TimewARP 2600

Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 1.5.2beta
Format AppAU
Compatibility TimewARP 2600MacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $249  /  230€
Updated On Jan 23, 2012
Total Downloads 2,323
Mac Downloads 2,323

ARP 2600 emulation

TimewARP 2600 is the first software synth version of the classic ARP 2600 analog synthesizer.

Synth Features:
- 3 VCOs - all capable of generating audio band and Low Frequency (LF) signals.
- 1 Lo-Pass Resonant Filter - supports variable-depth self-oscillation and audio band and LF control modulation.
- 1 Sample & Hold - driven by either an internal, external, or MIDI Beat Clock. Can also be used as LFO source.
- 1 Ring Modulator.
- 1 Noise Generator - adjustable from white to red noise.
- 2 Envelope Generators - 1 ADSR, 1 AR.
- 1 Envelope Follower.
- 1 VCA - 2 audio inputs, 1 linear control input, 1 exponential control input. Also has initial gain control.
- 4 plug multiple module.
- Stereo Reverb.
- Output Pan.
- Electronic Switch.
- Lag Processor - LF filtering from...
TimewARP 2600 is the first software synth version of the classic ARP 2600 analog synthesizer.

Synth Features:
- 3 VCOs - all capable of generating audio band and Low Frequency (LF) signals.
- 1 Lo-Pass Resonant Filter - supports variable-depth self-oscillation and audio band and LF control modulation.
- 1 Sample & Hold - driven by either an internal, external, or MIDI Beat Clock. Can also be used as LFO source.
- 1 Ring Modulator.
- 1 Noise Generator - adjustable from white to red noise.
- 2 Envelope Generators - 1 ADSR, 1 AR.
- 1 Envelope Follower.
- 1 VCA - 2 audio inputs, 1 linear control input, 1 exponential control input. Also has initial gain control.
- 4 plug multiple module.
- Stereo Reverb.
- Output Pan.
- Electronic Switch.
- Lag Processor - LF filtering from 1.2 to 1200Hz.
- 2 Inverter Modules - both with attenuable inputs.
- Preamp In - mono or stereo.

Keyboard Features:
- Virtual ARP 3620 Keyboard.
- Variable-rate portamento, octave switch, pitch bend, LFO controls including delayed sine wave vibrato depth and speed.
- LFO Outputs - include square, triangle, and sine waves.
- External LFO-In - allows keyboard voltages to be modulated by any signal present on the TimewARP 2600.
- Interval Latch Switch - will latch a two note interval for use as single key play.
- 2 Upper Voice Outputs.
- Multiple or Single Trigger Mode - provides for single or multiple gates for slurred notes.
- Keyboard Repeat Mode - provides auto repeat or repeat on key-press synchronized to keyboard LFO and MIDI Beat Clock.
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later.
TimewARP 2600 TimewARP 2600 v 1.5.2beta Jan 23, 2012 MacOS X Intel
This is an update for the AudioUnit and standalone versions. This version includes 64-bit support as well support for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and several other improvements. This version requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later.
Way Out Ware TimewARP 2600 TimewARP 2600 v 1.4 Nov 12, 2008 MacOS X UB
* Improves performance by about 10%.
* Corrects several issues regarding save as, and midi map saving in the RTAS version.
* Corrects cable display issues in the RTAS version.
* Supports ProTools 8.
* Corrects text editing capability in Save As, and other text entry dialogs.
* Corrected an issue that prevented entering notes that contain more than a single line of text.
* Minor improvement in performance of standalone version.

* Supports Mac/Intel Universal Binary.
* Added a "Master Volume" slider that controls output level.
* Added offset sliders to the Host Beat Sync Settings that control relative offset of the LFOs to Host Beat.
* Sine and Triangle LFOs now sync properly to the Host when Beat Sync is enabled.
* Keyboard Latch graphic added.
Way Out Ware TimewARP 2600 v 1.15 Nov 29, 2005 MacOS X PPC
* Included VST and VSTi support.
* Included support full support for ProTools 7.0 (with Mach-O plug-in).
* Improved saving of session data. Now all midi controller information related to the patch is stored with the session.
* Corrected an error in the AU version that caused cables to dissappear when sessions are recalled.
* Added support for AU effects in addition to the AU instruments currently supported.
* Improved performance of Patch Manager.
* MIDI Learn now properly learns PitchBend in AU and VST versions.
* Demo version now works under Logic and supports AU validation when not fully authorized.
keyboard TimewARP 2600 v 1.0 Jul 19, 2005 MacOS X PPC
Way Out Ware
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