Augustus Loop

Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 2.4.4
Compatibility Augustus LoopMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $29  /  27€
Updated On Jun 4, 2015
Total Downloads 6,232
Mac Downloads 5,754
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 2.4.1
Compatibility Augustus LoopWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $29  /  27€
Updated On Oct 28, 2013
Total Downloads 6,232
PC Downloads 478

Tape-based delay effect

Augustus Loop is an emulation of a tape-based delay effect, with some extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device :

- Really long maximum delay (3600 seconds - that's one hour).
- Tap tempo.
- Virtual tape. The delay simulates an old-style tape delay, meaning you can: change the tape speed (i.e. pitch up and down); reverse the tape direction; smoothly change the delay time (as if you were changing the head gap on a tape delay).
- Multimode filter and saturation in the feedback loop.
- Four feedback taps (left to left, left to right, right to left and right to right) with independent delay time and feedback settings, for ping-pong effects, stereo delays etc.
- Pitch and filter LFOs.
OS X 10.6 and above.
Augustus Loop Augustus Loop v 2.4.4 Jun 4, 2015 MacOS X Intel
This version fixes some distortion issues that could occur when changing the tape speed away from zero.
Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop Augustus Loop v 2.4.3 Feb 19, 2015 MacOS X Intel
All Mac OS X versions of Expert Sleepers plug-ins have today been updated again. All have the same small fix applied for compatibility with some older OS X installs.
Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v 2.4.2 Feb 4, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Licence Manager compatibility
delay Augustus Loop v 2.4.1 Oct 28, 2013 MacOS X Intel
* first AAX release (Mac OS X and Windows, for Pro Tools 10.3.6 & 11)
* fixed the skinning system, which was broken by v2.4.0.
right Augustus Loop v 2.4.0 Dec 4, 2012 MacOS X Intel
This is a maintenance release that rolls up a lot of minor enhancements and stability improvements to the code shared with Silent Way v2.
feedback Augustus Loop v 2.3.2 Feb 21, 2011 MacOS X Intel
* Fixed an issue with keyboard handling that could interfere with shortcuts in the host application when the Augustus Loop UI was open.
change Augustus Loop v 2.3.0 Aug 6, 2010 MacOS X Intel
* First 64 bit Mac OS X VST release.
* Improved handling of mouse events (dragging knobs would temporarily freeze the host UI on some platforms).
* Improved accuracy of MIDI event handling.
tape-based Augustus Loop v 2.2.2 Jun 28, 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.

  • Added new OSC command (registerOSCPathForFunction).

  • Fixed a keypress issue in certain VST hosts (plug-in would respond to numeric input but not to pressing Return).
  • download Augustus Loop v 2.2.1 Feb 25, 2010 MacOS X UB
    Issues addressed in this release:
  • Fixed compatibility with OS X 10.5.

  • Worked around a bug in Digital Performer 7.1 which would cause a crash when the plug-in prefs dialog was used.

  • Generally improved stability of the Cocoa UI.
  • mac Augustus Loop v 2.2.0 Feb 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
    This is a milestone for Expert Sleepers as it's our first 64 bit release. Specifically it's a 32/64 bit Intel Audio Unit, and so can be used in native 64 bit mode in Logic 9 and Mainstage 2.1 when those hosts are running as 64 bit applications.

    From now on we anticipate that all our Mac releases will be Intel only, will support 64 bit use, and will require Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6.

    There are no new features in Augustus Loop v2.2.0 other than the availability of a 64 bit variant. If you're not using 64 bit hosts, there's no reason to take this update.
    windows Augustus Loop v 2.1.2 Oct 7, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Compatibility with Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"
    macintosh Augustus Loop v 2.1.1 Aug 30, 2009 MacOS X UB
    This version adds the new OSC functionality as recently added to Warbler and Silent Way for TouchOSC compatibility.
    pc Augustus Loop v 2.1.0 May 11, 2009 MacOS X UB
    V2.1.0 adds some new functionality to Augustus's MIDI/OSC and GUI scripting:

  • Timing functions

  • In MIDI/OSC scripts you can now
    * get the time between two events
    * ask for a function to be called after a certain amount of time, or regularly at a specified interval.

    Using these functions you can do useful things like distinguish between short and long footpedal presses, or detect double taps etc.

  • GUI indicators for MIDI/OSC script status

  • A new form of the existing 'indicator' GUI item has been added, together with some corresponding MIDI/OSC script functions, to allow you to create GUI elements that reflect the state of scripted variables.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.4 Apr 30, 2009 MacOS X UB
    This is an AU-only bug fix release. It addresses an issue where no audio would reach the fx loop outputs with certain combinations of parameter settings.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.3 Mar 22, 2009 MacOS X UB
    V.2.0.3 improves the behaviour of parameter automation in Logic - specifically:
    * the pitch buttons now cause automation to be recorded.
    * the four delay time parameters (delay slider min/max, max delay and delay time) now use 'high resolution' mode automation.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.2 Mar 5, 2009 MacOS X UB
    It addresses an issue with recording parameter automation in Logic Pro.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.1 Jan 14, 2009 MacOS X UB
    * It is now possible to completely override the default MIDI/OSC script with a custom script. (Previously it was only possible to extend the functionality, not replace it.)
    * Added a new preferences option, 'Ignore AudioUnitReset', which can be useful when using the AU version of the plug-in in a live context. See the manual for a fuller explanation.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.0 Oct 26, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Augustus Loop's GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.

  • - MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
    - VST version now receives MIDI.
    - Added Record Offset feature.
    - Added waveform display.
    - The 'Max Delay Time' parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds)
    and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
    - Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
    - The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop
    - The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previ-
    ously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out fea-
    tures more usable.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
    - Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, "Freeze Current".
    - Added OSC support.
    - Added 'Sync Group' feature.
    - Added new 'Tape Sim' section.
    - Added factory presets.
    - Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
    Augustus Loop v 2.0.0b Oct 12, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Augustus Loop's GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.

  • - MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
    - VST version now receives MIDI.
    - Added Record Offset feature.
    - Added waveform display.
    - The 'Max Delay Time' parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds) and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
    - Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
    - The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop ends.
    - The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out features more usable.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
    - Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, "Freeze Current".
    - Added OSC support.
    - Added 'Sync Group' feature.
    - Added new 'Tape Sim' section.
    - Added factory presets.
    - Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
    Augustus Loop v 1.8.1 Jul 20, 2008 MacOS X UB
    Fixed a problem where Augustus Loop's GUI would stop Logic's Key Commands from working.
    Fixed an issue which could cause Apple's AU validation tool (as used by Logic) to run very slowly when validating Augustus Loop on OS X Leopard.
    Augustus Loop v 1.8.0 Jun 7, 2008 MacOS X UB
    * New 6-in 6-out configuration of the plug-in, allowing audio to be routed through external processing either side of the virtual tape.
    * Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in Logic 8 when opening a song containing multiple instances of Augustus Loop with their GUIs open.
    Augustus Loop v 1.7.2 Mar 22, 2008 MacOS X UB
    V1.7.2 fixes an issue which would cause the VST version to crash if the AU version were not also installed. It also further improves the plug-in's resilience to font installation issues.
    Augustus Loop v 1.7.0 Mar 16, 2008 MacOS X UB
    First Windows version.
    First Mac OS X VST version.
    New GUI.
    Fixed various filter problems. In particular, the filter cutoff was being limited to about 2kHz - now the full range up to 8kHz is usable. Therefore, this version may sound different to previous versions at the same settings. A preferences setting is provided to revert to the previous behaviour, which may be useful if you have to re-visit an old mix after upgrading.
    Added 'Tape Stop' feature.
    Augustus Loop v 1.6.5 Oct 2, 2007 MacOS X UB
    V1.6.5 now responds properly to AudioUnitReset(), so in e.g. Logic the delay buffer will be cleared when song playback is started etc
    Augustus Loop v 1.6.3 Nov 1, 2006 MacOS X UB
    V1.6.3 adds 'rounded tempo' mode (a workaround for MIDI sync issues in Ableton Live).
    Augustus Loop v 1.6.2 Jul 3, 2006 MacOS X UB
    V1.6.2 fixes a GUI issue with certain hosts (notably Plogue Bidule on Intel).
    Augustus Loop v 1.6.1 Mar 21, 2006 MacOS X UB
    First 'Universal Binary' version for Intel and PowerPC Macs.
    Augustus Loop v 1.6.0 Jan 10, 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Added 'digital mode'.
    Fixed bug which could result in orphaned threads being created.
    Augustus Loop v 1.5.1 Oct 7, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Added wider range of values for punch in/out drop-down menus.
    Augustus Loop v 1.5 Aug 29, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    V1.5.0 is a major update which adds a simple but very important feature - the ability to change the delay time without 'tape delay' inertia effects. This gives you loop multiply/divide capabilities, lets you tap the loop tempo without clearing it first, makes the 'Fix Delay' feature useful (in which the delay time stays constant as the pitch is varied) etc.
    Augustus Loop v 1.4.3 Jul 14, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Tempo is calculated and displayed even if MIDI clock output is disabled.

  • MIDI clock generation is completely rewritten internally, and is generally more compatible with host apps.

  • Once tap recording has been performed, changing the beats/beat divisor/triplet controls changes the delay time accordingly to maintain the tempo calculated at the end of tap recording.
  • Augustus Loop v 1.4.1 Mar 14, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Added MIDI control of delay time.
    Augustus Loop v 1.4.0 Mar 2, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Added 'clear loop' function to wipe the tape.
    Added auto fade-in/out envelope, with override and optional auto-clear of loop on fade-out completion.
    Current loop length now displayed in host's bar/beat units as well as seconds.
    Added auto punch in/out, quantized to loop length (seconds or host units) or host transport position.
    Loop input level can be controlled by punch in/out.
    Extensive CPU efficiency improvements.
    Now correctly reports silent output to downstream processing, resulting in further efficiency improvements in hosts that support this feature.
    Fixed potential crash when using Freeze Loop and Host Tempo.
    Improved behaviour of Freeze Loop in conjunction with Reverse.
    Maximum delay time is now limited according to installed system RAM
    Augustus Loop Augustus Loop v 2.4.1 Oct 28, 2013 Windows
    * first AAX release (Mac OS X and Windows, for Pro Tools 10.3.6 & 11)
    * fixed the skinning system, which was broken by v2.4.0.
    Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop Augustus Loop v 2.4.0 Aug 20, 2013 Windows
    This is a maintenance release that rolls up a lot of minor enhancements and stability improvements to the code shared with Silent Way v2.
    Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v 2.3.4 Nov 7, 2011 Windows
    This is the first release of a 64 bit Windows VST version of Augustus, and indeed of any of our plug-ins.
    delay Augustus Loop v 2.3.0 Aug 6, 2010 Windows
    * First 64 bit Mac OS X VST release.
    * Improved handling of mouse events (dragging knobs would temporarily freeze the host UI on some platforms).
    * Improved accuracy of MIDI event handling.
    right Augustus Loop v 2.2.2 Jun 28, 2010 Windows
  • Fixed GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.

  • Added new OSC command (registerOSCPathForFunction).

  • Fixed a keypress issue in certain VST hosts (plug-in would respond to numeric input but not to pressing Return).
  • feedback Augustus Loop v 2.1.1 Aug 30, 2009 Windows
    This version adds the new OSC functionality as recently added to Warbler and Silent Way for TouchOSC compatibility.
    change Augustus Loop v 2.1.0 May 11, 2009 Windows
    V2.1.0 adds some new functionality to Augustus's MIDI/OSC and GUI scripting:

  • Timing functions

  • In MIDI/OSC scripts you can now
    * get the time between two events
    * ask for a function to be called after a certain amount of time, or regularly at a specified interval.

    Using these functions you can do useful things like distinguish between short and long footpedal presses, or detect double taps etc.

  • GUI indicators for MIDI/OSC script status

  • A new form of the existing 'indicator' GUI item has been added, together with some corresponding MIDI/OSC script functions, to allow you to create GUI elements that reflect the state of scripted variables.
    tape-based Augustus Loop v 2.0.1 Jan 14, 2009 Windows
    * It is now possible to completely override the default MIDI/OSC script with a custom script. (Previously it was only possible to extend the functionality, not replace it.)
    * Added a new preferences option, 'Ignore AudioUnitReset', which can be useful when using the AU version of the plug-in in a live context. See the manual for a fuller explanation.
    download Augustus Loop v 2.0.0 Oct 26, 2008 Windows
  • Augustus Loop's GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.

  • - MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
    - VST version now receives MIDI.
    - Added Record Offset feature.
    - Added waveform display.
    - The 'Max Delay Time' parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds)
    and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
    - Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
    - The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop
    - The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previ-
    ously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out fea-
    tures more usable.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
    - Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, "Freeze Current".
    - Added OSC support.
    - Added 'Sync Group' feature.
    - Added new 'Tape Sim' section.
    - Added factory presets.
    - Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
    mac Augustus Loop v 2.0.0b Oct 15, 2008 Windows
  • Augustus Loop's GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.

  • - MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
    - VST version now receives MIDI.
    - Added Record Offset feature.
    - Added waveform display.
    - The 'Max Delay Time' parameter now has a smaller minimum value (1.0 seconds) and is not rounded to the nearest 10 seconds.
    - Added Tape Read Mode parameter.
    - The Freeze Loop function is much improved.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Clear Loop, and when Clear Loop ends.
    - The Input Level parameter is now protected against sudden changes, which previously could result in audio artefacts. In particular this makes the Punch In/Out features more usable.
    - A small crossfade is now applied when activating Tap Record.
    - Added a new mode for the Freeze Loop function, "Freeze Current".
    - Added OSC support.
    - Added 'Sync Group' feature.
    - Added new 'Tape Sim' section.
    - Added factory presets.
    - Fixed a bug that could cause Digital Mode to not engage correctly.
    windows Augustus Loop v 1.7.0 Jun 7, 2008 Windows
    * New 6-in 6-out configuration of the plug-in, allowing audio to be routed through external processing either side of the virtual tape.
    * Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in Logic 8 when opening a song containing multiple instances of Augustus Loop with their GUIs open.
    Expert Sleepers
    Buy Augustus Loop near , United States at:

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    You can signin with your 440Software account (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) or via FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

    version 2.0.1, MacOS X UB
    The best tape emulation I ever came across. Very realistic, with lots of options to choose from.
    Don't judge a book by its cover (the GUI in this case). Taste and try!
    version 1.4.1, MacOS X PPC
    Enormous delay that emulates two old Revox like Brian Eno (Discreet music) Fat and warm sound. Really beautiful sound. Comfortable interface. Robert Fripp had become crazy from happiness with him. Good price. There is nothing looks like to him. For long delays is the king.

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    Sends MIDI clock. Clocker is a utility plug-in that sends MIDI clock. Why would you want a plug-in to do that, when your host app sends MIDI clock perfectly fine? Well, with...
    Crossfade Loop Synth
    Crossfade Loop Synth. Crossfade Loop Synth is a simple sample playback synth plug-in. It plays samples in the classic sampler manner - by simply altering the playback speed...
    Latency Fixer
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    Little Spacey
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    Combines two audio channels into one.. Merger is a utility plug-in that combines two audio channels into one. This is typically useful for e.g. vocoder plug-ins that expect their two inputs on either...
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    Minky Starshine
    Synthesizer. Minky Starshine is at heart an additive synthesiser, augmented with possibilities for subtractive synthesis (i.e. filtering) and pulse width modulation. A...
    Multitap Delay
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