Cubase SX

Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 3.1
Format App
Compatibility Cubase SXMacOS X PPC
License Commercial Software
Price $799  /  799€
3.8 / 5 , 12 votes
Updated On Aug 31, 2005
Total Downloads 373,747
Mac Downloads 365,478
Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 3.1
Format App
Compatibility Cubase SXWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $799  /  799€
3.8 / 5 , 12 votes
Updated On Nov 1, 2005
Total Downloads 373,747
PC Downloads 8,269

Music Recording and Production System

Cubase SX3 takes music production to a new level by adding more than 70 new features including powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching, an intuitive Play Order Track, convenient Inplace Editing and many new editing functions.

With Cubase SX 3, a native music production system combines full-featured audio and MIDI recording and editing, virtual instruments and powerful audio mixing with the added flexibility of loop- and pattern-based arranging and mixing.
Mac OS X v10.4 Power Mac G4 1 GHz Minimum (PowerPC only) 512 MB RAM DVD drive required for installation CoreAudio compatible audio hardware is required USB port required for Steinberg Key (copy protection device)* Internet connection required for license activation
Windows XP Home or XP Professional Intel / AMD Prozessor 1.4 GHz minimum 512 MB RAM DVD drive required for installation Windows MME compatible audio hardware is required (ASIO compatible audio hardware required for low latency operation). USB port required for Steinberg Key (copy protection device)* Internet connection required for license activation
Cubase SX Cubase SX v 3.1 Aug 31, 2005 MacOS X PPC
- Mixing and Monitoring of External Instruments in VST Mixer
- Copy/Paste channel settings for multiple selected channels in one go
- New Panner Mode: Equal Power
- Panner Bypass Function
- New Key Command Set for Mixer functions
- Command Target filters for Mixer functions
- Inspector sub-section for MIDI Tracks routed to a VST Insert Plug-in

Files and Formats (Import and Export)
- Extended Search functions in Pool
- Exclude Media when exporting Tracks as Track Archive
- Select individual Tracks when importing a Track Archive
- Support for Steinberg Dolby Digital and DTS encoders

Recording and playback
- Smart controller reset after recording
- Recovery of audio recordings after system failure
- New pre-count options, sensitive to tempo and time signature changes
- Optional Sample-Rate Conversion when importing Tracks

- Freeze Function for External Instruments and FX
- Glue multiple parts with single mouse-click
- Glue all following parts on selected track
- New Crosshair-Cursor option
- Process Bars in Tempo Track
- Duplicate Track option
- Freeze MIDI Track Play Parameters
- Optimize Display when dissolving Parts
- Apply Legato to selected notes only
- Select equal Pitch > all Octaves/same Octave for all Positions
- Transpose for single or multiple Audio Events via Info Line

- New "External Instruments" options in VST Connections
- External Instruments added to VST Instrument Rack
- Associated External Instruments Track Inspector added to MIDI Track
- Associated Audio Track Inspector added to MIDI track inspector routed to
VST Insert Plug-in
- External FX/Instruments Favorites
- Advanced CPU-saving scrubbing mode
- New Appearance options: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
- Sophisticated user-definable level meter coloring
- Automatic Track Coloring
- Incremental Auto-Save
- Track Folding: Toggle Selected Track
- Track Folding: Fold/Unfold Tracks
- Track Folding: Flip Fold States
- Resize Tracks without selecting
- OSX Performance Optimization: integrated support for MacOSX Quartz 2D
graphics system
- Additional Processor Optimization: support for DualCore and Multi-Processor
PC systems (systems with more than two processors)
- Safe Recovery of corrupt projects after system failure

MIDI & Music
- MIDI Output Delay Compensation for External Instruments
- Associate MIDI Device to External FX
- Associate MIDI Device to External Instruments
- Option to convert MIDI Controller Lane volume data to Track Automation
volume data

Studio Connections
- Studio Connections Audio Integration
- Access Mixer Device Panels (user Panels) from Hardware Remote
Controllers (for Houston, Mackie Control/HUI, Yamaha DM xxxx
series, 02r96/01v96, Radical SAC2K und CM Motormix)

- Preferences: Redesigned Appearance settings panel
- New preference: Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks
- New Preference: Default Track Time Type (Audio and MIDI)
- New Preference: Auto Track Color Mode
- New Preference: Sync Project and Mixer Selection
- New Preference: Deep Track Folding
- New Preference: Enlarge Selected Track
- New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Solo
- New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Edit Setting
- New Preference: Maximum Backup Files
- New Preference: Insert Reset Events after Record
- New Preference: Chase Events – Chase not limited to Part Boundaries
- New Preference: Option to export warnings as text file
- New Preference: Warn on Processing Overloads
- New Preference: global Tail value for External Instruments and FX
- New Preference: Map Input Bus Metering to Audio Track (in Direct
- Single Key command to open and close Pool Window
- New Key Command to open Device for selected Track
- Appearance: User-definable intensity for active drum lane
- New Key Command to toggle status of "Select Channel/Track on Edit
Steinberg Cubase SX Cubase SX v 3.0.2 Mar 25, 2005 MacOS X PPC
The following new features have been added in Cubase SX version 3.0.2 :
- The status of the Play Order Track is now saved with the project
- Additional "Appearance" options are now available, including User Meters

The following problems have been fixed in Cubase SX version 3.0.2
- dB Law: relative automation levels for multiple points or multiple event volumes do not retain their correct logarithmic dB relation
- Generic Remote: arming/disarming audio tracks could result in program freeze
- When changing the Audition Channel from one configuration to another (as from 5.1 to stereo) the mixer isn't updated immediately. Audition Channel is missing
- Link Editor preference does not work with MIDI list editor
- Closing the application with "Ctrl+W" and a surround panner open will cause crash
- Synchronization: Timecode Source = ASIO Audio Device: Record does not work if you push record before SX/Cubase goes into sync although tracks are record-enabled. Cubase goes only into Play mode
- Some windows are "gone" when a project was saved on a dual-monitor setup but is loaded on a single-monitor setup
- Realtime-time stretching of event is not reflected in audiotempo/ tempodefinition-tool in sample-editor
- Margins in Print Dialog may not be recognized
- Audio files from frozen audio material won't be deleted after "prepare archive" is executed
- The first send slot of the Default Output Bus is setup automatically with the Audition Channel as a destination. Even if the user changes the destination, pressing the "Listen" button on any channel will change the send destination again to "Audition Channel"
- Text input not working in Japanese version
- Audio Channel button "Bypass all Sends" does not work after loading a project
- UNDO crossfades in "Fixed Lane" record mode can cause errors
- Playing QuickTime Video can cause random crashes if the system performance is maxed out and the preference "Show Video Thumbnails" is ON
- OMF: if fad in or fade out touches a crossfade, OMF export might fail - Function "Delete Time" may cause a crash
- "Rename" function does not work if "Date Format 1" is used
- Closing the application using the project window close button ("x") will cause crash
- Splitting a MIDI part resets the Transpose and Velocity information in the info line
- Drag & Drop from Pool may create wrong channel type
- "REX Shared Library.dll" – wrong version was used
- Track record arming irregularities
- In Extended Mixer view, the MIDI meters don't work on narrowed MIDI channels
- Levels for event volume and level automation can get stuck when set to "00"
- Opening the Drum Editor after enabling Score drum notation leads to crash
Steinberg Cubase SX v 3.0 Sep 3, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Audio Warp: Realtime Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting offer extensive new audio editing and processing capabilities, including ACID® File support: loops automatically adopt a project's tempo; audio files can follow tempo changes in realtime.

  • Intuitive Play Order Track for pattern-based arranging adds a new level of creative music editing. Divide your song into sections, and then re-arrange it on the fly. Compare alternative versions of your song and then convert them back into a linear form for mixdown and mastering.

  • New Inplace Editor supports ultra-fast direct MIDI event editing from within the project page. Edit MIDI events in context with audio or video.

  • New MIDI Device Maps / Panels support direct access to external MIDI hardware with user-definable graphic editing panels. Import VST Mixer Maps or create your own editing panels, even for the Track Inspector or the mixer's channel strip.

  • User-definable Workspaces (window layouts) help organizing your desktop. Create and save a separate workspace for each step of the production process. Switch Workspaces on the fly, as if working on multiple computers or monitors.

  • Studio Connections "Total Recall" support (optional integration of Yamaha's Studio Manager 2). The first step into a new dimension of software/hardware integration. This modular editing system builds a powerful bridge between the virtual and physical studio. Opening a project can recall an entire studio setup within seconds.

  • External FX Plugins allow for direct integration of external hardware effects processors into the VST audio mixer. Use your favorite outboard gear just like plugins – including automatic delay compensation.

  • Extended Freeze function for virtual instruments and audio tracks with added flexibility and improved performance. Freeze virtual instruments with or without insert effects. Then automatically unload the instrument to free up RAM. Freeze audio tracks with insert effects to free up even more CPU performance.

  • New part-based Volume Envelopes for direct control of dynamics. Fix level problems on the fly without wasting automation tracks. Then move events with their volume envelopes.

  • User-definable Color Coding for tracks and VST mixer channels provides more clarity and better orientation – especially in complex projects.
  • music Cubase SX v 2.2b35 May 29, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Logical Editor presets can be now assigned as key commands

  • MIDI feedback for velocity editing in controller lane of the key editor

  • Fixes:
  • Audio export on multi processor machines should work now without drop outs and occasional lockups

  • MIDI quantize: Fix for groove quantize multiple parts several times

  • OMF: Fix for potential OMF import problem on OSX (not finding the files)

  • Score: Fix for a crash when opening score editor while another one is already opened - Score: Fix for problems when moving events between different contexts
  • production Cubase SX v 2.2 Apr 22, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Support for Mackie Control Extender

  • Improved Generic Remote implementation

  • New option "Use System Timestamp" in DirectMusic Setup improves MIDI timing for DirectMusic devices

  • New virtual instrument: Monologue - monophonic analog modelling synthesizer

  • New virtual instrument: Embracer - surround-capable polyphonic pad synthesizer

  • New VST effects plugin: Tonic - analog modelling multimode filter

  • Various minor product enhancements
  • Cubase SX Cubase SX v 3.1 Nov 1, 2005 Windows
    - Mixing and Monitoring of External Instruments in VST Mixer
    - Copy/Paste channel settings for multiple selected channels in one go
    - New Panner Mode: Equal Power
    - Panner Bypass Function
    - New Key Command Set for Mixer functions
    - Command Target filters for Mixer functions
    - Inspector sub-section for MIDI Tracks routed to a VST Insert Plug-in

    Files and Formats (Import and Export)
    - Extended Search functions in Pool
    - Exclude Media when exporting Tracks as Track Archive
    - Select individual Tracks when importing a Track Archive
    - Support for Steinberg Dolby Digital and DTS encoders

    Recording and playback
    - Smart controller reset after recording
    - Recovery of audio recordings after system failure
    - New pre-count options, sensitive to tempo and time signature changes
    - Optional Sample-Rate Conversion when importing Tracks

    - Freeze Function for External Instruments and FX
    - Glue multiple parts with single mouse-click
    - Glue all following parts on selected track
    - New Crosshair-Cursor option
    - Process Bars in Tempo Track
    - Duplicate Track option
    - Freeze MIDI Track Play Parameters
    - Optimize Display when dissolving Parts
    - Apply Legato to selected notes only
    - Select equal Pitch > all Octaves/same Octave for all Positions
    - Transpose for single or multiple Audio Events via Info Line

    - New "External Instruments" options in VST Connections
    - External Instruments added to VST Instrument Rack
    - Associated External Instruments Track Inspector added to MIDI Track
    - Associated Audio Track Inspector added to MIDI track inspector routed to
    VST Insert Plug-in
    - External FX/Instruments Favorites
    - Advanced CPU-saving scrubbing mode
    - New Appearance options: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
    - Sophisticated user-definable level meter coloring
    - Automatic Track Coloring
    - Incremental Auto-Save
    - Track Folding: Toggle Selected Track
    - Track Folding: Fold/Unfold Tracks
    - Track Folding: Flip Fold States
    - Resize Tracks without selecting
    - OSX Performance Optimization: integrated support for MacOSX Quartz 2D
    graphics system
    - Additional Processor Optimization: support for DualCore and Multi-Processor
    PC systems (systems with more than two processors)
    - Safe Recovery of corrupt projects after system failure

    MIDI & Music
    - MIDI Output Delay Compensation for External Instruments
    - Associate MIDI Device to External FX
    - Associate MIDI Device to External Instruments
    - Option to convert MIDI Controller Lane volume data to Track Automation
    volume data

    Studio Connections
    - Studio Connections Audio Integration
    - Access Mixer Device Panels (user Panels) from Hardware Remote
    Controllers (for Houston, Mackie Control/HUI, Yamaha DM xxxx
    series, 02r96/01v96, Radical SAC2K und CM Motormix)

    - Preferences: Redesigned Appearance settings panel
    - New preference: Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks
    - New Preference: Default Track Time Type (Audio and MIDI)
    - New Preference: Auto Track Color Mode
    - New Preference: Sync Project and Mixer Selection
    - New Preference: Deep Track Folding
    - New Preference: Enlarge Selected Track
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Solo
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Edit Setting
    - New Preference: Maximum Backup Files
    - New Preference: Insert Reset Events after Record
    - New Preference: Chase Events – Chase not limited to Part Boundaries
    - New Preference: Option to export warnings as text file
    - New Preference: Warn on Processing Overloads
    - New Preference: global Tail value for External Instruments and FX
    - New Preference: Map Input Bus Metering to Audio Track (in Direct
    - Single Key command to open and close Pool Window
    - New Key Command to open Device for selected Track
    - Appearance: User-definable intensity for active drum lane
    - New Key Command to toggle status of "Select Channel/Track on Edit
    Buy Cubase SX online at:
    Buy Cubase SX near , United States at:

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    version 3.1, MacOS X PPC
    I've got Cubase 4 full version and I wanted to try out the SX3.1.1 trial version (as this SX3.1.1 was used on my recorded work in the UK by cave studios)...I now have the project with me so I wanted to check out the plugins.
    However, I have not been able to open the download SX3.1.1 yet. I hope to purchase this version if found to have the full compatible series. Would appreciate your advise and the way about this very DAW (Cubase SX 3.1.1). Thanks

    I've got Cubase 4 full version and I wanted to try out the SX3.1.1 trial version (as this SX3.1.1 was used on my recorded work in the UK by cave studios)...I now have the project with me so I wanted to check out the plugins.
    However, I have not been able to open the download SX3.1.1 yet. I hope to purchase this version if found to have the full compatible series. Would appreciate your advise and the way about this very DAW (Cubase SX 3.1.1). Thanks
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    This is not Good, I've got a great machine- Mac twin/2.5 ..Can't get it to load. Crashes,, tried everything, system re/install...permissions
    re/install..called Steinberg helpline.."ng" they said it was a mac problem.. called Mac, talked to Pakistan,,destroyed all my prefrences...Thus, the Re-install...I'm seriously thinking goin' to Logic Pro...Been with Cubase since it looked like a black&white spreadsheet, but dead i n the water is still just that..I upgraded in Jan. it's May yamaha owns her now Iv'e got my motif..but I can't hold on much longer..jupitor
    The last run of updates was fast an furious...I couldn't keep up with them so now I'm out of date... whatever happened to upgrading those of us who've supported you for years ? I'mean
    we got to pay an pay an pay,,,...Somtimes the bar keep buys a round ya' know....jupitor
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    This secuencer it's excellent!!!
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Parfait pour les compositeur pas mal mais,j ai bosser sur cubase 5 Jusqu'au 3 apres tout ses annee de fideliter je me suis pencher sur logic 7 qui pour moi est beaucoup plus complet
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Steinberg semble maintenant ne developper que sur PC correctement. Le logiciel est trop gourmand en CPU, pas tres stable, et mis a jour tous les 36 du mois. Sans parler de son ergonomie qui est devenue très compliquée (alors que c'etait un de ses point fort), de son manque total d'ouverture vers le monde extérieur, et de sa mise en place rytmique aléatoire, surtout dans l'audio... et pourtant j'ai utilisé ce soft pendant 8 l'Atari au Mac....
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Toujours et toujours un mauvais moteur audio.Plug-in de pietre qualités.Alors payer pourquoi?Des coulurs? non merçi...
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    version 2.2b35, MacOS X PPC
    Tres bon soft , surtout pour les compositeurs (Les ingé-son prefereront surement Protools 6).
    SX2 est Tres souple , compatible , stable etc...
    Il manque encore quelques petites fonctions mineur mais l essentiel (et meme plus) est la ! Le midi et l audio sont tres bien geré ... des fonctions permette d utiliser beaucoup d instru VST en meme temps , l integration rewire est parfaite et le moteur audio est exelent .
    J utilise aussi PT6 et pour moi (compositeur/instrumentiste) c est sans comparaison :
    Avec cubase on travail rapidement et efficassement , et l informatique ne vient pas gener l inspiration .
    Cubase , un bon sampler (HALion3 ou Kontact)quelques instrument Vst et vous voila avec un veritable studio virtuel .
    Ne pas oublier une exelente carte son à latence zero (pour profiter reelement du moteur audio et des VST instruments) et un Bon Mac (G4 1Ghz Minimum, bien que cubase tourne aussi sur des petite config , mais bon...)
    J adore ;-)
    Tof (pour Osmohz)
    version 2.2b35, MacOS X PPC
    Puissant, simple, fiable.

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