Macs Cue

Category Miscellaneous / Players & Jukeboxes
Version 2.0.1
Format App
Compatibility Macs CueMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $20  /  18€
Updated On Apr 3, 2011
Total Downloads 1,161
Mac Downloads 1,161

Sound effect player

Macs Cue is a sound effect player, designed with amateur theatre in mind.
Create a cue sheet by dragging sound files into Macs Cue, then play them back one at a time with the space bar. So easy to use, even an actor could run sound!
Of course, you can skip forward or back, stop or fade out what's playing, or even add, delete, or rearrange cues on the fly just in case you get into an emergency improv situation.

Features :
- Unlimited number of cues
- Plays AIFF, MP3, and (unprotected) AAC
- Full keyboard control
- Drag and drop too!
- No-edit mode prevents accidental changes to your cue sheet
- Multiple cues can play at once (limited only by your computer's speed)
- Individual volume control of cues
- Cues can be chained, and can stop or fade out other cues
- Emergency Stop All function
# Mac with at least OS X 10.4 (Tiger). This version does not run on 10.3. # Universal Binary; still works on PowerPC Macs. (Requires at least a 1.6 GHz G4 for reasonable performance.)
Macs Cue Macs Cue v 2.0.1 Apr 3, 2011 MacOS X UB
* New features
o Added ability to save cue sheets without the waveform data (The Save dialog has a checkbox)
o New start and stop events are created at a time that doesn't overlap with any existing events
o Added built-in crash reporter

* Bugs flitted
o Sound files with 4-letter extensions (.aiff) can once again be dragged from the finder into a cue sheet
o Fixed an occasional crash when closing cue sheets
o Fade command (F or f key) works again when cue has been put in "manual volume" mode by moving the fader while playing
o Copying cues was not working
o Clicking "Done" on the Stop-Other event edit window now uses the fade time set, even if you didn't type return to finish editing first
o "Change sound file" works now without having to close and reopen the cue sheet, and it doesn't stop playback if other cues are playing
o When clicking the "start other" or "stop other" button with multiple cues selected, each selected cue now gets its own new event, rather than having to share
o Deleting a cue while playing no longer stops playback of other cues
o Fixed a potential crash while loading if a sound file can't be found
C.L.Gizmos Macs Cue Macs Cue v 2.0.0 Feb 12, 2011 MacOS X UB
* Multichannel output
* Multiple output devices
* Volume set and displayed in dB
* Volume can go up to +10 dB
* Automation tracks for volume and pan
* Waveform envelope displayed for automation and events
* Volume sliders and rubber band automation tracks taper like a mixing board
* Multiple (unlimited) events per cue
* Start events can start next cue or any specific cue
* Stop events can stop previous cue, any specific cue, or all playing cues
* Silent cues
* Textual notes can be attached to cues
* Setup Pane replaces the options drawer
* Control Pane replaces the "toolbar"
* Stop, pause, and resume buttons in the control pane
* Quicktime is no longer used. 100% pure Core Audio
* CPU usage is displayed
* Automatically checks for updates
C.L.Gizmos Macs Cue v 1.2.7 Jan 18, 2011 MacOS X UB
* Bug debugged
Registration information is no longer occasionally lost in French and German localizations.
sound Macs Cue v 1.2.6 Jul 12, 2010 MacOS X UB
* Bugs debugged
o Registration information is no longer occasionally lost.
o "Stop all" no longer fails to stop all cues if one playing cue is "increment at end" and no cues are on-deck.
effect Macs Cue v 1.2.5 Jun 21, 2010 MacOS X UB
* Bugs dispatched
o Changing stop time while paused now works correctly even if you set it to earlier than where the cue is paused.
o Dropouts no longer occasionally cause random blasts of noise.
* New Feature
o French localization updated. (Thanks, BenoƮt!)
sheet Macs Cue v 1.2.4 Oct 16, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed startup bug in 10.3 where registration would not be activated.

  • Reopening the previously open documents when starting Macs Cue works properly in 10.3.

  • Warning if new sounds are on a removable drive works properly in 10.3

  • Fixed startup bug in all OS X versions where cue sheets with problems would not draw the error notification sheet correctly.

  • Progress indicator while loading cues shows correctly again (and is now a progress bar rather than an indeterminate spinner).

  • 1.2.3
  • Runs on systems earlier than Jaguar. (No longer tries to use NSGradient on those systems.)
  • emergency Macs Cue v 1.2.2 Oct 3, 2008 MacOS X UB
    New Features
  • Pan control for each cue.

  • "GO" button.

  • P&G-style faders (with the look of real conductive plastic) for the volume of your choice.

  • Contextual menus for setting options, editing, and revealing in finder.

  • The fade time when hitting the F key is now a settable preference.

  • The default volume of new cues is now a settable preference.

  • Macs Cue remembers and re-opens previously open cue sheets.

  • Leading or trailing spaces in the registration info are ignored.

  • Printouts have headers and footers (OS X 10.4 and later only).

  • If a sound file has changed in length, you are now warned.

  • Bugs eliminated
  • In temporary-start mode, dragging in the playback column with no modifiers no longer temporarily weirds out the playback display.

  • Preview mode didn't work in 10.5

  • Changing stop time while playing now works correctly.

  • Setting start time and stop time to the same value no longer completely locks up the computer.

  • Changing the volume in non-edit mode no longer leaves the cue selected.

  • Fixed a small memory leak that occurred under certain viewing settings.

  • If last cue is set to advance on-deck at its end, it now redraws properly if you stop the cue.

  • It is no longer possible to increase the volume to infinity by using the right arrow.

  • Fading a cue that is done playing but is waiting to start the next cue no longer starts the next cue.

  • Trying to stop or fade a cue within about .1 seconds of the end could fail to stop the cue. Fixed.

  • Cue sheet now correctly scrolls to keep on-deck cue in view when stepping upward with the up-arrow.

  • Setting stop or start time of a cue while a temporary start time is set no longer displays garbage if you go past the temporary start time.
  • control Macs Cue v 1.2 Sep 16, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Universal binary, so it runs natively on Intel Macs

  • Auto-imports files from removable media

  • You can select a new file for an existing cue.

  • Moving a cue sheet and sound files to a new machine is easier

  • New "locate missing sound files" function

  • New icon, to avoid confusion between Macs Cue and other apps with much worse price/value ratio

  • The system beep is disabled when Macs Cue is running

  • The on-deck cue can advance at the start or end of a cue, or never

  • More precise control when setting a temporary start time

  • Optional reverse video
  • download Macs Cue v 1.1.1 Dec 13, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • You can now drag files directly from iTunes.

  • Added "Reveal in Finder" command.

  • The volume controls now only respond when you click on the knob. Clicking anywhere else in the volume control has no effect. This should reduce the chances of accidentally setting a cue's volume.

  • The volume control moves in realtime during fades.

  • Cues whose sound file is on a removable drive are now marked with a yellow striped background, to warn you that they may be slow in starting.

  • The window can be resized shorter than the height of the options drawer.
  • mac Macs Cue v 1.1.0 Oct 31, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Plays .wav and .au files as well as AIFF, MP3, and AAC
    Adjustable start and stop times for each cue
    Adjustable fade-in and fade-out times for each cue
    Adjustable fade time when setting a cue to auto-fade previous cue
    When setting a cue to start the next one, it can start any time during the first cue
    You can start a cue in the middle without changing its real start time
    windows Macs Cue v 1.0.1 Mar 19, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Changed on-deck display from green outline to rounded look (a la iTunes party mix display, but grayscale rather than blue). More attractive and hopefully easier to read.

  • First cue loaded into a cue sheet becomes the on-deck cue. This is less confusing for first-time users.

  • If you press the space bar 3 times when playing is not possible, it now explains why nothing is happening.

  • Added '.aif' to the list of accepted files.

  • The cue sheet display no longer scrolls back to the top of the list when you play the final cue on the sheet.

  • Fixed bug where progress indicator appeared in random locations while loading a cue sheet from disk.

  • Fixed a bug where link-to-next cues didn't increment the on-deck cue. Playback was correct, but the display was confusing. It now works like it should: If cue A is set to start the next cue, then when it finishes, cue A+1 will be started (as before). If cue A+1 is on-deck at that moment, or if there is no on-deck cue, the on-deck cue will be set to A+2. If you don't change the on-deck cue while playing linked cues, this will just step the on-deck cue along to be one ahead of the playing cue.

  • Options button is now properly disabled when editing is disabled.

  • Column widths are now correctly adjusted when changing font size.

  • Added "Why Can't I?" page to the help.

  • Began process of internationalizing strings, on the theory that someday it could be translated into other languages.
  • less...
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    version 1.1.1, MacOS X PPC
    This is easily the best cue/track player for live theater. It is very cool to be able to have mutiple cues playing at one time, with other cues being able to be triggered at any time during any other cue or even some time after a cue finishes.
    Being able to preset each cue at its own volume level means that the mixer fader can be left alone - just one less thing to get wrong during a live performance. This volume magic is accompanied by the ability to program trims at both ends of a cue and gradual in and out fades for each cue.
    The developer is continuing to add features and is *very* responsive to reported bugs.
    Try it, you'll like it!
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