
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 1.4.1
Compatibility SequentMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $74  /  68€
Updated On Nov 4, 2014
Total Downloads 492
Mac Downloads 309
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 1.4.3
Compatibility SequentWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $74  /  68€
Updated On Jan 9, 2015
Total Downloads 492
PC Downloads 183

Step-sequenced multi-effect processor

Sequent is a modular multi-effects unit, the ideal tool for mangling audio on stage or in the studio.

- Effects
Sequent has seven individual effect blocks: a Beat Looper; two Filters, both switchable between lowpass, bandpass, and highpass modes and capable of self oscillation even without an audio input; an oversampled Distortion unit; a Gate with variable depth and slew; a Panner; and a Delay unit capable of sub millisecond delay times, great for creating everything for from dub, slapback, and bouncing ball style echoes, to metallic comb filters or flanger effects.

- Modular Routing
Effect blocks can be connected in practically limitless ways by dragging virtual audio cables between them. Route effects in parallel, in series, or any other combination you can dream of.

Sequent is a modular multi-effects unit, the ideal tool for mangling audio on stage or in the studio.

- Effects
Sequent has seven individual effect blocks: a Beat Looper; two Filters, both switchable between lowpass, bandpass, and highpass modes and capable of self oscillation even without an audio input; an oversampled Distortion unit; a Gate with variable depth and slew; a Panner; and a Delay unit capable of sub millisecond delay times, great for creating everything for from dub, slapback, and bouncing ball style echoes, to metallic comb filters or flanger effects.

- Modular Routing
Effect blocks can be connected in practically limitless ways by dragging virtual audio cables between them. Route effects in parallel, in series, or any other combination you can dream of.

- Sequenced Parameters
Want variation? Each effect parameter has its own step sequencer, perfect for building interesting modulation motifs. Easily craft polyrhythmic sounds by individually setting the number of steps and speed for each effect.

- Beat Slicing
Cut-up and rebuild audio in realtime. Use Sequent's flexible Looper to create anything from subtle loop variations, to micro-programmed glitches.

- Randomness
Creative block? Let Sequent do the work. Distinct random controls for each parameter allow everything from slight variations, to complete aleatoric composition.

- Patterns
Combine sequencer and effect settings into patterns, which can be instantly between switched from the on-screen interface, or even using a MIDI controller.

- MIDI Learn
Controls can be easily mapped to a hardware controller using the simplified MIDI Learn feature.
* 64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater. * Intel x86 based processor 1.0Ghz, or above, with SSE, or * PPC based processor 1.0Ghz, or above * 512 MB RAM
* Windows XP or Windows Vista, or above * Intel x86 based processor 1.0Ghz, or above, with SSE * 512 MB RAM
Sequent Sequent v 1.4.1 Nov 4, 2014 MacOS X UB
(new) AAX 64-bit Native plug-ins for Windows and Mac OS X.
(new) Start step can now be set for all sequencers.
(improvement) Patterns and sequencers can now all have different step lengths.
(fix) Looper module no longer lose pitch modulation settings when swapping between patterns.
(fix) Fixed CPU spike which could rarely occur when switching patterns via MIDI.
(improvement) Various host compatibility fixes.
Loomer Sequent Sequent v 1.3.11 May 14, 2013 MacOS X UB
(fix: Mac OS X) Cables between effect modules can now be removed using a single button mouse.
(fix: Mac OS X) Fixed issue which could cause Sequent to be skipped by Kore or Maschine's plug-in scan.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Space key-presses will now always be passed through to Logic, ensuring that Logic's transport can be started and stopped.
(fix: Mac OS X) Gatekeeper signed installers now install correctly on Mac OS X 10.5.
(improvement: Windows) The 32-bit and 64-bit VST plug-ins are now installed as separate components. You can choose which one(s) to install, as well as selecting different install folders for each architecture.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed issue which caused Reaper to host new instances of Sequent as a mono plug-in.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed minor memory leak in parameter names.
(improvement) Clearer UI fonts in various places.
(improvement: Linux) Presets and configuration files are now located to comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification. Older installations will still use any existing preset library location to maintain backwards compatibility.
Loomer Sequent v 1.3.3 Dec 18, 2012 MacOS X UB
(feature) Keyboard entry of rotary parameter values. Rotary controls can now be typed directly into by clicking on the text value below the control.
(improvement:Mac OS X) Installer and all installed components are now signed in compliance with Mac OS X 10.8's Gatekeeper system.
(improvement:Linux) When using the JACK audio system in standalone mode, the JACK Transport now syncs Sequent's tempo, start/stop status, and playhead location.
(improvement) Step response on the filter, distortion, pan, and delay module parameters has been significantly reduced to allow for tighter control of sequenced automation.
(improvement) Changing sequencer patterns via MIDI keyboard can no longer cause audio glitches when using a realtime audio driver.
(fix) The Master sequencer will now correctly follow a host's PPQ position, and restart in response to a host's transport restarting.
(fix:RTAS) Fix for the right-channel muting when bypassing in Pro Tools when used on a mono to stereo track.
(improvement) Significantly improved UI response speed; reduced CPU usage when parameters are automated whilst the UI is open.
(improvement:Windows) Removed C++ runtime libraries redistributable requirement for RTAS plug-ins. The installer no longer installs the C++ runtime library redistributable components when installing the RTAS plug-ins.
(improvement) Routing and sequencing windows are now lighter and clearer.
(improvement) Factory presets now use a compressed pattern format, which are significantly smaller, and so improves preset loading and search times.
effect Sequent v 1.3.0 Sep 29, 2011 MacOS X UB
Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
Bitcrusher effect added to distortion module.
Massively improved speed and responsiveness of all UI controls.
Improved CPU usage when wiring effects in the modular view.
Improved CPU usage when tweaking parameters from a hardware controller.
Improved CPU usage when rapidly switching patterns.
Sequence syncing is now more reliable for hosts which provide only periodic PPQ positional information.
Rotary controls for Looper mode and Filter types are now replaced by combo controls.
For the Windows VST plug-in, when using a relative path for the presets folder, the path is now relative to the DLL, not the host.
Standalone versions now support multiple simultaneous hardware controllers.
MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets..
Added soft notching for volume and crossfade controls, making unity volume and 50% crossfade mix easier to dial in.
Fixed extremely rare crash that could occur on a minority of Windows 32-bit systems when opening the UI.
Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
audio Sequent v 1.2.3 May 13, 2011 MacOS X UB
* Native 64-bit support for Linux VST plug-ins and Standalone application formats.
* Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
* Master Sequencer, to arrange effects along a time-line.
* Random pattern generation functions.
* Partial preset support for Routing configurations.
* Thru switch for Delay Module, which if enabled allows the dry signal to be passed through when the delay effect is turned off.
* Effects are now colour-coded for easy identification.
* Category support in preset browser.
* Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
* libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
* Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
* MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
* Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
* Fixed crash that could occur when connecting Effects in the Routing Window whilst simultaneously changing Presets via MIDI.
* Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
* Presets without Patterns are now considerably smaller when saved to disc.
* Improved rendering speed of Router graphics.
* Reduced CPU usage when switching or editing patterns.
* Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
* For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
* Additional presets.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
* PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
effects Sequent v 1.1.2 Sep 7, 2010 MacOS X UB
* Native 64-bit versions for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (Audio Unit).
* Integrated Preset Browser, with meta-data, tags, searching, and hot-swap support.
* Component Level Preset Support: create partial presets for each Effect.
* Effects in the Modular routing window now can be toggled on and off by double-clicking them.
* Unused Effects can be removed from the Routing window.
* Cables in the Routing window can be removed by right-clicking on them.
* A cable can now be created by dragging from an Effect's Input to another Effect's Output.
* Fixed: Gate Depth or Slew Time would jump to 0% when linking the Gate Depth or Gate Slew Time sequencer.
* Fixed: Editing the Delay Time Sequencer would sometimes cause the current Delay Time to change.
* Fixed: The same connection could be made multiple times from an Effect to an Output.
* Fixed: Rare crash could occur when loading several presets in quick succession.
* Fixed: Synced Delay time in the Sequencer window is now displayed correctly.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
Sequent Sequent v 1.4.3 Jan 9, 2015 Windows
(fix:Windows) Fix for the 64-bit VST plug-in not opening on certain hosts on Windows XP 64-bit.
(fix:Windows) Fix for issue where confirmation dialogs in the preset browser could appear underneath and therefore be obscured by the preset browser window.
Loomer Sequent Sequent v 1.4.1 Nov 4, 2014 Windows
(new) AAX 64-bit Native plug-ins for Windows and Mac OS X.
(new) Start step can now be set for all sequencers.
(improvement) Patterns and sequencers can now all have different step lengths.
(fix) Looper module no longer lose pitch modulation settings when swapping between patterns.
(fix) Fixed CPU spike which could rarely occur when switching patterns via MIDI.
(improvement) Various host compatibility fixes.
Loomer Sequent v 1.3.11 May 14, 2013 Windows
(fix: Mac OS X) Cables between effect modules can now be removed using a single button mouse.
(fix: Mac OS X) Fixed issue which could cause Sequent to be skipped by Kore or Maschine's plug-in scan.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Space key-presses will now always be passed through to Logic, ensuring that Logic's transport can be started and stopped.
(fix: Mac OS X) Gatekeeper signed installers now install correctly on Mac OS X 10.5.
(improvement: Windows) The 32-bit and 64-bit VST plug-ins are now installed as separate components. You can choose which one(s) to install, as well as selecting different install folders for each architecture.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed issue which caused Reaper to host new instances of Sequent as a mono plug-in.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed minor memory leak in parameter names.
(improvement) Clearer UI fonts in various places.
(improvement: Linux) Presets and configuration files are now located to comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification. Older installations will still use any existing preset library location to maintain backwards compatibility.
effect Sequent v 1.3.3 Dec 18, 2012 Windows
(feature) Keyboard entry of rotary parameter values. Rotary controls can now be typed directly into by clicking on the text value below the control.
(improvement:Mac OS X) Installer and all installed components are now signed in compliance with Mac OS X 10.8's Gatekeeper system.
(improvement:Linux) When using the JACK audio system in standalone mode, the JACK Transport now syncs Sequent's tempo, start/stop status, and playhead location.
(improvement) Step response on the filter, distortion, pan, and delay module parameters has been significantly reduced to allow for tighter control of sequenced automation.
(improvement) Changing sequencer patterns via MIDI keyboard can no longer cause audio glitches when using a realtime audio driver.
(fix) The Master sequencer will now correctly follow a host's PPQ position, and restart in response to a host's transport restarting.
(fix:RTAS) Fix for the right-channel muting when bypassing in Pro Tools when used on a mono to stereo track.
(improvement) Significantly improved UI response speed; reduced CPU usage when parameters are automated whilst the UI is open.
(improvement:Windows) Removed C++ runtime libraries redistributable requirement for RTAS plug-ins. The installer no longer installs the C++ runtime library redistributable components when installing the RTAS plug-ins.
(improvement) Routing and sequencing windows are now lighter and clearer.
(improvement) Factory presets now use a compressed pattern format, which are significantly smaller, and so improves preset loading and search times.
audio Sequent v 1.3.0 Sep 29, 2011 Windows
Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
Bitcrusher effect added to distortion module.
Massively improved speed and responsiveness of all UI controls.
Improved CPU usage when wiring effects in the modular view.
Improved CPU usage when tweaking parameters from a hardware controller.
Improved CPU usage when rapidly switching patterns.
Sequence syncing is now more reliable for hosts which provide only periodic PPQ positional information.
Rotary controls for Looper mode and Filter types are now replaced by combo controls.
For the Windows VST plug-in, when using a relative path for the presets folder, the path is now relative to the DLL, not the host.
Standalone versions now support multiple simultaneous hardware controllers.
MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets..
Added soft notching for volume and crossfade controls, making unity volume and 50% crossfade mix easier to dial in.
Fixed extremely rare crash that could occur on a minority of Windows 32-bit systems when opening the UI.
Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
effects Sequent v 1.2.3 May 13, 2011 Windows
* Native 64-bit support for Linux VST plug-ins and Standalone application formats.
* Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
* Master Sequencer, to arrange effects along a time-line.
* Random pattern generation functions.
* Partial preset support for Routing configurations.
* Thru switch for Delay Module, which if enabled allows the dry signal to be passed through when the delay effect is turned off.
* Effects are now colour-coded for easy identification.
* Category support in preset browser.
* Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
* libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
* Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
* MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
* Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
* Fixed crash that could occur when connecting Effects in the Routing Window whilst simultaneously changing Presets via MIDI.
* Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
* Presets without Patterns are now considerably smaller when saved to disc.
* Improved rendering speed of Router graphics.
* Reduced CPU usage when switching or editing patterns.
* Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
* For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
* Additional presets.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
* PDF manual is now printer-friendly.
between Sequent v 1.1.2 Sep 7, 2010 Windows
* Native 64-bit versions for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (Audio Unit).
* Integrated Preset Browser, with meta-data, tags, searching, and hot-swap support.
* Component Level Preset Support: create partial presets for each Effect.
* Effects in the Modular routing window now can be toggled on and off by double-clicking them.
* Unused Effects can be removed from the Routing window.
* Cables in the Routing window can be removed by right-clicking on them.
* A cable can now be created by dragging from an Effect's Input to another Effect's Output.
* Fixed: Gate Depth or Slew Time would jump to 0% when linking the Gate Depth or Gate Slew Time sequencer.
* Fixed: Editing the Delay Time Sequencer would sometimes cause the current Delay Time to change.
* Fixed: The same connection could be made multiple times from an Effect to an Output.
* Fixed: Rare crash could occur when loading several presets in quick succession.
* Fixed: Synced Delay time in the Sequencer window is now displayed correctly.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
Buy Sequent near Columbus, United States at:

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