
Category Education and composition / Scores & tablatures
Version 8.31
Format App
Compatibility TranscribeMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $50  /  46€
5 / 5 , 5 votes
Updated On Nov 5, 2012
Total Downloads 5,231
Mac Downloads 4,652
Category Education and composition / Scores & tablatures
Version 8.31
Format App
Compatibility TranscribeWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $50  /  46€
5 / 5 , 5 votes
Updated On Nov 5, 2012
Total Downloads 5,231
PC Downloads 579

Software to Help Transcribing Recorded Music

The Transcribe! application is an assistant for working out a piece of music from a recording. The usual technique is to copy the music to cassette and then listen repeatedly to each bit. You would also need a piano or a guitar handy to check out which note is which. Transcribe! effectively replaces the cassette machine and the piano. Transcribe! offers many features aimed at making the transcription job smoother and easier, including the ability to slow down the music without changing its pitch, and to analyse chords and show you what notes are present.
- the new features included in this version
You can now create sound files using all of the processing options which Transcribe! is capable of - tuning changes, slowdown, EQ filter and mix to mono - instead of just slowdown which was...
The Transcribe! application is an assistant for working out a piece of music from a recording. The usual technique is to copy the music to cassette and then listen repeatedly to each bit. You would also need a piano or a guitar handy to check out which note is which. Transcribe! effectively replaces the cassette machine and the piano. Transcribe! offers many features aimed at making the transcription job smoother and easier, including the ability to slow down the music without changing its pitch, and to analyse chords and show you what notes are present.
- the new features included in this version
You can now create sound files using all of the processing options which Transcribe! is capable of - tuning changes, slowdown, EQ filter and mix to mono - instead of just slowdown which was the case before. We have dumped the "Slowdown to File" command and instead the "Copy to File" command has checkboxes to specify which of the processing effects you are currently using, get applied to the output file.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
Transcribe Transcribe v 8.31 Nov 5, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Transcribe! version 8.31 for Windows Mac and Linux.

Note that the Mac version requires OS 10.6 or later.
We are keeping 8.21.3 for Mac available for those who are
running earlier versions of Mac OS.

This update is mostly about fairly minor issues, but lots of them.

  • - Export of compressed sound files (by popular request)

  • When exporting or recording sound files, you can now choose compressed
    sound formats (instead of only offering uncompressed wav or aiff as we
    did before). On Windows & Mac we use m4a, which means that on Windows
    you will need to install QuickTime (it's a free download from Apple).
    On Linux we default to Ogg Vorbis but this can be changed.
    See Preferences - Export, for compression settings.
    And see the FAQ for comments about why m4a rather than mp3.

  • - Video Viewer : the "Zoom" menu is renamed as "View", and on it you

  • will find a new "Mirror" command which flips left-right. This can be
    handy e.g. with saxophone or guitar, where it puts the instrument
    and player's fingers the same way round as your own, as if you were
    looking at yourself in a mirror.

  • - Recent Files - when you select one but it doesn't exist, we remove

  • it from the Recent Files list.

  • - You can now hold down Alt (on Windows or Linux) or Command (on Mac)

  • while dragging a text block, to constrain the drag to vertical or
    horizontal only.

  • - New command MarkerEditMostRecent "Edit the most recently created

  • or edited marker." (You'll have to create a keyboard shortcut for
    it if you want to use it).

  • - The "Speed Up" command:

  • fixed glitch where it would stop briefly each time it went around.

  • now works properly with "Playback loop delay" (Preferences).

  • bug fixed : if you were already playing then SpeedUp would not

  • take immediate effect. Now it does.
  • (Windows only) added keyboard shortcuts to the 4 spin

  • controls in the dialog.
  • you can now pause and resume the speed up sequence (using the

  • Pause button in the lower toolbar, or the ',' key). Though the
    use of any other command will still abandon the sequence.

  • - You can now pause & resume any script without aborting it,

  • using the Pause button in the lower toolbar, or the ',' key).
    Though the use of any other command will still abandon the script.

  • - New command ScriptWaitLoops(int), makes the script wait until a

  • specified number of loops have been played. Can only be used in a

  • - If a transcription has a not-found sound file then if you drag-n-drop

  • (or actually open by any means) a sound file, Transcribe! offers the
    option to import it into the current transcription rather than starting
    a new transcription.

  • - Export and Import Foot Pedal Commands (File menu).

  • These commands are very useful if you want to have different pedal
    setups for different purposes. With these commands you can save
    multiple different setups to files named e.g. "speech_pedals.txt" and
    "music_pedals.txt" or whatever, and then switch between them by
    importing the appropriate one.
    Also, the Export & Import commands for shortcuts are no longer
    directly on the File menu, instead they are now buttons in the
    relevant dialog (e.g. "Keyboard Commands..." is on the File menu,
    and if you select it then you will find "Export" and "Import"
    buttons in the resulting dialog).

  • - You can now save Fx settings with loops on the Misc page of the Fx

  • window. Press the Help button on that page for more info. This means
    you can, e.g, have a loop button not only set the position and length
    of the loop, but also the speed at which it is to be played (or the
    volume, or any other Fx setting you want).

  • - Improved (less cryptic) reporting of global keyboard shortcuts in

  • the "Keyboard Commands" dialog.

  • - If you drag the splitter to hide the piano keyboard, save the

  • transcription, then later load into a window of a different size,
    there was a tendency for the piano to partially reappear. Should
    now be fixed.

  • - As you may know, keyboard shortcuts don't work in the Fx window

  • due to the confusion this would cause, as the Fx window also uses
    keystrokes for its own purposes. However by popular request I have
    relented in the case of since this keystroke is not needed
    in the Fx window, and it is one of the most commonly used keystrokes
    for starting and stopping playback. So now, the spacebar can be used
    in the Fx window : it will bring the current transcription window to
    the front (like the key) and will start or pause playback in the
    usual way. Note this does mean that you can't type a space in the "At"
    and "Selected" boxes of the Misc page, but you don't need to.

  • - When selecting which command to attach to a shortcut, you can now

  • double-click the listbox.

  • - Export Split Sound File : there were various oddities that could

  • happen if you used explicitly named section markers to name the split
    tracks, and if you used characters that are not allowed in filenames.
    This should now be fixed, and we replace illegal characters with

  • - It has always been the case that tab/shift-tab activates the

  • next/previous text block, but would do nothing if there was not
    already an active text block. Now, if there is no active text block,
    tab/shift-tab will activate the text block after/before the playing,
    or paused, or current point.

  • - A section or measure marker with blank text now has an empty box

  • instead of no box.

  • - Video Viewer : fixed bug where, when loading a second video, it

  • would sometimes get confused and end up with two viewers running, and
    a failure to load the video.

  • - Resetting bar numbering with e.g. "(99)" now works whether or not

  • "number measures continuously".

  • - Marker auto subdivision: the default division option is now 4

  • instead of 2.

  • - Shift-clicking a marker now extends the current selection to the

  • marker, and then shift-dragging naturally brings the selection with

  • - When Quitting : the "Do you want to save changes" dialog, if you

  • have multiple transcriptions with unsaved changes : there is now a
    check box that says "Apply this choice to all remaining unsaved

  • - On the Fx EQ page, the ranges for some of the preset instrument EQs

  • have been extended at the top end. You'll need to press the Defaults
    button on that page to get the altered settings.

  • - New commands which will place new markers at each end (hence "EE"

  • in the name) of the current selection. MarkerNewSectionEE,
    MarkerNewMeasureEE and MarkerNewBeatEE. (You'll have to create
    keyboard shortcuts if you want to use these).

  • - Mac: The application is now signed with a Developer ID issued to

  • Seventh String by Apple. This is for the benefit of the OS 10.8
    "Gatekeeper". In fact Transcribe! 8.21.3 has also been signed since
    May 2012.

  • - Mac: You can now select output devices in Preferences - Playback,

  • instead of having to use System Preferences.

  • - Mac: bug fixed where opening a file from the "Media" section of

  • the File Open dialog would not work second time.

  • - Mac: bug fixed where the File Open dialog would not show an

  • inserted CD.

  • - Mac: on OS 10.7 and later you can now drag all 4 edges of the

  • application window, which is standard for these OS versions.

  • - Mac: Record New Sound File now works better for selecting &

  • remembering your choice of input devices.

  • - Mac: Copy & Paste now work in the At & Selected boxes of the Misc

  • page of the Fx window, which they didn't before.

  • - Mac: the and keys now both work to activate the

  • default button in a dialog.

  • - Windows & Linux : there was some text and lines which would vanish

  • in the Fx window if you used "Accessibility Options" or "Themes" to
    set a white-on-black display mode. This should now be fixed. Though
    When you change your display settings, you may need to relaunch
    Transcribe! to get the right colours.

  • - Linux - Video Viewer: fixed bug where some long videos would

  • produce a "progress dialog out of range" GTK message.

  • - Linux - Video Viewer : keyboard shortcuts for controlling playback

  • should now work in the Video Viewer window, as they already do on
    Windows and Mac.

  • - Linux playback : fixed bug where it leaked 2 sockets each time you

  • start & stop playback. This would mean that eventually you wouldn't
    be able to start playback, and would have to relaunch Transcribe!

  • - Linux playback: changed the default audio output device to

  • "autoaudiosink" but if the audio sink you specify isn't found,
    Transcribe! will automatically try various alternatives before
    giving up.

  • - Linux: when specifying a GStreamer device for inputting or

  • outputting sound, some parameter types were not handled correctly.
    They should be ok now.

  • - Various other minor bugfixes and changes.
  • Seventh String Software Transcribe Transcribe v 8.21 Sep 13, 2011 MacOS X UB
    ***** Changes *****
  • - Fixed jerky movement of playing-position indicator.

  • - Recent files - Clear list - there is now a warning

  • dialog "Are you sure?"

    ***** Linux changes *****

    You Linux users may be wondering why there is suddenly a new crop of Linux issues. The answer is that in order to get compatibility with Ubuntu 11.04 Unity, I had to update to a more recent version of the wxWidgets toolkit which Transcribe! uses, and there are various changes there, which is why issues can arise.

  • Linux: sometimes would not respond to menu shortcuts. Fixed I hope.

  • Linux: distortion reading mp3 files in non-English locales

  • (specifically if your locale's number format does not use '.' as a decimal point). Fixed I hope.

  • Linux: "Themes" where the text is not black would result in non-black text being used for things like marker names,

  • which could easily make them illegible. We now use black
    text in places where it is appropriate to do so, regardless of theme.

  • Linux Help Viewer: restored the Font Select button.

  • Linux: removed dependency on libpng12 library, as this caused problems for some users having libpng14 on their systems.
  • Seventh String Software Transcribe v 8.00 Dec 3, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Major update. Whole new layout and look.
    which Transcribe v 7.51.2 Jun 16, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Version 7.51.2 for Mac, 13 March 2009, is a fix for a drag-n-drop incompatibility with the new iTunes version 8.1 (which does things a bit differently for some reason). This fix is necessary for dragging tracks from iTunes to Transcribe!

    Version 7.51 for Windows, Mac and Linux was released 12 Feb 2009. Improved loop-store capability, Video Viewer "always on top" mode (on Windows), dB calibration lines, "Time Line", many other small improvements.

    Version 7.50 for Windows, Mac and Linux was released 16 Jan 2008. Main new feature is video (on Windows & Mac, not yet Linux).
    music Transcribe v 7.31 Jun 1, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Global Shortcuts (hotkeys)

  • support for more sound file formats

  • "Universal Binary" version.
  • slowdown Transcribe v 7.21 Jun 27, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Minor bugfix
    instead Transcribe v 7.20 May 20, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Improvements in slowdown sound quality. More powerful EQ.
    using Transcribe v 7.0.2 Jul 30, 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Total redesign and rewrite.
    download Transcribe v 6.00 Jan 2, 2004 MacOS 9
    Transcribe Transcribe v 8.31 Nov 5, 2012 Windows
    Transcribe! version 8.31 for Windows Mac and Linux.

    Note that the Mac version requires OS 10.6 or later.
    We are keeping 8.21.3 for Mac available for those who are
    running earlier versions of Mac OS.

    This update is mostly about fairly minor issues, but lots of them.

  • - Export of compressed sound files (by popular request)

  • When exporting or recording sound files, you can now choose compressed
    sound formats (instead of only offering uncompressed wav or aiff as we
    did before). On Windows & Mac we use m4a, which means that on Windows
    you will need to install QuickTime (it's a free download from Apple).
    On Linux we default to Ogg Vorbis but this can be changed.
    See Preferences - Export, for compression settings.
    And see the FAQ for comments about why m4a rather than mp3.

  • - Video Viewer : the "Zoom" menu is renamed as "View", and on it you

  • will find a new "Mirror" command which flips left-right. This can be
    handy e.g. with saxophone or guitar, where it puts the instrument
    and player's fingers the same way round as your own, as if you were
    looking at yourself in a mirror.

  • - Recent Files - when you select one but it doesn't exist, we remove

  • it from the Recent Files list.

  • - You can now hold down Alt (on Windows or Linux) or Command (on Mac)

  • while dragging a text block, to constrain the drag to vertical or
    horizontal only.

  • - New command MarkerEditMostRecent "Edit the most recently created

  • or edited marker." (You'll have to create a keyboard shortcut for
    it if you want to use it).

  • - The "Speed Up" command:

  • fixed glitch where it would stop briefly each time it went around.

  • now works properly with "Playback loop delay" (Preferences).

  • bug fixed : if you were already playing then SpeedUp would not

  • take immediate effect. Now it does.
  • (Windows only) added keyboard shortcuts to the 4 spin

  • controls in the dialog.
  • you can now pause and resume the speed up sequence (using the

  • Pause button in the lower toolbar, or the ',' key). Though the
    use of any other command will still abandon the sequence.

  • - You can now pause & resume any script without aborting it,

  • using the Pause button in the lower toolbar, or the ',' key).
    Though the use of any other command will still abandon the script.

  • - New command ScriptWaitLoops(int), makes the script wait until a

  • specified number of loops have been played. Can only be used in a

  • - If a transcription has a not-found sound file then if you drag-n-drop

  • (or actually open by any means) a sound file, Transcribe! offers the
    option to import it into the current transcription rather than starting
    a new transcription.

  • - Export and Import Foot Pedal Commands (File menu).

  • These commands are very useful if you want to have different pedal
    setups for different purposes. With these commands you can save
    multiple different setups to files named e.g. "speech_pedals.txt" and
    "music_pedals.txt" or whatever, and then switch between them by
    importing the appropriate one.
    Also, the Export & Import commands for shortcuts are no longer
    directly on the File menu, instead they are now buttons in the
    relevant dialog (e.g. "Keyboard Commands..." is on the File menu,
    and if you select it then you will find "Export" and "Import"
    buttons in the resulting dialog).

  • - You can now save Fx settings with loops on the Misc page of the Fx

  • window. Press the Help button on that page for more info. This means
    you can, e.g, have a loop button not only set the position and length
    of the loop, but also the speed at which it is to be played (or the
    volume, or any other Fx setting you want).

  • - Improved (less cryptic) reporting of global keyboard shortcuts in

  • the "Keyboard Commands" dialog.

  • - If you drag the splitter to hide the piano keyboard, save the

  • transcription, then later load into a window of a different size,
    there was a tendency for the piano to partially reappear. Should
    now be fixed.

  • - As you may know, keyboard shortcuts don't work in the Fx window

  • due to the confusion this would cause, as the Fx window also uses
    keystrokes for its own purposes. However by popular request I have
    relented in the case of since this keystroke is not needed
    in the Fx window, and it is one of the most commonly used keystrokes
    for starting and stopping playback. So now, the spacebar can be used
    in the Fx window : it will bring the current transcription window to
    the front (like the key) and will start or pause playback in the
    usual way. Note this does mean that you can't type a space in the "At"
    and "Selected" boxes of the Misc page, but you don't need to.

  • - When selecting which command to attach to a shortcut, you can now

  • double-click the listbox.

  • - Export Split Sound File : there were various oddities that could

  • happen if you used explicitly named section markers to name the split
    tracks, and if you used characters that are not allowed in filenames.
    This should now be fixed, and we replace illegal characters with

  • - It has always been the case that tab/shift-tab activates the

  • next/previous text block, but would do nothing if there was not
    already an active text block. Now, if there is no active text block,
    tab/shift-tab will activate the text block after/before the playing,
    or paused, or current point.

  • - A section or measure marker with blank text now has an empty box

  • instead of no box.

  • - Video Viewer : fixed bug where, when loading a second video, it

  • would sometimes get confused and end up with two viewers running, and
    a failure to load the video.

  • - Resetting bar numbering with e.g. "(99)" now works whether or not

  • "number measures continuously".

  • - Marker auto subdivision: the default division option is now 4

  • instead of 2.

  • - Shift-clicking a marker now extends the current selection to the

  • marker, and then shift-dragging naturally brings the selection with

  • - When Quitting : the "Do you want to save changes" dialog, if you

  • have multiple transcriptions with unsaved changes : there is now a
    check box that says "Apply this choice to all remaining unsaved

  • - On the Fx EQ page, the ranges for some of the preset instrument EQs

  • have been extended at the top end. You'll need to press the Defaults
    button on that page to get the altered settings.

  • - New commands which will place new markers at each end (hence "EE"

  • in the name) of the current selection. MarkerNewSectionEE,
    MarkerNewMeasureEE and MarkerNewBeatEE. (You'll have to create
    keyboard shortcuts if you want to use these).

  • - Mac: The application is now signed with a Developer ID issued to

  • Seventh String by Apple. This is for the benefit of the OS 10.8
    "Gatekeeper". In fact Transcribe! 8.21.3 has also been signed since
    May 2012.

  • - Mac: You can now select output devices in Preferences - Playback,

  • instead of having to use System Preferences.

  • - Mac: bug fixed where opening a file from the "Media" section of

  • the File Open dialog would not work second time.

  • - Mac: bug fixed where the File Open dialog would not show an

  • inserted CD.

  • - Mac: on OS 10.7 and later you can now drag all 4 edges of the

  • application window, which is standard for these OS versions.

  • - Mac: Record New Sound File now works better for selecting &

  • remembering your choice of input devices.

  • - Mac: Copy & Paste now work in the At & Selected boxes of the Misc

  • page of the Fx window, which they didn't before.

  • - Mac: the and keys now both work to activate the

  • default button in a dialog.

  • - Windows & Linux : there was some text and lines which would vanish

  • in the Fx window if you used "Accessibility Options" or "Themes" to
    set a white-on-black display mode. This should now be fixed. Though
    When you change your display settings, you may need to relaunch
    Transcribe! to get the right colours.

  • - Linux - Video Viewer: fixed bug where some long videos would

  • produce a "progress dialog out of range" GTK message.

  • - Linux - Video Viewer : keyboard shortcuts for controlling playback

  • should now work in the Video Viewer window, as they already do on
    Windows and Mac.

  • - Linux playback : fixed bug where it leaked 2 sockets each time you

  • start & stop playback. This would mean that eventually you wouldn't
    be able to start playback, and would have to relaunch Transcribe!

  • - Linux playback: changed the default audio output device to

  • "autoaudiosink" but if the audio sink you specify isn't found,
    Transcribe! will automatically try various alternatives before
    giving up.

  • - Linux: when specifying a GStreamer device for inputting or

  • outputting sound, some parameter types were not handled correctly.
    They should be ok now.

  • - Various other minor bugfixes and changes.
  • Seventh String Software Transcribe Transcribe v 8.21 Sep 13, 2011 Windows
    ***** Changes *****
  • - Fixed jerky movement of playing-position indicator.

  • - Recent files - Clear list - there is now a warning

  • dialog "Are you sure?"

    ***** Linux changes *****

    You Linux users may be wondering why there is suddenly a new crop of Linux issues. The answer is that in order to get compatibility with Ubuntu 11.04 Unity, I had to update to a more recent version of the wxWidgets toolkit which Transcribe! uses, and there are various changes there, which is why issues can arise.

  • Linux: sometimes would not respond to menu shortcuts. Fixed I hope.

  • Linux: distortion reading mp3 files in non-English locales

  • (specifically if your locale's number format does not use '.' as a decimal point). Fixed I hope.

  • Linux: "Themes" where the text is not black would result in non-black text being used for things like marker names,

  • which could easily make them illegible. We now use black
    text in places where it is appropriate to do so, regardless of theme.

  • Linux Help Viewer: restored the Font Select button.

  • Linux: removed dependency on libpng12 library, as this caused problems for some users having libpng14 on their systems.
  • Seventh String Software Transcribe v 7.51 Jun 16, 2009 Windows
    Version 7.51 for Windows, Mac and Linux was released 12 Feb 2009. Improved loop-store capability, Video Viewer "always on top" mode (on Windows), dB calibration lines, "Time Line", many other small improvements.

    Version 7.50 for Windows, Mac and Linux was released 16 Jan 2008. Main new feature is video (on Windows & Mac, not yet Linux).
    which Transcribe v 7.31 Jun 1, 2006 Windows
  • Global Shortcuts (hotkeys)

  • support for more sound file formats
  • Seventh String Software
    Buy Transcribe near Columbus, United States at:

    You must sign-in to post your comment:

    You can signin with your 440Software account (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) or via FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

    version 8.00, MacOS X UB
    I use this all the time! It’s the best transcription/ practice tool around!
    version 7.20, MacOS X PPC
    This program is a must for every jazz musician. I paid a lot of money for hardware that would do the same thing when transcribing music. This program is the best that I have seen for getting the job done. I do lots of music that I have to take off of CD's and write arrangements etc. I highly recommend this program.
    version 7.20, MacOS X PPC
    Ce programme est une pure merveille pour le musicien débutant à confirmé et il est d'une stabilité à toute épreuve .Un must Have ..
    version 6.00, MacOS 9
    Une découverte "de bouche à oreille". Finie, la transcription depuis des cassettes audio ! Ce programme génial m'a permis d'emblée de corriger pas mal d'erreurs, et surtout de compléter certaines transcriptions inachevées. Une clarté d'utilisation exemplaire. Enregistrez-vous, ça en vaut la peine.
    version 6.00, MacOS 9
    Quasiment indispensable! Pour transcriptions, transferts depuis l'analogique et autres utilisations.
    Welcome visitor: