Pure Limiter

by Flux
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.2.9
Compatibility Pure LimiterMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $108  /  100€
Updated On Feb 24, 2014
Total Downloads 1,544
Mac Downloads 1,052
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.2.9
Compatibility Pure LimiterWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $108  /  100€
Updated On Feb 24, 2014
Total Downloads 1,544
PC Downloads 492


Unless you use it as a special effect, Pure Limiter is supposed to be the very last stage of your audio processing chain. It uses the exclusive FLUX technologies to generate a release envelop producing no artefact on the processed sound.
A transparent limiting dramatically increasing the average audio level can now be achieved without damaging the perceived audio quality.

As usual with the FLUX plug-ins there is no compromise between simplicity of use and the exhaustiveness of the accessible parameters. An automatic mode allows quick operations in most cases. But a manual mode and an advanced mode are also there to allow you a total control on the processing.

To make the setting even easier, the Pure Limiter also features two display modes. When the mode A is engaged, both original...
Unless you use it as a special effect, Pure Limiter is supposed to be the very last stage of your audio processing chain. It uses the exclusive FLUX technologies to generate a release envelop producing no artefact on the processed sound.
A transparent limiting dramatically increasing the average audio level can now be achieved without damaging the perceived audio quality.

As usual with the FLUX plug-ins there is no compromise between simplicity of use and the exhaustiveness of the accessible parameters. An automatic mode allows quick operations in most cases. But a manual mode and an advanced mode are also there to allow you a total control on the processing.

To make the setting even easier, the Pure Limiter also features two display modes. When the mode A is engaged, both original and limited waveforms are displayed. The Mode B displays the limited waveform, the limiter action and the histogram of the release value which is especially useful when running in advanced mode.

The Pure Limiter is 384 KHz and 8 channels capable. It also features the exclusive A/B preset morphing function.
Mac OS X (Intel) - 10.7, 10.8 and 10.9
Windows - Vista, 7 and 8
Pure Limiter Pure Limiter v 3.2.9 Feb 24, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Is now supporting 64-bit and AAX Native/DSP
Flux Pure Limiter Pure Limiter v 2.0.23 Feb 8, 2010 MacOS X UB
Not available
Flux Pure Limiter v 2.0.22 Oct 25, 2009 MacOS X UB
* Fix a bug that prevent reloading side-chain configuration on some Audiounit projects in Logic and Live.
Warning: some old project may not be able to recall their configuration. You may want to double-check the "ext" status and re-save your project.
* Fix a bug that leads to wrong name display of factory presets in the the Logic header menu.
* Fix a bug that may lead to crash if a preset name contain some strange characters.
limiter Pure Limiter v 2.0.21 Sep 23, 2009 MacOS X UB
* MacOS: Sonic Solution SoundBlade compatibility enhanced in order to be more efficient with Sonic's Automation by snapshot mode.
* MacOS: An OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard, compatible version is in testing and will be released as soon as any potential problem is cleared.
audio Pure Limiter v 2.0.11 Apr 28, 2009 MacOS X UB
# All plug-ins
* - Morphing and toggle AB can give different settings
* - State of morphing automation button is now recoded in sessions, and can be automated.
* - Session reloading with lot of Flux:: plug-ins inserted loading time reduced and authorization check enhanced.
* - Authorization could randomly failed.
* - Some compatibility issues with Pyramix 6.1
* - Some session reloading problems in AudioUnit, that can lead to incorrect plug-in parameters

# All VST 2 Channels plug-ins
* - Side chain and processing buttons not well initialized

# Alchemist
* - Optimization about morphing slider, when morphing a lot of parameters.
* - Invert phase was not working correctly.
* - Compare function in Protools was broken
* - Some Automation bugs fix... Because of this fix, by default Alchemist will no more read correctly Automation data recorded with the previous version. To support old automation, you must set up the Automation old mode support. Please note that this mode is deprecated for new projects: you should disble it before creating new sessions.
o Windows: Go in the "Start" Menu → "All Programs->Flux:: sound and picture development" and click on "Enable Old Automation support". Click on "Disable old Automation support" to come back in the new mode (Recommended for new project).
o MacOS: Open a terminal (located in the Applications => Utilities folder) and set up the mode via the following command:
defaults write com.gaelyvan.flux.plugins HandleOldAutomation -bool YES
(validate by pressing "return" keyboard button).
To Delete this preference, set the following command:
defaults write com.gaelyvan.flux.plugins HandleOldAutomation -bool NO.
(validate by pressing "return" keyboard button).

# Solera
* - Side Chain EQ initialization problem, at 48kHz sampling rate, for band #1
* - MS Width not working

# Epure II VST
* - Possible bad render in WaveLab

# Epure II
* - Possible crash in very high sampling rate

# Epure II Venue
* - Recall of the preset A and B slot and the Morphing slider position have been temporally removed from the session and Snapshot recall. This because of an issue with current DShow software that does not really support big custom chunk in snapshot. We will try to re-implement this as soon as possible.

# Stereo Tool PC
* - Installer not support Windows XP 64

# Security PC
* - crash sometimes when shutting down or restarting windows
* - iLok support not working on Vista 64 SP1
* - Flux Security Engine hang on some Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 system
* - New iLok support management. Now the Flux:: security engine will not try to load the iLok support if iLok drivers are not installed or if the installed version is too old. This allow to be able to use the Flux:: vst plug-ins without installing iLok (if you are using the Flux:: dongle). The Security Manager will display messages regarding your current iLok installation.

* - for steinberg softwares (cubase & nuendo), fix a bug that lead the mouse to un-precise control of buttons with mouse
* - Fix a bug that lead to crash when exiting plug-ins
* - Fix session reloading issues between Mac intel and ppc

# AudioUnit MAC
* - Fix a session reloading issue that appear with the latest

# All Plug-ins MAC
* - it is now possible to control the "Old Automation State" more simply with the MacOS security manager, with an entry in the file menu. The security manager is released in
Pure Limiter Pure Limiter v 3.2.9 Feb 24, 2014 Windows
Is now supporting 64-bit and AAX Native/DSP
Flux Pure Limiter Pure Limiter v 2.0.31 Feb 8, 2010 Windows
Not available
Flux Pure Limiter v 2.0.22 Oct 25, 2009 Windows
Fix: Some Anti-Virus detect VST version of the plug-ins as a virus.
limiter Pure Limiter v Apr 28, 2009 Windows
# All plug-ins
* - Morphing and toggle AB can give different settings
* - State of morphing automation button is now recoded in sessions, and can be automated.
* - Session reloading with lot of Flux:: plug-ins inserted loading time reduced and authorization check enhanced.
* - Authorization could randomly failed.
* - Some compatibility issues with Pyramix 6.1
* - Some session reloading problems in AudioUnit, that can lead to incorrect plug-in parameters

# All VST 2 Channels plug-ins
* - Side chain and processing buttons not well initialized

# Alchemist
* - Optimization about morphing slider, when morphing a lot of parameters.
* - Invert phase was not working correctly.
* - Compare function in Protools was broken
* - Some Automation bugs fix... Because of this fix, by default Alchemist will no more read correctly Automation data recorded with the previous version. To support old automation, you must set up the Automation old mode support. Please note that this mode is deprecated for new projects: you should disble it before creating new sessions.
o Windows: Go in the "Start" Menu → "All Programs->Flux:: sound and picture development" and click on "Enable Old Automation support". Click on "Disable old Automation support" to come back in the new mode (Recommended for new project).
o MacOS: Open a terminal (located in the Applications => Utilities folder) and set up the mode via the following command:
defaults write com.gaelyvan.flux.plugins HandleOldAutomation -bool YES
(validate by pressing "return" keyboard button).
To Delete this preference, set the following command:
defaults write com.gaelyvan.flux.plugins HandleOldAutomation -bool NO.
(validate by pressing "return" keyboard button).

# Solera
* - Side Chain EQ initialization problem, at 48kHz sampling rate, for band #1
* - MS Width not working

# Epure II VST
* - Possible bad render in WaveLab

# Epure II
* - Possible crash in very high sampling rate

# Epure II Venue
* - Recall of the preset A and B slot and the Morphing slider position have been temporally removed from the session and Snapshot recall. This because of an issue with current DShow software that does not really support big custom chunk in snapshot. We will try to re-implement this as soon as possible.

# Stereo Tool PC
* - Installer not support Windows XP 64

# Security PC
* - crash sometimes when shutting down or restarting windows
* - iLok support not working on Vista 64 SP1
* - Flux Security Engine hang on some Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 system
* - New iLok support management. Now the Flux:: security engine will not try to load the iLok support if iLok drivers are not installed or if the installed version is too old. This allow to be able to use the Flux:: vst plug-ins without installing iLok (if you are using the Flux:: dongle). The Security Manager will display messages regarding your current iLok installation.

* - for steinberg softwares (cubase & nuendo), fix a bug that lead the mouse to un-precise control of buttons with mouse
* - Fix a bug that lead to crash when exiting plug-ins
* - Fix session reloading issues between Mac intel and ppc

# AudioUnit MAC
* - Fix a session reloading issue that appear with the latest

# All Plug-ins MAC
* - it is now possible to control the "Old Automation State" more simply with the MacOS security manager, with an entry in the file menu. The security manager is released in
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