Le Synthe

Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 5.0
Format App
Compatibility Le SyntheMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $14  /  10€
3.4 / 5 , 8 votes
Updated On Nov 16, 2009
Total Downloads 30,626
Mac Downloads 24,087
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 5.0
Format App
Compatibility Le SyntheWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $14  /  10€
3.4 / 5 , 8 votes
Updated On Nov 16, 2009
Total Downloads 30,626
PC Downloads 6,539

EMS synthi AKS emulation

Le Synthé V5 is an emulation of the mythic Synthi AKS constructed by EMS in 1972.

As an emulation, you can found the original interface (devices and matrix board), and the approximate original sounds (the waveform was recorded from an original VCS3). As a software, Le Synthé V5 adds new improvements (control device, delay effect, oscillators with more important ranges, a better system to control the device, MIDI control, memory, etc.).

- 1 oscillator, waveforms: sine/ramp (change to square or triangle), 0-20 KHz, fine tune (MIDI), frequency modulation from 3 oscillators
- 2 oscillators, waveforms: square/triangle (change to sine or ramp), 0-20 KHz, fine time (MIDI), frequency modulation from 3 oscillators
- a noise generator (white noise or pink noise), color parameter...
Le Synthé V5 is an emulation of the mythic Synthi AKS constructed by EMS in 1972.

As an emulation, you can found the original interface (devices and matrix board), and the approximate original sounds (the waveform was recorded from an original VCS3). As a software, Le Synthé V5 adds new improvements (control device, delay effect, oscillators with more important ranges, a better system to control the device, MIDI control, memory, etc.).

- 1 oscillator, waveforms: sine/ramp (change to square or triangle), 0-20 KHz, fine tune (MIDI), frequency modulation from 3 oscillators
- 2 oscillators, waveforms: square/triangle (change to sine or ramp), 0-20 KHz, fine time (MIDI), frequency modulation from 3 oscillators
- a noise generator (white noise or pink noise), color parameter (low-pass and high-pass filter)
- a filter/oscillator, 0-20 KHz, fine tune (MIDI), low-pass or high-pass
- a ring modulator
- an enveloppe shaper, attack-on-decay-off, 2 outputs: signal and trapezoid, trigger by space bar of computer keyboard, stick, metronome or MIDI
- an effect module: reverberation or delay, parameters: mix, time (delay), feedback (delay)
- an input module with gate
- 2 ouput modules with filter (low-pass or high-pass) and panning
- a control module with 2 possibilities: playing a table of values or random generator
- a stick to control parameters with mouse
- a matrix 17x16 to connect output of each module to input of each module (audio and control)
- all parameters are MIDI controlled
- choose the range of control of each parameter
Processor PPC or Intel, Mac OS X 10.4 or later, 1 GB RAM
Système Windows XP, Vista ou 7, 1 GB RAM, Quicktime 7.1 (ou supérieur), une carte graphique compatible OpenGL et OpenGL 1.4 (ou supérieur).
Le Synthe Le Synthe v 5.0 Nov 16, 2009 MacOS X UB
control Le Synthe v 3.2 Jan 3, 2005 MacOS X PPC
This new version fixes several bugs, adds a new GUI, and features a new external module : the spectroscope
Le Synthe Le Synthe v 5.0 Nov 16, 2009 Windows
Pierre Couprie
Buy Le Synthe near , United States at:

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version 5.0, MacOS X UB
I'm new with computer and I don't know how to make it work or to play with "le synth". Please help me before I throw my $%#?%$ Macbookpro out of the window!
version 4.1, MacOS X UB
Ok my bad, you have to scan the au with the pluggo thing. sorry looks cool
version 4.1fr, MacOS X UB
Hmm, the installer installs the vst insted of the au....
version 3.2, MacOS X PPC
This is realy a lot of fun and sounds way cool!
Une merveille! Pour les amoureux de synthèse uniquement. Mille fois merci.
C'est super, merci, il faut quand meme le faire , et c'est gratos !!
Yen as tjs qui sont pas content, t'as qu'a programmer un truc mieux si t'es pas satisfait. bravo et merci pour le freeware!
Y a plus qu'à sortir son fer à souder et à nous faire un parfait Clone de l' AKS en hardware !!!!!!!!!
Car c bien beau les plugs , mais l' écran et la souris n'aide pas à la recherchee des SONS

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