
Category Education and composition / Reference
Version 3.3.2
Format App
Compatibility SwarShalaMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $250  /  230€
Updated On May 28, 2014
Total Downloads 1,852
Mac Downloads 1,279
Category Education and composition / Reference
Version 3.3.2
Format App
Compatibility SwarShalaWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $250  /  230€
Updated On May 28, 2014
Total Downloads 1,852
PC Downloads 573

Indian music software

SwarShala is a complete Indian music software that will allow you to learn about, practice and compose Indian music over up to 49 perfectly sampled instruments. With SwarShala you can create custom rhythms and melodies and export them as MIDI files to your preferred sequencer. Are also included 2 complete multimedia tutorials on Indian classical music and a Practice pane to jam along virtual musicians.
SwarShala SwarShala v 3.3.2 May 28, 2014 MacOS X UB
  • Corrected a bug that was sometimes crashing SwarShala when playback reached the end of the composition after dragging an item into it.

  • Corrected a bug that was desynchronizing the beat count in Practice pane

  • after a certain time.
  • Corrected a problem where screen size was not retained properly across sessions.

  • Restored reverb settings in Preferences > Playback tab.

  • Fixed a crash when dragging a drum loop into a track of a drum with different

  • strokes
  • Win only: Tracks set on channel 9 were not playing any sound.

  • Mac only: A new “AudioTrailMS” setting can be added to the resources/SwarShala.properties

  • file to define the nr of milliseconds to add at the end of an exported audio file.
    Default value is 1000 (1 second) to capture trailing sound. Setting it to 0 doesn’t add
    any trailing space.
  • Various other bugs fixed
  • Swar Systems SwarShala SwarShala v 3.3.1 Apr 1, 2014 MacOS X UB
    Practice pane: new beat & bars count view
    Improved Practice Pane playback: now fully independent between instruments, keeps playing after adjustment.
    Improved overall playback (more reactive)
    Practice pane: rhythmic/melodic loops no longer pause if the other instrument cycle is not of the same nr of beats
    Fixed drag & drop of tree item as a MIDI loop (was not working on certain software)
    Display bars and sam in Sequence view when defined for an item
    New “Select cells at Beat/Bar” options for globally adjusting specific cells.
    Improved cell resizing through drag & drop of border
    Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V now also work for selecting copy/pasting cell ranges
    Rearranged Preferences dialog into tabbed panes
    Fixed problem where Product Key was not retained across sessions
    Included instructions for adding iShala content into the user manual
    Various usability improvements
    Swar Systems SwarShala v 3.2.1 Nov 19, 2013 MacOS X UB
    Win/Mac: Improved look & feel and usability
    Win: Corrected problem where some instruments were not playing or stopping at times
    Win :Replaced low-level activation by Product Keys system
    Win/Mac: Increased global playback volume
    Win/Mac: You can now use all rhythmic instruments in Practice pane.
    Win/Mac: Corrected printing issues
    Win/Mac: Corrected various bugs
    indian SwarShala v 3.1.4 Jan 7, 2013 MacOS X UB
    Corrects a crash when exporting to AIFF on Lion and Mountain Lion.
    Signed app and installer to avoid warnings on Mountain Lion (Gatekeeper).
    music SwarShala v 3.1.3 Aug 10, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Win Corrects a problem on Vista/Windows 7 where drag&drop was not creating a MIDI file.
    Win/Mac Moves all data files/folders to the user data folders, to avoid any remaining rights issues on
    Vista/Windows 7/Lion.
    practice SwarShala v 3.1.1 Sep 25, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • (Win/Mac) All enhanced bases, practice sessions and default compositions. Multi-cyclic lehras and rhythms, extensive use of meends and volume modulation, chords on Harmonium, etc…

  • (Win/Mac) New dialog for entering more than a loop range in a composition. Loop ranges also now include a caption that is displayed on the track view. Can be used for song documentation.

  • (Win/Mac) New buttons in Practice pane to save and load sessions. This will allow you to keep a collection of your preferred sessions for reusing them at wish.

  • (Win/Mac) New Zoom In/Out buttons in Volume Envelope graph to be able to create more precise envelopes when sequences are long.

  • (Win/Mac) The software will now load the last opened Practice sessions & composition at startup.

  • (Win/Mac) Add Track dialog now automatically selects the next available channel.

  • (Win/Mac) Pitch adjustment in Preferences was turning sequences off tune when Alternate Channels option was on.

  • (Win/Mac) Sometimes a meend in the last cell was creating a strange effect when looping.

  • (Win/Mac) Meend graph was going blank after opening it a certain nr of times.

  • (Win/Mac) Sometimes new tracks became mute when longer than the first track.

  • (Win/Mac) OverrideFoldersLock setting in Properties file was not working.

  • (Win/Mac) Playing cursor in Tracks view is now perfectly in sync with playback.

  • (Win/Mac) Muted tracks are now no longer exported in the resulting MIDI/Audio files.

  • (Win/Mac) Wrong tuning in exported AIFF/Wave file when was selected

  • (Win/Mac) Sitar/Sarod sequences were crashing SwarShala when dragged in Tracks view.

  • (Win/Mac) Fine-tuned Rabab patch.

  • (Win/Mac) Learn Pane : Aroha and Avroha missing for Asavari

  • (Win/Mac) Learn Pane : Avroha missing for Basant

  • (Win/Mac) Setting Sa to on Preferences dialog was resetting all Track Sa's to lower C.

  • (Win/Mac) Rewind action now resets cursor at the beginning of track.

  • (Win/Mac) Exported tracks are now playing at the volume specified in SwarShala. They were previously exported at full volume.

  • (Win/Mac) Improved SwarShala icon (adjusted at all standard sizes)

  • (Win/Mac) Various other bugs fixed.

  • (Win only) Program is now launched as an EXE file (SwarShala.exe)

  • (Win only) Recompiled in Java 6 for better performance.

  • (Win only) Now also runs on Windows 7 (including Learn pane tutorials)

  • (Mac only) Cell progression was automatically wrapping before the end of some long sequences.

  • (Mac only) Practice sessions on Mac were crashing after a few cycles.

  • (Mac only) Default export path was set to hard drive after the first export.

  • (Mac only) Some of the Preferences settings, like Sa value, were not properly saved when closing SwarShala.

  • (Mac only) Removed reverb by default. Two reverb options added in Preferences screen.

  • (Mac only) Removed reverb on exported AIFF files.

  • (Mac only) Exported file is now stereo and with proper panning.

  • (Mac only) CPU consumption was increasing after long stretches of playback, leading to strokes being missed or left hanging.

  • (Mac only) Exported AIFF loops had a small gap at the beginning. They have now been trimmed. A small gap is left at the end for trailing sound.

  • (Mac only) Now also runs on Java 6 and Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6)
  • complete SwarShala v 3.1.0 Feb 11, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * New Audition button in Strokes dialog to listen to the stroke combination before confirming it.
    * Components dragged to Tracks view automatically adjust to the right size (provided enough space is available).
    * Improved drag&drop of cells (including drag cell between two other cells).
    * Now also works on Windows Vista (32/64 bits) and/or Java 1.6.
    * Some bugs fixed.
    software SwarShala v 3.0 Jul 12, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Firts release for mac
    SwarShala SwarShala v 3.3.2 May 28, 2014 Windows
  • Corrected a bug that was sometimes crashing SwarShala when playback reached the end of the composition after dragging an item into it.

  • Corrected a bug that was desynchronizing the beat count in Practice pane

  • after a certain time.
  • Corrected a problem where screen size was not retained properly across sessions.

  • Restored reverb settings in Preferences > Playback tab.

  • Fixed a crash when dragging a drum loop into a track of a drum with different

  • strokes
  • Win only: Tracks set on channel 9 were not playing any sound.

  • Mac only: A new “AudioTrailMS” setting can be added to the resources/SwarShala.properties

  • file to define the nr of milliseconds to add at the end of an exported audio file.
    Default value is 1000 (1 second) to capture trailing sound. Setting it to 0 doesn’t add
    any trailing space.
  • Various other bugs fixed
  • Swar Systems SwarShala SwarShala v 3.3.1 Apr 1, 2014 Windows
    Practice pane: new beat & bars count view
    Improved Practice Pane playback: now fully independent between instruments, keeps playing after adjustment.
    Improved overall playback (more reactive)
    Practice pane: rhythmic/melodic loops no longer pause if the other instrument cycle is not of the same nr of beats
    Fixed drag & drop of tree item as a MIDI loop (was not working on certain software)
    Display bars and sam in Sequence view when defined for an item
    New “Select cells at Beat/Bar” options for globally adjusting specific cells.
    Improved cell resizing through drag & drop of border
    Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V now also work for selecting copy/pasting cell ranges
    Rearranged Preferences dialog into tabbed panes
    Fixed problem where Product Key was not retained across sessions
    Included instructions for adding iShala content into the user manual
    Various usability improvements
    Swar Systems SwarShala v 3.2.1 Nov 19, 2013 Windows
    Win/Mac: Improved look & feel and usability
    Win: Corrected problem where some instruments were not playing or stopping at times
    Win :Replaced low-level activation by Product Keys system
    Win/Mac: Increased global playback volume
    Win/Mac: You can now use all rhythmic instruments in Practice pane.
    Win/Mac: Corrected printing issues
    Win/Mac: Corrected various bugs
    indian SwarShala v 3.1.3 Aug 10, 2012 Windows
    Win Corrects a problem on Vista/Windows 7 where drag&drop was not creating a MIDI file.
    Win/Mac Moves all data files/folders to the user data folders, to avoid any remaining rights issues on
    Vista/Windows 7/Lion.
    music SwarShala v 3.1.1 Sep 25, 2009 Windows
  • (Win/Mac) All enhanced bases, practice sessions and default compositions. Multi-cyclic lehras and rhythms, extensive use of meends and volume modulation, chords on Harmonium, etc…

  • (Win/Mac) New dialog for entering more than a loop range in a composition. Loop ranges also now include a caption that is displayed on the track view. Can be used for song documentation.

  • (Win/Mac) New buttons in Practice pane to save and load sessions. This will allow you to keep a collection of your preferred sessions for reusing them at wish.

  • (Win/Mac) New Zoom In/Out buttons in Volume Envelope graph to be able to create more precise envelopes when sequences are long.

  • (Win/Mac) The software will now load the last opened Practice sessions & composition at startup.

  • (Win/Mac) Add Track dialog now automatically selects the next available channel.

  • (Win/Mac) Pitch adjustment in Preferences was turning sequences off tune when Alternate Channels option was on.

  • (Win/Mac) Sometimes a meend in the last cell was creating a strange effect when looping.

  • (Win/Mac) Meend graph was going blank after opening it a certain nr of times.

  • (Win/Mac) Sometimes new tracks became mute when longer than the first track.

  • (Win/Mac) OverrideFoldersLock setting in Properties file was not working.

  • (Win/Mac) Playing cursor in Tracks view is now perfectly in sync with playback.

  • (Win/Mac) Muted tracks are now no longer exported in the resulting MIDI/Audio files.

  • (Win/Mac) Wrong tuning in exported AIFF/Wave file when was selected

  • (Win/Mac) Sitar/Sarod sequences were crashing SwarShala when dragged in Tracks view.

  • (Win/Mac) Fine-tuned Rabab patch.

  • (Win/Mac) Learn Pane : Aroha and Avroha missing for Asavari

  • (Win/Mac) Learn Pane : Avroha missing for Basant

  • (Win/Mac) Setting Sa to on Preferences dialog was resetting all Track Sa's to lower C.

  • (Win/Mac) Rewind action now resets cursor at the beginning of track.

  • (Win/Mac) Exported tracks are now playing at the volume specified in SwarShala. They were previously exported at full volume.

  • (Win/Mac) Improved SwarShala icon (adjusted at all standard sizes)

  • (Win/Mac) Various other bugs fixed.

  • (Win only) Program is now launched as an EXE file (SwarShala.exe)

  • (Win only) Recompiled in Java 6 for better performance.

  • (Win only) Now also runs on Windows 7 (including Learn pane tutorials)

  • (Mac only) Cell progression was automatically wrapping before the end of some long sequences.

  • (Mac only) Practice sessions on Mac were crashing after a few cycles.

  • (Mac only) Default export path was set to hard drive after the first export.

  • (Mac only) Some of the Preferences settings, like Sa value, were not properly saved when closing SwarShala.

  • (Mac only) Removed reverb by default. Two reverb options added in Preferences screen.

  • (Mac only) Removed reverb on exported AIFF files.

  • (Mac only) Exported file is now stereo and with proper panning.

  • (Mac only) CPU consumption was increasing after long stretches of playback, leading to strokes being missed or left hanging.

  • (Mac only) Exported AIFF loops had a small gap at the beginning. They have now been trimmed. A small gap is left at the end for trailing sound.

  • (Mac only) Now also runs on Java 6 and Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6)
  • practice SwarShala v 3.1.0 Feb 11, 2009 Windows
    * New Audition button in Strokes dialog to listen to the stroke combination before confirming it.
    * Components dragged to Tracks view automatically adjust to the right size (provided enough space is available).
    * Improved drag&drop of cells (including drag cell between two other cells).
    * Now also works on Windows Vista (32/64 bits) and/or Java 1.6.
    * Some bugs fixed.
    Swar Systems
    Buy SwarShala online at:
    Buy SwarShala near Columbus, United States at:

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