
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.7.3
Format VST
Compatibility reViSiTWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Nov 22, 2012
Total Downloads 2,280
PC Downloads 2,280


It integrates a Tracker sequencing environment with the VST host sequencer application: receiving synchronization information directly from the host, and returning multiple channels of high-quality 'tracked' audio.
reViSiT reViSiT v 1.7.3 Nov 22, 2012 Windows
V1.7.3 [MOD] Website addresses updated to
[MOD] '|' glyph added to UI font.
[FIX] Standalone mode not saving channel assignments.
[FIX] Playback is initially filtered or muted.
[FIX] Rare crash when too many notes are playing.
[FIX] Row and note auditions leads to hanging notes.

v1.7.2 [ADD] Master volume control in Standalone Mode.
[MOD] reViSiT.ini option disablemidi="1" to prevent
reViSiT opening external MIDI devices.
[MOD] MIDI devices already in use now disabled in list.
[MOD] Added 90% zoom option for Pattern Editor.
[MOD] Filter effects (Zxx) no longer channel level.
[FIX] Resonant filter disabled if no envelope.
[FIX] Tearing noise when resonant filtering is used.
[FIX] Slight startup delay caused by update check.
[FIX] Zoom menu not shown on mouse click.
[FIX] MIDI notes with NNA Continue causing overflow.
[FIX] Host Play Control now disabled in Standalone mode.

v1.7.1 [MOD] Workaround for Cubase cycle mode / time code bug.
[MOD] Improved guard on load of 2nd reViSiT instance.
[MOD] Splash and toolbars animations faster on slow PCs.
[MOD] Graphics performance improvements.
[FIX] Exception related to invalid host time code.
[FIX] Instability when VSTi closed during host playback.
[FIX] Exception when path box text is too long.
[FIX] Auto-scroll ignores Browse button in library path.

v1.7 [ADD] Standalone mode, launched from Start Menu, with
support for MME, DirectX, WASAPI and ASIO drivers.
[ADD] Export to 32-bit WAV (Shift-F10, Standalone only).
[ADD] Single-windowed UI (in Standalone only).
[ADD] Host Playback Control (via MIDI Sync), via MIDI
Machine Control (MMC) and MIDI Timecode (MTC).
[ADD] Tempo Effect (@xx, in bpm) in Standalone mode.
[ADD] New installer to support Start Menu launch.
[ADD] Insert/delete rows from whole song - left-click
row numbers, then right-click to insert/delete.
[ADD] Support for Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) samples.
[MOD] Cleaner toolbar aesthetic.
[MOD] Anti-aliased fonts for UI controls.
[MOD] Significantly faster initial loading time.
[MOD] Blank feedback comments are no longer sent.
[MOD] Memory handling changes in UI code.
[MOD] Improved file dialog code.
[MOD] Improved memory handling in sync code.
[MOD] Improved MIDI file import, with tempo support.
[MOD] WAVE files now loaded with loop and pitch data.
[MOD] Improved navigation in built-in file dialogs.
[MOD] Empty keymap slots no longer use pattern pitch.
[MOD] Minor code refactoring.
[FIX] * Invalid order entries not always detected.
[FIX] Pattern sometimes squashed into 2x1 cell on load.
[FIX] Fade out reverting to previous volume after fade.
[FIX] Sharp volume ramps causing clicks.
[FIX] Panning flipped for stereo samples.
[FIX] Keymap UI tied to Channel 01 (mute, vol, etc.).
[FIX] Bug with sample saving file dialog.
[FIX] Possible bug stopping music via toolbar.
[FIX] Instrument swap dialogs not display value.
[FIX] Error when playback continues for very long time.
[FIX] MIDI Import not always aligned correctly.
[FIX] Drop lists cropping off tails of letters.
[FIX] Preferences corrupted upon save.
[FIX] Always-on-Top preventing window closure.
[FIX] Crash on playing/changing samples in file browser.
[FIX] Playback cursor hidden by row highlight.
NashNET reViSiT reViSiT v 1.6 Jan 17, 2012 Windows
V1.6 [ADD] * Pattern Layers (mixes up to 4 patterns).
[ADD] * Polyphonic MIDI-triggered patterns.
[ADD] * Pattern Browser (Escape from Pattern Editor).
[ADD] Redesigned Order List with up to 4 entries.
[ADD] Pattern Re-order (Alt-R, in Order List).
[ADD] Pattern Labels (in Pattern Options & Order List).
[ADD] Play Pattern / Song from Cursor in Order List.
[ADD] Support for 24/32-bit floating-point WAV samples.
[ADD] Home and End cursoring in text boxes.
[ADD] Skip word/number (Ctrl-Left/Right) in text boxes.
[MOD] * Piano graphic for pattern -> pitch map.
[MOD] * Set instrument macro now affects subrows.
[MOD] Significant audio performance improvements.
[MOD] Further improved memory usage (up to 40mb less).
[MOD] Minor aesthetic changes (notably Order List, F11).
[MOD] Song Variables moved to new Pattern Browser.
[MOD] Insert next (n) inserts 0 in empty order list.
[MOD] Instrument label in toolbar updates as edited.
[MOD] Go To Pattern (in Order List) now Ctrl-G.
[MOD] Insert Next Pattern (in Order List) now Alt-N.
[MOD] Improved auto-complete for instrument labels.
[MOD] Maximum Axx resolution increased to 100.
[MOD] Improved waveform preview.
[MOD] Improved Microsoft Wave compatibility.
[MOD] Host dialogs no longer appear behind reViSiT.
[MOD] reViSiT font defaults to narrower width.
[FIX] * Note mask highlights not correct for pan/depth.
[FIX] * Subrows in newly extended pattern not accesible.
[FIX] Maximise issues on multiple monitors.
[FIX] Update icon out of position.
[FIX] Instrument names to long on MIDI import.
[FIX] Phase flipped in 32-bit int samples.
[FIX] 32-bit int samples louder than other bit depths.
[FIX] Edited instrument labels not updated in toolbar.
[FIX] Instrument list tails in Pattern Editor cut off.
[FIX] Column separators misaligned at bottom.
[FIX] Muting MIDI channels not triggering Note Offs.
[FIX] Unmuting MIDI channels leads to hanging notes.
[FIX] Pattern graphics not fully updated upon New.
[FIX] Max initial resolution reduced to 100.
NashNET reViSiT v 1.4.2 Sep 20, 2010 Windows
[ADD] Link windows feature (togglable, on by default).
[MOD] Greatly improved audio performance (using SSE).
[MOD] Improved graphics performance (using STLport).
[MOD] Cursor no longer moved by splash screen dismissal.
[MOD] Pattern Overview now has a Close button (X).
[MOD] Note cut/off entry clears inst. and vol. columns.
[MOD] Playback now stopped automatically upon load.
[FIX] Sample loop checks to improve thread safety.
[FIX] "All Types" not default in Open Module dialog.
[FIX] Mouse drag of Pattern Overview fixed.
[FIX] Volume entries overriding Note Cut.
[FIX] No slider in Amplify Volume in reViSiT Standard.
tracker reViSiT v 1.4.1pro Aug 17, 2010 Windows
[ADD] Splash screen with version number.
[MOD] Help & font files now re-integrated with UAC fix.
[MOD] Bitmaps recompressed to reduce file size.
download reViSiT v 1.4pro Jun 21, 2010 Windows
[ADD] Sample & Instrument Libraries - integrated file
browsers with audition before loading and ripping
from modules and archives.
[ADD] Order List Duplicate Pattern command (Ctrl-D) -
inserts a copy of the last pattern, in the order.
[MOD] Resizing more forgiving when moving cursor.
[MOD] Editor window no longer hidden for file dialogs.
[MOD] Auditions use mapped MIDI channel (if appropriate)
[MOD] Improved mouse selection dragging in centred view.
[MOD] Wider support for mouse scroll wheel (tree, list).
[MOD] Playback cursor no longer ticks during audition.
[MOD] More economic use of OS graphics objects.
[MOD] Improved memory usage in playback engine.
[FIX] Shift-Delete/Backspace (clear note) not working.
[FIX] Labels on trees not drawn correctly.
[FIX] Minor resource leaks in interface.
[FIX] Blank patterns with lots of host windows open.
[FIX] Halve/Double Selection not working properly.
[FIX] (Silent) hanging notes during audition.
mac reViSiT v 1.3.2pro Feb 3, 2010 Windows
[MOD] Improved External MIDI timing precision.
[MOD] Clicking selection without dragging now deselects.
[MOD] New reViSiT logo on toolbar (links to website).
[FIX] MIDI Delay not working for External MIDI.
[FIX] Shift- not triggering hanging notes.
[FIX] Interpolate not working with maximum values.
[FIX] Drag outline extends one row too far.
macintosh reViSiT v 1.3.0pro Dec 21, 2009 Windows
[ADD] Info Bar ('?') - graphical representation of data,
with visual guidelines and mouse interaction.
[ADD] Intelligent effects browser, with effect menu,
visual guidelines and mouseable parameter scales.
[ADD] Command menu for both mouse users (right-click)
and keyboard novices (Menu key / Alt), with
underlined mneumonics + keyboard shortcuts.
[ADD] Mouse drag & drop (move/copy,overwrite/insert/mix)
(see status bar when dragging for details).
[ADD] Auto-scroll for mouse selection and dragging.
[MOD] Minor changes to input handler.
[MOD] Selected additional keys now user-definable.
[MOD] Shift-tab goes to 1st column, then previous track.
[MOD] New memory management for active notes.
[MOD] Channel volume now affects MIDI volume.
[MOD] Status bar redesigned to accomodate info switch.
[MOD] reViSiT ident now triggers menu.
[MOD] Improvements to sequencing engine, for stability.
[FIX] Mousing beyond Channel 64 causing crash.
[FIX] Help bar sometimes not greyed out losing focus.
[FIX] Mousing over help bar heavy on CPU.
[FIX] Delay after help bar closed, before redisplay.
pc reViSiT v 1.2.6pro Dec 1, 2009 Windows
[FIX] Some user-defined keyboard shortcuts not loading.
[FIX] Default sample normalise not working.

[MOD] Manual Keyboard Mode now enabled by default.
[MOD] Tab key jumps to first column of next/prev track.
[FIX] Subrow processing disabled in v1.2.4.
reViSiT v 1.2.4pro Oct 30, 2009 Windows
[FIX] Unstable editing pattern length in subrow playback
[FIX] Random widget redraw code crash.
[FIX] Offset mouse/scroll in Order List (F11) screen.
[FIX] Load Defaults in Key Shortcuts aesthetic bug.
reViSiT v 1.1.4 Jun 20, 2009 Windows
[MOD] Improved stability for non-conforming VST hosts.
[FIX] Loading samples during playback causing crash.
[FIX] Occassional errors when using text boxes.
[FIX] 1-tick resolution stalls playback (e.g. A01).
[FIX] Playback no longer stops when hosts try to "sleep"
reViSiT v 1.1.3 Jun 11, 2009 Windows
[ADD] Support for multi-processing hosts.
[ADD] Context help for Keyboard Configuration screen.
[ADD] Retro-render for hosts not triggering on-the-beat.
[MOD] Improved host support (eg. variables buffer sizes)
[MOD] Improved SONAR support (WDM/KS, MME compatibility)
[MOD] Improved audio performance (up to 2x) and quality.
[MOD] Improved host sync. for songs with tempo changes.
[MOD] Improved parameter noise filter.
[MOD] Keyboard mode now saved with preferences.
[MOD] Help bar enters and exits more smoothly.
[FIX] Audition mode not working w/ new keyboard handler.
[FIX] Default resolution not loading from saved files.
[FIX] Volume/panning anomalies at large buffer sizes.
[FIX] Audio buffer corruption with buffer size > 1378.
[FIX] Ctrl-back (Undo) not recognised correctly.
[FIX] MIDI Note-offs interfering with sample note-offs.
[FIX] Effects no longer processed for background notes.

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