
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.0
Compatibility BlueMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $99 - $179
79€ - 149€
Updated On Mar 11, 2014
Total Downloads 3,460
Mac Downloads 3,134
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.0
Compatibility BlueWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $99 - $179
79€ - 149€
Updated On Mar 11, 2014
Total Downloads 3,460
PC Downloads 326


Key features :
- VST2.0 and AU plug-in synthesizer for PC and Mac.

- Six Oscillators modules which include Analogue, Additive and Spectral type waveforms. Osc. A and B offer PWM modulation and symmetry control. Oscillators can be combined in several ways using 32 different modulation routings in the Algorithm screen. Oscillators can have FM modulation or Ring modulation and can be oscillator hard synced. Each oscillator can be output to the filters, the effects or output as dry. Dedicated screens available in the LCD screen section for Algorithm selection, Phase distortion / Wave shaping settings and Oscillator Envelopes.

- Two analogue modelled stereo Multimode filters, offering 6dB LowPass/HighPass, 12dB and 24dB LowPass/HighPass/BandPass/Notch, Ring, Comb and Vox (formant)....
Key features :
- VST2.0 and AU plug-in synthesizer for PC and Mac.

- Six Oscillators modules which include Analogue, Additive and Spectral type waveforms. Osc. A and B offer PWM modulation and symmetry control. Oscillators can be combined in several ways using 32 different modulation routings in the Algorithm screen. Oscillators can have FM modulation or Ring modulation and can be oscillator hard synced. Each oscillator can be output to the filters, the effects or output as dry. Dedicated screens available in the LCD screen section for Algorithm selection, Phase distortion / Wave shaping settings and Oscillator Envelopes.

- Two analogue modelled stereo Multimode filters, offering 6dB LowPass/HighPass, 12dB and 24dB LowPass/HighPass/BandPass/Notch, Ring, Comb and Vox (formant). Filters with panning, panning modulation options and pre-filtering distortion. Easy filter control by pre-defined modulation controllers like Envelope, Velocity, Keytrack and Modulation Wheel.

- Nine Envelopes, AHDSFR type. Direct connection to the Oscillators volume, Filters frequency and main Volume amp to make sound editing fast and easy. Graphic and fader-control of Envelopes in one go. Dynamic curves and midi tempo based features like delay and envelope retrigger.

- Four Multi-Envelopes, These free highly sophisticated envelopes can be built up using up to 32 sections. Full graphic control and additional menus with presets, load and save functions. Dynamic curves and midi tempo based functions.

- Ten LFOs with various waveforms and are midi-syncable. Directly connected to main targets to make sound editing easy and fast. Directly connected LFO's for PWM A/B, Filter Frequency A/B, Tremolo (amp), Vibrato (main pitch) and Three Free LFOs. LFO have adjustable, free/poly/mono modes, keytracking, symmetry, smoothing, attack, decay and humanize functions.

- Three modulation Step-sequencers with sequence loop start/end, poly/mono/free play modes, speed controls and step smooth function. Copy/paste/clear functions.

- Modulation Matrix with 2 pages of 10 slots. 12 synth sources & 23 midi sources and 103 synth destinations.

- 32 step mono sequencer, with sequencer length, speed adjust, slide amount, swing amount, volume smoothing. Each step has On/off, Reset, -32/+32 Semitune, Volume, Slide on/off, Filter A, Filter B and Free modulation settings. Clear, load and save functions to exchange sequences in between presets.

- Poly/Mono/Legato/Seq synthesizer play modes. Portmento featuring legato, switch-able constant time/constant rate. Mono unison mode.
Adjustable Precision setting per oscillator to simulate the instability of vintage analogue synthesizers.

- 16-voice polyphony. Voice amount control.

- Global settings save with each individual preset like: keyboard velocity response curve, over-sampling settings and filter control smoothing.

- Easy Edit page for fast new sound results or for easy access tempo changes.

- External controller hardware (fader-box or synth) settings can be saved and restored.

- Two effects-blocks with serial and parallel mode. Nine stereo effects available including Mono Delay, Stereo Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Distortion, Low Fi, Stereo Widener and Reverb. Midi tempo based settings in Delays, Phaser and Flanger.

- Equalizer for total overall sound.

- Sound banks of 32 presets inside build in browser. Preset handling with copy, paste, clear and compare function. Preset banks are sorted into style-maps for easy search.

- All settings included the global settings are stored inside each individual preset.

- Presets in clear catagories by Rob Papen.
OSX 10.6 or higher
Windows Vista / Windows 7/ Windows 8
Blue Blue v 2.0 Mar 11, 2014 MacOS X Intel
First released in 2005 BLUE already reflected Rob Papen’s cutting-edge, creative, and — most importantly — musical approach towards developing virtual instruments by first delivering FM and subtractive synthesis, then duly adding Phase Distortion and wave shaping synthesis into the highly creative mix to create one seriously creative combination. Rob Papen himself called it ‘Cross-fusion synthesis’ since it covered so much musical ground so effectively.

Today BLUE-II remains true to that ethos with even more sound dimensions and features to its extended name, starting with six oscillators beating at its musically creative heart. These can be connected in various ways, together with two analogue-style modelled stereo filters with 27 different filter types, an enormous range of processing and modulation options, sequencer, and an incredibly powerful arpeggiator. A new range of specially selected waveforms based on samples have been meticulously fashioned for creating new and fresh-sounding synth sounds, so don’t go expecting acoustic pianos galore here. However, since choirs and strings are an excellent basis for so many synth sounds BLUE-II has them in abundance — with much more besides!

Moreover, BLUE-II takes the useful XY pad features from its popular virtual instrument sibling Blade — a cutting-edge additive synthesis powerhouse with a human touch — and transplants them into its own equally extraordinary workflow… perfect for time-based sound movements and vector pad-type sounds. Complemented by four top-quality FX processors, each offering 35 FX types, BLUE-II is a phenomenally powerful virtual instrument to behold.

But BLUE-II is also easy to use, thanks to its user-friendly user interface and an innovative Easy Edit page for speedy sound changes, while the Bank Manager allows whistle-stop navigation through thousands of inspirational Rob Papen presets and artist sound banks covering a wide range of musical styles.
Rob Papen Blue Blue v 1.9 Dec 8, 2010 MacOS X UB
Different tuning scales - Clicking on the BLUE logo brings up the back panel, where you can load in tuning files. They added a number of world tunings: Arabic / Burmese / Chinese / Indian / Persian / Thai / Turkish / Standard European. Users can add in there own personal tuning files, either by creating their own .tun files or using other .tun files.

  • BLUE 1.9 new factory presets - Two new banks are added 19_Effect_04 and 13_Diverse Dance 01. New cool effects and some new contemporary dance sounds.

  • BLUE 1.9 new presets by Dr. Tim Waters - Some brilliant sounds are uploaded to the "user presets" section.

  • By Dr. Tim Waters.
    Rob Papen Blue v 1.8.5 Nov 21, 2009 MacOS X UB
    # New preset banks:

    * 02 Pads 07 (32presets)
    * 04 Digital Bass 06 (32presets)
    * 10 Cluster 03 (16 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 01 (32 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 02 (32 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 03 (32 presets)
    * 12 DubStep 01 (32 presets)
    * 12 DubStep 02 (32 presets)

    # Sequencer and Arpeggiator lock function.
    # New improved Reverb code with 'Reverb length control'.
    # Main envelopes added as modulation source for modulation matrix.
    # 10-20% CPU savings on regular PC computers.
    # 20-30% CPU savings on computer using PC multi-core Intel processors.
    # New eLicense control center inside installer.
    # 64bit and 64bit multi-core processors PC versions.
    # Bug fixes.
    modulation Blue v 1.6 Sep 27, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • RTAS (Mac)

  • BLUE 1.6 is now also native RTAS for Mac.
    The PC version will be released later on.

  • Free running oscillator option inside each oscillator

  • When Free is turned off , the oscillator is reset to zero phase position each time you play a note. When Free is turned on ,the oscillator is free-running, i.e. it is not reset when you play a note

  • Bypass in Arpeggiator and Sequencer

  • This bypasses the arpeggiator or sequencer and put BLUE in poly play mode.
    Turning bypass off returns it to the original arpeggiator or sequencer play mode

  • Bypass in FX section

  • This bypasses the arpeggiator and put BLUE in poly play mode.
    Turning bypass off returns it to the original arpeggiator play mode

  • 8x oversampling option in Global page

  • BLUE has "built-in" waveforms, which means that they contain allot of harmonics.
    That is good for the sound, but it sometimes produces aliasing in the upper keyboard ranges.
    An option is also to run your host at 88.2 kHz or 96kHz.
    But…in case you do not want to that, we now offer 8x oversampling.

  • New presets

  • 6 New preset banks have been added. New lead sounds bank, effect bank, arpeggiator bank and fx bank.
    settings Blue v 1.5.1 Apr 11, 2006 MacOS X UB
    The Multi-Envelope had a bug in the PC version, so also this has been solved.
    Steps that are having no R in the arpeggiator have now a - symbol as well.
    sound Blue v 1.5 Mar 28, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • IntelMac compatible.

  • Arpeggiator:
    32 step arpeggiator, with sequencer, seq length, speed adjust, slide amount, swing amount and step length control. Each step has On/off, Slide on/off, Reset, -32/+32 Semitone, Step length, Velocity, and Free modulation. Clear, load and save functions to exchange arpeggiators in between presets.

  • New FX:

  • Gator, Speaker Simulator, Wah/Delay, Chorus/Delay and Waveshaper.

  • Respond to midi program change and midi bank select.

  • New presets:

  • Lots of new presets included 3 DnB session banks with Sola of Giana-Brotherz.
    filter Blue v 1.1 Oct 25, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    New presets: 3 HipHop/RnB preset banks.
    Dynamic oscillator screen update (destination of oscillator adapts/changes on selected algorithm).
    New Comb Filter FX.
    Walking LED in sequencer.
    Additional global functions like "separate up and down pitchbend settings".
    Extended preset bank view.
    Grid in tempo based Multi-envelopes.
    Other minor changes.
    Added a separate Mac OSX 10.4 (Tiger) version with improved performance.
    Blue Blue v 2.0 Mar 11, 2014 Windows
    First released in 2005 BLUE already reflected Rob Papen’s cutting-edge, creative, and — most importantly — musical approach towards developing virtual instruments by first delivering FM and subtractive synthesis, then duly adding Phase Distortion and wave shaping synthesis into the highly creative mix to create one seriously creative combination. Rob Papen himself called it ‘Cross-fusion synthesis’ since it covered so much musical ground so effectively.

    Today BLUE-II remains true to that ethos with even more sound dimensions and features to its extended name, starting with six oscillators beating at its musically creative heart. These can be connected in various ways, together with two analogue-style modelled stereo filters with 27 different filter types, an enormous range of processing and modulation options, sequencer, and an incredibly powerful arpeggiator. A new range of specially selected waveforms based on samples have been meticulously fashioned for creating new and fresh-sounding synth sounds, so don’t go expecting acoustic pianos galore here. However, since choirs and strings are an excellent basis for so many synth sounds BLUE-II has them in abundance — with much more besides!

    Moreover, BLUE-II takes the useful XY pad features from its popular virtual instrument sibling Blade — a cutting-edge additive synthesis powerhouse with a human touch — and transplants them into its own equally extraordinary workflow… perfect for time-based sound movements and vector pad-type sounds. Complemented by four top-quality FX processors, each offering 35 FX types, BLUE-II is a phenomenally powerful virtual instrument to behold.

    But BLUE-II is also easy to use, thanks to its user-friendly user interface and an innovative Easy Edit page for speedy sound changes, while the Bank Manager allows whistle-stop navigation through thousands of inspirational Rob Papen presets and artist sound banks covering a wide range of musical styles.
    Rob Papen Blue Blue v 1.9.0 Dec 8, 2010 Windows
    Different tuning scales - Clicking on the BLUE logo brings up the back panel, where you can load in tuning files. They added a number of world tunings: Arabic / Burmese / Chinese / Indian / Persian / Thai / Turkish / Standard European. Users can add in there own personal tuning files, either by creating their own .tun files or using other .tun files.

  • BLUE 1.9 new factory presets - Two new banks are added 19_Effect_04 and 13_Diverse Dance 01. New cool effects and some new contemporary dance sounds.

  • BLUE 1.9 new presets by Dr. Tim Waters - Some brilliant sounds are uploaded to the "user presets" section.

  • By Dr. Tim Waters.
    Rob Papen Blue v 1.8.5 Nov 21, 2009 Windows
    # New preset banks:

    * 02 Pads 07 (32presets)
    * 04 Digital Bass 06 (32presets)
    * 10 Cluster 03 (16 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 01 (32 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 02 (32 presets)
    * 11 Edge Dance 03 (32 presets)
    * 12 DubStep 01 (32 presets)
    * 12 DubStep 02 (32 presets)

    # Sequencer and Arpeggiator lock function.
    # New improved Reverb code with 'Reverb length control'.
    # Main envelopes added as modulation source for modulation matrix.
    # 10-20% CPU savings on regular PC computers.
    # 20-30% CPU savings on computer using PC multi-core Intel processors.
    # New eLicense control center inside installer.
    # 64bit and 64bit multi-core processors PC versions.
    # Bug fixes.
    Rob Papen
    Buy Blue online at:
    Buy Blue near , United States at:

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    version 1.6, MacOS X UB
    Tres bon plugs pour protools

    Other Software by Rob Papen (12)

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    Hybrid synth. Predator is a virtual synth made by Rob Papen, it includes features such as Preset Morphing, Intelligent Preset Variation, MIDI and Synth Controllable FX, Unison...
    Drum synthesizer. With Punch, Rob Papen delivers a brand new speaker busting, body rattling software instrument. Punch delivers synthesized drums in the finest audio quality and...
    Bass drum synth. Based around the BD module of the multi award winning Punch virtual drum synth, Rob Papen delivers a creative module to help you to produce the fattest sounding...
    Synthesizer. At the Dutch Dancefair 2014, DJ Promo (aka producer Sebastian Hoff) and DJ Free-K (aka producer Freek Vergoossen) approached Rob Papen with the idea of a...
    Rhythm guitar synthesizer. RG is an innovative software instrument that allows the user to create not just classic rhythm guitar grooves, but also exciting new grooves and sounds which a...
    Delay. RP-Delay is a unique delay which is heavily focused on some very special features, including brand new fx routing! For instance, the sound reverser can...
    Distortion. RP-Distort is not just a distortion unit, but much more. The distortion unit inside RP-Distort can be combined with an analog modelled filter, compressor and...
    Rob Papen plug-ins host. RP-Dock is a standalone host application for all our current Rob Papen products. From BLUE to Blade, and all our FX plug-ins can also be loaded! There are handy...
    Equalizer. - Presets & Banks Several banks with presets, selectable in the upper screen section - Current Presets A /B A Preset in RP-EQ has two slots, A and B, to store...
    Algorithmic reverberation. Face it: When it comes to pristine, authentic reverb, it's the algorithm that counts. RP-Verb is the fruit of Rob Papen's decades-long study of reverb and...
    Bass synth. SubBoomBass is filled with excessive amounts of low end ammunition to detonate your tracks! With presets designed by the legendary Rob Papen and other guest...
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