Crossfade Loop Synth

Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 3.2.7
Format AAXN
Compatibility Crossfade Loop SynthMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $10  /  9€
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Sep 29, 2015
Total Downloads 11,732
Mac Downloads 10,415
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 3.2.7
Format AAXN
Compatibility Crossfade Loop SynthWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $10  /  9€
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Sep 29, 2015
Total Downloads 11,732
PC Downloads 1,317

Crossfade Loop Synth

Crossfade Loop Synth is a simple sample playback synth plug-in.

It plays samples in the classic sampler manner - by simply altering the playback speed according to the desired note. No fancy timestretching or pitchshifting is applied.

You can control how the sample is looped as it is played. An adjustable amount of crossfade can be applied to the loop endpoints to smooth the transitions. This makes it extremely easy to produce glitch-free pad sounds.

The loops can also be played backwards and alternately forwards and backwards (pendulum-style).

Further sound processing can be applied in the form of overdrive/saturation, filtering and envelopes.

The synth is 32 note polyphonic, and all parameters can be controlled by MIDI controllers.
Intel only, 32/64 bit, for OS X 10.6 and above.
Crossfade Loop Synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.7 Sep 29, 2015 MacOS X Intel
This version fixes an issue where the sample file path would not be stored with the plug-in preset settings.
Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.6 Feb 19, 2015 MacOS X Intel
All Mac OS X versions of Expert Sleepers plug-ins have today been updated again. All have the same small fix applied for compatibility with some older OS X installs.
Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.5 Feb 4, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Licence Manager compatibility
synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.4 Apr 3, 2014 MacOS X Intel
This version fixes some minor compatibility issues with recent DAW and OS X versions.
applied Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.3 Sep 10, 2013 MacOS X Intel
This version adds a preferences option to ignore AudioUnit Reset messages, sent by some DAWs (notably Logic and Live) on transport start/stop, which means that the effect version’s recording buffer doesn’t get wiped when stopping/starting the transport.
crossfade Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.2 Dec 4, 2012 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to load an unsupported sample file (e.g. mp3).
  • playback Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.1 Oct 2, 2012 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed blank UI in Vienna Ensemble Pro.

  • Fixed inaccessibility of the plug-in status bar (for saving presets etc.) in Cubase Mac 32 bit.
  • backwards Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.0 Aug 12, 2011 MacOS X UB
    There are two main changes:
  • The Mac OS X AU & VST versions now support 64 bit operation.

  • The timing of note playback is much improved in the synth versions of the plug-in (now sample accurate).

  • This version also fixes a minor bug which would cause the plug-in to attempt to load an empty filename when loading a song in Plogue Bidule.
    download Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.4 Apr 30, 2011 MacOS X UB
    This release fixes a rare crash that could occur when automating parameters in Cubase, using the 64 bit version of Cubase and the 32 bit plug-in bridge.
    mac Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.3 Jan 26, 2011 MacOS X UB
    This release fixes a bug in the plug-in's response to a MIDI All Notes Off message. In Plogue Bidule, this could cause a problem with the drones not reactivating when a plug-in was switched in and out of Bypass mode.
    windows Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.2 Oct 7, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"
    macintosh Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.0 Feb 3, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Added next/previous sample buttons, for quickly auditioning multiple samples in a folder on disk.

  • - Added OSC control.
    - Added MIDI/OSC scripting.
    pc Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.0.4 Jan 13, 2008 MacOS X UB
    This version fixes a crash that could occur when loading a preset file in the host app with the Crossfade Loop Synth GUI hidden
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.0.3 Dec 17, 2007 MacOS X UB
    V3.0.3 fixes a potential crash when using very small buffer sizes.
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.0.2 Oct 2, 2007 MacOS X UB
    V3.0.2 now responds properly to AudioUnitReset(), so in e.g. Logic the delay buffer will be cleared when song playback is started etc.
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.1.5 Jan 6, 2007 MacOS X UB
    V2.1.5 is primarily a patch for the VST version - it is now a VST 2.4 format plugin, and so is usable in recent VST host versions (e.g. Live 6).
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.1.4 May 10, 2006 MacOS X UB
    V2.1.4 fixes a bug in the filter which could cause audio dropouts at extreme settings. It also adds control over the pitch bend range.
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.1.2 Apr 23, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Universal Binary
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.1.1 Feb 3, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Fixed crash when using alternate and reverse loop modes
    fixed crash which could occur when GUI repeatedly opened and closed
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.1 Dec 26, 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Added "equal power" crossfade option
    fixed issues with detuned playback of large samples
    cpu efficiency improvements
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 2.0 Sep 22, 2004 MacOS X PPC
    All-new GUI
    new 'reverse' and 'alternate' loop modes
    amplitude and filter envelopes now ADSR with adjustable shape
    added saturation section
    increased range of filter cutoff
    volume control now has a different response curve

    NB 2.0.0 is not compatible with 1.x presets

    Version 1.3 (freeware) is still available
    Crossfade Loop Synth v 1.3 Mar 21, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • added MIDI CC control of most parameters

  • resolved some possible (rare) crash & glitch issues

  • added handling of MIDI 'All Notes Off' and 'All Sound Off' messages

  • added support for 24 bit audio files

  • added confirm dialogue when attempting to load a very large sample

  • added support for MIDI pitch bend messages

  • if two presets use the same sample, changing between them no longer reloads the sample or cuts off any sounding notes (though note that any glitching caused by sudden parameter changes will still occur)

  • fixed possible audio cut-out when loop endpoints moved while notes sounding
  • less...
    Crossfade Loop Synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.7 Sep 29, 2015 Windows
    This version fixes an issue where the sample file path would not be stored with the plug-in preset settings.
    Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.6 Feb 21, 2015 Windows
    Expert Sleepers Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.2.0 Aug 12, 2011 Windows
    There are two main changes:
  • The Mac OS X AU & VST versions now support 64 bit operation.

  • The timing of note playback is much improved in the synth versions of the plug-in (now sample accurate).

  • This version also fixes a minor bug which would cause the plug-in to attempt to load an empty filename when loading a song in Plogue Bidule.
    synth Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.4 Apr 30, 2011 Windows
    This release fixes a rare crash that could occur when automating parameters in Cubase, using the 64 bit version of Cubase and the 32 bit plug-in bridge.
    applied Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.3 Jan 26, 2011 Windows
    This release fixes a bug in the plug-in's response to a MIDI All Notes Off message. In Plogue Bidule, this could cause a problem with the drones not reactivating when a plug-in was switched in and out of Bypass mode.
    crossfade Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.2 Jul 14, 2010 Windows
    This simply brings it up to date with the Mac OS X releases, already on v3.1.2.
    playback Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.1 Mar 5, 2009 Windows
    Minor bugfix release, which addresses an issue in the Windows VST version that would prevent certain WAV files from loading successfully.
    backwards Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.1.0 Feb 3, 2009 Windows
  • Added next/previous sample buttons, for quickly auditioning multiple samples in a folder on disk.

  • - Added OSC control.
    - Added MIDI/OSC scripting.
    download Crossfade Loop Synth v 3.0.5 May 22, 2008 Windows
    First Windows version
    Expert Sleepers
    Buy Crossfade Loop Synth near Columbus, United States at:

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    Loopy C
    version 2.1.2, MacOS X UB
    What an unbeleivably useful sampler, not since the Casio SK-1 has a sampler been! It is the first software sampler I have had that made the Jan Jelinek/ASR-10 loop scanning technique easy in a sequencer (and I own THOUSANDS of dollars worth of samplers!). This may be the best $10 I have my life!
    version 1.3, MacOS X PPC
    Load a sample, put some FX behind it.. sounds like a true sampler. The free one works great, but doesn't have the GUI or as many built in fx the shareware one has.
    version 2.1.4, MacOS X UB
    Excellent, tout juste ce qu'il me fallait en tout cas.
    Le principe ? et bien, c'est ni plus ni moins qu'un sampleur virtuel sous forme de plug AU et VST.
    Lancez le plug sur une piste midi, chargez un sample (wave ou aiff maxi 24 bit), et jouez le tout sur un clavier midi ou directement depuis son séquenceur.
    Si vous possédez une surface de contrôle midi, il est possible d'y assigner des potards, et la fonction "reverse" sur un potard en midi est un vrai régal.
    L'interface graphique a été mis à jour dans cette dernière version, et du coup, elle est bien agréable, avec forme d'onde apparente.
    Le prix ? 8,50 HT donc 10,17 TTC en euros bien sûr.
    Alors pourquoi s'en priver ? merci Expert Sleepers ! j'en veux encore des bon plug comme celui-ci !
    Ah si... un ptit défaut : aucun potard virtuel ne précise quel paramètre il modifie, alors on y va cool et on apprend, remarque y'a pas 5000 paramètres non plus. Simple mais très efficace.

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