
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 8
Compatibility MMultiBandSaturatorMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $53  /  49€
Updated On Oct 9, 2014
Total Downloads 497
Mac Downloads 265
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 8
Compatibility MMultiBandSaturatorWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $53  /  49€
Updated On Oct 9, 2014
Total Downloads 497
PC Downloads 232

Saturation/distortion processor

MMultiBandSaturator is a powerful multiband saturation/distortion processor. Due to its multiband core it is suitable for any single track as well as for master tracks.

* 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on a perfectly transparent crossover with fully adjustable limits and input gains.
* Continously adjustable oscillator shape - every oscillator in our plugins is defined by mix of predefined oscillator shapes, envelope from our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), and a step-sequencer. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes in the world.
* 4 global modulators - in each instance you can have up to 4 modulation full-featured LFO, that can modulate any parameter including other modulators! This way you can make the sound move in time, be less...
MMultiBandSaturator is a powerful multiband saturation/distortion processor. Due to its multiband core it is suitable for any single track as well as for master tracks.

* 1-6 fully configurable independent bands built on a perfectly transparent crossover with fully adjustable limits and input gains.
* Continously adjustable oscillator shape - every oscillator in our plugins is defined by mix of predefined oscillator shapes, envelope from our MeldaProduction Envelope System (MES), and a step-sequencer. It is the most advanced approach for defining oscillator shapes in the world.
* 4 global modulators - in each instance you can have up to 4 modulation full-featured LFO, that can modulate any parameter including other modulators! This way you can make the sound move in time, be less static and more interesting!
* Full randomization - using a single button you can generate completely new settings. By clicking the button you can walk through the billions of possible settings and find the best one for you!
* MIDI controllers with MIDI learn - you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
* Automatic synchronization to host tempo - every oscillator (including modulators) in the plug-in can automatically synchronize to the host providing maximally natural sound not offending other tracks.
* Fully automatable depth.
* Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings, which are shared on the computer, so you can easily access them in another songs.
Mac OS X (10.5 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 & 64)
MMultiBandSaturator MMultiBandSaturator v 8 Oct 9, 2014 MacOS X Intel
8.00 is a huge major update, which brings a complete GUI restructuralization, better & faster stylable and resizable GUI engine, GPU acceleration, powerful metering engine, and much more
MeldaProduction MMultiBandSaturator MMultiBandSaturator v 7.00 Jul 8, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Smart randomization algorithm - new smart randomization engine randomizes everything reasonable parameter in the plugin, including modulators, and chooses settings wisely for much better results. On easy screen only multiparameters are randomized.
Added AGC (automatic gain control) which ensures the output sounds as loud as the input making preset browsing and randomization much easier.
Added lots of presets for most creative plugins.
Ultra-advanced follower borrowed from MDynamics engine is now used in every modulator (+hold, attack/release shape and much more...)
Oscillators can now load custom samples (WAV, MP3, FLAC) and mix them with other sources (oscillator, envelope, step sequencer).
Ctrl+click on a "Presets" button loads a random preset.
Added global modulator switch, presets and randomizer.
Added band presets and band randomizer for multiband plugins.
Added signal generator shape menu images, presets and randomizer.
Added denoiser active preset for MSpectralDynamics.
Added active presets for MDynamicEq and MAutoDynamicEq.
Switched to VST3 3.51.
MBandPass: All filters except 6dB/oct are now resonant, added gain & dry/wet.
MLoudnessAnalyzer: Added true-peak meter, offset parameter.
MUtility: Added dual panorama.
Added Hold parameter for the modulator follower mode.
All momentary & short-term loudness meters now have maximum value indicator.
Delay mode is now "classic" by default.
"Auto-tune" panel in MAutoPitch renamed due to copyright law violations.
Fix: MLoudnessAnalyzer's loudness range meter didn't use correct ballistics.
Fix: Harmonizer in granular mode crashes when upsampling and high grain size.
Fix: MLoudnessAnalyzer wasn't resizing when multiple channels have been set.
Fix: A few compatibility issues, upgraded to VST 3.51.
Fix: Analyzers didn't work correctly in left + right mode.
MeldaProduction MMultiBandSaturator v 6.00 Feb 22, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Huge memory and GUI optimizations, new knob based interfaces.
Each oscillator can now also be controlled using harmonics instead of shape.
Added "double" envelope shape type.
Analyzer & sonogram can now optionally be enabled even when the GUI is hidden.
A-H presets now send automation when changed.
MIDI note controllers now react on pitch-bend immediately.
Added feedback phase invert and saturation for phasers.
Added second tape mode for flangers.
Added knob mode for most plugins, which turns their slider based GUI into knob based one.
MSpectralDynamics can now capture the threshold curve based on the input signal.
MDynamics and MMultiBandDynamics weren't showing correct shapes for upwards expander.
Added IR phase invert and left/right delays for MMultiBandConvolution.
Fix: Drag & drop wave file for analysis didn't work in MAutoEqualizer.
Fix: MAutoEqualizer could crash under specific circumstances when automating gain.
oscillator MMultiBandSaturator v 5.01 May 22, 2011 MacOS X Intel
MMultiBandSaturator 5.01 compatibility update changes

Surround is now off by default, because it causes problems with some hosts (known are FL Studio and Studio One). If you use surround processing, please enable "Activate surround" in the plugin settings, it will enable all plugins at once.
Plugins can now access additional volumes on Mac OS X.
Band editor in equalizers doesn't close when clicking on a band type any more and shows filter steepness.
Fix: Plugins could crash in AU when requested mono to stereo configuration.
Fix: Styles are now moved to user data folder, because some computers have permission problem with all-users directory.
Fix: MFilter caused massive gain in parallel mode in some special circumstances.
Fix: Analyzer in equalizers didn't show correct spectrum if activated after upsampling change.
Fix: MMultiBandConvolution didn't remember custom paths correctly on Mac OS X.

MMultiBandSaturator 5.00 changes

Dual user interfaces - most commercial plugins now contain 2 interfaces, a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, and an advanced one. This makes the plugins not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use.
Unique new analysis engine for MAnalyzer and all equalizers - new analysis engine is faster, more accurate and provides a whole new range of unique features, such as micro-sonograms, full sonograms, super-resolution (providing high resolution for low frequencies keeping speed for the high frequencies), prefilters (for loudness curves) or deharmonization (for easier fundamental frequencies analysis).
Plugins are now categorized under VST and VST3 - with more than 55 plugins it started to be hard to find the plugin you need, therefore they are now categorized by purpose to Dynamics, EQs etc. With VST3 they also fit the standardized structure in your host (if it supports it).
Added next/previous preset buttons.
Added A/B switch to swap between previous two A-H presets.
Added 0% & 100% modes for global dry/wet for all multiband plugins.
Increased accuracy when dragging Q in equalizers.
Added "use first parameter's range" mode for modulators and multiparameters.
Added a few shortcuts to control zooming in graph editors.
Added global surround switch useful to make the plugins more compatible with some hosts.
Added resizing arrow for resizable windows.
Added smooth 2 envelope point mode.
Upsampling range extended to 16x.
Multiband peakmeters can now show different channels in surround.
Optimized preset and settings storage.
Preset exchange is now enabled by default, can be disabled in Settings.
Fix: Resizing windows with splitters changed ratio of the splitters.
Fix: Resizable windows were sometimes showing arrow cursor over a position, where the window couldn't be resized.
Fix: Demoversions with sidechain were crashing occasionally.
Fix: Plugins with sidechain were occasionally crashing on Mac AU.
Fix: A Windows message was poping when trying to access an unavailable drive.
Fix: Upsampling latency wasn't reported correctly.
Fix: Improved automation support with Ableton Live.
Fix: Plugins didn't store bypass state.
Fix: Multiparameters in switch mode were showing inverted state.
Fix: Alt+Click in a graph editor caused maximum zoom, which is now disabled.
Fix: Units in zoomed mode were sometimes showing invalid grid lines.
Fix: Temp gain wasn't updated when automated/modulated.
fully MMultiBandSaturator v 3.00 Jun 20, 2010 MacOS X Intel
* Kernel heavily upgraded and optimized.
* Smart-learn feature for all modulators & multiparameters - just enable it and move anything in the plugin and the modulator/multiparameter will learn what parameters you used including intervals.
* Linear-phase/hybrid crossover quality improved and performance increased by 500%.
* A-H presets can be switched via program change MIDI message.
* Added modulator copy & paste.
* Modulator/multiparameter shapes enabled only if necessary.
* Added interval parameter mode for modulators & multiparameters.
* Last randomization can be undone by holding shift and pressing Random button.
* Optional confirmations on destructive actions.
* Advanced oscillator shape processing graphs enabled only when turned on.
* Added bypass to the title.
* Fix: Single band case hasn't compensated for latency correctly.
* Fix: MIDI & general settings save/load.
* Fix: Disabling modulator resets original parameter values incorrectly.
* Fix: Preset selector couldn't expand/collapse folders.
* Fix: Hybrid crossover switch didn't update until band limits has been changed.
* Fix: Oscillators caused jittery images when modulating shape.
settings MMultiBandSaturator v 2.06 Mar 13, 2010 MacOS X Intel
* Improved upsampling algorithm performance.
* Improved linear-phase and hybrid cross-over performance.
* Improved compatibility with several hosts.
* Fix: Plugin reset removing tails.
* Fix: Multichannel processing wasn't optimized enough and caused crashes.
* Fix: AU MIDI input.
* Fix: Denormalization problems causing high CPU usage when processing silence.
button MMultiBandSaturator v 2.05 Feb 26, 2010 MacOS X Intel
MMultiBandSaturators 2.05 changes
* Added mono and surround compatibility - most plugins can now handle from 1 to 8 channels.
* Added envelope follower for each modulator as an alternative to the oscillator. Useful for auto-wah and similar effects.
* Adjustable modulator protection for superior sound quality.
* Fix: Denormals causing low speed of upsampling.

MMultiBandSaturator 2.04 changes
* Added tree parameter selectors for easier workflow.
* Added linear-phase and hybrid crossovers to existing analog crossover.
* Added integrated activation by drag & dropping your licence file into the plugin or using system clipboard.
* Improved upsampling filters.
* Improved style for better visibility.
* Added "Submit preset" to send settings to MeldaProduction to be included in next versions. Good preset creators may be awarded by free software.
* Fix: Upsampling could cause ceiling to 0dB.
* Fix: Assembler optimizations could cause problems.
modulators MMultiBandSaturator v 2.03 Feb 7, 2010 MacOS X Intel
* ABCD morphing feature.
* High-quality upsampling engine.
* Added output gain parameter.
* Optimized single-band processing.
* Randomization improved to apply only on useful parameters.
* Improved Windows 64-bit and Mac OS X compatibility.
* Immediate editor resizing.
* Kernel optimizations.
* Improved Mac OS X installer.
* Fix: Text value editing in modulators, MIDI controllers and multiparameters.
* Fix: Drag using trackers outside of window caused jumping to the other side.
* Fix: Upsampling controller sometimes contained invalid value after loading.
mac MMultiBandSaturator v beta2 Jan 10, 2010 MacOS X Intel
Second beta release for mac
  • it is may not stable.

  • it is not very optimized.

  • it is Intel only (PowerPC support probably will not be added at all)

  • we are not sure about Mac OS X version requirements.
  • MMultiBandSaturator MMultiBandSaturator v 8 Oct 9, 2014 Windows
    8.00 is a huge major update, which brings a complete GUI restructuralization, better & faster stylable and resizable GUI engine, GPU acceleration, powerful metering engine, and much more
    MeldaProduction MMultiBandSaturator MMultiBandSaturator v 7.00 Jul 8, 2012 Windows
    Smart randomization algorithm - new smart randomization engine randomizes everything reasonable parameter in the plugin, including modulators, and chooses settings wisely for much better results. On easy screen only multiparameters are randomized.
    Added AGC (automatic gain control) which ensures the output sounds as loud as the input making preset browsing and randomization much easier.
    Added lots of presets for most creative plugins.
    Ultra-advanced follower borrowed from MDynamics engine is now used in every modulator (+hold, attack/release shape and much more...)
    Oscillators can now load custom samples (WAV, MP3, FLAC) and mix them with other sources (oscillator, envelope, step sequencer).
    Ctrl+click on a "Presets" button loads a random preset.
    Added global modulator switch, presets and randomizer.
    Added band presets and band randomizer for multiband plugins.
    Added signal generator shape menu images, presets and randomizer.
    Added denoiser active preset for MSpectralDynamics.
    Added active presets for MDynamicEq and MAutoDynamicEq.
    Switched to VST3 3.51.
    MBandPass: All filters except 6dB/oct are now resonant, added gain & dry/wet.
    MLoudnessAnalyzer: Added true-peak meter, offset parameter.
    MUtility: Added dual panorama.
    Added Hold parameter for the modulator follower mode.
    All momentary & short-term loudness meters now have maximum value indicator.
    Delay mode is now "classic" by default.
    "Auto-tune" panel in MAutoPitch renamed due to copyright law violations.
    Fix: MLoudnessAnalyzer's loudness range meter didn't use correct ballistics.
    Fix: Harmonizer in granular mode crashes when upsampling and high grain size.
    Fix: MLoudnessAnalyzer wasn't resizing when multiple channels have been set.
    Fix: A few compatibility issues, upgraded to VST 3.51.
    Fix: Analyzers didn't work correctly in left + right mode.
    MeldaProduction MMultiBandSaturator v 6.00 Feb 22, 2012 Windows
    Huge memory and GUI optimizations, new knob based interfaces.
    Each oscillator can now also be controlled using harmonics instead of shape.
    Added "double" envelope shape type.
    Analyzer & sonogram can now optionally be enabled even when the GUI is hidden.
    A-H presets now send automation when changed.
    MIDI note controllers now react on pitch-bend immediately.
    Added feedback phase invert and saturation for phasers.
    Added second tape mode for flangers.
    Added knob mode for most plugins, which turns their slider based GUI into knob based one.
    MSpectralDynamics can now capture the threshold curve based on the input signal.
    MDynamics and MMultiBandDynamics weren't showing correct shapes for upwards expander.
    Added IR phase invert and left/right delays for MMultiBandConvolution.
    Fix: Drag & drop wave file for analysis didn't work in MAutoEqualizer.
    Fix: MAutoEqualizer could crash under specific circumstances when automating gain.
    oscillator MMultiBandSaturator v 5.01 May 22, 2011 Windows
    MMultiBandSaturator 5.01 compatibility update changes

    Surround is now off by default, because it causes problems with some hosts (known are FL Studio and Studio One). If you use surround processing, please enable "Activate surround" in the plugin settings, it will enable all plugins at once.
    Plugins can now access additional volumes on Mac OS X.
    Band editor in equalizers doesn't close when clicking on a band type any more and shows filter steepness.
    Fix: Plugins could crash in AU when requested mono to stereo configuration.
    Fix: Styles are now moved to user data folder, because some computers have permission problem with all-users directory.
    Fix: MFilter caused massive gain in parallel mode in some special circumstances.
    Fix: Analyzer in equalizers didn't show correct spectrum if activated after upsampling change.
    Fix: MMultiBandConvolution didn't remember custom paths correctly on Mac OS X.

    MMultiBandSaturator 5.00 changes

    Dual user interfaces - most commercial plugins now contain 2 interfaces, a simple default one with several predefined modes, but just a few controls, and an advanced one. This makes the plugins not only extremely versatile, but also quick and easy-to-use.
    Unique new analysis engine for MAnalyzer and all equalizers - new analysis engine is faster, more accurate and provides a whole new range of unique features, such as micro-sonograms, full sonograms, super-resolution (providing high resolution for low frequencies keeping speed for the high frequencies), prefilters (for loudness curves) or deharmonization (for easier fundamental frequencies analysis).
    Plugins are now categorized under VST and VST3 - with more than 55 plugins it started to be hard to find the plugin you need, therefore they are now categorized by purpose to Dynamics, EQs etc. With VST3 they also fit the standardized structure in your host (if it supports it).
    Added next/previous preset buttons.
    Added A/B switch to swap between previous two A-H presets.
    Added 0% & 100% modes for global dry/wet for all multiband plugins.
    Increased accuracy when dragging Q in equalizers.
    Added "use first parameter's range" mode for modulators and multiparameters.
    Added a few shortcuts to control zooming in graph editors.
    Added global surround switch useful to make the plugins more compatible with some hosts.
    Added resizing arrow for resizable windows.
    Added smooth 2 envelope point mode.
    Upsampling range extended to 16x.
    Multiband peakmeters can now show different channels in surround.
    Optimized preset and settings storage.
    Preset exchange is now enabled by default, can be disabled in Settings.
    Fix: Resizing windows with splitters changed ratio of the splitters.
    Fix: Resizable windows were sometimes showing arrow cursor over a position, where the window couldn't be resized.
    Fix: Demoversions with sidechain were crashing occasionally.
    Fix: Plugins with sidechain were occasionally crashing on Mac AU.
    Fix: A Windows message was poping when trying to access an unavailable drive.
    Fix: Upsampling latency wasn't reported correctly.
    Fix: Improved automation support with Ableton Live.
    Fix: Plugins didn't store bypass state.
    Fix: Multiparameters in switch mode were showing inverted state.
    Fix: Alt+Click in a graph editor caused maximum zoom, which is now disabled.
    Fix: Units in zoomed mode were sometimes showing invalid grid lines.
    Fix: Temp gain wasn't updated when automated/modulated.
    fully MMultiBandSaturator v 3.00 Jun 20, 2010 Windows
    * Kernel heavily upgraded and optimized.
    * Smart-learn feature for all modulators & multiparameters - just enable it and move anything in the plugin and the modulator/multiparameter will learn what parameters you used including intervals.
    * Linear-phase/hybrid crossover quality improved and performance increased by 500%.
    * A-H presets can be switched via program change MIDI message.
    * Added modulator copy & paste.
    * Modulator/multiparameter shapes enabled only if necessary.
    * Added interval parameter mode for modulators & multiparameters.
    * Last randomization can be undone by holding shift and pressing Random button.
    * Optional confirmations on destructive actions.
    * Advanced oscillator shape processing graphs enabled only when turned on.
    * Added bypass to the title.
    * Fix: Single band case hasn't compensated for latency correctly.
    * Fix: MIDI & general settings save/load.
    * Fix: Disabling modulator resets original parameter values incorrectly.
    * Fix: Preset selector couldn't expand/collapse folders.
    * Fix: Hybrid crossover switch didn't update until band limits has been changed.
    * Fix: Oscillators caused jittery images when modulating shape.
    settings MMultiBandSaturator v 2.06 Mar 13, 2010 Windows
    * Improved upsampling algorithm performance.
    * Improved linear-phase and hybrid cross-over performance.
    * Improved compatibility with several hosts.
    * Fix: Plugin reset removing tails.
    * Fix: Multichannel processing wasn't optimized enough and caused crashes.
    * Fix: AU MIDI input.
    * Fix: Denormalization problems causing high CPU usage when processing silence.
    button MMultiBandSaturator v 2.05 Feb 26, 2010 Windows
    MMultiBandSaturators 2.05 changes
    * Added mono and surround compatibility - most plugins can now handle from 1 to 8 channels.
    * Added envelope follower for each modulator as an alternative to the oscillator. Useful for auto-wah and similar effects.
    * Adjustable modulator protection for superior sound quality.
    * Fix: Denormals causing low speed of upsampling.

    MMultiBandSaturator 2.04 changes
    * Added tree parameter selectors for easier workflow.
    * Added linear-phase and hybrid crossovers to existing analog crossover.
    * Added integrated activation by drag & dropping your licence file into the plugin or using system clipboard.
    * Improved upsampling filters.
    * Improved style for better visibility.
    * Added "Submit preset" to send settings to MeldaProduction to be included in next versions. Good preset creators may be awarded by free software.
    * Fix: Upsampling could cause ceiling to 0dB.
    * Fix: Assembler optimizations could cause problems.
    modulators MMultiBandSaturator v 2.03 Feb 7, 2010 Windows
    * ABCD morphing feature.
    * High-quality upsampling engine.
    * Added output gain parameter.
    * Optimized single-band processing.
    * Randomization improved to apply only on useful parameters.
    * Improved Windows 64-bit and Mac OS X compatibility.
    * Immediate editor resizing.
    * Kernel optimizations.
    * Improved Mac OS X installer.
    * Fix: Text value editing in modulators, MIDI controllers and multiparameters.
    * Fix: Drag using trackers outside of window caused jumping to the other side.
    * Fix: Upsampling controller sometimes contained invalid value after loading.
    Buy MMultiBandSaturator near , United States at:

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    FFT based analyzer. MAnalyzer is a FFT based analyzer for audio frequency content displayed as 1/3 octave bars or FFT curve. Allows comparisons, magnitude normalization, "....
    Phase-problems automatic solution. MAutoAlign solves problems with phase cancellations when recording a single instrument using multiple microphones. Normally engineers have to search for ideal...
    Parametric equalizer. MAutoDynamicEq is a parametric equalizer, that combines astonishing versatility with ease-of-use to produce a really musical sound. Inspired by the analog world,...
    Mastering equalizer & analyzer. MAutoEqualizer advanced mastering equalizer and analyzer combines a powerful equalizer, state-of-the-art linear-phase equalizer and analyzer in a single window....
    Panning. MAutopan is a traditional automatical panner with adjustable shape. * Continously adjustable waveform shape. * Automatic synchronization to host tempo. *...
    Pitch correction. MAutoPitch is a simple automatic pitch correction plugin designed for vocals and other monophonic instruments. Besides its main purpose of making the audio more...
    Volume auto-adjustment. MAutoVolume is a special plugin designed for mixing, which automatically rides volume of a track to ensure its consistent level. It can be used to make vocals...
    Filter. MBandPass is a filter plugin containing a high-pass and low-pass filters with slopes up to 120dB/oct. Using its 2 extremely versatile modulators it becomes a...
    Lo-fi distorsion. MBitFun is a serious tool for extreme distortion lovers. It converts the audio into limited fixed-point precision from a 1 single bit up to 16 bits per sample...
    Spectral treatment. MCharacter is a unique tool, that lets you directly control the harmonics of any monophonic audio material. It can be used on vocals, bass, trumpet, saxophone......
    Comb filter. MComb is a multi-comb filter plugin. Using its 2 extremely versatile modulators it becomes a powerful processor, which can follow a simple LFO, react to input...
    A/B solution. MCompare is the ultimate reference tool for mixing and mastering allowing you to quickly compare your audio to any audio file and stages of your processing...
    Compressor. MCompressor provides standard compression with volume maximization and has adjustable compression shape, which gives you power to set custom smoothing or even...
    Drum replacer. MDrumEnhancer is a unique tool that follows your drum track and synthesizes it's own signal using samples to make it sound big and phat, without any problems...
    Drums processor. MDrumLeveler is a unique tool specially designed for drums and percussive materials. It will improve the drum performances, stabilize drum hit levels, remove...
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    MDrummer small
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    Dynamic processing. MDynamicsadvanced mastering dynamics processor plug-in is an advanced dynamic processor with clear sound designed for mastering, however due to its high...
    Equalizer. MEqualizer is a 6-band equalizer with increadibly fast and easy controls. * 7 filter types for each band. * Smooth visualization of resulting frequency...
    8-band linear phase equalizer. MEqualizerLinearPhase is an 8-band linear phase equalizer designed for mastering, however due to its very high speed it is suitable for mixing too. It is a...
    Modulable equalizer. MFilter is a generalized version of our MEqualizer with 4 global modulators able to provide effects such as wah-wah, sweeps etc. * 4 global modulators - in...
    Flanger. MFlanger is a traditional flanger with adjustable shape. * Continously adjustable panning shape. * Automatic synchronization to host tempo. * Sinc...
    Equalizer. MFreeformAnalogEq is a unique equalizer, that allows you to draw any frequency response you wish and then attempts to match the response by applying analog...
    FFT based linear-phase equalizer. MFreeformEqualizer is a FFT based linear-phase equalizer, which can provide virtually any frequency response and may save you when other methods have failed....
    Frequency shifter. MFreqShifter is an extremely versatile frequency shifter, which unlike pitch-shifters doesn't keep harmonic relationships and can provide everything from mild...
    Limiter. MLimiter performs smooth saturation in a standard tube-like way improving clarity of the resulting sound. It can also be used as a distortion module for guitars...
    Loudness meter. MLoudnessAnalyzer is an ITU-R BS.1770-1 and EBU 3341 compliant loudness meter. It contains a peak meter, momentary, short-term and integrated loudness meters and...
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    Multiband flanger. MMultiBandFlanger is a powerful multiband flanger with adjustable shape. Where other flangers end, this plugin starts. It processes anything from guitar tracks...
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    Multiband wave-shaping. MMultiBandWaveShaper is a powerful multiband wave-shaping plug-in with adjustable shape. Due to its multiband core it is suitable for any single track as well as...
    Noise generator. MNoiseGenerator is a simple noise generator. It can be used as a testing generator for analyses or, thanks to the integrated modulators, for some creative...
    Text editor. MNotepad is a simple text editor, which won't perform any audio processing, but you can use it to store comments, lyrics or just any text.
    Generator plugin. MOscillator is an antialiased generator plugin with adjustable oscillator shape. It can be used as a testing generator for analyses or for more advanced effects...
    Oscilloscope. MOscilloscope is a powerful oscilloscope equipped with a pitch detector, which saves your time, because it just works... Key features - The most advanced user...
    Phaser. MPhaser is a traditional phasing effect plug-in. * Continously adjustable phaser shape. * Automatic synchronization to host tempo. * Fully automatable....
    Dynamic multi-effect. MPhatik is a unique dynamic multi-effect featuring an amp, convolution and a compressor, which lets you warm up your audio and then restore the original...
    Spectral saturation. MPolySaturator is a unique spectral saturation plugin, which generates harmonics for every single frequency in your signal, making the results sound richer. But...
    Synthesizer. MPowerSynth is a deep synthesizer, featuring 3 oscillators, noise generator, 2 filter and a modular effect pipeline. It also has 8 modulators, 8 multiparameters,...
    Crossfade utility. MRatio is a single utility that lets you crossfade between the main input and sidechain. Its 2 modulators however open up a whole set of creative possibilities.
    Recorder. MRecorder is a simple utility for a simple job - record the plugin input into a WAV file. It may not be necesary every day, but it is good to have it when you...
    Reverb with spatial positioning. MReverb is a special reverb designed for mixing, particularly spatial positioning, which has been a very hard and time-consuming task. When you listen to a good...
    Time manipulation effect. MRhythmizer is a unique time manipulation effect that uses an integrated sequencer to control time, volume and filters. From gating to glitching, repeating to...
    Ring modulator. MRingModulator performs standard ring-modulation effect using two oscillators. * Continously adjustable waveform shapes for both oscillators. Oscillators can...
    Spectral dynamic processor & free-form linear phase equalizer. MSpectralDynamics spectral mastering dynamics processor plug-in can do many things, but it's main feature serves as an ultramodern hi-tech replacement for...
    Stereo expander. MStereoExpander provides stereo field modification to improve or smaller clarity of differences between channels. * Expansion based on actual sample or...
    Mono to stereo expander. MStereoGenerator is a unique mono to stereo (or even surround) expander, which makes your tracks sound wider, stronger and punchier. And it's perfect for almost...
    Multiband stereo analyzer and enhancer. MStereoProcessor is an advanced multiband stereo analyzer and enhancer plug-in. Using MStereoProcessor you can make your recording and mixes sound more...
    Stereo width analyzer. MStereoScope is a stereo width analyzer, which also lets you solo specific parts of the signal - mid, side and separate channels. - Extremely advanced and...
    Stereo widener. Modern listeners crave extremely tight and punchy sound. MStereoSpread uses psychoacoustics to bring your tracks closer to the listener and make them as wide and...
    Spectrum transformation. Pitch shifting, frequency shifting, daemonic and robotic voices... that's MTransformer, a unique spectral processor, that lets you transform any frequency to any...
    Tremolo effect. MTremolo is a traditional tremolo with adjustable shape. * Continously adjustable automatic volume shape. * Automatic synchronization to host tempo. *...
    Tuner. MTuner is a simple audio frequency analyzer designed mostly for tuning guitars and other instruments. * Detects frequency, note and deviation from correct...
    Mastering multiband brickwall limiter & loudness maximizer. Using a few controls MUltraMaximizer can basically do the limiting for you with outstanding quality. It is a simplified, extremely easy-to-use and cheap...
    Doubler/unison. MUnison is a unique combination of doubler/unison and smart harmonizer. It lets your vocals sound like an orchestra with automatically scaled harmonies, produces...
    Utilities. MUtility is an effect providing many elementary actions often useful by every engineer as well as more scientific features. This consists of volume, panorama,...
    Vibrato effect. MVibrato is a traditional vibrato with adjustable shape. * Continously adjustable panning shape. * Automatic synchronization to host tempo. * Fully...
    Rotary simulation. MVintageRotary is a rotary simulation based on the famous LeslieĀ® cabinets. Unlike the original, this one also features more advanced features. Designed for...
    Vocoder. MVocoder is a true analog filter based vocoder, which supports up to 100 bands, up to order-10 filters, band matrix, band distribution & resonance graphs,...
    Distortion. MWaveFolder is an analog inspired distortion module with a unique character ranging from mild harmonic enhancement to a complete sound destruction.
    Wave-shaping. MWaveShaper is a traditional wave-shaping plug-in. Unlike other plug-ins it has an adjustable shape instead of a few predefined shapes. * Continously...
    Distorting filter. MWobbler is a unique distorting filter originally designed to produce dubstep wobbling basses, but it turns out to be a great multipurpose filter for just about...
    Multi-effect. MXXX is the ultimate effect. It is a modular beast containing all our effects in a simple interface with automatic routing matrix, super-versatile modulators and...
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