
Category Audio Production / DJs
Version 4.2
Format App
Compatibility djayMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $50  /  40€
Updated On Feb 28, 2013
Total Downloads 17,273
Mac Downloads 17,273

Be your own DJ with iTunes

Djay lets you easily mix all your tracks and playlists from iTunes - simply drag and drop the songs onto the turntables. You can perform live and record your mixes at home with ease - perfect for beginners and seasoned pros alike.

Or you can enable Automix mode and let djay mix your playlists with seamless DJ-style transitions, non-stop and fully automatic. Enjoy beautiful cover art right on the virtual vinyl and smoothly fade one song into the next using a variety of DJ-style transitions like Backspin, Echo and Brake.

Put your own voice into the mix, then transform your vocals using Echo or Pitch-Changer effects. Plus you can use the mouse or two-finger gestures on a notebook's trackpad to mix and scratch your songs - no additional hardware required. With full support for all...
Djay lets you easily mix all your tracks and playlists from iTunes - simply drag and drop the songs onto the turntables. You can perform live and record your mixes at home with ease - perfect for beginners and seasoned pros alike.

Or you can enable Automix mode and let djay mix your playlists with seamless DJ-style transitions, non-stop and fully automatic. Enjoy beautiful cover art right on the virtual vinyl and smoothly fade one song into the next using a variety of DJ-style transitions like Backspin, Echo and Brake.

Put your own voice into the mix, then transform your vocals using Echo or Pitch-Changer effects. Plus you can use the mouse or two-finger gestures on a notebook's trackpad to mix and scratch your songs - no additional hardware required. With full support for all songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store you'll soon be producing killer mixes from your favourite music.

Top Features

- Integrated iTunes library
- Drag and drop mixing
- Automatic Beat Detecion
- BPM Auto-Sync
- Automix
- Record mixes for podcasts, photo slide shows and mixtapes
- Export song history as iTunes playlist or PDF
- Cover artwork on virtual vinyl
- As-you-type instant library searching
- Supports all songs purchased in the iTunes Music Store
- Supports all major audio formats like MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, Audio-CD and DRM-protected songs
- Support for MIDI devices via MIDI Learn
Mac OS X 10.6 or later.
djay djay v 4.2 Feb 28, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Added AirPlay panel in main window (visible when AirPlay device is available)
Added ability to send mix to multiple AirPlay devices
Added new audio setup panel when connecting multi-channel audio devices (e.g. Vestax Spin 2)
Added native support for more MIDI controllers:
Reloop Terminal Mix 2/4, Reloop Beatmix, Reloop Mixage IE, Denon DN-SC2000, Hercules DJ Control Air
Added MIDI mapping actions
Changed non touch-sensitive MIDI jog wheels to scratch during playback (the previous pitch-bend behavior can be enabled using “Jog Pitch Bend Mode” in the MIDI options menu)
Changed MIDI jog wheel pitch-bend to scratch while record is paused
Changed “Move Library Selection” MIDI actions to not wrap around at beginning/end of song list
Improved iTunes library loading performance
Improved VoiceOver accessibility for song list and Automix Queue
Fixed artwork loading and export to iTunes issues on OS X 10.8.2
Fixed library access issue with songs on multiple external partitions
Fixed cue pause issue
Fixed gain being reset when “Reset EQ/Effects/Controls” preference is off
Fixed MIDI mappings for certain controllers not being saved
Fixed selected samples folder always reverting to “djay Sample Pack”
Further stability and performance improvements
Algoriddim djay djay v 4.1.1b7 Feb 20, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Changes in Beta 6:

Further improved iTunes library loading performance
Improved artwork loading in some cases
Fixed sandboxing file access issue when having songs in iTunes library on separate external partitions

Changes in Beta 7:

Further improved artwork loading in some cases
Added native support for MIDI controllers: Reloop Terminal Mix 2/4, Reloop Beatmix
Changed "Pitch Bend" MIDI action to scratch when paused
Changed "Focus Queue" MIDI action to "Toggle Queue"
Changed "Move Library Selection" MIDI actions to not wrap around at beginning/end of song list
Added "Skip" rotary knob MIDI action
Added "Switch Tempo Slider Range" MIDI action
Added "Switch Library Source" MIDI action
Algoriddim djay v 4.1.1b5 Feb 16, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Changes in Beta 4:

Fixed VoiceOver accessibility for iTunes track state column
Fixed possible crash with certain iTunes libraries

Changes in Beta 5:

Improved iTunes library loading performance
itunes djay v 4.1.1b3 Feb 13, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Changes in Beta 1:

Added AirPlay panel in main window (only visible when AirPlay is available)
Added ability to send mix to multiple AirPlay devices
Added new audio setup panel when connecting multi-channel audio devices
Changed non touch-sensitive MIDI jog wheels to scratch during playback (the previous pitch-bend behavior can be enabled using "Jog Pitch Bend Mode" in the MIDI options menu)
Fixed artwork loading and export to iTunes issues on OS X 10.8.2
Fixed cue pause issue
Fixed MIDI mappings for certain controllers not being saved
Fixed selected samples folder always reverting to “djay Sample Pack”
Fixed possible crash with very long path names in iTunes library
Fixed possible crash with certain sound card combinations

Changes in Beta 2:

Fixed gain being reset when "Reset EQ/Effects/Controls" preference is off

Changes in Beta 3:

Added native support for MIDI controllers: Denon DN-SC2000, Reloop Mixage IE, Hercules DJ Control Air
Added Monitor Cue/Mix MIDI mapping button actions
Fixed Automix Queue VoiceOver accessibility
songs djay v 4.1.0 Dec 11, 2012 MacOS X Intel
? Added new BPM display (show BPM with higher precision and tempo % at the same time)
? Added iTunes export for recordings
? Added support for Vestax Spin 2 MIDI controller
music djay v 4.1.0b1 Nov 8, 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Added new and improved BPM display (show BPM with higher precision and tempo % at the same time)

  • Added multicore support for Analyze Library (up to 8 times faster!)

  • Added MIDI pickup mode

  • Added tempo slider pickup mode for all natively supported MIDI controllers

  • Added keyboard shortcuts for instant FX

  • Added “toggle waveform” keyboard shortcut and MIDI mapping action

  • Improved Split Output audio quality

  • Fixed artwork not showing on some systems

  • Fixed history playlist export to iTunes on OS X Mountain Lion

  • Fixed format of Year column in library OS X Mountain Lion

  • Improved Novation Dicer mapping to use different colors

  • Sandboxed application

  • Stability improvements and various bug fixes
  • mixes djay v 4.0.6 Jul 29, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Fully optimized for Retina display and with improved AirPlay compatibility on OS X Mountain Lion
    virtual djay v 4.0.5 Apr 6, 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed BPM and key info not being saved in library

  • Fixed echo effect not being reset

  • Improved effects
  • download djay v 4.0.3 Jan 21, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Improved handling of iTunes XML library file not being found
    Added keyboard shortcut for Match Key
    Changed crossfader cutting shortcuts to F/G/H
    Fixed jog off mode for Vestax Spin (press both jog mode buttons to activate)
    Fixed VCI-100MK2 crossfader in cutting mode
    Stability improvements
    mac djay v 4.0.2 Dec 9, 2011 MacOS X Intel

    Added enhanced compatibility with djay Remote 2.0 for iPhone
    Added preference to automatically start playing when pressing Sync
    Fixed various song loading errors
    Fixed pre-cueing with Vestax Spin controller
    Fixed output issue when launching djay on certain configurations
    Improved looping and cue precision with key-lock enabled (fixed loop drifting issue)
    Improved support for mono microphones
    Improved iTunes playlists integration (e.g. removed Books, iTunes U)
    Improved sampler recording, sort order, and save sample selection

    MIDI enhancements and fixes:

    Added native MIDI support for Vestax VCI-400
    Added native MIDI support for Numark DJ2GO
    Fixed MIDI jog wheel issues with pitch bend and jog seek
    Fixed MIDI configurations not being saved for certain controllers
    Fixed hang issue when launching djay with certain MIDI controllers
    Improved MIDI mappings for Vestax Spin, Vestax VCI-100MK2, Novation Dicer, Numark Mixtrack, Numark Mixtrack Pro, Numark Total Control, Omni Control, and Stealth Control, M-Audio Xponent
    Improved jog seek: more fine-grained, allows seeking to beginning of song
    windows djay v 4.0.1 Nov 21, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Djay 4.0.1
    November 18, 2011

    Fixed compatibility with iTunes Match
    Improved stability
    Improved performance with Voice Over

    Note: To play tracks from iTunes Match with djay, please first download them with iTunes by clicking the track's cloud icon, then choose "Refresh" in djay's Library menu.

    djay 4.0
    November 16, 2011

    Redesigned single window UI
    Visual Waveforms
    Harmonic Match : key detection and matching
    New Audio FX: Gate, Flanger, Phaser, Reverb, Echo, Filter (Low Pass + High Pass)
    Instant FX: Absorb, Drift, Sway, Crush, Punch, Twist
    Multi-touch FX Pad
    New integrated sampler (with an awesome built-in sample pack)
    New loop modes: Bounce looping
    iCloud integration
    Built-in organizer of recordings with instant preview
    New music library (with dark/light modes)
    New audio engine: high-quality key lock, low-latency scratching
    New stunning OpenGL graphics engine
    New Auto-Gain/audio normalization based on the Loudness Recommendation EBU R128 standard
    Enhanced MIDI support and MIDI learn including jog wheel mapping
    Enhanced Audio Hardware support and configuration options: Split Output Mode, option to disable microphone input
    Enhanced multi-touch control
    Enhanced preferences, e.g. option to adjust start and stop break of turntable individually
    Improved fullscreen mode
    Improved accessibility
    Improved iTunes library integration: support for playlist folders, improved sorting, integrated history, integrated key info
    macintosh djay v 3.1.4 Jul 25, 2011 MacOS X UB
    Added support for iTunes 10.4 (album cover loading)
    pc djay v 3.1.3 Jul 20, 2011 MacOS X UB
    This update brings full support for OS X Lion (10.7) with:
    All-new full screen mode (Lion only)
    Improved support for multi-touch gestures (including support for inverted scroll direction based on user system preferences)
    Support for rubber-band scrolling on table views
    Various improvements and fixes related to CoreAudio and external audio devices

    Other improvements:
    Vestax VCI-300 mapping: fixed right skip forward button being mapped to left turntable
    Numark Mixtrack mapping: fixed detection of different versions of controller
    djay v 3.1.2 Nov 2, 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Improved playback and recording performance
    * Improved graphics performance with Snow Leopard
    * Fixed issues with recording files
    * Fixed analyze library issue
    * Fixed issue with installing custom MIDI Mappings
    * Added support for Numark Mixtrack
    * Reloop Digital Jockey IE2: fixed button light of right cue button
    djay v 3.1.1 May 11, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • New: Enhanced support for djay Remote (for iPhone and iPod touch)

  • New: Compatibility with Magic Mouse

  • New: Compatibility with inertial scrolling for new MacBook Pro

  • New: Native MIDI support for M-Audio Torq Xponent

  • New: Native MIDI support for Reloop Digital Jockey Interface Edition 2

  • New: Native MIDI support for Hercules DJ Console Mk4 and DJ Control MP3

  • Improved: User interface gamma under Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard

  • Improved: Stability when toggling key-lock

  • Improved: Only prevent display sleep when playing music with MIDI controller attached

  • Improved: Added support for MIDI (3Fh,41h) rotary knobs (auto-detected)

  • Improved: Added "Reset Cue Points" command to MIDI mapping menu

  • Improved: MIDI rotary knobs now start at center value

  • Fixed: fullscreen mode on secondary screen when using multiple screens

  • Fixed: exported history PDF cut off on the right

  • Fixed: issue when manually tapping BPM about more than 50 times

  • Fixed: relative MIDI speed slider after syncing

  • Updated Vestax VCI-100 and VCM-100 mapping for "set cue" buttons to use start point

  • Updated Vestax VCI-100 mapping to fix issue where turning Hi-EQ knobs would trigger jog seek move

  • Updated Hercules MIDI controller mappings for jog wheels to do pitch bend when not in scratching mode
  • djay v 3.1 Feb 24, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • New: Significantly improved Auto-BPM detection

  • New: High-precision Auto-Sync

  • New: Quantized Cue Points (set cue automatically aligns to closest beat/onset)

  • New: Auto-Saving (Cue Points and tapped BPM)

  • New: Native MIDI support for Ion DISCOVER DJ, Hercules DJ Console Rmx, Hercules DJ Control Steel, Hercules DJ Control MP3 e2, Hercules DJ Console Mk2, VCI-300

  • New: Improved keyboard shortcut system for international keyboards: now uses shortcuts based on key position for all shortcuts regarding turntables, sampler, and cutting

  • New: Auto-Loop Shifting (if in loop mode, skipping or jumping to cue point shifts loop region)

  • New: BPM half / double (accessible from the Table-1/2 menu)

  • New: Transition to inactive turntable command (Shortcut: Cmd-Enter)

  • New: Extended commands for MIDI mappings

  • New: Support for MIDI pitch-bend controls

  • New: Added De-Activate command for transferring license

  • Improved: Cueing sample accuracy for aac files

  • Improved: Support drag and drop of multiple tracks from iTunes into Automix Queue

  • Improved: Duplicate table now also copies the start and end cues

  • Improved: Meta data file caching

  • Improved: Support for virtual MIDI endpoints

  • Improved: MIDI output LED binding when manually changing MIDI mapping

  • Improved: Button LEDs now light up when being pressed for built-in MIDI controller configurations

  • Updated all MIDI configurations for improvements - users with modified mappings will automatically be offered to change to the new mapping

  • Updated Vestax Spin mapping to use start point instead of cue point 1

  • Updated Vestax Spin mapping to allow using jog mode buttons with modifier

  • Fixed: Issue with external samples imported into djay

  • Fixed: AAC recording issue on Snow Leopard for files over 100 minutes

  • Fixed: Graphic flickering issue on Snow Leopard

  • Fixed: Inverted jog wheels and crossfader for some Numark Omni Control and Stealth Control

  • Fixed: Freeze issue with Vestax Spin

  • Fixed: Master/monitor volume-up keyboard shortcut for US keyboards

  • Fixed: "Toggle library" action in fullscreen mode

  • Fixed: Re-occuring alert for newly detected MIDI devices

  • Fixed: Scratching with "key" enabled

  • Fixed: Audio Unit View support on Snow Leopard
  • djay v 3.0.1 Oct 24, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Improved library search (included Comments and Grouping)

  • Fixed sorting of BPM column

  • Fixed proper display of time column when added after being removed

  • Improved keyboard shortcuts handling

  • Improved Auto-Cut behavior through keyboard shortcuts (X, C, V)

  • Fixed Cue-Pause keyboard shortcuts

  • Added "invert" option for sliders in MIDI Learn

  • Added turntable "Cue" mapping action for MIDI mappings

  • Improved MIDI mapping menu

  • Fixed saving of custom MIDI mappings for affected devices

  • Fixed Vestax VCM-100 mapping for latest firmware

  • Fixed Numark Omni Control and Stealth Control inverted jogs and crossfader

  • Fixed cover display for songs dragged from Finder onto Automix Queue

  • Fixed screen drawing issue for systems with missing fonts

  • Added full Italian localization
  • djay v 3.0 Oct 1, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Redesigned user interface
    * Powerful audio engine
    * Automatic Tempo & Beat Detection
    * Auto-Gain
    * High-Quality Scratching
    * Auto-Cut Scratching
    * Beat-matched Looping
    * Beat-matched Skipping
    * High-precision Cue Points
    * Enhanced Audio FX
    * Extended support for MIDI controllers
    * MIDI Learn
    * Enhanced Automix mode
    * Automix Queue
    * Invert speed slider preference
    * Support for start and stop points from iTunes
    * Savable start, stop, cue points and EQ
    * Analyze library (BPM, Beat-Grid, Gain, etc.)
    * Hide music library option
    * Adjustable music library font size
    * Improved library search
    * Improved support of Multi-Touch trackpad gestures
    * Improved audio latency
    * Improved and extended keyboard shortcuts
    * Extended support for external audio interfaces
    * and many more improvements…
    djay v 2.3 Feb 25, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Seamless integration with Nicecast by Rogue Amoeba for online radio broadcasting

  • "Auto Select" turntable feature for pre-cueing with headphones

  • Drag and drop from iTunes

  • Power button for turntable (push to brake)

  • Improved behavior: resume playing when pressing play keyboard shortcut while jumping to cue point in pause mode
  • djay v 2.1 May 19, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Unique multi-touch trackpad support for scratching and mixing with the same gestures as used on an old-school turntable/mixer duo

  • Plug-and-play support for Vestax VCI-100 and VCM-100 DJ MIDI controllers

  • Improved keyboard shortcuts – many new shortcuts for EQ, Gain, and others

  • New "Duplicate Table" feature – duplicate a song from one turntable onto the other, where it will start playing synchronously with the original song

  • Improved equalizer slider ranges

  • Improved scratching velocity

  • And more…
  • djay v 2.0 Dec 13, 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Sampler

  • The Sampler is a very powerful tool that allows you to create, play and loop short sound snippets. With these short sound clips, you can either make entirely new music or simply integrate them into the main mix. To create and build your own collection of samples, you can record individually from Turntable 1, 2 or the Microphone. The Sampler has a highly precise recording timing which can be used to extract a particular fraction of a song, similar to how you would use a "trimmer" in audio editing applications.

  • Full Screen

  • Breathtaking graphics and animations become even more immersive in djay 2.0's new full screen mode.
    You can optionally show/hide the music library in full screen mode.

  • Automix

  • Let djay be your DJ!
    With Automix, djay will automatically mix live any iTunes playlist of your choice with amazing transitions.
    Simply press the Automix button to get the party started!
    You can also customize Automix to your liking in Preferences.

  • Amazing new Audio Effects

  • Reverse playback
    Instant Echo and Reverb (without a single slider)
    Voice Pitch-Shifter
    Audio Unit Effects for the Microphone

  • Undo/ Redo in Real-Time

  • djay 2.0 is the first digital audio player that provides full support for undo and redo. Practically any operation can be instantly undone, even during live playback. You can even use Undo/ Redo as a fun mixing tool to switch between two states. For example, Bass On - Bass Off or skipping the needle back and forth.

  • Saving Song Settings

  • djay 2.0 allows you to save all slider settings you have made for a song such as EQ, Speed, Balance, Pitch and Gain.
    You can instantly save the settings for a song without modifying the original sound file and the settings will be applied the next time the song is loaded into djay.
    You can also save any Cue Points, BPM and Loop region that you created for a song.

  • Efficient audio file seeking capabilities

  • djay 2.0 offers highly innovative ways of seeking through your sound files to find a precise spot in a song or to analyze a song's structure.

  • Enhanced Music Library features

  • djay's iTunes integration has dramatically improved. You can now arrange tracks by Playlist, Artist, Album, Genre and Composer. The tracks table contains a very useful status column that indicates whether a song is currently loaded on a turntable, if it has already been played, and various other information.
    The new Song Marking feature allows you to visually mark any songs in your library so you can easily find them later during a djay session. The Song Info viewer gives you a detailed overview about each song.

  • History of songs

  • djay now allows you to keep track of all the songs you have played during a djay session. You can even export your song history as a playlist to iTunes or save it as a PDF.

  • Live Microphone

  • Put your own voice into your mix, live! You can use the Live Microphone to speak into the mix or sing to the music. Apply echo and a real-time pitch changer to your voice to sound like you've never sounded before.

  • Transitions

  • djay 2.0 allows you to automatically and seamlessly switch from one song to the next using a variety of incredible techniques such as Backspin, Echo, Reverse, Brake, Standard, and Random.


    Looping is a great addition to Cue Points that replays a particular part of a song continuously. You can create loop regions that are as short as 0.1 seconds or as long as the entire duration of an audio file.

  • Incredible Audio Engine

  • The djay audio engine has been entirely redesigned. It is characterized by world-class sound quality and industry leading performance.
    It supports more than 30 different audio formats, including all purchased songs from the iTunes Music Store. djay 2.0 will even extract the audio content from other media formats such as digital videos or QuickTime movies.

  • Fully automatic audio hardware detection and configuration

  • Using external audio hardware has never been any easier. Wether you are using a microphones, USB headphones, or a sound card - simply plug them into your Mac and djay will detect and perform the optimal configuration for you automatically.
    Buy djay near Columbus, United States at:

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    Just excellent!great interface stunning application.....congratulations on the developer!
    With many entry level DJ apps about this is one of the best. Not only is it a comprehensive app and intuitive interface but it indicates great scope for further developments from an obviously talented development team. Good manual, useful features but not too much flash and great keyboard controllability. Used with iTunes you can easily make up prepared sets or follow the floor. This verges on a professional app for free. Download now, then watch this space. Even better now the app checks for updates.
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