
Category Audio Production / Audio Editors & Recorder
Version 1.11.4
Format App
Compatibility TwistedWaveMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $80  /  74€
Updated On Oct 27, 2013
Total Downloads 1,403
Mac Downloads 1,403

Powerful and very easy to use audio editor

TwistedWave is an audio editor that supports many formats.
Among other things, it provides:

- Background processing to allow you to continue working while a long computation is going on.
- Unlimited and instant Undo/Redo.
- Import/export to many formats.
- A clip list that allows you to select chunks of audio you are interested in, and copy them to the clip list, making it very easy to reorder and paste them in a new document.
OS X 10.6 and later
TwistedWave TwistedWave v 1.11.4 Oct 27, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Opening empty files failed.
Saving WMA files failed.
Playing a very small selection, smaller than 0.01s would fail.
Fixed a bug when deleting a small click where it would still be displayed in the waveform when zooming out.
TwistedWave would hang at startup if spotlight is disabled.
Updating the artwork metadata in a batch process was broken.
(A Document Being Saved By TwistedWave) folders could be created next to the file being saved.
Splitting by markers would overwrite files if some markers have the same name.
The markers labels and cut handles would be too small on retina displays.
TwistedWave TwistedWave TwistedWave v 1.11 Jun 27, 2013 MacOS X Intel
New features

The sample rate conversions are done with SoX one of the best available implementations available.
Normalizing to a target RMS, LUFS or true peak value, in addition to the peak value.
Support for the retina display.
Support for the 32-bit floating point codec in the WAV and AIFC files.
Support for the “AAC High Efficiency” compression.

Fixes and improvements

This update also contains many fixes and improvements.
TwistedWave TwistedWave v 1.10.1 May 20, 2011 MacOS X UB
TwistedWave would not remember the preferences if a version older than 1.10 was used previously.
audio TwistedWave v 1.10 May 13, 2011 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Upgraded to DIRAC 3 Pro, for a faster speed and better quality when pitch shifting or time stretching.
* Added support for saving mp2 files.
* Added the TwistedWave Remote, to remotely control TwistedWave from an iPhone.
* Added the ability to append files together when multiple files are selected from the open dialog.
* It is now possible to drag/drop files directly from iTunes.
* Added the volume and loop toolbar items.

* YouTube import was fixed.
* Fixed a problem with the RemoveDC effect.
* Other fixes...
editor TwistedWave v 1.9.1 Dec 13, 2010 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Added the ability to import/export markers in CSV files.
* Support for the comment metadata field.
* Added the "Insert Silence" batch effect.
* Support for Drag and drop from Cubase/Nuendo.

* Markers would not be saved in aiff files on ppc.
* The YouTube import menu would be empty in some cases.
* Markers exported to CUE files would be wrong for files larger than 60 minutes.
* TwistedWave could crash when reading some wav files.
* Applying an effect on a single channel could crash.
* TwistedWave could lock in some cases.
* Other fixes...
formats TwistedWave v 1.9 May 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Support for VST plugins.
* Import YouTube soundtracks.
* Integration of Apple's speech synthesis.
* Support for reading .wmv, .flv and .ac3 files.
* Support for Audiobook .m4b files.
* The markers are loaded/saved as chapters in mp4 (.mp4 .m4a .m4b .m4r) files.
* Split multichannel support for batch processing.
* New batch processing actions: cut, fade in/out, reorder channels, add/remove/split by markers, copy a metadata field to another.
* Support for trackpad swipe and pinch gestures.
* Automatically place markers at regular intervals.

* Smoother zooming and scrolling with the magic mouse or trackpad.
* Uses Sparkle for automatic updates.
* Added the possibility to undo all the previous actions of the same kind at once.
* Much faster file loading, especially reading mp3.
* The Insert Silence effect will replace the selections if a selection exists.
* Use shift-space to stop playing without moving the cursor back.

* The markers from some wav files would not load.
* Fixed a problem when saving files whose samples were more than 0 dbFS.
* Saving/loading MP3 files would add a small silence at the beginning/end of the file.
download TwistedWave v 1.8 Jan 21, 2010 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Automatically split a sound file by detecting silences.
* A 64-bit version is available.
* Exporting iPhone ringtone files.

* Seting a default zoom when opening documents.
* Editing the selection by dragging its edges.
* Option to keep the processing tail when applying an effect stack.
* Once an effect stack was applied, it becomes bypassed.

* The sound level could be reduced when using the "Change Pitch and Speed" effect.
* Recording or playing could stop working if an audio device is unplugged/replugged, or when the computer goes to sleep.
* Auto extend to crossing didn't work when playing audio.
* Saving 8bit aiff files was broken.
* Reading markers would fail for certain WAV files.
* Importing markers was broken.
mac TwistedWave v 1.7 Dec 7, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Batch processing.
* Support for DIRAC time stretching/pitch shifting and automatic pitch correction.
* Exporting waveform images.
* Support for saving WMA files.
* Added support for the MS and IMA4 ADPCM codec.

* Clicking on a marker moves the cursor.
* Selecting markers in the markers window selects the corresponding audio regin.
* Prevent doing a selection by mistake when doing a simple click.

* Fixed a problem exporting CAF AAC and IMA4 files.
* Fixed a problem with Audio Units whose GUI would resize.
* A crash when Command-dropping a file before 0.
* Applying an ohm force plugin failed.
* The default preset for Audio Units was broken.
* TwistedWave failed recovering a session where the signal generator was used.
* TwistedWave was not looping seamlessly.
* When using the special paste, the cursor could move to the start of the file in some cases.
windows TwistedWave v 1.6.3 Oct 29, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Added the ability to change the pitch and speed.
* Added the loop crossfade effect.
* Improved the custom fade window.

Fixes and Improvements
* A crash when opening the preferences window.
macintosh TwistedWave v 1.6.2 Oct 26, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Custom fade.

Fixes and Improvements
* Fixed a freeze when applying some audio unit effects, or changing the speed.
pc TwistedWave v 1.6.1 Oct 25, 2009 MacOS X UB
Minor improvements
* Adjustable buffer size.
* The selection is now replaced when pasting.
* Move the cursor to the beginning/end of the selection with option-left/right.
* Scroll left or right with page-up/page-down.
* The cursor remains visible when moving it with the arrow keys.

* Improved play through with lower latency.
* The crash recovery could fail in some cases.
* A crash when loading T-RackS 3 plugins.
* Ozone4's GUI could disappear in some cases.
* The audio could get corrupted when recording with an Apogee duet.
* Playing 192kHz files was broken.
* The manual would not open correctly from the help menu, or the help buttons.
* Marker names with accents wouldn't show up correctly.
* Markers would be duplicated when converting to mono.
* The audio units from the effect stack were applied in the reverse order.
* Some audio unit plugins, such as soundhack's ones could produce a few seconds of silence.
* TwistedWave could record with a wrong sampling rate, resulting in a pitch shifted audio.
* When recording, play through could play only on the left side in some cases.
* Some jpeg files did not work properly in mp4 files artwork metadata.
* Scrolling with shift + mouse wheel was broken.
TwistedWave v 1.6 Feb 22, 2009 MacOS X UB
New Features
* Support for markers.
* Added the ability to manipulate cuts/crossfades.
* Automatically restore the session after a crash.
* Drag and dropping the selection.
* Play through when recording.
* Saving the color scheme presets.

Fixes and Improvements
* Wave64 support was broken on 10.4/intel.
* Ability to zoom when command dragging the overview window.
TwistedWave v 1.5 Jul 4, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • New Features

  • Vertical zoom.
    Support for WavPack and Wave64 files.
    Added a level meter.
    Added the File/Analyze menu item to gather some info about the waveform.
    Added the option to lock the channels together.
    Ability to display times in SMPTE.
    Uses the TimeCode reference from .wav and .aiff files.
    It is now possible to select the channels used for recording/playing.
    New shortcuts: shift mouse wheel to scroll, and command wheel for vertical zoom.

  • Fixes and Improvements

  • The presets of individual effects in a stack would not always be remembered.
    When saving a preset, the new name was not taken into account when OK was pressed. Only when validating with return.
    TwistedWave now handles properly Audio Units whose GUI can resize.
    When saving a WAV file, TwistedWave would fail if the extension is not in lower case letters.
    Saving as OGG would only write 44100kHz files.
    Closed files would remain open by TwistedWave, preventing them from being emptied from the trash.
    TwistedWave v 1.3 Dec 22, 2007 MacOS X UB
  • New Features

  • Added the ability to move the cursor to the next transient.
    Saving OGG/Vorbis files.
    Reading WMA files.
    Added the ability to disable the automatic scrolling when playing.
    Added the insert silence effect.

  • Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved the audio units management.
    When loading a split multichannel file, the document name was Untitled.
    The audio units GUI would not reflect the changes when a preset was loaded, on Leopard.
    TwistedWave would fail reading files that were several GB in size.
    TwistedWave v 1.2.1 Nov 1, 2007 MacOS X UB
    New Features:
    You can stop recording by pressing the space bar.

    Fixes and Improvements:
    A crash when trying to rename channels in the channel reordering tool.
    A crash when trying to save a file with a number of channels not supported by the codec.
    A crash when trying to save a file in a format that TwistedWave can only read.
    A crash when trying to record for the 33rd time.
    TwistedWave would continue recording if the document was closed.
    The default file format with new documents is now the last used one (was always CAF).
    Opening and closing files repeatedly would not free all the resources, and eventually lead to a crash.
    The bit depth was not taken into account when saving in AIFF or SD2.
    Saving an 8 bit WAV file did not work.
    The bit depth in the status bar would not be accurate for ALAC files.
    A crash when 'Reverting to Saved', and the original file cannot be read.
    TwistedWave v 1.2 Oct 19, 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Ready for Leopard!

  • Support for FLAC, CAF and OGG/Vorbis (read only).

  • It is possible to choose the sample size, bit rate and codec when saving a file.

  • Added the cursor position and (optional) selection length in the toolbar.

  • Added two dialogs for editing the cursor position and selection.

  • Added the ability to reorder the channels.

  • The file duration is displayed in the status bar.

  • Added support for splitted multichannel files.

  • Double click to select a whole channel, triple click to select all.

  • Added the 'Invert Polarity' effect.
  • TwistedWave v 1.1 Sep 24, 2007 MacOS X UB
    New Features:
  • Added the 'multiple paste' option to the clip list.

  • It is possible to preview the files from the file open dialog.

  • It is possible to move the cursor to the beginning or end of the file or selection with the arrows.

  • The normalization level is adjustable.

  • Clicking on the rulers sets the cursor position on all channels, making it easier to work on multichannel files.

  • Added support for reading Ambisonic sound files.

  • Added the menu items to move the cursor to the beginning or end of the file.

  • Automatically checks for updates.

  • Fixes and Improvements:
  • When previewing an audio unit, there was a 1 second latency when changing a parameter.

  • Improved the behavior of the zoom in/out buttons.

  • Reading a WAV file, and saving it in MPEG4 would crash.

  • Trying to save a document with more than 2 channels in mp3 would crash.

  • Applying an effect when there is not enough disk space would crash.

  • TwistedWave would refuse a valid serial number if the user name was not capitalized correctly.

  • The 'Select All' shortcut would not work in text fields.

  • When saving a new clip, the name entered was ignored, and the default name was used when clicking Ok.

  • Added a friendly message instead of a crash when an audio unit fails to initialize.

  • It was possible to apply some effects when no document was open, leading to a crash.
  • less...
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    version 1.6.1, MacOS X UB
    J'utilise ce soft depuis longtemps car c'est pour moi le plus simple rapide et efficace pour convertir un aie ou ce que vous voulez en mp3. Nickel ce soft.

    Other iOS Applications by TwistedWave (1)

    TwistedWave is a very fast and easy to use audio editor and recorder. Even when working with huge files, it will remain very fast and fluid, and will never run...
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