Discovery Pro

Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 6.5.1
Format AUVST
Compatibility Discovery ProMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $199  /  149€
Updated On Apr 3, 2016
Total Downloads 2,141
Mac Downloads 1,513
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 6.5.1
Format VST
Compatibility Discovery ProWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $199  /  149€
Updated On Apr 3, 2016
Total Downloads 2,141
PC Downloads 628

Virtual analog synthesizer

Discovery Pro is a virtual analogue synthesizer featuring 12 oscillators (8 Virtual Analog + 4 Wave) with extensive sound design capabilities.

Features :

- 128 Patch Memories per bank
- Parameter Morphing using Modulation Wheel or MIDI velocity
- 2x oversampling
- 2x oversampled distortions
- Bank browser (by clicking arrows in display led and bank name)
- More than 300 presets in 3 banks (including a percussion one)
- Nord Lead 2 and 2X patch import
- 4 Layers per Patch, each with :

* 2 Oscillators (Sine, Saw, Triangle, PWM, Square, Parabolic, White and Pink Noise) with Ring modulation, Sync and Frequency Modulation
* 1 Wave Oscillator. Can load WAV files using high quality interpolation. User banks are easily added
* Resonant Filters (LowPass, HighPass,...
Discovery Pro is a virtual analogue synthesizer featuring 12 oscillators (8 Virtual Analog + 4 Wave) with extensive sound design capabilities.

Features :

- 128 Patch Memories per bank
- Parameter Morphing using Modulation Wheel or MIDI velocity
- 2x oversampling
- 2x oversampled distortions
- Bank browser (by clicking arrows in display led and bank name)
- More than 300 presets in 3 banks (including a percussion one)
- Nord Lead 2 and 2X patch import
- 4 Layers per Patch, each with :

* 2 Oscillators (Sine, Saw, Triangle, PWM, Square, Parabolic, White and Pink Noise) with Ring modulation, Sync and Frequency Modulation
* 1 Wave Oscillator. Can load WAV files using high quality interpolation. User banks are easily added
* Resonant Filters (LowPass, HighPass, BandPass, BandReject, Formant, 8 taps phaser, X 12/24 dB and Y 12/24 dB are Moog modeled)
* ADSR for Amp & Filter. Amplitude envelope can switch between linear and exponential curves
* 2 LFOs
* Modulation Envelope
* Graphical Modulation Envelope
* Arpeggiator
* Built-in Chorus, Phaser, Panning Delay and Gate effects
* Symmetric, Asymmetric and Asymmetric 2 Distortions
* Limiter
* Portamento
* Poly/Mono/Legato modes

- MIDI CC control
- MIDI Out
Mac OS 10.6+
Discovery Pro Discovery Pro v 6.5.1 Apr 3, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Cubase issues.
Updated framework for better stability and performance.
OS X: Compiled with Xcode 7.3. OS X 10.6 or higher is required.
DiscoDSP Discovery Pro Discovery Pro v 6.5 Mar 3, 2016 MacOS X UB
Added Retina GUI support for Hi-DPI displays including minor enhancements.
Added 15 new banks and thousands of new waveforms. 10 banks reworked.
Added License.dat copy protection.
Added EDIT > Config > MIDI Out option.
Added flat popup active option color.
Fixed hanging notes issue.
Fixed Linux file menu issues.
Fixed Linux bank import.
Increased performance and stability.
Data folder location changed to Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro.
OS X: Compiled with Xcode 6.4. OS X 10.6 or higher is required.
DiscoDSP Discovery Pro v 6.4.6 May 20, 2015 MacOS X UB
Fixed portamento behavior where only first unison voice was affected.
Fixed delay copy/paste function.
modulation Discovery Pro v 6.4.5 May 6, 2015 MacOS X UB
OS X: Compiled with XCode 5.1.1.
Added shared memory to copy/paste layers/programs between Discovery Pro instances.
Fixed inverse program change bug.
Fixed OSC 2 noise to LFO1/2/MOD ENVELOPE - OSC 2 / OSC 1+2 rates behavior.
virtual Discovery Pro v 6.4.4 Feb 24, 2015 MacOS X UB
Fixed BandReject filter behavior.
patch Discovery Pro v 6.4.3 Nov 18, 2014 MacOS X UB
Enhanced unison tuning.
Fixed swapping programs voice channel management.
envelope Discovery Pro v 6.4.2 Nov 7, 2014 MacOS X UB
Auto-loop for single cycle waveforms with less than 2048 samples.
Auto-tune for unlooped waveforms.
Enhanced voice stealing algorithm.
Wave oscillator .wav fine-tune support.
asymmetric Discovery Pro v 6.4.1 Jul 23, 2014 MacOS X UB
Double clicking a knob resets to original position.
Mod amount now refects mouse values and OCT range correctly.
Drop down menu from KeySplit hides after switching presets if it's displayed.
Enhanced LCD fonts.
Filter Attack MIDI CC changed to 38 (like NL2) on all platforms. 89 remains for FL Studio due compatibility issues.
download Discovery Pro v 6.4 Jun 26, 2014 MacOS X UB
New Nord Lead 2 modeled Unison.
SysEx import now supports .MID files.
Enhanced SysEx Import.
Edit > Swap > Bank > Chorus to Unison.
Edit > File > Export Nord Lead 2 SysEx Bank.
1.5x / 2.0x GUI graphic fixes.
Unison CC 16 / Phaser Chorus CC 50.
Updated Help > MIDI CC.
Banks 11 to 45 Chorus effect switched to Unison for better sound quality.
mac Discovery Pro v 6.3.1 Jun 3, 2014 MacOS X UB
Fixed Graphic Modulation Envelope erratic behaviour.
Fixed PAD ECO button graphics.
Fixed LCD Bank cell display graphics.
windows Discovery Pro v 6.3 May 13, 2014 MacOS X UB
Multi-size GUI
We have rewritten Discovery Pro graphics engine and is now configurable in three window sizes: 1x (400p), 1.5x (600p) and 2x (800p). No more squinting when trying to look at some parameter or search for a led anymore! Of course CPU has been dramatically optimised at any configuration.
Linux support
DAW software like Bitwig or Renoise has been getting better and better at a very fast rate lately. Since R6.3, Discovery Pro is committed to support the progressively popular OS amongst musicians in 32 and 64-bit flavours.
Major internal structure re-write and clean up.
Revised manual, banks and help files.
macintosh Discovery Pro v 6.2 Sep 22, 2013 MacOS X UB
New 128 voices polyphony option.
Export program enabled in demo.
SysEx export Nord Lead compatible.
Reorganized and streamlined EDIT, preset menus and dialog windows.
Morphing values shown if different from zero only.
Broader bank/program LCD text.
Midi CC # / Disabled added to EDIT > Swap > Aftertouch To.
PADsynth button displays green if ECO mode is enabled.
Fixed missing Wave.dat dialog hang.
Fixed GUI background gradient misplacement.
Fixed Quick Stack using Keysplit behavior.
Fixed OSC 2 octave display LED bug.
pc Discovery Pro v 6.1 Apr 4, 2013 MacOS X UB
EDIT > Quick Stack. Navigate thru any banks and presets without leaving current program.
DWB 2.0 supporting embedded SF2 and Corona Wave Expansion DWB files.
Multi-out per layer (VST only).
EDIT > Paste > Layer to copies values from active layer instead memory.
EDIT > Key Split > Custom. Configures A/B/C/D at any key range independently.
Key Split GUI graphics display on current mode (off / dual / custom).
Key Split Custom drop down menu switch / hide button (x).
Revised manual.
Bug fixes.
Discovery Pro v 6.0 Feb 18, 2013 MacOS X UB
New Nord Lead 2 modeled filters using Zero Delay Feedback technology.
Data folder now placed at Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6.
EDIT > Reset > Bank / Program / Layer will get values from Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6 > Presets > Default.fxp file.
EDIT > Paste > Layer to > All / A / B / C / D / A+B / C+D.
EDIT > Switch > PadSynth Eco Mode. Re-synthesizes a single octave instead.
EDIT > Key Split. Play Layers A/B from C0 to B3 and C/D from C4 to B9.
Revised and tweaked 45 banks also updated to ZDF filters.
Revised manual.
Bug fixes.
Discovery Pro v R5.6 Jan 11, 2012 MacOS X UB
OS X 64-bit VST.
Data folder moved to Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro with categorized folders.
EDIT > Reset > Program and Layer read the settings from Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro > Presets > Default.fxp file now.
EDIT > File > Import WAVE automatically places WAV files at discoDSP > Discovery Pro > Waves > User.dwb
EDIT > Reset > Program Undo will revert back to the original preset located on the current bank.
EDIT menu restyled to white text over black background.
Added Paste to All, A, B, C, D at Zone Preset drop down menu.
Enhanced Morph values. Tick values are show when synced to tempo.
Bug fixes.
Manual revision.
Discovery Pro v R5.5 Mar 14, 2011 MacOS X UB
* Better FXP preset export compatibility.
* Renaming a preset shows the original name instead blank.
* Overwrite warning when a bank file already exist.
* File dialog boxes now remember last opened locations.
* Banks located at Data folder refresh automaticly.
* Small EDIT menu finetune.
* Manual revision.
Discovery Pro v R5.4 Dec 16, 2010 MacOS X UB
* 64 bit Audio Units for Mac.
* 64 bit VST for Windows.
* PAD resynthesized waves now render correctly under x64 OSes.
* Pitch and Mod Wheel events now recordable from GUI.
* MOD value mouse range behaves correctly now.
* Corrected arpeggio with MIDI Sustain behavior.
* EDIT > Reset > Layer Aftertouch.
* EDIT > Reset > Program Aftertouch.
* EDIT > Reset > Program Morphing
* EDIT > Bank import. Places FXB+DWB files at Discovery Pro Data folder.
* EDIT > Help > Release number added.
* EDIT > Switch > Aftertouch to > Aftertouch, Foot (CC# 4), Expression (CC# 11) and Breathe (CC# 2).
* Manual revision.
* Bugfixes.
Discovery Pro v R5.3 Aug 23, 2010 MacOS X UB
* Faster Sine Wave VA oscillator.
* Aftertouch support. Use EDIT > Switch > Aftertouch mode or Shift + Click ABCD button to set up.
* MIDI CC Switch to edit Layers A-D. Use CC #63.
* EDIT > Help > Open HTML Manual.
* EDIT > File > Open Presets Folder.
* Settings saved using XML.
* Drop down preset zone menus are alphabetically sorted now.
* Wave OSC tabs changed to WAVE GATE MOD DELAY.
* Bigger click area for Wave tabs.
* Optimized Program and Bank LCD names display.
* More Zone presets for Delay, Gate, Mod Gate, LFO1, LFO2.
* Bugfixes.
Discovery Pro v R5 Feb 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
* WAVE PAD Synthesis Button. Resynthesis of any active Wave using PADSynth algorithm, generating a SFZ file (Data Folder/PAD Cache).
* New Classic.dwb WAVE bank, including over 250 popular synthesizer waveforms.
* New voice stealing algorithm.
* New MIDI CC button mode.
* 24-bit wave files support for User Bank (Data Folder/User.dwb).
* Help > Tutorials screen shots, MIDI CCs and Manual.
* Edit > Smart Randomization.
* File > Nord Lead 2 SysEx Export.
* File > Open Data Folder.
* File > Open Unison Configuration.
* Edit > Config > MIDI CC Buttons switch.
* WAVE Active file is now marked in the drop down menu.
* HTML Manual (Windows).
Discovery Pro v R4.1 Sep 29, 2009 MacOS X UB
* Removed periodic noise burst from Demo version.
* Fixed VST GUID Cubase bug.
* Fixed Metro GUI issue.
* Fixed crashes when mixing VST and AU in the same project.
* Fixed Cubase VST GUI display bug.
Discovery Pro v R4 Sep 3, 2009 MacOS X UB
* Zone presets. Each section can save individual presets based on the current state. It's available by clicking the white small drop down menu icon located at the top left corner.
* Gate values are now displayed at the LCD when mouse is over.
* Engine fixes.
* Host compatibility fixes.
* Manual revision.
* Mac DMG image now includes alias to Audio Units, VST, RTAS and Plug-Ins folders for a easier installation.
* Apple GarageBand 09 and Logic 09 compatibility.
* RTAS version.
Discovery Pro Discovery Pro v 6.5.1 Apr 3, 2016 Windows
Fixed Cubase issues.
Updated framework for better stability and performance.
OS X: Compiled with Xcode 7.3. OS X 10.6 or higher is required.
DiscoDSP Discovery Pro Discovery Pro v 6.5 Mar 3, 2016 Windows
Added Retina GUI support for Hi-DPI displays including minor enhancements.
Added 15 new banks and thousands of new waveforms. 10 banks reworked.
Added License.dat copy protection.
Added EDIT > Config > MIDI Out option.
Added flat popup active option color.
Fixed hanging notes issue.
Fixed Linux file menu issues.
Fixed Linux bank import.
Increased performance and stability.
Data folder location changed to Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro.
OS X: Compiled with Xcode 6.4. OS X 10.6 or higher is required.
DiscoDSP Discovery Pro v 6.4.6 May 20, 2015 Windows
Fixed portamento behavior where only first unison voice was affected.
Fixed delay copy/paste function.
modulation Discovery Pro v 6.4.5 May 6, 2015 Windows
OS X: Compiled with XCode 5.1.1.
Added shared memory to copy/paste layers/programs between Discovery Pro instances.
Fixed inverse program change bug.
Fixed OSC 2 noise to LFO1/2/MOD ENVELOPE - OSC 2 / OSC 1+2 rates behavior.
virtual Discovery Pro v 6.4.4 Feb 24, 2015 Windows
Fixed BandReject filter behavior.
patch Discovery Pro v 6.4.3 Nov 18, 2014 Windows
Enhanced unison tuning.
Fixed swapping programs voice channel management.
envelope Discovery Pro v 6.4.2 Nov 7, 2014 Windows
Auto-loop for single cycle waveforms with less than 2048 samples.
Auto-tune for unlooped waveforms.
Enhanced voice stealing algorithm.
Wave oscillator .wav fine-tune support.
asymmetric Discovery Pro v 6.4.1 Jul 23, 2014 Windows
Double clicking a knob resets to original position.
Mod amount now refects mouse values and OCT range correctly.
Drop down menu from KeySplit hides after switching presets if it's displayed.
Enhanced LCD fonts.
Filter Attack MIDI CC changed to 38 (like NL2) on all platforms. 89 remains for FL Studio due compatibility issues.
download Discovery Pro v 6.4 Jun 26, 2014 Windows
New Nord Lead 2 modeled Unison.
SysEx import now supports .MID files.
Enhanced SysEx Import.
Edit > Swap > Bank > Chorus to Unison.
Edit > File > Export Nord Lead 2 SysEx Bank.
1.5x / 2.0x GUI graphic fixes.
Unison CC 16 / Phaser Chorus CC 50.
Updated Help > MIDI CC.
Banks 11 to 45 Chorus effect switched to Unison for better sound quality.
mac Discovery Pro v 6.3.1 Jun 3, 2014 Windows
Fixed Graphic Modulation Envelope erratic behaviour.
Fixed PAD ECO button graphics.
Fixed LCD Bank cell display graphics.
windows Discovery Pro v 6.3 May 13, 2014 Windows
Multi-size GUI
We have rewritten Discovery Pro graphics engine and is now configurable in three window sizes: 1x (400p), 1.5x (600p) and 2x (800p). No more squinting when trying to look at some parameter or search for a led anymore! Of course CPU has been dramatically optimised at any configuration.
Linux support
DAW software like Bitwig or Renoise has been getting better and better at a very fast rate lately. Since R6.3, Discovery Pro is committed to support the progressively popular OS amongst musicians in 32 and 64-bit flavours.
Major internal structure re-write and clean up.
Revised manual, banks and help files.
macintosh Discovery Pro v 6.2 Sep 22, 2013 Windows
New 128 voices polyphony option.
Export program enabled in demo.
SysEx export Nord Lead compatible.
Reorganized and streamlined EDIT, preset menus and dialog windows.
Morphing values shown if different from zero only.
Broader bank/program LCD text.
Midi CC # / Disabled added to EDIT > Swap > Aftertouch To.
PADsynth button displays green if ECO mode is enabled.
Fixed missing Wave.dat dialog hang.
Fixed GUI background gradient misplacement.
Fixed Quick Stack using Keysplit behavior.
Fixed OSC 2 octave display LED bug.
pc Discovery Pro v 6.1 Apr 4, 2013 Windows
EDIT > Quick Stack. Navigate thru any banks and presets without leaving current program.
DWB 2.0 supporting embedded SF2 and Corona Wave Expansion DWB files.
Multi-out per layer (VST only).
EDIT > Paste > Layer to copies values from active layer instead memory.
EDIT > Key Split > Custom. Configures A/B/C/D at any key range independently.
Key Split GUI graphics display on current mode (off / dual / custom).
Key Split Custom drop down menu switch / hide button (x).
Revised manual.
Bug fixes.
Discovery Pro v 6.0 Feb 18, 2013 Windows
New Nord Lead 2 modeled filters using Zero Delay Feedback technology.
Data folder now placed at Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6.
EDIT > Reset > Bank / Program / Layer will get values from Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro 6 > Presets > Default.fxp file.
EDIT > Paste > Layer to > All / A / B / C / D / A+B / C+D.
EDIT > Switch > PadSynth Eco Mode. Re-synthesizes a single octave instead.
EDIT > Key Split. Play Layers A/B from C0 to B3 and C/D from C4 to B9.
Revised and tweaked 45 banks also updated to ZDF filters.
Revised manual.
Bug fixes.
Discovery Pro v R5.6 Jan 18, 2012 Windows
Data folder moved to Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro with categorized folders.
EDIT > Reset > Program and Layer read the settings from Documents > discoDSP > Discovery Pro > Presets > Default.fxp file now.
EDIT > File > Import WAVE automatically places WAV files at discoDSP > Discovery Pro > Waves > User.dwb
EDIT > Reset > Program Undo will revert back to the original preset located on the current bank.
EDIT menu restyled to white text over black background.
Added Paste to All, A, B, C, D at Zone Preset drop down menu.
Enhanced Morph values. Tick values are show when synced to tempo.
Bug fixes.
Manual revision.
Discovery Pro v R5.5 Mar 14, 2011 Windows
* Better FXP preset export compatibility.
* Renaming a preset shows the original name instead blank.
* Overwrite warning when a bank file already exist.
* File dialog boxes now remember last opened locations.
* Banks located at Data folder refresh automaticly.
* Small EDIT menu finetune.
* Manual revision.
Discovery Pro v R5.4 Dec 16, 2010 Windows
* 64 bit Audio Units for Mac.
* 64 bit VST for Windows.
* PAD resynthesized waves now render correctly under x64 OSes.
* Pitch and Mod Wheel events now recordable from GUI.
* MOD value mouse range behaves correctly now.
* Corrected arpeggio with MIDI Sustain behavior.
* EDIT > Reset > Layer Aftertouch.
* EDIT > Reset > Program Aftertouch.
* EDIT > Reset > Program Morphing
* EDIT > Bank import. Places FXB+DWB files at Discovery Pro Data folder.
* EDIT > Help > Release number added.
* EDIT > Switch > Aftertouch to > Aftertouch, Foot (CC# 4), Expression (CC# 11) and Breathe (CC# 2).
* Manual revision.
* Bugfixes.
Discovery Pro v R5.3 Aug 23, 2010 Windows
* Faster Sine Wave VA oscillator.
* Aftertouch support. Use EDIT > Switch > Aftertouch mode or Shift + Click ABCD button to set up.
* MIDI CC Switch to edit Layers A-D. Use CC #63.
* EDIT > Help > Open HTML Manual.
* EDIT > File > Open Presets Folder.
* Settings saved using XML.
* Drop down preset zone menus are alphabetically sorted now.
* Wave OSC tabs changed to WAVE GATE MOD DELAY.
* Bigger click area for Wave tabs.
* Optimized Program and Bank LCD names display.
* More Zone presets for Delay, Gate, Mod Gate, LFO1, LFO2.
* Bugfixes.
Discovery Pro v R5 Feb 10, 2010 Windows
* WAVE PAD Synthesis Button. Resynthesis of any active Wave using PADSynth algorithm, generating a SFZ file (Data Folder/PAD Cache).
* New Classic.dwb WAVE bank, including over 250 popular synthesizer waveforms.
* New voice stealing algorithm.
* New MIDI CC button mode.
* 24-bit wave files support for User Bank (Data Folder/User.dwb).
* Help > Tutorials screen shots, MIDI CCs and Manual.
* Edit > Smart Randomization.
* File > Nord Lead 2 SysEx Export.
* File > Open Data Folder.
* File > Open Unison Configuration.
* Edit > Config > MIDI CC Buttons switch.
* WAVE Active file is now marked in the drop down menu.
* HTML Manual (Windows).
Discovery Pro v R4.1 Sep 29, 2009 Windows
* Removed periodic noise burst from Demo version.
* Fixed VST GUID Cubase bug.
* Fixed Metro GUI issue.
* Fixed crashes when mixing VST and AU in the same project.
* Fixed Cubase VST GUI display bug.
Discovery Pro v R4 Sep 3, 2009 Windows
* Zone presets. Each section can save individual presets based on the current state. It's available by clicking the white small drop down menu icon located at the top left corner.
* Gate values are now displayed at the LCD when mouse is over.
* Engine fixes.
* Host compatibility fixes.
* Manual revision.
* Mac DMG image now includes alias to Audio Units, VST, RTAS and Plug-Ins folders for a easier installation.
* Apple GarageBand 09 and Logic 09 compatibility.
* RTAS version.
Buy Discovery Pro near , United States at:

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Additive synthesizer. DiscoDSP Vertigo is a 256 oscillators additive synth with resynthesis and sound morphing. Imports WAV audio and PNG images. It has a very accurate recreation of...
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