Max runtime

Category Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous
Version 6.0.5
Format App
Compatibility Max runtimeMacOS X Intel
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On May 8, 2012
Total Downloads 21,063
Mac Downloads 12,820
Category Miscellaneous / Miscellaneous
Version 6.0.5
Format App
Compatibility Max runtimeWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On May 8, 2012
Total Downloads 21,063
PC Downloads 8,243

For Max-based applications

Max runtime makes it possible to use Max-based audio applications. Installing the Pluggo Runtime is not necessary if you have already installed the full version of Max.
Mac Intel machine running OS X 10.5 or later, and 1 GB RAM. Jitter requires QuickTime 7.1 (or later), an OpenGL-compatible graphics card, and OpenGL 1.4 (or later).
Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 machine and 1 GB RAM. Jitter requires QuickTime 7.1 (or later), an OpenGL-compatible graphics card, and OpenGL 1.4 (or later). An ASIO-compatible sound card recommended for optimum audio performance.
Max runtime Max runtime v 6.0.5 May 8, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Cycling '74 Max runtime Max runtime v 6.0.4 Feb 16, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Cycling '74 Max runtime v 6.0.3 Jan 5, 2012 MacOS X Intel
runtime Max runtime v 6.0.1 Nov 9, 2011 MacOS X Intel
applications Max runtime v 6.0 Oct 27, 2011 MacOS X Intel
max-based Max runtime v 5.1.8 Mar 29, 2011 MacOS X UB
# trigger no longer outputs a list when there's only one numeric item
# pattrstorage: client and storage windows show new pattr and autopattr arrivals immediately, rather than requiring the windows to be closed and reopened
# coll: renumbering dirties the coll, so that refer clients (cellblock) can know that the contents change changed
# message box fix for crash appending or prepending items
# filebrowser: fix for crashes opening browser when no prefs exist.
# pattrstorage: @changemode now reliable for integer values.
# fixed crash when applying a prototype to an object when the inspector is viewing the object
# pattrstorage: inspector attributes @savemode and @autorestore are disabled when pattrstorage is in parameter mode with 'Initial Enable' enabled
# live.object: calling 'get' on a property with no value (for instance, 'get devices' called on a track with 0 devices) now returns 'propertyname <empty>', rather than simply 'propertyname'.
# observing a property with no value causes the symbol '<empty>' to be reported from the object's outlet, rather than an empty list.
# fix for Max for Live multiprocessor dropouts
# live.dial restore properly its size when the patching and presentation rect differ
# umenu: display items longer than 255 characters
# umenu no longer crash when receiving "delete 0" while the menu is empty
# spigot~: fix for custom cache path
# umenu: delete 74 doesn't attempt to remove the 74th item if it is not there
# adsr~ clock unset fix
# slider works properly in automatic orentation when the patching_size and presentation_size are different
# sfplay~ displays the correct error message when trying to clear while the dsp is on
# stutter~ dirties the buffer properly
# preset now displays slotnames when linked to a pattrstorage
# Hide Subwindows no longers hides an abstraction that has been modified with MRO. Prevents crashes when abstraction's parent patcher is subsequently closed.
# pictctrl: mouse delta improvements in dial mode
# jit.wake: fix for garbage memory when resizing
# text no longer crashes when the patch is closed while the editor is open
# pattrstorage: setting or removing a slotname dirties the patcher
# live.text and live.toggle display the focus
# live.meter~: no longer output erroneous value when controled by a float
# live.text and live.toggle now reacts on key input
# seq~: properly output single int/float elements (introduced in 5.1.5)
# nodes: speed improvements when the slider is visible
# jit.freeframe: 'FreeFramePlugins' folder in the Max search path will be found, as documented.
# objects in subpatches no longer break when duplicating devices.
# live.thisdevice: new rightmost outlet reports preview state for the current context (a 1 will be sent in the Editor while a 0 is sent in Live and vice versa, as preview mode is enabled and disabled.
# live.grid: in matrix mode, a constraint column can now be totally empty
# jit.displays: (Windows only) no longer resets display (in @resetmode 1) if no changes have been made to the initial/snapshotted settings
# pattr objects: (Windows) pattr-incompatible objects are no longer displayed by pattrstorage/bound to autopattr and pattr objects
# stripnote properly converts float to int as the documentation says
# pattrstorage: fix for an endless loop in @activewrite mode + parameter mode when restoring the active state
# live.remote~: when changing targets, live.remote~ resends its last value to the new target.
# js: post() no longer crashes on strings longer than 2k characters
# rect~: no longer crashes when receiving bad syncrhronization values
# Support for reading encoded (mp3/m4v/etc) and encrypted samples from Ableton's browser via live.drop.
# re-enabled late window binding (in case the window isn't available when requested, will try a few times until giving up.
# eliminated a crash when loading movies in direct-to-window mode
download Max runtime v 5.1.6 Nov 20, 2010 MacOS X UB
mac Max runtime v 5.1.3 Feb 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
windows Max runtime v 5.0.8 Sep 16, 2009 MacOS X UB
# extensions that are the same file type as the default type (such as .maxhelp) can be chosen via a pop-up menu
# inlet and outlet objects no longer cause crashes upon viewing assistance if the "comment" attribute contains more than 512 characters
# zl: fix for list truncation when the list begins with a symbol and the list is the same size as the maximum limit for list length.
# filebrowser: the preview pane now correctly displays the full path of all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
# filebrowser: the reveal-in-finder button no correctly locates all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
# round: fix for bug when receiving list input where round would modify its input directly in memory before outputting the new values.
# improved updating when monitors are added or deleted
# annotation attributes are disabled for objects that ignore clicks
# pattrstorage: fixed memory access bug during 'renumber' and 'remove'
# bpatchers as well as objects in bpatchers now support annotations
# DLS Synth: now compatible with Snow Leopard
# filewatcher: fixed crashes on the Mac caused by dramatic changes to the searchpath while Max is running.
# +=~: now has a second inlet to be reset in a sample accurate way
# bucket: freeze/thaw works properly when the include argument is set
# option-titlebar click menu on abstraction disabled for runtime builds
# dirty subpatchers inside an abstraction that has been edited via Modify Read Only can now be closed without prompting for save
# jit.cellblock no longer crash when displaying big symbols
# multislider: fixed display of vertical sliders in signed mode where the display of zero values appeared to look like non-zero values.
# matrixctrl: clickvalue attribute is displayed in italic, you can freeze it to restore its value
# spectroscope~: when in spectrogram mode, the frequency and amplitude of the current mouse position is sent out via an outlet.
# detonate: fix for incorrect note durations of imported midi files.
# colorpicker has a compatibility attribute to deal with RGB or RGBA values
# zmap accepts lists now
# scale accpets lists now
# umenu has now an insert message
# filebrowser: fix for crash when attempting to update a previously saved search (problem introduced in Max 5.0.7).
# count~: now supports an optional signal input to turn counting on and off with sample accuracy.
# tab: now responds to object-defaults
# textbutton: now responds to object-defaults
# meter~: now responds to object-defaults
# scope~: now responds to object-defaults
# jit.qball supports list of more than 256 items
# spectrogram~: now responds to object-defaults.
# waveform~: now responds to object-defaults
# zplane~: responds to object-defaults
# new improved tab display in the Object Defaults window
# table: no longer loose its name when reading a preset from disk
# vst~: fixed errors when trying to read a vst preset file specified with a complete path.
# api: calls to saveasdialog_extended() with 0 types no longer crashes
# drawing of the patcher grid is now more accurate when zooming the patch
# matrixctrl with 1 row and 1 column now initializes properly
# number and flonum now output value and end edit if window is deactivated before entering typed entry
# vst~: fixed intermittent problems with dropped midi events, such as noteoff messages, particularly when under heavy cpu load.
# added exportimage message to max with syntax ";max exportimage patchername [pathname] [dpi] [x y width height]" where params in brackets are optional, patchername is a name previously used for the openfile message to max to open a patcherr, dpi is the resolution of the resulting image, and x,y,width,height specify the portion of the patcher to export.
# function now has zoom_x and zoom_y attributes
# itable now has a legend attribute
# editing a patcher owned by a poly~ via MRO now triggers an audio recompile
# ubutton: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# radiogroup: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# nslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# multislider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# kslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# led: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# jit.fpsgui: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# function: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# incdec: colors definable as attributes, works with object-defaults.
# waveform~: can now select the all buffer with the mouse
# filebrowser: the clue window now shows the item name and its location for the item over which the mouse is hovering.
# waveform~: undo message causes changed values to be sent from the object's outlets as in Max 4.
# coll: can now read text files that have been assigned a filetype
# function: fixed obscure crashes in extreme situations
# file extensions are now forced on the Mac in save as dialogs
# pattrstorage: changing the boxname updates the name attribute of the pattrstorage/window titles
# pattrstorage: changing the name updates the title bars of the client and storage windows
# fixed problem where memory was not being freed when clearing the max window
# lookup~: fixed crash when a buffer~ becomes multi-channel
# fpic and comment are copied in a standalone to show default about box
# rslider can be duplicated properly with a range of 1 in floating point mode
# makenote has a new repeatmode attribute to deal with note repetition
# swatch restores the colors with the correct saturation
# textbutton: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog
# poly~ accepts @target as typed attribute of the box
# funnel is no longer confused by offset changes
# jit.freeframe: fix for endian issues on Intel Mac
# groove~ respects jumping at a position after changing the loop point (as in Max 4.x)
# regexp: fix for @tosymbol output -- it was not always a symbol
# rslider: command key move the range selection
# rslider: option key + vertical drag increase/decrease the selection
# colorpicker: now sends notifications when a color is chosen (in addition to sending values via the outlet), allowing the object to be used as an embedded object inside of other externals.
# The "Show Horizontal Scrollbar" and "Show Vertical Scrollbar" settings in the patcher inspector now work
# fix for vst~ causing excessing cpu usage in syslogd
# tosymbol no longer crash when attemping to create too large symbols
# dialog now sends a bang to the right outlet when user cancels
# zl: fixed possible memory corruption using messages of more than 256 items
# mtr: fixed duration output of next message with stored lists
# pfft~: fixed crash starting audio when the subpatcher has no MSP objects in it
# fix for case where object box in subpatcher could have its text highlighted for editing after locking, closing, and opening said subpatcher
# umenu: trucated text indicated with an ellipsis is now sized to fit within the viewable area of the umenu.
# umenu: new truncate attribute determines whether text is truncated at the right side or in the middle
# object palette now won't show during double click if one or more of the clicks is on a patch cord
# coll: fix for possible crash opening colls containing large lists
# pfft~: new 'clear' message zeros internal buffers.
# text entered in entry dialog now accepted when edit button is pressed while editing text
# detonate: graphic editing in max 5 is now supported
# gate~: signal input select the right most outlet if it is greater than the number of outlet
# fix for crash dragging in matrixctrl
# gain~ outputs its value when a bang message is received
# matrixctrl is more cooperative with mouse clicks
macintosh Max runtime v 5.0.7 May 13, 2009 MacOS X UB
pc Max runtime v 4.6.3 May 18, 2007 MacOS X UB
Max runtime v 4.5.7 Mar 11, 2006 MacOS X PPC
Max Application Bug Fixes :
Supports the hosting of the latest versions of Pluggo, Mode, and Hipno (3.5.4, 1.2.4, 1.0.4) using the vst~ object.
Collective builder creates plug-ins with the correct number of channels listed in the plug-in's metadata rather than assuming stereo.

Max/MSP Object Changes :
(random, urn, and drunk) fixed bug where multiple random objects instantiated at the same time would produce similar results.
(drunk) fixed bug for potential crash in random number generation.
(line) Fixed bug where line wouldn't work with a setclock.
(spell) input characters with ascii value above 127 are now output correctly.
(zl) right inlet input won't mess up currently-outputting lists
(qlist) fixed incorrect assistance strings, fixed crash when opening editor if file not found.
(multislider) fixed off-by-one bug with candycane colors 9-23. It now works as documented / intended.
(ad_asio, Windows) added support for the following sample rates: 64000, 88200, 128000, 176400.
(cross~ helpfile) added missing pcontrol so the "see also" section works properly.
(poly~) changed steal mode so that instead of stealing the first available instance in note-off mode, it steals the instance that was sent a note-on longest ago. Previously if you were playing non-overlapping notes with long decays and using all available instances, it was simply stealing the first instance every time.
(pattrforward) fixed inlet-addressing bug
(tapout~) delay times are now sample accurate
Max runtime Max runtime v 6.0.5 May 8, 2012 Windows
Cycling '74 Max runtime Max runtime v 6.0.4 Feb 16, 2012 Windows
Cycling '74 Max runtime v 6.0.3 Jan 5, 2012 Windows
runtime Max runtime v 6.0.1 Nov 9, 2011 Windows
applications Max runtime v 6.0 Oct 27, 2011 Windows
max-based Max runtime v 5.1.8 Mar 29, 2011 Windows
# trigger no longer outputs a list when there's only one numeric item
# pattrstorage: client and storage windows show new pattr and autopattr arrivals immediately, rather than requiring the windows to be closed and reopened
# coll: renumbering dirties the coll, so that refer clients (cellblock) can know that the contents change changed
# message box fix for crash appending or prepending items
# filebrowser: fix for crashes opening browser when no prefs exist.
# pattrstorage: @changemode now reliable for integer values.
# fixed crash when applying a prototype to an object when the inspector is viewing the object
# pattrstorage: inspector attributes @savemode and @autorestore are disabled when pattrstorage is in parameter mode with 'Initial Enable' enabled
# live.object: calling 'get' on a property with no value (for instance, 'get devices' called on a track with 0 devices) now returns 'propertyname <empty>', rather than simply 'propertyname'.
# observing a property with no value causes the symbol '<empty>' to be reported from the object's outlet, rather than an empty list.
# fix for Max for Live multiprocessor dropouts
# live.dial restore properly its size when the patching and presentation rect differ
# umenu: display items longer than 255 characters
# umenu no longer crash when receiving "delete 0" while the menu is empty
# spigot~: fix for custom cache path
# umenu: delete 74 doesn't attempt to remove the 74th item if it is not there
# adsr~ clock unset fix
# slider works properly in automatic orentation when the patching_size and presentation_size are different
# sfplay~ displays the correct error message when trying to clear while the dsp is on
# stutter~ dirties the buffer properly
# preset now displays slotnames when linked to a pattrstorage
# Hide Subwindows no longers hides an abstraction that has been modified with MRO. Prevents crashes when abstraction's parent patcher is subsequently closed.
# pictctrl: mouse delta improvements in dial mode
# jit.wake: fix for garbage memory when resizing
# text no longer crashes when the patch is closed while the editor is open
# pattrstorage: setting or removing a slotname dirties the patcher
# live.text and live.toggle display the focus
# live.meter~: no longer output erroneous value when controled by a float
# live.text and live.toggle now reacts on key input
# seq~: properly output single int/float elements (introduced in 5.1.5)
# nodes: speed improvements when the slider is visible
# jit.freeframe: 'FreeFramePlugins' folder in the Max search path will be found, as documented.
# objects in subpatches no longer break when duplicating devices.
# live.thisdevice: new rightmost outlet reports preview state for the current context (a 1 will be sent in the Editor while a 0 is sent in Live and vice versa, as preview mode is enabled and disabled.
# live.grid: in matrix mode, a constraint column can now be totally empty
# jit.displays: (Windows only) no longer resets display (in @resetmode 1) if no changes have been made to the initial/snapshotted settings
# pattr objects: (Windows) pattr-incompatible objects are no longer displayed by pattrstorage/bound to autopattr and pattr objects
# stripnote properly converts float to int as the documentation says
# pattrstorage: fix for an endless loop in @activewrite mode + parameter mode when restoring the active state
# live.remote~: when changing targets, live.remote~ resends its last value to the new target.
# js: post() no longer crashes on strings longer than 2k characters
# rect~: no longer crashes when receiving bad syncrhronization values
# Support for reading encoded (mp3/m4v/etc) and encrypted samples from Ableton's browser via live.drop.
# re-enabled late window binding (in case the window isn't available when requested, will try a few times until giving up.
# eliminated a crash when loading movies in direct-to-window mode
download Max runtime v 5.1.6 Nov 20, 2010 Windows
mac Max runtime v 5.1.3 Feb 10, 2010 Windows
windows Max runtime v 5.0.8 Sep 16, 2009 Windows
# extensions that are the same file type as the default type (such as .maxhelp) can be chosen via a pop-up menu
# inlet and outlet objects no longer cause crashes upon viewing assistance if the "comment" attribute contains more than 512 characters
# zl: fix for list truncation when the list begins with a symbol and the list is the same size as the maximum limit for list length.
# filebrowser: the preview pane now correctly displays the full path of all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
# filebrowser: the reveal-in-finder button no correctly locates all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
# round: fix for bug when receiving list input where round would modify its input directly in memory before outputting the new values.
# improved updating when monitors are added or deleted
# annotation attributes are disabled for objects that ignore clicks
# pattrstorage: fixed memory access bug during 'renumber' and 'remove'
# bpatchers as well as objects in bpatchers now support annotations
# DLS Synth: now compatible with Snow Leopard
# filewatcher: fixed crashes on the Mac caused by dramatic changes to the searchpath while Max is running.
# +=~: now has a second inlet to be reset in a sample accurate way
# bucket: freeze/thaw works properly when the include argument is set
# option-titlebar click menu on abstraction disabled for runtime builds
# dirty subpatchers inside an abstraction that has been edited via Modify Read Only can now be closed without prompting for save
# jit.cellblock no longer crash when displaying big symbols
# multislider: fixed display of vertical sliders in signed mode where the display of zero values appeared to look like non-zero values.
# matrixctrl: clickvalue attribute is displayed in italic, you can freeze it to restore its value
# spectroscope~: when in spectrogram mode, the frequency and amplitude of the current mouse position is sent out via an outlet.
# detonate: fix for incorrect note durations of imported midi files.
# colorpicker has a compatibility attribute to deal with RGB or RGBA values
# zmap accepts lists now
# scale accpets lists now
# umenu has now an insert message
# filebrowser: fix for crash when attempting to update a previously saved search (problem introduced in Max 5.0.7).
# count~: now supports an optional signal input to turn counting on and off with sample accuracy.
# tab: now responds to object-defaults
# textbutton: now responds to object-defaults
# meter~: now responds to object-defaults
# scope~: now responds to object-defaults
# jit.qball supports list of more than 256 items
# spectrogram~: now responds to object-defaults.
# waveform~: now responds to object-defaults
# zplane~: responds to object-defaults
# new improved tab display in the Object Defaults window
# table: no longer loose its name when reading a preset from disk
# vst~: fixed errors when trying to read a vst preset file specified with a complete path.
# api: calls to saveasdialog_extended() with 0 types no longer crashes
# drawing of the patcher grid is now more accurate when zooming the patch
# matrixctrl with 1 row and 1 column now initializes properly
# number and flonum now output value and end edit if window is deactivated before entering typed entry
# vst~: fixed intermittent problems with dropped midi events, such as noteoff messages, particularly when under heavy cpu load.
# added exportimage message to max with syntax ";max exportimage patchername [pathname] [dpi] [x y width height]" where params in brackets are optional, patchername is a name previously used for the openfile message to max to open a patcherr, dpi is the resolution of the resulting image, and x,y,width,height specify the portion of the patcher to export.
# function now has zoom_x and zoom_y attributes
# itable now has a legend attribute
# editing a patcher owned by a poly~ via MRO now triggers an audio recompile
# ubutton: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# radiogroup: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# nslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# multislider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# kslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# led: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# jit.fpsgui: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# function: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
# incdec: colors definable as attributes, works with object-defaults.
# waveform~: can now select the all buffer with the mouse
# filebrowser: the clue window now shows the item name and its location for the item over which the mouse is hovering.
# waveform~: undo message causes changed values to be sent from the object's outlets as in Max 4.
# coll: can now read text files that have been assigned a filetype
# function: fixed obscure crashes in extreme situations
# file extensions are now forced on the Mac in save as dialogs
# pattrstorage: changing the boxname updates the name attribute of the pattrstorage/window titles
# pattrstorage: changing the name updates the title bars of the client and storage windows
# fixed problem where memory was not being freed when clearing the max window
# lookup~: fixed crash when a buffer~ becomes multi-channel
# fpic and comment are copied in a standalone to show default about box
# rslider can be duplicated properly with a range of 1 in floating point mode
# makenote has a new repeatmode attribute to deal with note repetition
# swatch restores the colors with the correct saturation
# textbutton: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog
# poly~ accepts @target as typed attribute of the box
# funnel is no longer confused by offset changes
# jit.freeframe: fix for endian issues on Intel Mac
# groove~ respects jumping at a position after changing the loop point (as in Max 4.x)
# regexp: fix for @tosymbol output -- it was not always a symbol
# rslider: command key move the range selection
# rslider: option key + vertical drag increase/decrease the selection
# colorpicker: now sends notifications when a color is chosen (in addition to sending values via the outlet), allowing the object to be used as an embedded object inside of other externals.
# The "Show Horizontal Scrollbar" and "Show Vertical Scrollbar" settings in the patcher inspector now work
# fix for vst~ causing excessing cpu usage in syslogd
# tosymbol no longer crash when attemping to create too large symbols
# dialog now sends a bang to the right outlet when user cancels
# zl: fixed possible memory corruption using messages of more than 256 items
# mtr: fixed duration output of next message with stored lists
# pfft~: fixed crash starting audio when the subpatcher has no MSP objects in it
# fix for case where object box in subpatcher could have its text highlighted for editing after locking, closing, and opening said subpatcher
# umenu: trucated text indicated with an ellipsis is now sized to fit within the viewable area of the umenu.
# umenu: new truncate attribute determines whether text is truncated at the right side or in the middle
# object palette now won't show during double click if one or more of the clicks is on a patch cord
# coll: fix for possible crash opening colls containing large lists
# pfft~: new 'clear' message zeros internal buffers.
# text entered in entry dialog now accepted when edit button is pressed while editing text
# detonate: graphic editing in max 5 is now supported
# gate~: signal input select the right most outlet if it is greater than the number of outlet
# fix for crash dragging in matrixctrl
# gain~ outputs its value when a bang message is received
# matrixctrl is more cooperative with mouse clicks
macintosh Max runtime v 5.0.7 May 13, 2009 Windows
pc Max runtime v 4.5.7 Mar 1, 2006 Windows
Cycling '74

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Other Software by Cycling '74 (12)

Granular, spectral, and filter/delay-based plug-ins. Hipno is a hell-raising horde of audio plug-ins and virtual instruments for Audio Unit, RTAS, and VST host applications. The Hipno collection, designed by...
Video programming environment. Jitter is a set of 135 brilliant new video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the Max graphical programming environment. The Jitter objects extend the...
Interactive composing and performing system. M is an interactive composing and performing system that takes notes and chords that you specify and manipulates them, under your control, to create musical...
Graphical programming environment. Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain...
Max for Live
Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live. Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and...
Bundle of plug-ins. The MODE plug-ins set, built using Pluggo technology, includes five primary plugins: POLY (polyphonic synthesizer), MONO (synth with a dual 2-op FM engine), BANG...
Surround mastering. Octirama is the first full-featured dynamics processor for 5.1 surround mastering for the Digidesign TDM environment. Octirama incorporates sophisticated four-...
Collection of Plug ins. Pluggo is a collection of more than seventy-four audio plug-ins that work with Mac OS sequencers and audio applications. Effects categories include delays,...
Pluggo runtime
For Max/MSP-based plug-ins. The Pluggo Runtime Installer makes it possible to use Max/MSP-based audio plug-ins within VST, Audio Unit, and RTAS host applications. It does not install any...
Loop-based performance software. RadiaL is a loop-based performance software with an unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live or composing and designing in the moment. RadiaL...
Inter-application virtual audio bus. This is yet another core-audio plug-in which will let you get inter-application audio routing possible. It has been reported that it is easier to configure than...
Stereo to 5.1 Immersive Audio Conversion Tools. UpMix has been developed and tested by a team of surround sound professionals and utilizes proprietary algorithms to convert stereo audio into an immersive...
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