
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 3.2.2
Format App
Compatibility MainStageMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $30  /  27€
Updated On Oct 25, 2015
Total Downloads 3,172
Mac Downloads 3,172

Perform live with studio instruments and effects

MainStage 3 lets you take your Mac to the stage with a full-screen interface optimized for live performance, flexible hardware control, and a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds that are fully compatible with Logic Pro X.

The Ultimate Live Rig
• Perform live with more than 80 instrument, effect, and MIDI plug-ins or work with Audio Units plug-ins
• Add your sounds from Logic Pro X and GarageBand to bring your studio sound to the stage
• Combine instruments and live audio, such as keyboards and vocals, in a single Patch
• Switch between Patches without stopping sound output or cutting off held notes
• Design rich keyboard Patches using splits and layers, the Arpeggiator, and other MIDI plug-ins
• Perform with stereo or multitrack backing tracks using Playback
• 64-bit architecture...
MainStage 3 lets you take your Mac to the stage with a full-screen interface optimized for live performance, flexible hardware control, and a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds that are fully compatible with Logic Pro X.

The Ultimate Live Rig
• Perform live with more than 80 instrument, effect, and MIDI plug-ins or work with Audio Units plug-ins
• Add your sounds from Logic Pro X and GarageBand to bring your studio sound to the stage
• Combine instruments and live audio, such as keyboards and vocals, in a single Patch
• Switch between Patches without stopping sound output or cutting off held notes
• Design rich keyboard Patches using splits and layers, the Arpeggiator, and other MIDI plug-ins
• Perform with stereo or multitrack backing tracks using Playback
• 64-bit architecture uses all the RAM in your system for larger sampled instruments

Hardware Control
• Connect your favorite hardware and use it to play and control your plug-ins
• Use USB and MIDI-equipped controllers like keyboards, foot pedals, and drum pads
• Instantly set up a large variety of hardware using automatic device recognition
• Quickly assign hardware knobs, buttons, and faders to onscreen controls
• Manage sophisticated rigs using the Assignments & Mapping overview

Designed for the Stage
• See only what you need during your performance using a customizable, full-screen live interface
• Smart Controls offer dynamic performance controls that change with each Patch
• Easily view your Mac screen from a distance using a high-contrast, full-screen performance view

Instrument Plug-ins
• Play deeply sampled, professionally mixed, and fully customizable drum kits provided by Drum Kit Designer
• Perform electronic beats with the Ultrabeat drum machine
• Play classic ’70s- and ’80s-style synthesizer sounds using Retro Synth
• Play faithful models of vintage keyboards with Vintage B3, Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav
• Perform inspired sounds using a collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, and physical modeling synthesis
• Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 Sampler

MIDI Plug-ins
• Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins
• Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator
• Play a single note to trigger predefined chords with Chord Trigger
• Perform a part and conform notes to a specific scale using Transposer

Creative and Production Effects
• Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb
• Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
• Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects
• Get the perfect mix with a collection of EQs, dynamics, and other mixing tools

Guitar and Bass Gear
• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
• Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes
• Access a full-screen Tuner to quickly get in tune

Sound Library
• Over 1500 instrument and effect Patches
• More than 800 meticulously sampled instruments
• 30 urban and electronic drum machine Patches
• 3600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genres
Os x 10.9.5+
MainStage MainStage v 3.2.2 Oct 25, 2015 MacOS X Intel
This update contains stability improvements and bug fixes.
Apple MainStage MainStage v 3.2 Aug 27, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Introduction of Alchemy

Alchemy is a new sample manipulation synthesizer that includes the following:

Next generation synthesizer plug-in with multiple sound generators including; additive, spectral, formant, granular, sampler, and virtual analog
Over 3,000 presets for all types of electronic music including electronic dance, hip hop, rock, and sound for picture
Integrated keyword preset browser for finding the right sounds quickly
Performance controls like the Transform Pad make it easy to explore and reshape sounds
Combine up to four synth modules to create complex multi-layered sounds
Virtual analog oscillators produce authentic recreations of iconic synth sounds
Wide selection of modeled analog and special effect filters for producing sounds with vintage character and tonal complexity
Create animated, dynamic instruments using over 100 modulation sources that include flexible LFOs, AHDSR and MSEG envelopes, and step sequencers
Manipulate and combine samples in new ways using unique collection of morphing and resynthesis tools
Import EXS24 instruments or create your own using a robust set of sampler features
Apply independent arpeggiators to each of the 4 sound sources to transform simple chords into elaborate performances
Integrated effects rack with reverb, modulation, delay, compression, and a range of distortion effects

More new features

Additional new features include the following:

It's now possible to add custom icons for patches and channel strips
Includes a Set Saved Value key command to save the the current value of a control to the Concert
Setting the Metronome to use an output other than 1-2 now creates the needed output channel strip if it doesn’t yet exist


MainStage 3.2 also includes the following updates:

Includes general stability improvements.
Metering for Outputs higher than 1-2 now works correctly.
Changing the MIDI > Display Middle C preference now updates the Keyboard in the Layer editor to match.
It's now possible to reduce the size of the MainStage window further.
Clicking the Channel Strips area now consistently brings the focus there.
Pasting a patch as an alias now works when the parent patch has been cut or deleted.
The ruler in the Waveform screen object now properly displays time.
Controls mapped to Send to All > Keyboard Destinations > Channel Strip Parameters > 7 (Volume) now work as expected.
Custom key commands now work more reliably after MainStage is quit and reopened.
MIDI is now reliably passed through to Channel Strips that contain a bypassed instance of the Scripter plug-in.
Some notes are no longer triggered with an unexpectedly low volume when Speed MIDI Control is mapped to the Mod Wheel.
MainStage now immediately recognizes aggregate devices created in Audio MIDI Setup while MainStage is running.
With two open concerts, closing one, and then switching to the second no longer stops MIDI and audio from passing to and from the remaining concert.
Smart Controls are no longer missing if MainStage is launched as a log-in item, with the option to open the most recent concert at launch in Perform mode.
The Layout mode Screen Control Inspector now updates reliably after an external controller is assigned.
The Audio preference pane no longer lists “Display Audio” twice for each connected display when two Thunderbolt displays are connected to the computer.
Sustain pedal off messages are now sent to external devices if a patch change has been sent with the sustain pedal pressed.
Continuous screen controls no longer send a MIDI value that is 1 value lower than the onscreen parameter control shows.
Switching from one patch to another while playing MIDI now quickly triggers sound.
The sustain pedal now continues to work reliably after its mapping is changed.
The MIDI Out tab for the External Instrument channel strip Inspector now offers a checkbox to control whether Expression is sent to the instrument.
Switching between patches that use the I/O plug-in no longer causes audio pops or glitches.
Dragging a PDF to the Image Well for a background object now works as expected.
Apple MainStage v 3.1 Jan 23, 2015 MacOS X Intel
New Features and Enhancements

Redesigned Compressor plug-in with scalable, Retina-ready interface and a new compressor model.
Retro Synth can now create wavetables from imported audio and is able to stack up to 8 voices.
The Plug-in Manager now allows you to customize the organization of your menu.
Expanded sound library includes over 200 new synth patches and 10 Mellotron instruments.
New Auto Sampler plug-in converts hardware synthesizers into sampled instruments.
Custom shortcuts can be assigned and managed using the new Key Command editor.
It is now possible to copy and paste ranges in the layer editor.


MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly when selecting all patches.


MainStage no longer drops out of Full Screen Performance mode when you use a KVM switch to change the display to another computer.
When moving the MainStage window from a 4K display to another display, the window width now properly adjusts to the new display size.
Mouse clicks in a plug-in window are no longer passed through to the Patch Browser in Performance mode.
Window positions are now properly recalled when opening a saved concert.
Parameter text fields are now displayed correctly when the first patch or set is skipped.
Text in the Graph Editor now renders properly when the window is resized.
using MainStage v 3 Jul 17, 2013 MacOS X Intel
plug-ins MainStage v 2.1.3 Jun 20, 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixes an issue where presets for Audio Unit plugins were incorrectly displayed.

  • Addresses an issue where incoming MIDI was forced to channel 1.

  • Resolves an issue that could cause MainStage to quit unexpectedly when using Undo after deleting a patch.
  • vintage MainStage v 2.1.2 Nov 11, 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Improved compatibility and stability with MainStage 1.x documents

  • Better handling of Pitchbend and Sustain events

  • Performance and stability fixes in Playback
  • perform MainStage v 2.1.1 Mar 11, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    This update improves overall performance and provides numerous fixes. This update is recommended for all users of MainStage 2. Issues addressed include but are not limited to:

    64-bit Mode Issues
    * It is now possible to run FXPansion's BFD2 plug-in in the 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge.
    * Fixes several issues with the graphical user interface and controls of third party Audio Units running in the 32-bit Audio Unit Bridge.

    Stability Issues
    * In 64-bit mode, a 32-bit Audio Unit plug-in quitting unexpectedly no longer causes MainStage to also quit unexpectedly.
    * Working with multiple concerts with open plug-in windows no longer causes MainStage to sometimes quit unexpectedly.
    * MainStage no longer quits unexpectedly if a Patch increment button is assigned to a sustain pedal, and MainStage is switched from Layout mode to Edit mode while receiving continuous sustain messages.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause MainStage to quit unexpectedly when removing or changing an audio device.

    General Issues
    * Resolves an issue that could cause loss of audio output when "Display audio engine overload" messages were enabled.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause an unexpected sound when rapidly switching patches in a concert that contains more than one multi-output Ultrabeat instance.
    * Duplicate MIDI events no longer sometimes lead to stuck notes.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause MainStage to stop responding when simultaneously adjusting parameters for multiple controls.
    * Resolves an issue where MainStage could stop responding when opening an auto-saved copy of an already open concert.
    * Sustain pedal events with values between 1-126 no longer cause multiple triggering of mapped actions.
    * Switching out of Layout mode while sending a note to a drum pad screen control no longer results in stuck notes.
    * Drum pads now correctly display all parameter values.
    * "Do not pass through" now works as expected with screen controls set to send to a specific MIDI destination.
    * The Keyboard window now sends MIDI notes with velocity values of 100, as expected.
    * The Layer Editor for external MIDI instruments is available again.
    * Resolves an issue in which there could sometimes be audio "pops" when auditioning patches while notes are sustaining.
    * Keyboard assignments are now reliably maintained for non-auto assigned keyboards when opening concerts created in MainStage 1.x.
    * The right arrow for setting the high range in the Parameter Graph for mapped knobs now works as expected.
    * The screen no longer flashes if a second concert is opened while a plug-in window is open, and Do Not Close is chosen for the original concert.
    * Resolves an issue introduced in MainStage 2.1 that could lead to an accidental overlap of split points.
    * Resolves an issue in which the left side key range of a split made no sound in some rare cases.
    * MIDI note-off events are no longer handled as MIDI note-on events with a velocity of 0.
    * Velocity scaling is now correctly performed with drum pads.
    * The workspace aspect ratio now immediately updates to follow changes to the Layout mode aspect ratio.
    * Using pitch bend on the Musical Typing Keyboard no longer causes a constant stream of erroneous pitch bend messages to be sent.
    * The vertical scroll bar controls in the Template Chooser grid view now remain fully functional at all zoom levels.
    * The items in the Help menu now remain available when the Template Chooser is open.
    * If the preference for Silence Previous Patch is set to "Immediately," MainStage no longer plays back unexpected segments of audio when switching away from and then back to a Software Instrument patch that has a plug-in with a long decay.

    Screen Controls
    * Pickup mode no longer behaves like Jump mode when assigning a hardware control that is at a higher initial value than selected screen control.
    * Waveform screen control mappings are now reliably maintained when the sample rate is changed.
    * The Screen Control Inspector now properly shows the status of the Mod Wheel control when reselecting it after it has been set to Block, and then another screen control has been selected.
    * Meter screen controls now follow changes to channel strips that change between mono/stereo.

    Parameter Mapping
    * Number keys mapped to commands now reliably trigger the commands instead of patch changes in Edit mode and Performance mode.
    * The Current Set action now reliably recalls a specific set when the min and max ranges are set to the same set name.
    * The Current Patch action now works reliably when the Invert checkbox is selected.
    * Range settings are reliably maintained for the Current Patch Number action.
    * The Range pop-up for Current Patch Number mappings no longer show duplicate values.
    * Undo after changing a mapping and then deleting a pedal from the Pedalboard now works as expected.
    * Mappings of alias patches are now handled correctly when a plug-in on the parent patch is changed.

    Playback Plug-in
    * Resolves a rare issue where the Play button on the Loopback and Playback plug-in could remain lit with playback stopped.
    * Resolves an issue that prevented a file that had been loaded and then removed in the Playback plug-in from being loaded again.
    * If files containing tempo changes are imported into Playback, the following warning only appears once per session: "File contains tempo changes. One or more of the files you are importing contains tempo change markers. This version of MainStage does not support importing files with tempo changes."

    Loopback Plug-in
    * The Position field in the Loopback GUI now reliably displays all positions at all loop lengths.
    * After using Undo to remove previous recordings in the Loopback plug-in, recording a loop that crosses the cycle point no longer removes a portion of the loop.
    * Using Undo to remove a take in the Loopback plug-in no longer removes crossfades at the cycle point.
    * In the Loopback plug-in, Fade-out now works properly when applied to an overdub performed over reversed material.
    * Resolves an issue in which enabling Reset to Saved could lead to recording in Loopback starting automatically when a concert was opened.
    * Resolves an issue in the Loopback plug-in where immediately triggering a Software instrument after going into record could cause an unexpected sound.
    instruments MainStage v 2.1 Jan 12, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    # This update delivers improved compatibility and numerous fixes.
    # Issues addressed include:
    * - Support for 64-bit native mode
    * - Compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins
    * - Improved compatibility with MainStage 1.x documents
    * - Multiple Playback plug-ins in the same group now sync reliably
    * - Improved recording when using the Loopback plug-in
    download MainStage v 2.0.1 Sep 23, 2009 MacOS X Intel
    * This update improves overall performance and provides numerous fixes and enhancements, including the Loopback and Playback plug-ins:

    * Issues addressed include:
    o - The Reverse option for Loopback now behaves consistently
    o - Pitchbend data is transmitted properly to external instruments
    o - A recording in Loopback can be used to define the tempo for MainStage
    o - The I/O plug-in is now available in MainStage

    * The update is recommended for all users of MainStage 2.
    mac MainStage v 1.0.2 Dec 26, 2007 MacOS X UB
    MainStage 1.0.2 addresses specific customer issues and general performance issues and improves overall stability.
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