Crowd Chamber

Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.00
Format AUVST
Compatibility Crowd ChamberMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $48  /  44€
Updated On Nov 6, 2014
Total Downloads 2,231
Mac Downloads 1,803
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.00
Format VST
Compatibility Crowd ChamberWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $48  /  44€
Updated On Nov 6, 2014
Total Downloads 2,231
PC Downloads 428

Crowd simulator

Crowd Chamber is a audio plug-in that layers multiple variations of a signal to create a crowd simulation. Up to nearly 2,000,000 layers can be produced!
From simple chorusing effects, small crowds and stadiums, on to impossible situations and effects.

When each voice is mixed, it is altered in varying time and spectral content, making unique versions of itself to create the illusion of different sources. And this effect can be fed back onto itself to create many thousands of voices in real-time.

Once the concept had been created it became clear that Crowd Chamber could create far more than simple crowd scenes. Because of the feedback, wave cancellations, and simply the thousands of layers make it the perfect tool for creating strange and twisted effects.

Crowd Chamber also follows QuikQuak's other plug-ins with a visual, hands on approach. There is also a fast randomisation feature for rapid crowd creation.
Mac OS X 10.5+
Crowd Chamber Crowd Chamber v 3.00 Nov 6, 2014 MacOS X Intel
* Includes built in reverb unit, increasing preset realism.
* Now 64 bit on Mac OSX.
* New user interface.
QuikQuak Crowd Chamber Crowd Chamber v 2.01 Jun 13, 2010 MacOS X UB
* 64 bit version now available for Windows.
* Compatibility with latest Ableton Live and various control issues.
* Crash bug fix for Logic Pro, and other hosts.
* Instantiation clicks resolved.
QuikQuak Crowd Chamber v 2.0 Aug 23, 2009 MacOS X UB
* New algorithm.
* The complex feedback system has now been replaced by simple global parameters.
* Global Spread dial stretches out each voice over time, used to create large crowds, or weird individual effects.
* Overall spectral shift control, for creating large global pitch effects.
* Huge reduction in CPU usage for large crowd simulations.
* Reduced initial delay for large crowds.
* Increased basic population value.
* Extra presets demonstrating new capabilities.
* Simplified GUI and clearer labelling.
* PDF manual added.
Crowd Chamber Crowd Chamber v 3.00 Nov 6, 2014 Windows
* Includes built in reverb unit, increasing preset realism.
* Now 64 bit on Mac OSX.
* New user interface.
QuikQuak Crowd Chamber Crowd Chamber v 2.01 Jun 13, 2010 Windows
* 64 bit version now available for Windows.
* Compatibility with latest Ableton Live and various control issues.
* Crash bug fix for Logic Pro, and other hosts.
* Instantiation clicks resolved.
QuikQuak Crowd Chamber v 2.0 Aug 23, 2009 Windows
* New algorithm.
* The complex feedback system has now been replaced by simple global parameters.
* Global Spread dial stretches out each voice over time, used to create large crowds, or weird individual effects.
* Overall spectral shift control, for creating large global pitch effects.
* Huge reduction in CPU usage for large crowd simulations.
* Reduced initial delay for large crowds.
* Increased basic population value.
* Extra presets demonstrating new capabilities.
* Simplified GUI and clearer labelling.
* PDF manual added.
Buy Crowd Chamber near Columbus, United States at:

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version 1.0, MacOS X UB
Evidemment qu'on ne peut pas emuler une foule... ça servira à autre chose. Quel commentaire aigri... ce soft, comme tous ceux de quik quak, est simplement très différent. Ray Space par exemple est remarquable, mais ne sonne comme aucune reverb. Quant au prix, ridicule !
version 1.0, MacOS X UB
Rien qu'en écoutant les démos, ça sent vraiment le canular.
Ça ne simule rien du tout, ça ressemble plutôt aux plug-in freeware d'il y a quelques années, bref, vraiment pas terrible…

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