Setup added Dutch and Japanese language
  • more...
    windows Genobazz v 1.2 Jul 30, 2010 Windows
    Genobazz 1.2 has some bugs fixed and many new features, like a new high-pass filter with a slope of 12dB/oct , the "Sub boost" to give punch to your sound when is needed, "Randomize" and "Reset" knobs on the new "Patch Edit" screen, reset the knobs on initial patch value simply by double-clicking on it, some SSE optimizations, an improved user interface and many more improvements.

    Change in Genobazz 1.2:

  • 12dB/oct high-pass filter added

  • Sub-boost added

  • Pitch pop-up issues fixed

  • Patch manager pop-up on the "Patch Edit" screen added

  • Clickable zone on "waveform" are now larger

  • "3D style" knobs and other improvements on the GUI

  • New system for knob parameters , lighter on CPU

  • Knob can be reset to patch value on double-click

  • Randomize and Reset All knobs added

  • Some SSE optimizations added

  • Patch instruments and Banks from previous version are no longer compatible

  • Revised user manual
  • macintosh Genobazz v 1.1.1 Jun 2, 2010 Windows
  • Knobs graphic updated, aliasing reduced

  • Minimal system version is now Windows XP sp2

  • Added 2 new language to the setup, hungarian and polski.

  • Added new icons to the setup

  • Setup file size reduced

  • Manual updated
  • pc Genobazz v 1.1 May 22, 2010 Windows
    Genobazz 1.1 has some bugs fixed and some interesting new features, like a new type of waveforms modulation , the glide effect revised, changing octaves in the right click popup menu ...

  • Tuning issues fixed

  • Retrigger bug fixed

  • Glide effect revised

  • New modulation mode

  • Octave now show on pitch knob indicator

  • Change the octave on right click popup menu

  • Revised patch manager

  • Patch can be renamed in the plugin

  • Smaller CPU usage

  • Revised GUI

  • Revised patch bank and new patchs

  • Revised manual

  • New languages in setup
  • less...
    Tek'it Audio

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