Category Audio Production / Plug-Ins Hosts
Version 3.1.0b2
Format App
Compatibility RaxMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $50  /  46€
3.2 / 5 , 9 votes
Updated On Apr 30, 2013
Total Downloads 8,063
Mac Downloads 8,063

Live Audio Unit Hosting in a Virtual Rack

Rax lets you create your ideal rack of AudioUnit synthesizers and effects all of which can be controlled by a MIDI keyboard. Flexible audio and MIDI routing help you get the most out of your AudioUnits. With Rax you can create a rack of synthesizers each of which can be addressed on a separate MIDI channel for a selection of ready to play sounds - or layered for massive sounds.

Each synthesizer has its own dedicated mixer channel where insert and send effects can be added. Finally the master audio output can have effects added as well.

Rax can also handle a live audio feed allowing you to connect a microphone or guitar input. And you can easily record your performance with one click.
Mac OS X 10.6.8+
Rax Rax v 3.1.0b2 Apr 30, 2013 MacOS X UB
** MAC OS X 10.6.8 REQUIRED **

  • resolves compatibility issues with Native Instruments Kontakt

  • resolves an issue where using a continuous controller knob with "Next Song" would generate an error

  • resolves an issue with the "Choose..." button in Repertoire

  • resolves an issue where choosing an instrument would generate an app error

  • instrument bypass is now functional

  • resolves an app error generated by toggling reverb in DLS device

  • resolves an app error generated when pressing the tab key in the Master section
  • Audiofile Engineering Rax Rax v 3.0.1b1 Oct 18, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Resolves error switching to next/previous song via Remote Controls

  • Various internal fixes/updates
  • Audiofile Engineering Rax v 3.0.0 May 17, 2010 MacOS X UB
    + initial release
    audio Rax v 3.0.0rc9 May 11, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an issue metering certain AU instruments

  • Fixed an issue metering and using certain VST instruments
  • effects Rax v 3.0.0rc8 Apr 27, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an app. error that occurred when loading the FluidR3 GM soundbank into DLSMusicDevice and then selecting "MIDI" from the interface

  • Resolved an issue wherein "Enabled" had to be re-checked when assigning Remote Controls

  • Fixed an app. error that occurred when closing a Rax file while MIDI was enabled in the Remote Controls

  • Fixed an app. error that occurred when switching audio devices while editing an Audio Bundle

  • Resolved an issue wherein Rax would not sync to clock from Logic 8 and 9

  • Resolved a graphic bug in the Repertoire window
  • which Rax v 3.0.0rc7 Nov 15, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * fully Snow Leopard compatible
  • fixed a bug starting up in demo mode

  • fixed a bug selecting channel color

  • fixed the console's progress view visibility
  • added Rax v 2.1 Dec 13, 2007 MacOS X UB
    New Preferences window
    Revolutionary integrated Help Desk
    Updated the About Box
    New licensing system
    Completeley reengineered MIDI (retired PYMIDI)
    Support for Sassfras K2 KeyServer
    New application & file icons
    mac Rax v 2.0.2 Sep 20, 2006 MacOS X UB
    GUIs for Apple AUs don't stop updating anymore if a menu is open
    MIDI automation now works as intended
    Can now change Record Location
    MacBook iSight now works in OnStage
    MIDI file tempo in Rack mode improved
    Master volume with no sound after a drag'n'drop midi file is now fixed
    Module "view" button now makes Audio Unit's GUI visible
    Tassman now doesn't crash when its view component is closed
    Guitar Rig's (an effects plugin for RAX) "Open File" dialog box now displays correctly
    windows Rax v 2.0.1 Jun 18, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Allow songs and sets to be duplicated.
    Menu and volume buttons on the IR Remote now usable.
    Some error numbers were being reported in the wrong format.
    Cancelling the PreStage process results in an error message when it shouldn't.
    When selection is made in OnStage revert to the normal set list display.
    When changing songs some knobs sometimes failed to work.
    Wayward timer in AU GUIs is causing crash on song switch.
    macintosh Rax v 2.0 Jun 14, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Set and Song Support.
    OnStage high contrast fullscreen view.
    High Contrast UI.
    Visualizer support - with low CPU usage.
    Control via Apple Remote.
    MIDIfile playback, Notepad for each song.
    New interfaces for Apple plugins.
    pc Rax v 1.2.3 Feb 16, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Non-44.1kHz sample rate issues have been resolved.

  • Losing audio input when changing buffer size issue has been resolved.

  • Compatibility issues with Rax AIFF files have been resolved.

  • Missing rack after initial alert dialog has been resolved.

  • Missing instruments due to missing font issue has been resolved.
  • Rax v 1.2.2 Dec 4, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Mixer channel Mute is now remote controllable.

  • Setting mixer channel volume to zero eliminates instrument load on CPU.

  • MIDI notes are no longer buffered when a rack is deactivated or a channel is muted.

  • External sync is now passing through tempo data to all AudioUnits.
  • less...
    Audiofile Engineering
    Buy Rax near Columbus, United States at:

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    version 1.2, MacOS X PPC
    Keeps crashing with my OS X 10.2.8 Tascam US-224 setup. Too bad. Because it's a great idea.
    version 1.1, MacOS X PPC
    Am I missing something here ... did the earlier version of RAX support VST ... because I can't see anyof my VST effects/instruments with the new RAX 1.1!!
    Great product but I'd like both VST and AU supported please ...
    version 1.1, MacOS X PPC
    First version since the new GUI/shareware version that has worked for me. One crash when removing Phatmatik Free, but that's an old AU.
    version 1.06, MacOS X PPC
    I find that in version 1.05 Rax doesn't support 96000Hz sampling rate on my Edirol FA-101. I have yet to test version 1.06. Otherwise, it's a good host, and so far I've found it doesn't crash if any audiounit's that are being hosted suddenly crash, which is especially good.
    version 1.05, MacOS X PPC
    Hi nreyes,
    The problem you you mention was Fixed the day or day after Rax was released. Is all well with the latest version?
    version 1.0, MacOS X PPC
    I can't get this to work. It launches okay, but then I can't start any Racks or insert any instruments or effects (they remain grayed-out). Luckily I still have the previous version of RAX on a separate drive.
    Hopefully an update will address this problem, because it is clear that the features of the new version are welcome & potentially very useful. However, if the demo doesn't work, I am not confident that I will pay to register.
    (running RAX 1.0 in MAC OSX 10.3.4)
    version 3.0.0, MacOS X UB
    Voici un changement radical enfin arrivé à la maturation. Entre RAX 2 et RAX 3 il n'y a de commun que le nom et quelque restes de code. Entre un joujou certes relativement applicable pour un sound designer par exemple et cette table de mixage virtuelle il y a une différence comme entre une deudeuche poussive et une Rolls dans le genre. D'abord, c'est n'est pas un séquenceur, bien que l'on peut enregistrer le résultat de son mixage sous forme de fichier son. Déjà, on peut faire sonner avec elle à peu près n'importe quelle source de son: synthé virtuel AU/VST, un sample commandable par clavier MIDI, un fichier audio, un synthé hardware. Une implémentation MIDI très complète. ReWire pour brancher le tout à votre séquenceur, bref, voici un produit pas cher qui va certainement vous surprendre par sa souplesse et ses possibilités. Je sais de quoi je parle, je teste la bête depuis plus d'un an. Il y a encore quelques plugins qui ne marchent pas bien, car ils ne sont plus vraiment à jour, et parce que leurs auteurs ont jetté l'éponge (sans le dire à personne et faire des sous en attendant que ça se sache et qu'ils doivent définivement fermer boutique) et refusent de les développer. Mais dans la majorité des cas, vous allez pouvoir faire de la place sur le disque pour ne pas l'occuper par deux fichiers identiques, l'un marchant dans le monde AU, l'autre VST. De là à penser que vous allez pouvoir utiliser les plugins et instruments sous format AU sous Cubase, ou l'inverse chez Logic il n'y a qu'un pas qu'il est à mon avis d'amateur à la portée de la main. En tout cas allez essayer, le logiciel est gratuit pendant 15 jours!
    version 1.2.2, MacOS X PPC
    Évitez d'acheter ce logiciel ainsi que tout ce qui se rattache à granted .Il faut savoir qu'il n'y a qu'une licence par machine et qu'en plus si vous avez un problème de registration , le code est caché et se montre récalcitrant en cas mise à jour du systeme.j'en ai fait la mauvaise expérience par deux fois déjà .je possède 2 licences (rax et remidi)dont je ne peux plus me servir .Les logiciels se montrent de surcroît relativement instables ,en plus d'une très mauvaise explication du service technique ...à eviter donc .
    version 1.2.2, MacOS X PPC
    Encore un toys qui sert à rien :(

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