Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.7.2
Compatibility ZebraMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $199  /  184€
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Oct 10, 2015
Total Downloads 3,311
Mac Downloads 2,485
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.7.2
Compatibility ZebraWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $199  /  184€
4.7 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Oct 10, 2015
Total Downloads 3,311
PC Downloads 826

Subtractive and additive synthesizer

Zebra is a synthesizer plug-in which combines subtractive and additive synthesis with a powerful modulation engine that even smoothly integrates with the built-in effects section.
MacOS X 10.5 or newer
Windows XP/Vista/7
Zebra Zebra v 2.7.2 Oct 10, 2015 MacOS X Intel
UI improvements:
- All plugin UIs now have 10% scaling, from 70% to 200%.
- The ACE UI is now clearer and has new modulation sources.
- Diva UI was also improved for increased clarity.
- The Zebra2 "Unempty Dark Horse" skin is now complete.
- And finally, a number of small graphics issues in various plugins are fixed.
Configuration Menu: Bazille, Zebra2, Hive, Diva, ACE and Podolski now have a configuration menu (look for the cogwheel icon). This menu houses:
- MIDI learn: a visual overlay for assigning MIDI controls to the plugin interface.
- MIDI list table: editable list of assigned MIDI controls.
- Preferences: global settings for controls, appearance and audio.
Host/DAW issues:
- The "Missing UI" in Logic and Studio One is fixed.
- A number of small issues were fixed in Logic X, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Digital Performer, ProTools, Maschine and Kore.
Everything else: These updates include a heap of general improvements: fixed hanging and dropped notes, improved MIDI timing, new FX parameters and much more.
Urs Heckmann (u-he) Zebra Zebra v 2.7.1 Mar 26, 2015 MacOS X Intel
ACE now supports multi-channel MIDI
ACE and Zebra GUI-resize now 70% to 200% in 10% steps
Zebra2 now has drag & drop matrix and X/Y target assignment
A number of bug fixes for each product
Urs Heckmann (u-he) Zebra v 2.7 Dec 10, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Added AAX

Added Distortion-Modules

Added a separator between MIDI Learn and Lock in controls menu

The logo is now clickable, the revision field isn't

Improved readme and manual

Improved gamma factor on Windows

Improved font support

Improved Windows installer (for example it no longer creates "C:\Progam Files\u-he")

Improved Drag&Drop

Zebra2 Comb-Filters work better with high samplerates.

Zebralette no longer displays "enter serial number"

Fixed a resize bug on Win64

Fixed vst2 crash when changing the insert in cubase to vst3

Fixed forgotten Default-Settings if the gui is closed and reopened

Fixed problem with "vanishing" drive control of Easter Egg filters.

Fixes disappearing knob issue in Zebra VCF5/6

Fixes "new" folder being created when aborting text input for new folder
subtractive Zebra v 2.6 Apr 29, 2013 MacOS X UB
  • new installer

  • 4 ModMappers (previously 2)

  • 4 ModMixers (previously 2)

  • XMF filter available in the FX grid
  • additive Zebra v 2.5.4 Aug 27, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Installers now ready for Mountain Lion
    Junk and Favourite files now recognize Windows-type line breaks
    Zebrify: fixed mono/left/right modes
    symbolic links can no longer create endless loops
    fixed microtuning (.TUN) file related crash
    Diva: fixed Tune modulation
    fixed info text bug while saving in Windows VST
    Zebra: fixed hanging notes while switching presets
    fixed "silent synth" in large Win64 projects
    Diva: fixed crash / silent voices while tweaking cutoff
    fixed several more minor niggles
    synthesizer Zebra v 2.5.2 Jul 29, 2011 MacOS X UB
  • added "Slew" switch to LFOs

  • fixed "enter registration" out of Zebralette

  • improved compatibility with Pro Tools Mac

  • improved compatibility with Cubase Mac 64 bit
  • download Zebra v 2.5.1 Jul 13, 2011 MacOS X UB
    * adds more than 70 new factory presets by Howard Scarr
    * adds a bunch of Zebrify presets by Tasmodia
    * brand new manuals including hyperlinks and structured reference
    * two new spectral effects (Phase Distortion and Wrap)
    * native 64-bit support for Mac AU and VST Win
    * adds Cocoa view to AU version
    * smooth preset-switching (no pops, hangovers)
    * improved timing stability for swing function (affects LFOs and arpeggiator)
    * improved synchronization of multi-stage envelopes (MSEG)
    * lower CPU usage for RTAS (Mac) version
    * RTAS (Mac) now supports ctrl+alt+cmd+click ("3-finger salute") automation
    * improved installers now take Win7 permissions issues into account
    * Zebralette is now freeware, with 40+ extra presets by Howard Scarr
    * various bugs and niggles fixed, minor GUI improvements
    * upgrade from even Zebra1 is now free
    mac Zebra v 2.5 Dec 17, 2009 MacOS X UB
    # new contrast rich user interface (and up to date Unempty Dark Horse skin)

    # comes with a new effect plugin, Zebrify, which puts all the goodness of Zebra on any audio track

    # massively improved preset management (Favourites, Junk, drag'n'drop organisation, collapsible folders)

    # MIDI Bank Select messages (CC#0) now iterate through directories within MIDI Programs

    # new installer on Windows with freely movable resource path

    # unlimited undo/redo for parameter changes (gets flushed though when a new patch is loaded)

    # optionally works in 2.3 mode to ensure preset compatibility with previous versions of Zebra 2.x (existing presets automatically open in 2.3 mode)

    # ModMatrix souped up to 12 slots

    # new Duophonic mode as seen in some vintage gear

    # vastly improved XMF Filter module with 15 filter types and more - YouTube (click)

    # new "SR Decimate" filter mode

    # improved filter algorithms

    # more coherent volume among signal flow

    # new delay mode and non-syncing delay times

    # improved ModMapper with variable step size and zoomable editor

    # new pre-delay for reverb

    # new Glide2 parameter which offsets Glide for modules with an even number (Osc2, Osc4, FMO2 etc.)

    # Right-Click on any Tab and make it default - whenever you open a Zebra again, it'll open at that tab

    # bonus bank "Two Point Five" with 100+ amazing new presets by Howard Scarr

    # and more...
    windows Zebra v 2.5b11 Dec 14, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • new installer (read & follow instructions on Win!)

  • free choice of resource path (Win)

  • updated Unempty Dark Horse skin (XMF, Osc, Glide2)

  • new filter type "SR Decimate"

  • Delay adds fixed time delay option ("1 sec", up to 2 seconds at 200%)

  • use [+] in ModMapper (only standard gui)

  • right-click in ModMapper for new options (think ACE)
  • macintosh Zebra v 2.3.1 Dec 12, 2008 MacOS X UB
    Not available
    pc Zebra v 2.3 Dec 5, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • switchable gui themes

  • resizable editor window

  • support for RTAS on MacOS X

  • MIDI program changes

  • new Sideband modules

  • new ModMapper modules

  • 4 new oscillator effects

  • "Eleven" oscillator mode

  • 2 new compressor modes

  • new comb filter model

  • LFOs can now be tuned independent from host tempo

  • quick XY-assign added to knobs

  • Voice Drift button to allow for strict tuning

  • FX Bypass button - switch off all effects at once

  • numerous little bugs fixed, niggles removed

  • and more...
  • Zebra v 2.2 Nov 13, 2007 MacOS X UB
  • factory presets were replaced with all new bank by Howard Scarr

  • it's now compatible to MacOS X 10.5 Leopard

  • presets load way faster

  • user interface opens almost instantly

  • a "compact install" for Muse Receptor compatibility was added to Windows installer

  • a factory bank of oscillator module presets was added (also by Howard Scarr)

  • gui consistency was improved (i.e. renamed some parameters, too long texts get shortened to fit)

  • that infamous MSEG bug is fixed (single trigger MSEG may have caused deadlock)

  • the Preset Manager remembers name & location of loaded patch, saved with song

  • the editor window opens in the state where you last closed it (doesn't/can't save with song though)

  • global parameters such as FX Returns are available in modulation matrix

  • smoother ModWheel, Breath Controller, Expression and PitchBend

  • speaking of PitchBend, ranges can be set to 0 now to free the Wheel for other tasks

  • MidiLearn now requires a conscious decision for a menu entry - preventing users from accidentally Teaching a parameter

  • Preset scripting was improved so that 3rd party waveform converters are fully supported (still no decent documentation for scripting though)

  • a bug in the reverb diffusion on SSE2 machines got wiped out - if that changes your sound, set "D-Feedb" to 0.00

  • the Preset Manager can now be used to create new folders and refresh the directory listing (right/ctrl-click)

  • .h2p is now default patch format - set to native to save patches for use within host applications (usually not necessary)

  • text rendering quality on Windows was improved

  • there's no more need for Microsoft Runtime Libraries on Windows (finally!)

  • one can now import patches made with the Computer Music edition of Zebra aka ZebraCM

  • number of voices can be set to 0 in an Arpeggiator step, making this step a "skip"

  • and more...
  • less...
    Zebra Zebra v 2.7.2 Oct 10, 2015 Windows
    UI improvements:
    - All plugin UIs now have 10% scaling, from 70% to 200%.
    - The ACE UI is now clearer and has new modulation sources.
    - Diva UI was also improved for increased clarity.
    - The Zebra2 "Unempty Dark Horse" skin is now complete.
    - And finally, a number of small graphics issues in various plugins are fixed.
    Configuration Menu: Bazille, Zebra2, Hive, Diva, ACE and Podolski now have a configuration menu (look for the cogwheel icon). This menu houses:
    - MIDI learn: a visual overlay for assigning MIDI controls to the plugin interface.
    - MIDI list table: editable list of assigned MIDI controls.
    - Preferences: global settings for controls, appearance and audio.
    Host/DAW issues:
    - The "Missing UI" in Logic and Studio One is fixed.
    - A number of small issues were fixed in Logic X, Studio One, Cubase, Reaper, Digital Performer, ProTools, Maschine and Kore.
    Everything else: These updates include a heap of general improvements: fixed hanging and dropped notes, improved MIDI timing, new FX parameters and much more.
    Urs Heckmann (u-he) Zebra Zebra v 2.7.1 Mar 26, 2015 Windows
    ACE now supports multi-channel MIDI
    ACE and Zebra GUI-resize now 70% to 200% in 10% steps
    Zebra2 now has drag & drop matrix and X/Y target assignment
    A number of bug fixes for each product
    Urs Heckmann (u-he) Zebra v 2.7 Dec 10, 2013 Windows
    Added AAX

    Added Distortion-Modules

    Added a separator between MIDI Learn and Lock in controls menu

    The logo is now clickable, the revision field isn't

    Improved readme and manual

    Improved gamma factor on Windows

    Improved font support

    Improved Windows installer (for example it no longer creates "C:\Progam Files\u-he")

    Improved Drag&Drop

    Zebra2 Comb-Filters work better with high samplerates.

    Zebralette no longer displays "enter serial number"

    Fixed a resize bug on Win64

    Fixed vst2 crash when changing the insert in cubase to vst3

    Fixed forgotten Default-Settings if the gui is closed and reopened

    Fixed problem with "vanishing" drive control of Easter Egg filters.

    Fixes disappearing knob issue in Zebra VCF5/6

    Fixes "new" folder being created when aborting text input for new folder
    subtractive Zebra v 2.6 Apr 29, 2013 Windows
  • new installer

  • 4 ModMappers (previously 2)

  • 4 ModMixers (previously 2)

  • XMF filter available in the FX grid
  • additive Zebra v 2.5.4 Aug 27, 2012 Windows
    Installers now ready for Mountain Lion
    Junk and Favourite files now recognize Windows-type line breaks
    Zebrify: fixed mono/left/right modes
    symbolic links can no longer create endless loops
    fixed microtuning (.TUN) file related crash
    Diva: fixed Tune modulation
    fixed info text bug while saving in Windows VST
    Zebra: fixed hanging notes while switching presets
    fixed "silent synth" in large Win64 projects
    Diva: fixed crash / silent voices while tweaking cutoff
    fixed several more minor niggles
    synthesizer Zebra v 2.5.2 Jul 29, 2011 Windows
  • added "Slew" switch to LFOs

  • fixed "enter registration" out of Zebralette

  • improved compatibility with Pro Tools Mac

  • improved compatibility with Cubase Mac 64 bit
  • download Zebra v 2.5.1 Jul 13, 2011 Windows
    * adds more than 70 new factory presets by Howard Scarr
    * adds a bunch of Zebrify presets by Tasmodia
    * brand new manuals including hyperlinks and structured reference
    * two new spectral effects (Phase Distortion and Wrap)
    * native 64-bit support for Mac AU and VST Win
    * adds Cocoa view to AU version
    * smooth preset-switching (no pops, hangovers)
    * improved timing stability for swing function (affects LFOs and arpeggiator)
    * improved synchronization of multi-stage envelopes (MSEG)
    * lower CPU usage for RTAS (Mac) version
    * RTAS (Mac) now supports ctrl+alt+cmd+click ("3-finger salute") automation
    * improved installers now take Win7 permissions issues into account
    * Zebralette is now freeware, with 40+ extra presets by Howard Scarr
    * various bugs and niggles fixed, minor GUI improvements
    * upgrade from even Zebra1 is now free
    mac Zebra v 2.5 Dec 17, 2009 Windows
    # new contrast rich user interface (and up to date Unempty Dark Horse skin)

    # comes with a new effect plugin, Zebrify, which puts all the goodness of Zebra on any audio track

    # massively improved preset management (Favourites, Junk, drag'n'drop organisation, collapsible folders)

    # MIDI Bank Select messages (CC#0) now iterate through directories within MIDI Programs

    # new installer on Windows with freely movable resource path

    # unlimited undo/redo for parameter changes (gets flushed though when a new patch is loaded)

    # optionally works in 2.3 mode to ensure preset compatibility with previous versions of Zebra 2.x (existing presets automatically open in 2.3 mode)

    # ModMatrix souped up to 12 slots

    # new Duophonic mode as seen in some vintage gear

    # vastly improved XMF Filter module with 15 filter types and more - YouTube (click)

    # new "SR Decimate" filter mode

    # improved filter algorithms

    # more coherent volume among signal flow

    # new delay mode and non-syncing delay times

    # improved ModMapper with variable step size and zoomable editor

    # new pre-delay for reverb

    # new Glide2 parameter which offsets Glide for modules with an even number (Osc2, Osc4, FMO2 etc.)

    # Right-Click on any Tab and make it default - whenever you open a Zebra again, it'll open at that tab

    # bonus bank "Two Point Five" with 100+ amazing new presets by Howard Scarr

    # and more...
    windows Zebra v 2.5b11 Dec 14, 2009 Windows
  • new installer (read & follow instructions on Win!)

  • free choice of resource path (Win)

  • updated Unempty Dark Horse skin (XMF, Osc, Glide2)

  • new filter type "SR Decimate"

  • Delay adds fixed time delay option ("1 sec", up to 2 seconds at 200%)

  • use [+] in ModMapper (only standard gui)

  • right-click in ModMapper for new options (think ACE)
  • macintosh Zebra v 2.3.1 Dec 12, 2008 Windows
    Not available
    pc Zebra v 2.3 Dec 5, 2008 Windows
  • switchable gui themes

  • resizable editor window

  • support for RTAS on MacOS X

  • MIDI program changes

  • new Sideband modules

  • new ModMapper modules

  • 4 new oscillator effects

  • "Eleven" oscillator mode

  • 2 new compressor modes

  • new comb filter model

  • LFOs can now be tuned independent from host tempo

  • quick XY-assign added to knobs

  • Voice Drift button to allow for strict tuning

  • FX Bypass button - switch off all effects at once

  • numerous little bugs fixed, niggles removed

  • and more...
  • Zebra v 2.2 Nov 13, 2007 Windows
  • factory presets were replaced with all new bank by Howard Scarr

  • it's now compatible to MacOS X 10.5 Leopard

  • presets load way faster

  • user interface opens almost instantly

  • a "compact install" for Muse Receptor compatibility was added to Windows installer

  • a factory bank of oscillator module presets was added (also by Howard Scarr)

  • gui consistency was improved (i.e. renamed some parameters, too long texts get shortened to fit)

  • that infamous MSEG bug is fixed (single trigger MSEG may have caused deadlock)

  • the Preset Manager remembers name & location of loaded patch, saved with song

  • the editor window opens in the state where you last closed it (doesn't/can't save with song though)

  • global parameters such as FX Returns are available in modulation matrix

  • smoother ModWheel, Breath Controller, Expression and PitchBend

  • speaking of PitchBend, ranges can be set to 0 now to free the Wheel for other tasks

  • MidiLearn now requires a conscious decision for a menu entry - preventing users from accidentally Teaching a parameter

  • Preset scripting was improved so that 3rd party waveform converters are fully supported (still no decent documentation for scripting though)

  • a bug in the reverb diffusion on SSE2 machines got wiped out - if that changes your sound, set "D-Feedb" to 0.00

  • the Preset Manager can now be used to create new folders and refresh the directory listing (right/ctrl-click)

  • .h2p is now default patch format - set to native to save patches for use within host applications (usually not necessary)

  • text rendering quality on Windows was improved

  • there's no more need for Microsoft Runtime Libraries on Windows (finally!)

  • one can now import patches made with the Computer Music edition of Zebra aka ZebraCM

  • number of voices can be set to 0 in an Arpeggiator step, making this step a "skip"

  • and more...
  • less...
    Urs Heckmann (u-he)
    Buy Zebra near Columbus, United States at:

    You must sign-in to post your comment:

    You can signin with your 440Software account (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) or via FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

    BT does NOT live in Austraila (as it sex in this guys profile), try L.A n' Washington D.C... And he still needs to pay up for producing that n'sync song...
    Hey, do you think the guy above me is really 'BT'??!!!! thats crazy man, to think he would be here!
    but whoever it is, they're right. This is one sweeet plugin! it's a bit like the emagic plugins, it has that sort of 'clarity'. I really dig it - heaps fun to make f@cked up sounds. definintly worth checking out!!
    This is a truly first class product. A lot of work has gone into the anti-aliasing of the oscillators and filters, and you can really tell by the smooth, clear sound. The included patches are great, user interface really lends itself to performance. I use it myself.

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    EQ, filter, delay. Filterscape is a flexible sound bending plug-in. It's a parametric equalizer. It's a virtual analog filter. It's a delay effect. It's a modulation device. It's...
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    Dynamics processor. Presswerk is designed to be a powerful dynamics processor rich with musical soul. An easy-to-use interface and a rich feature set give you hands on control to...
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