
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.31
Format AUVST
Compatibility Poly-AnaMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $130  /  120€
Updated On Jul 12, 2017
Total Downloads 1,420
Mac Downloads 1,058
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.31
Format VST
Compatibility Poly-AnaWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $130  /  120€
Updated On Jul 12, 2017
Total Downloads 1,420
PC Downloads 362

Analog model polyphonic synthesizer

Features :
* VST 2.4 compatible with 32 or 64 bit audio processing (backwards compatible with older versions of VST too!)
* Maximum 12 note polyphony featuring unison, voice detune and a unique poly-unison mode!
* Three oscillators per voice
* Two filters per voice, 12/24 dB/Oct, LPF/HPF, can be run in parallel or in series allowing for additional multi-mode capability
* Filter Resonance Modulation.
* Stereo signal path throughout the voice. Poly-Ana produces dramatic stereo effects without using any tacked-on delay or chorus effects
* All voice parameters always visible and accessible with a single click
* GUI controls that work like the real-world items, like automatic knob detents and single-click toggles
* Unique modulation routing scheme. All the power of modular...
Features :
* VST 2.4 compatible with 32 or 64 bit audio processing (backwards compatible with older versions of VST too!)
* Maximum 12 note polyphony featuring unison, voice detune and a unique poly-unison mode!
* Three oscillators per voice
* Two filters per voice, 12/24 dB/Oct, LPF/HPF, can be run in parallel or in series allowing for additional multi-mode capability
* Filter Resonance Modulation.
* Stereo signal path throughout the voice. Poly-Ana produces dramatic stereo effects without using any tacked-on delay or chorus effects
* All voice parameters always visible and accessible with a single click
* GUI controls that work like the real-world items, like automatic knob detents and single-click toggles
* Unique modulation routing scheme. All the power of modular without the tedious complications of using patch cables or a modulation matrix. And all Poly-Ana mod destinations can be modulated at audio rates
* Waveform "morphing" creates smooth transitions between oscillator waveforms beyond simple cross-fading
* Waveform Mod automatically morphs oscillator waveforms
* PWM for ALL oscillator waveforms
* Oscillator PM (Phase Modulation) allows creation of "FM synthesis" type sounds, never heard before in an analog modeled design
* Noise Sync. Oscillators can sync to noise source as well as normal pitched tones
* Two LFOs per voice with retriggering! Allows separate phase for each voice's LFOs, creating echo-like modulation effects.
* Full Host-Sync for LFOs with adjustable phase offset
* Three ADSR envelopes per voice with adjustable curves
* Two Modulation Mixers allow for complex combinations of modulation sources through Addition, Multiplication (ring modulation) a Sample and Hold, a Full/Half Wave Rectifier, and a Lag filter
* Unique, oversampled voice engine sounds more like real analog than any soft-synth you've heard yet
* Quality control lets you reduce Poly-Ana's CPU power requirements while recording performances.
* MIDI CC# mapping of all controls with MIDI learn. Just right click any control to set it's CC.
* Automatic MIDI guitar controller support for 6 channel control in MIDI "Mono" mode..
* Cutoff knob smoothing, no more "zipper noise" when performing and automating filter sweeps from the front panel.
* Cutoff and resonance gang buttons. Control both filters together, or separately.
* Oscillator retriggering and starting-phase controls. Great for punchy basses and many other effects not possible on most traditional analog designs.
* Analog Drift feature, oscillators and filters can be set anywhere from rock solid, to out-of-tune unstable.
* GUI Options: User customizeable background .PNG files, optional tooltips, and an option to replace Mod Source dials with drop-down lists.
* VST instrument AND VST effect versions! Effect version can process external audio and/or use external audio as a modulation source
* Built in bank of 128 sounds plus 2 additional user banks included and more to come on our site as users contribute them. We will never charge money for Poly-Ana patches!
Poly-Ana Poly-Ana v 1.31 Jul 12, 2017 MacOS X UB
Version 1.31 includes a completely re-worked Anti-Aliasing feature, now enabled on most of the built-in presets. This feature works in either/or combination with the built-in oversampling (via the Quality control) that Poly-Ana's always had, allowing you to highly customize the sound quality vs. CPU performance of your patches. The other major addition from this recent Beta is the ability to create your own Custom Skins for the full version of Poly-Ana. Don't care for Poly-Ana's built-in interface graphics? Now there's a selection of many choices and you can even make your own!
Admiral Quality Poly-Ana Poly-Ana v 1.30beta0 Feb 21, 2015 MacOS X UB
1.30 Beta 0 has (probably) fixed a stability bug that was intermittently causing voices to hang, usually when playing notes while changing programs. We think that’s fixed now, but as it’s a very difficult bug to reproduce, we need your testing to make sure. Please let us know if anything like this happens while you’re using the 1.30 Beta, and what you were doing when it did.

We’ve also fixed another bug on OSX which didn’t adversely affect behavior, but had been causing some confusion. The double slash has been removed from the Warning Dialog that’s displayed when Poly-Ana can’t find its configuration folder. (OSX ignored this double slash so everything worked as it should, but as our dialog displayed it, many users were confused about how to create a seemingly impossible folder path.)
Admiral Quality Poly-Ana v 1.21 Dec 14, 2014 MacOS X UB
Custom backgrounds now working again on Windows and added to OSX. Custom backgroud files (Poly-AnaBG.png and LilPoly-AnaBG.png) go in the same folder as your license key file.
Fixed swapped positions on L’il Poly-Ana for bank: and prog: load buttons.
modulation Poly-Ana v 1.20beta5 Nov 11, 2014 MacOS X UB
­L’il Poly­Ana has now joined the Beta and now uses the new key­file based authentication system. (Existing L’il Poly­Ana owners, please contact us at sales@admiralquality.com to receive your new key­file.) ­
Quality buttons failing to re­draw correctly after changes in some hosts should be fixed. (Let us know please!)
Minor changes to the authentication system to support cohabitation with L’il Poly­Ana.
voice Poly-Ana v 1.20beta4 Oct 7, 2014 MacOS X UB
OSX: More fixes to program and bank file load/save dialogs, they should work in all cases now and the duplicate extensions have been fixed. (Please note that some of our program (.pap) and bank (.pab) files in the Poly-Ana Patch Exchange are unzipping on the Mac with the executable file attribute mistakenly set. This prevents them from being able to be selected in the file load dialogs. When this is occurring you will see in Finder the file’s “Kind” listed as “Unix Executable File”. To fix this, you can use “chmod -x [filename]” in a Terminal window to remove the executable attribute directly.)
OSX: Program (.pap), bank (.pab) and MIDI-Map (.pam) save/load location now defaults to the ~/Library/Application Support/Admiral Quality/Poly-Ana folder, the same location as your key and settings files. (Note that you are still free to keep your program, bank and MIDI-Map files anywhere you’d like.)
More improvements to program and bank “chunk” save and recall behavior. Chunks of unexpected size are now recalled, using the minimum of the expected and received sizes.
oscillator Poly-Ana v 1.20beta2 Aug 27, 2014 MacOS X UB
Added Poly-AnaFX, the effect version that allows processing of and/or modulation from the audio inputs. OSX: In AU hosts, regular Poly-Ana will now show in your instrument list. Poly-AnaFX will appear as a “MIDI Enabled Effect” in your AU effects list.
Added authorization info to the Options Dialog/Splash Screen.
MIDI Program Change is now supported, and an option has been added to enable or disable it.
Fixed: Volume knob is now obeying Knob Mode option.
EXPERIMENTAL: Hold feature. Held keys are now shown as depressed in Poly-Ana’s virtual keyboard. Poly-AnaFX has also added held keys to the two effect demo programs (001 and 002 in Poly-AnaFX). Held keys are particularly useful in the effect version for allowing sound to pass through the voice envelopes.
Sustain (damper) pedal MIDI control now changes state at value > 63 rather than value > 0 as before.
Fixed: MIDI-Learn box no longer leaving a mess behind when closed
IMPORTANT: Sorry, but we’ve had to change the location of Poly-Ana’s .key, .ini (configuration) and .pam (MIDI Map) files on OSX again. They are now under your user folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Admiral Quality/Poly-Ana/ You will need to create this folder manually, and if you have authorized Poly-Ana you will need to locate your key-file there. (We plan to eventually have this created automatically by an installer script.)
Fixed: OSX: User folders on disks other than the system disk should now be correctly detected. (Let us know, please!)
Fixed: “Bad chunk size” message is now shown in parameter display instead of a dialog box. And the cause of the bad chunk size message should be gone now. (Let us know, please!)
Fixed: Options Dialog was not appearing again if editor was closed while it was open.
analog Poly-Ana v 1.20beta1 Jul 19, 2014 MacOS X UB
New keyfile based copyprotection system!
New support for x64 (64 bit) AU! (OSX VST and AU now contain both 32 and 64 bit executable in the same package.)
Internal processing is now always full 64 bit double precision in both 32 and 64 bit versions of the plugin, and whether connected to 32 or 64 bit audio paths. (Input and output samples are 64 bit on hosts that support 64 bit audio data.)
Hold button now saved/restored with program/host project.
EXPERIMENTAL: When hold button is down when the program or project is saved, the held keys are also saved in the program/project! We’re not entirely sure this is a good idea, but we’re going to try it. So let us know... 1. If it works. and 2. if it’s useful. We expect it will be most useful in PolyAnaFX (coming in a later 1.20 BETA release) for enabling audio passthrough without needing to sequence a key held down. (It may not always work however, as many hosts send MIDI “all notes off” on project load, as well as transport reset, which will instantly kill the held notes. Again, let us know what host you use and if it’s actually working and any use to you.) We are also aware that the held keys do not show on the virtual keyboard, when recalled. We’re working on that.
Windows: New x86 (32 bit) compiler optimizations. CPU use improvement of around 5%.
Quality setting changes no longer silence the currently playing voices. (Please torture test this for us!)
Fixed: Oscillator Phase controls not getting saved and recalled correctly
Fixed: Mod wheel not showing correct value when project first loaded
Fixed: Crash when program change while editor closed
Windows: Program select menu (click on the program number in the top left) is now in 4 columns for better fit. (Mac menus don’t support this but their scrolling behavior is at least a little faster.)
Fixed: Oscillator Octave switches were acting as continuous controls instead of switches under MIDI control
Fixed: "Coming soon" showing in Filter IN1 and IN2 button display and tooltip. Instrument version now shows which MIDI channel it is notetracking(set in Options Dialog) when activated. Cycle Assign display label is now “voice” instead of redundant “assign”
audio Poly-Ana v 1.191 Mar 22, 2011 MacOS X UB
A minor maintenance update to fix a crash when changing programs while the editor is closed.
download Poly-Ana v 1.19 Jul 9, 2010 MacOS X UB
* Fixed a bug causing a small jump in position when knobs were first clicked on, affecting knobs with detents in linear and relative circular modes.
* Added mod wheel smoothing, certain MIDI controllers that produce relatively sparse event streams that created "zipper noise" now sound smooth.
* OSX: Background image can now be changed for both VST and AU version by placing 1000x750 PNG file Poly-AnaBG.png in \Library\Application Support\Admiral Quality (for LilPoly-Ana use a 409x224 PNG file named LilPoly-AnaBG.png)
mac Poly-Ana v 1.18 Jun 4, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Now using Symbiosis AU wrapper for OSX, VST file installation no longer required

  • Fixed bug, Osc 3 internal sync setting being copied from Osc 2 after

  • suspend/resume called while GUI continued to show correct program setting.
    Happened at record or render time (depending on host behavior), after bypassing,
    and when Quality setting was changed.
  • Stability and other minor bug fixes including Ableton crash on OSX.
  • more...
    windows Poly-Ana v 1.17 Feb 19, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Now supporting Mac OSX Audio Units and VST!

  • Various minor bug fixes

  • Stability bug at highest quality setting fixed

  • Added (serial #) Copy and (license key) Paste buttons to Authentication controls
  • macintosh Poly-Ana v 1.15 Nov 6, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • New platform support for Windows x64.

  • Splashscreen replaced by new cross-platform Options Dialog. Click product

  • name to activate.
  • Clicks in Cakewalk Sonar while working editor controls may be fixed (let us

  • know please).
  • By popular demand: Faster editor loads after first time!

  • Silent gap demo mode only now on all platforms. Demo never expires! Nag

  • dialogs gone!
  • Settings now saved per-user. Vista and Windows 7 registry errors fixed.
  • pc Poly-Ana v 0.02beta Jun 16, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Fixed demo dialog and crash in Steinberg hosts (versions 4 and 5) when multiple instances are loaded.
    Poly-Ana v 0.01b Apr 7, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * We've fixed the problem loading in Cubase and Nuendo versions 4 and 5.
    * We've added Poly-AnaFX, the effect version of Poly-Ana that can not only process external audio, but also use incoming audio as a modulation source on your synth sounds, allowing you to create envelope followers and other effects that are impossible with regular instrument-only softsynths!
    * By popular demand, silent gaps in demo mode are shorter and less frequent!
    Poly-Ana Poly-Ana v 1.31 Jul 12, 2017 Windows
    Version 1.31 includes a completely re-worked Anti-Aliasing feature, now enabled on most of the built-in presets. This feature works in either/or combination with the built-in oversampling (via the Quality control) that Poly-Ana's always had, allowing you to highly customize the sound quality vs. CPU performance of your patches. The other major addition from this recent Beta is the ability to create your own Custom Skins for the full version of Poly-Ana. Don't care for Poly-Ana's built-in interface graphics? Now there's a selection of many choices and you can even make your own!
    Admiral Quality Poly-Ana Poly-Ana v 1.30beta0 Feb 21, 2015 Windows
    1.30 Beta 0 has (probably) fixed a stability bug that was intermittently causing voices to hang, usually when playing notes while changing programs. We think that’s fixed now, but as it’s a very difficult bug to reproduce, we need your testing to make sure. Please let us know if anything like this happens while you’re using the 1.30 Beta, and what you were doing when it did.

    We’ve also fixed another bug on OSX which didn’t adversely affect behavior, but had been causing some confusion. The double slash has been removed from the Warning Dialog that’s displayed when Poly-Ana can’t find its configuration folder. (OSX ignored this double slash so everything worked as it should, but as our dialog displayed it, many users were confused about how to create a seemingly impossible folder path.)
    Admiral Quality Poly-Ana v 1.21 Dec 14, 2014 Windows
    Custom backgrounds now working again on Windows and added to OSX. Custom backgroud files (Poly-AnaBG.png and LilPoly-AnaBG.png) go in the same folder as your license key file.
    Fixed swapped positions on L’il Poly-Ana for bank: and prog: load buttons.
    modulation Poly-Ana v 1.20beta5 Nov 11, 2014 Windows
    ­L’il Poly­Ana has now joined the Beta and now uses the new key­file based authentication system. (Existing L’il Poly­Ana owners, please contact us at sales@admiralquality.com to receive your new key­file.) ­
    Quality buttons failing to re­draw correctly after changes in some hosts should be fixed. (Let us know please!)
    Minor changes to the authentication system to support cohabitation with L’il Poly­Ana.
    voice Poly-Ana v 1.20beta4 Oct 7, 2014 Windows
    OSX: More fixes to program and bank file load/save dialogs, they should work in all cases now and the duplicate extensions have been fixed. (Please note that some of our program (.pap) and bank (.pab) files in the Poly-Ana Patch Exchange are unzipping on the Mac with the executable file attribute mistakenly set. This prevents them from being able to be selected in the file load dialogs. When this is occurring you will see in Finder the file’s “Kind” listed as “Unix Executable File”. To fix this, you can use “chmod -x [filename]” in a Terminal window to remove the executable attribute directly.)
    OSX: Program (.pap), bank (.pab) and MIDI-Map (.pam) save/load location now defaults to the ~/Library/Application Support/Admiral Quality/Poly-Ana folder, the same location as your key and settings files. (Note that you are still free to keep your program, bank and MIDI-Map files anywhere you’d like.)
    More improvements to program and bank “chunk” save and recall behavior. Chunks of unexpected size are now recalled, using the minimum of the expected and received sizes.
    oscillator Poly-Ana v 1.20beta2 Aug 27, 2014 Windows
    Added Poly-AnaFX, the effect version that allows processing of and/or modulation from the audio inputs. OSX: In AU hosts, regular Poly-Ana will now show in your instrument list. Poly-AnaFX will appear as a “MIDI Enabled Effect” in your AU effects list.
    Added authorization info to the Options Dialog/Splash Screen.
    MIDI Program Change is now supported, and an option has been added to enable or disable it.
    Fixed: Volume knob is now obeying Knob Mode option.
    EXPERIMENTAL: Hold feature. Held keys are now shown as depressed in Poly-Ana’s virtual keyboard. Poly-AnaFX has also added held keys to the two effect demo programs (001 and 002 in Poly-AnaFX). Held keys are particularly useful in the effect version for allowing sound to pass through the voice envelopes.
    Sustain (damper) pedal MIDI control now changes state at value > 63 rather than value > 0 as before.
    Fixed: MIDI-Learn box no longer leaving a mess behind when closed
    IMPORTANT: Sorry, but we’ve had to change the location of Poly-Ana’s .key, .ini (configuration) and .pam (MIDI Map) files on OSX again. They are now under your user folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Admiral Quality/Poly-Ana/ You will need to create this folder manually, and if you have authorized Poly-Ana you will need to locate your key-file there. (We plan to eventually have this created automatically by an installer script.)
    Fixed: OSX: User folders on disks other than the system disk should now be correctly detected. (Let us know, please!)
    Fixed: “Bad chunk size” message is now shown in parameter display instead of a dialog box. And the cause of the bad chunk size message should be gone now. (Let us know, please!)
    Fixed: Options Dialog was not appearing again if editor was closed while it was open.
    analog Poly-Ana v 1.20beta1 Jul 19, 2014 Windows
    New keyfile based copyprotection system!
    New support for x64 (64 bit) AU! (OSX VST and AU now contain both 32 and 64 bit executable in the same package.)
    Internal processing is now always full 64 bit double precision in both 32 and 64 bit versions of the plugin, and whether connected to 32 or 64 bit audio paths. (Input and output samples are 64 bit on hosts that support 64 bit audio data.)
    Hold button now saved/restored with program/host project.
    EXPERIMENTAL: When hold button is down when the program or project is saved, the held keys are also saved in the program/project! We’re not entirely sure this is a good idea, but we’re going to try it. So let us know... 1. If it works. and 2. if it’s useful. We expect it will be most useful in PolyAnaFX (coming in a later 1.20 BETA release) for enabling audio passthrough without needing to sequence a key held down. (It may not always work however, as many hosts send MIDI “all notes off” on project load, as well as transport reset, which will instantly kill the held notes. Again, let us know what host you use and if it’s actually working and any use to you.) We are also aware that the held keys do not show on the virtual keyboard, when recalled. We’re working on that.
    Windows: New x86 (32 bit) compiler optimizations. CPU use improvement of around 5%.
    Quality setting changes no longer silence the currently playing voices. (Please torture test this for us!)
    Fixed: Oscillator Phase controls not getting saved and recalled correctly
    Fixed: Mod wheel not showing correct value when project first loaded
    Fixed: Crash when program change while editor closed
    Windows: Program select menu (click on the program number in the top left) is now in 4 columns for better fit. (Mac menus don’t support this but their scrolling behavior is at least a little faster.)
    Fixed: Oscillator Octave switches were acting as continuous controls instead of switches under MIDI control
    Fixed: "Coming soon" showing in Filter IN1 and IN2 button display and tooltip. Instrument version now shows which MIDI channel it is notetracking(set in Options Dialog) when activated. Cycle Assign display label is now “voice” instead of redundant “assign”
    audio Poly-Ana v 1.191 Mar 22, 2011 Windows
    A minor maintenance update to fix a crash when changing programs while the editor is closed.
    download Poly-Ana v 1.19 Jul 9, 2010 Windows
    * Fixed a bug causing a small jump in position when knobs were first clicked on, affecting knobs with detents in linear and relative circular modes.
    * Added mod wheel smoothing, certain MIDI controllers that produce relatively sparse event streams that created "zipper noise" now sound smooth.
    * OSX: Background image can now be changed for both VST and AU version by placing 1000x750 PNG file Poly-AnaBG.png in \Library\Application Support\Admiral Quality (for LilPoly-Ana use a 409x224 PNG file named LilPoly-AnaBG.png)
    mac Poly-Ana v 1.18 Jun 4, 2010 Windows
  • Now using Symbiosis AU wrapper for OSX, VST file installation no longer required

  • Fixed bug, Osc 3 internal sync setting being copied from Osc 2 after

  • suspend/resume called while GUI continued to show correct program setting.
    Happened at record or render time (depending on host behavior), after bypassing,
    and when Quality setting was changed.
  • Stability and other minor bug fixes including Ableton crash on OSX.
  • more...
    windows Poly-Ana v 1.17 Feb 19, 2010 Windows
  • Now supporting Mac OSX Audio Units and VST!

  • Various minor bug fixes

  • Stability bug at highest quality setting fixed

  • Added (serial #) Copy and (license key) Paste buttons to Authentication controls
  • macintosh Poly-Ana v 1.15 Nov 6, 2009 Windows
  • New platform support for Windows x64.

  • Splashscreen replaced by new cross-platform Options Dialog. Click product

  • name to activate.
  • Clicks in Cakewalk Sonar while working editor controls may be fixed (let us

  • know please).
  • By popular demand: Faster editor loads after first time!

  • Silent gap demo mode only now on all platforms. Demo never expires! Nag

  • dialogs gone!
  • Settings now saved per-user. Vista and Windows 7 registry errors fixed.
  • pc Poly-Ana v 1.14 Mar 7, 2009 Windows
    * Yet another evaluation reset! Enjoy a free, week long, fully functional evaluation period, even if you've tried it before in the past.
    * New demo mode, activates after free evaluation week expires, product still works but with occasional gaps in the output and native patch saving is disabled.
    * Added new version L'il Poly-Ana, a preset player with all performance related controls left on, as well as filter cutoff and resonance controls.
    * Poly-Ana owners already own L'il Poly-Ana. But L'il Poly-Ana can be purchased alone for a discounted price. See our website for details.
    * Custom background images are supported in L'il Poly-Ana. Place a 409 x 224 PNG file named LilPoly-AnaBG.png in same folder with LilPoly-Ana.dll
    * Small bug fixes and some very slight performance improvements.
    Admiral Quality
    Buy Poly-Ana near Columbus, United States at:

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