
Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 4.0.7u
Format App
Compatibility IntuemMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $62  /  57€
Updated On Aug 3, 2011
Total Downloads 2,784
Mac Downloads 2,784

Audio-MIDI Sequencer

With Intuem, you can edit your music as you see it in front of you, there are no special editing windows to hide the other tracks making editing confusing and keeping you out-of-touch with the rest of your composition. Intuem doesn't sacrifice editability either: you can have your tracks in any of three ways: micro overview style, standard music notation and mega, a piano-roll style, and you can switch them and mix-and-match them to suit your needs. For example, when you're editing in mega, you can have the other tracks in micro to help you stay in context, and when it's time to play-along or print, put them in notation style.
Minimum G3 Macintosh (preferably 500MHz or faster) or any Intel Macintosh with 512Mb RAM running Mac OS X version 10.2.8 (Jaguar) to Mac OS X version 10.6 (Snow Leopard). We recommend testing the performance of your G3 system with the free Try Out version of Intuem available here. Recommended Dual Processor G4 or Intel Macintosh with 512Mb RAM running Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger). USB MIDI Interface, built-in audio input or a FireWire audio input device, MIDI Keyboard with on-board sounds.
Intuem Intuem v 4.0.7u Aug 3, 2011 MacOS X UB
The current version of Intuem is 4.0.7u, which fixes problems with the activation process in Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
Intuem Intuem Intuem v 4.0.6u Jan 18, 2011 MacOS X UB
Fixes problems with the activation process in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and note refitting.
Intuem Intuem v 4.0.5u Dec 27, 2009 MacOS X UB
It's ready to use with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) with a few bug fixes and eliminates the annoying "CoreMIDI Not Available" pop-up.
tracks Intuem v 4.0.1 Nov 1, 2006 MacOS X UB
Version 4.0.1 improves the activation process and fixes a bug with track-side controls temporarily disappearing
style Intuem v 3.5 Sep 14, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Intuem can now synchronise and control other applications and external MIDI hardware via MIDI Machine Control (MMC), MIDI Time Code (MTC), MIDI Clock and MIDI Song Position Pointer messages.

  • AudioUnit Music Effects can now be put to much more effective use. These AudioUnits take input from MIDI tracks and now Intuem gives you full access to these capabilities. When an AudioUnit of this type is added to an audio track, the AudioUnit becomes available as a MIDI device for your MIDI tracks to send to, and Intuem remembers these connections in saved compositions so your working environment stays predictable between sessions. Furthermore, Music Effects are edited separately in Intuem's Preferences to make it easier for you to distinguish them from other AudioUnit effects, and you can choose a preferred MIDI controller for each effect. It is also possible to send synchronisation messages to Music Effects to fully integrate them into your work.

  • The note refitters have been enhanced to allow movement of a block of notes as a group forward and backward in time to allow you to position them exactly where you want them before stretching or compressing, and they automatically snap around a selection when you bring them on-screen. What's more, as you refit notes their notated appearance is automatically quantised, saving you another step.

  • MIDI Device preferences are now easier to use and setup with more options and categories.

  • Recording from a MIDI Device can now be made channel-specific through the preferences panel. If you want to record multiple MIDI tracks at once with the same MIDI controller, you can have Intuem route the incoming events to the right tracks.

  • MIDI Keyboards now have a new play-through mode. Instead of playing through only to record enabled tracks, you can now also play through to a focussed track--simply click in the track you want to play through to and the MIDI events will be routed there, whether Intuem is playing or not.

  • You now have more control over a MIDI Device's controllers in the device description so your devices in Intuem even more closely resemble how they were engineered making it easier for you to get the most from them with the least trouble.

  • Supporting the new synchronisation abilities, you can now indicate what kind of synchronisation events a device can receive and send, and Intuem will take advantage of those features of your devices when you use them in a composition.

  • When selecting all within a track using Command + A Intuem now only selects those types of events that are displayed. For example if showing notes, and volume, only those two types will be selected across the duration of the track, other events not shown, such as pan, will not be selected.

  • Tracks can be hidden in a composition to remove them completely from Intuem's audio and MIDI processing pathways freeing up resources for more tracks. This is especially helpful in temporarily removing a number of tracks after freezing them into one audio track.

  • The mixer has a new mode: "Set Levels" that allows you to set controller levels over an entire track or section.

  • Changing modes in the mixer can now be done across all tracks at once by holding down the Option key when selecting a mode on a track.

  • The mixer, in Standard window style, updates much, much more quickly than before, from controls and audio levels right down to quick updates when reordering tracks.

  • Added full support for poly after touch (note-specific after touch.) You can now record these events and edit them on-screen just as easily as any other MIDI controller.

  • Intuem now as full capability to present a track's events in a list view.

  • Audio clips can now be forced to play at a different sample rate allowing you to fix incorrect sample rate settings in audio files.

  • When you double-click a track's name in the document the inspector will appear if not on screen already. When you double click within a track's display area Inspector will appear and show the Events tab so you can quickly get at your data.

  • Supporting the new synchronisation abilities, you can now provide a SMPTE time offset for a composition allowing you to relate the start of a composition to an external time line.

  • Audio tracks outputting to more than two channels can be made mono so each channel receives the same signal.

  • When a composition shares a MIDI device with the Metronome, the channel the metronome uses appears in Inspector making it easier for you to avoid conflict and confusion with your metronome sound and your composition.

  • Intuem now treats AudioUnit effects and instruments better, bringing greater stability to Intuem. AudioUnit panels appear without strange artifacts on-screen and it is now impossible for an AudioUnit or a DLS/SoundFont file to cause Intuem to crash at startup. Furthermore, AU's and DLS files that are incompatible with Intuem are identified, isolated and are kept away from use.

  • ...
    music Intuem v 3.0 Nov 9, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Intuem is now a ReWire mixer application with full support for ReWire devices as MIDI destinations and as audio sources. Intuem automatically manages your ReWire connections and devices for you allowing you to open them from within Intuem via the preferences or inspector, and even automatically opening any of them when Intuem starts. Open ReWire devices automatically appear as MIDI destinations for MIDI tracks and as audio sources for audio tracks. Freezing ReWire audio tracks and converting ReWire MIDI tracks to audio is fully supported also.

  • Audio play-through now lets you hear what you're recording before you record it to check levels, and while recording to know you're getting it down. Play-through works on ReWire audio tracks too so you can hear what you're streaming. If your tracks have AudioUnit effects they will be applied as part of play-through--a complete audio editing and experimenting environment.

  • Created a new darker look just for Intuem RW and it is now the standard appearance. With the darker style come options to show micro, notation, mega and audio tracks with dark backgrounds to blend in well with the new style, or in lighter colours to make it easier on your eyes in a brightly lit room. The brushed metal and Aqua appearances are still available.

  • The Mixer now has two appearance styles, the original brushed metal and the new standard Intuem RW style with new easier to read controls, and a special Graphic EQ control.

  • The mixer has new modes available as part of the new appearance style to make it more intuitively easier to use. You can now choose to have the mixer be the single master-control for all controllers--completely superseding any recorded automation. Alternatively you can set the mixer to be a complete slave to the recorded automation. In both cases you can also engage an "Overwrite" mode where changes made to the controls are recorded as automation.

  • Added the option to change the playback speed of a composition from 1/4x to 3 times normal speed. Speed can be specified as a simple multiplier (like 2x) or in terms of pitch by +/- one octave in 1 cent intervals. The current playback speed is saved with the document and you can make a default document with a specific playback speed.

  • Can now drag and drop audio files from the finder into Intuem. When dropping a file on a document window's title bar a new track is made with the audio clip, and when dragging into a track the clip is inserted right after the scrubber and the scrubber advances to the end of the new clip.

  • Controller tracks for AudioUnit instruments can be viewed and edited like the Tempo track.

  • In 10.3.x (Panther) you can preview audio files before importing them.

  • Added the ability to order AudioUnits into groups. Intuem will automatically put newly installed AudioUnits into groups by manufacturer. You can put your AudioUnits into any kind of group structure you like.

  • Can now refit notes without the refitters on-screen by selecting notes to refit and choosing a duration from the "Refit Selection to..." sub-menu. Furthermore, when the refitters are on-screen, you can snap them to the start and end of a selection.

  • Can now loop over a selection in one step. After choosing the menu command or entering the keyboard shortcut Intuem will set the loop start and end points around the current selection and begin playing & looping it.

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause a crash while looping or make Intuem unexpectedly play out of a loop.

  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes scramble the audio clips in a saved composition after re-saving and other saving related problems.

  • Fixed a bug that would render certain newly created audio clips unusable.

  • Improved stability when using and switching between 3rd Party AudioUnit instruments.

  • Addressed issues with freezing and converting to audio where the recording could become quite noisy.

  • Addressed a number of other bugs and issues.
  • Intuem
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    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Version 3 is an excellent upgrade. Intuem has a lot of power, it's just difficult to find what you want due to the lack of any manual or documentation (the company says that the help system serves this purpose, but it ain't so).
    version 2.1, MacOS X PPC
    I am getting started again after several years out of using a sequencer and I find this ideal as an ex Notator user. It's simple to understand and does what it says it does well.
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