
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.86
Format App
Compatibility HighCMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $32  /  30€
Updated On Apr 5, 2011
Total Downloads 1,500
Mac Downloads 1,060
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.86
Format App
Compatibility HighCWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $32  /  30€
Updated On Apr 5, 2011
Total Downloads 1,500
PC Downloads 440

Draw your Music

HighC is a graphical music creation tool. It is a synthesizer, a sequencer and a mixer. Its goal is to make music composition as simple and direct as sketching.

HighC (pronounced with a strong French accent: "I see"!), is a new graphical music creation tool inspired from Iannis Xenakis UPIC. In HighC, users draw sounds on a continuous time-frequency diagram that looks like a musical score. They use purely graphical operations (such as move-resize, copy-paste, group...) to produce rapidly complex audio effects or full compositions. Unlike other image-to-sound software, HighC uses a vector-based representation: sounds remain individual objects that can be edited, transformed and composed with each other at will. In simple words, HighC is to MetaSynth what Microsoft PowerPoint is to...
HighC is a graphical music creation tool. It is a synthesizer, a sequencer and a mixer. Its goal is to make music composition as simple and direct as sketching.

HighC (pronounced with a strong French accent: "I see"!), is a new graphical music creation tool inspired from Iannis Xenakis UPIC. In HighC, users draw sounds on a continuous time-frequency diagram that looks like a musical score. They use purely graphical operations (such as move-resize, copy-paste, group...) to produce rapidly complex audio effects or full compositions. Unlike other image-to-sound software, HighC uses a vector-based representation: sounds remain individual objects that can be edited, transformed and composed with each other at will. In simple words, HighC is to MetaSynth what Microsoft PowerPoint is to Adobe Photoshop .

HighC draws on 20 years of a world class user interface design experience to provide immediate usability. Complete novices and children understand its base features in a matter of minutes. For instance, novices have used it to create original and unique ringtones and fun "audio pictures".

HighC is foremost a tool of choice for musicians who look for new sound effects or for an alternative approach to music composition. Its integrated interface encompasses the role of synthesizer, sequencer and mixer. The simple and unified synthesis model underpinning HighC gives access to the most common sound synthesis techniques in a graphical, intuitive and uniform framework: Additive synthesis, Waveshape, various noise-based models, but also FM synthesis, Ring modulation and granular synthesis.

With HighC, musicians are rid of the complex panels of knobs, dials and connectors, whose effects become rapidly unpredictable. Instead, all audio parameters are continuous curves placed on the time line, augmented with visual cues that depict their function and influence on the auditory experience. Thanks to its structuring functionalities: tags, patterns and libraries, HighC has the potential power of a music programming language, while not requiring mastering abstract programming concepts.

The entry-level version is free and targeted at educational uses: playback is limited to 22 KHz. The pro version, for a fee of 29.99 Euros, allows professionals to use higher quality playback rates and to export their production to standard file formats for editing and remixing using their tools of choice. Registration also provides a year of free updates.

HighC is in continuous development. A new update is published approximately each month. Registered users are invited to contribute to feature and enhancement requests, to fuel a user-centric development model. The current version has already been used for production work. Some of its users are using HighC as a part of their music production workflow, including a full experimental album entirely made in HighC.

Future versions are planned within a 2 years time frame, to add some major functionality that is still missing: importing sound samples, VST or Rewire interfacing, subtractive synthesis, full spatialization, real-time control... The goal is to provide a complete, novel, and original composition environment for audio synthesis, fully integrated in the conventional audio production chain.
Mac OS X 10.3.9+
Java 1.4
HighC HighC v 2.86 Apr 5, 2011 MacOS X UB
The software has been fully translated (including documentation) in French, and localized in Spanish.
HighC HighC HighC v 2.81 Mar 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
View > Set Background... lets you import an image (png, gif, tiff) and use it as a background on your piece. This can be used either in the classroom, or to create guides on which you can show any kinds of marks to draw your sounds over.

Standalone version (http://highc.org/HighCstandalone.exe) for use in shared school computer labs without requiring any installation on the shared computer.
HighC HighC v 2.8 Dec 10, 2009 MacOS X UB
# Improved look and feel in the waveform editors
# Bug fixes in MIDI capture
music HighC v 2.75 Jul 3, 2009 MacOS X UB
# Printing functionality, enabling export to PDF file format
# Overview shows the cursor in all views during playback.
# Set the default pitch of imported sound samples (to correct potential pitch detection algorithm errors).
# Tune the sampled audio files.
# Audio file import in the FLAC format. FLAC is a lossless audio compression format that saves about 2/3rds of the original file size.
# Distribution reduced from 16 to 10Mb.
synthesis HighC v 2.6 Mar 3, 2009 MacOS X UB
This version offers new noise generation waveforms, and integrates many user requests.
* A wide variety of filtered noise generators, to use as is or with modulations. Check the Waveform/noises library
* French language version. If you want to contribute to a version in your language, please check the forum.
* Time Controls toolbar.
* MIDI instruments are now slightly closer to the MIDI standard bank.
* smart cut and paste: objects are pasted relatively to the location of the current selection, avoiding numerous sequences of move/paste/move/paste...
* start time scale at 0.
* default quality preference.
* color mappings for waveforms follow a new, perceptually consistent, scheme.
* View/Show Lead Sound Attribute. lets you see the name of the waveform and envelope associated with a sound.
* bug fixes, notably clicks heard on MacOSX, and bad redraws during playback on MacOSX Leopard and Windows Vista, ability to edit composite waveforms.

Known limitations:
* Windows/Linux: if your machine name contained an accentuated character, you could not obtain a proper key. This issue is resolved: your machine name can contain accents, such as in "Héphaistos". It is possible, though unlikely that some licence keys do not work properly with this version. If this is a case, send an email and I'll answer with a new key.
* Windows Vista 64 bits: untested platform.
* MacOSX/Intel 64 bits Java: tooltips are lost when leaving and reentering the piece window. workaround: insist a little bit: tooltips will come back.
audio HighC v 2.5 Dec 24, 2008 MacOS X UB
This version focuses on educational needs:
  • View - Show Pitch with Color: maps sound pitch to the hue, repeated for every octave. This lets one spot consonances, dissonances, and also find the tune in which you piece is played, as well as chord changes. This becomes a great tool to teach tonality changes in classical compositions.

  • Allow scale labels to be placed at the left, right, both sides of the score or none: go to Tools - View Inspector - Background - Label Position (set it to 0,1,2 or 3).

  • Random waveform: an experimental noise waveform whose randomness is tied to the frequency of the sound.

  • 3 preferences to let you adjust the calibration of the rendering algorithms to avoid skips on slow machines and setup of the maximal gain.

  • Select from Duration..., Select from Level... actions

  • Paint tool allows moving backwards to reduce the duration of the drawn sound.

  • ...
    their HighC v 2.3 Sep 1, 2008 MacOS X UB
    New spectrum and waveshape views provide detailed feedback when designing waveforms for the synthesizers.
    graphical HighC v 2.2 May 22, 2008 MacOS X UB
    Make As Waveform function, better feedback on precise pitch and time of the sound curves.
    HighC HighC v 2.86 Apr 5, 2011 Windows
    The software has been fully translated (including documentation) in French, and localized in Spanish.
    HighC HighC HighC v 2.81 Mar 10, 2010 Windows
    View > Set Background... lets you import an image (png, gif, tiff) and use it as a background on your piece. This can be used either in the classroom, or to create guides on which you can show any kinds of marks to draw your sounds over.

    Standalone version (http://highc.org/HighCstandalone.exe) for use in shared school computer labs without requiring any installation on the shared computer.
    HighC HighC v 2.8 Dec 10, 2009 Windows
    # Improved look and feel in the waveform editors
    # Bug fixes in MIDI capture
    music HighC v 2.75 Jul 3, 2009 Windows
    # Printing functionality, enabling export to PDF file format
    # Overview shows the cursor in all views during playback.
    # Set the default pitch of imported sound samples (to correct potential pitch detection algorithm errors).
    # Tune the sampled audio files.
    # Audio file import in the FLAC format. FLAC is a lossless audio compression format that saves about 2/3rds of the original file size.
    # Distribution reduced from 16 to 10Mb.
    synthesis HighC v 2.6 Mar 3, 2009 Windows
    This version offers new noise generation waveforms, and integrates many user requests.
    * A wide variety of filtered noise generators, to use as is or with modulations. Check the Waveform/noises library
    * French language version. If you want to contribute to a version in your language, please check the forum.
    * Time Controls toolbar.
    * MIDI instruments are now slightly closer to the MIDI standard bank.
    * smart cut and paste: objects are pasted relatively to the location of the current selection, avoiding numerous sequences of move/paste/move/paste...
    * start time scale at 0.
    * default quality preference.
    * color mappings for waveforms follow a new, perceptually consistent, scheme.
    * View/Show Lead Sound Attribute. lets you see the name of the waveform and envelope associated with a sound.
    * bug fixes, notably clicks heard on MacOSX, and bad redraws during playback on MacOSX Leopard and Windows Vista, ability to edit composite waveforms.

    Known limitations:
    * Windows/Linux: if your machine name contained an accentuated character, you could not obtain a proper key. This issue is resolved: your machine name can contain accents, such as in "Héphaistos". It is possible, though unlikely that some licence keys do not work properly with this version. If this is a case, send an email and I'll answer with a new key.
    * Windows Vista 64 bits: untested platform.
    * MacOSX/Intel 64 bits Java: tooltips are lost when leaving and reentering the piece window. workaround: insist a little bit: tooltips will come back.
    audio HighC v 2.5 Dec 24, 2008 Windows
    This version focuses on educational needs:
  • View - Show Pitch with Color: maps sound pitch to the hue, repeated for every octave. This lets one spot consonances, dissonances, and also find the tune in which you piece is played, as well as chord changes. This becomes a great tool to teach tonality changes in classical compositions.

  • Allow scale labels to be placed at the left, right, both sides of the score or none: go to Tools - View Inspector - Background - Label Position (set it to 0,1,2 or 3).

  • Random waveform: an experimental noise waveform whose randomness is tied to the frequency of the sound.

  • 3 preferences to let you adjust the calibration of the rendering algorithms to avoid skips on slow machines and setup of the maximal gain.

  • Select from Duration..., Select from Level... actions

  • Paint tool allows moving backwards to reduce the duration of the drawn sound.

  • ...
    their HighC v 2.2 May 22, 2008 Windows
    Make As Waveform function, better feedback on precise pitch and time of the sound curves.
    Buy HighC near Columbus, United States at:

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    version 2.8, MacOS X UB
    Un remarquable hommage aux travaux de Xenakis. Un outil extraordinaire pour son prix, et indépendamment. Simple, clair, puissant.
    version 2.2, MacOS X UB
    L'interface sobre presente un melange assez deroutant de simplicite' et de sophistication a la fois.
    Ce n'est pas un logiciel pour composer des melodies simples, mais pour les effets, c'est tres impressionant.
    Un nouveau venu dans le paysage...
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