
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Version 2.01
Format VST
Compatibility ExcitonMacOS 9
License Commercial Software
Price $75  /  72€
Updated On May 1, 2004
Total Downloads 328
Mac Downloads 328


Specifications :

Synthesis :
Subtractive Synthesis (physical modeling of an analog synthesizer)
Voices: 1 to 64(variable)

Oscillator :
2 Oscillators (OSC1/OSC2)
Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Pulse(with PWM)
Oscillator sync (OSC1)
Modulation: 2 mods assignable from ENV1/ENV2/LFO1/LFO2

Mixer :
Inputs: OSC1, OSC2, ring modulation, noise generator
Noise generator with color adjustment

Filter :
Lowpass [6/12/18/24dB/Oct] / Highpass [6/12/18/24dB/Oct] / Band Pass [12/24dB/Oct] / Band Reject [12/24dB/Oct]
Resonance: Available for all types (without 6dB/Oct Lowpass/Highpass)
Saturation: available for all types, Saturaion Level, Saturation Curve (3 types)
Modulation: 2 mods assignable from ENV1/ENV2/LFO1/LFO2

Amplifier :
Modulation: selectable from...
Specifications :

Synthesis :
Subtractive Synthesis (physical modeling of an analog synthesizer)
Voices: 1 to 64(variable)

Oscillator :
2 Oscillators (OSC1/OSC2)
Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Pulse(with PWM)
Oscillator sync (OSC1)
Modulation: 2 mods assignable from ENV1/ENV2/LFO1/LFO2

Mixer :
Inputs: OSC1, OSC2, ring modulation, noise generator
Noise generator with color adjustment

Filter :
Lowpass [6/12/18/24dB/Oct] / Highpass [6/12/18/24dB/Oct] / Band Pass [12/24dB/Oct] / Band Reject [12/24dB/Oct]
Resonance: Available for all types (without 6dB/Oct Lowpass/Highpass)
Saturation: available for all types, Saturaion Level, Saturation Curve (3 types)
Modulation: 2 mods assignable from ENV1/ENV2/LFO1/LFO2

Amplifier :
Modulation: selectable from ENV1/ENV2
LFO modulation: selectable from LFO1/LFO2

Envelope :
2 envelopes (ENV1/ENV2), ADSR (Attack Time, Decay Time. Sustain Level, Release Time)
Attack/Decay Curve (3 types)
All parameters (without curve) can be dynamically controlled during voicing

2 LFO's (LFO1/LFO2)
Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square, Sample & Hold, Random
Mono/Poly mode
Tempo/MIDI Sync

Effect :
Modulation delay, highcut/lowcut filters, overdrive

Assignable Modulation :
8 modulation routings
Source: ENV1/2, LFO1/2, Key, Velocity, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch(Ch/Poly), Control Change, Constant
Sens: same as Source (without Constant)
Destination: OSC1/2 pulsewidth/pitch, OSC2 FM, Mixer levels, Cutoff, Resonance, Saturation, Amplifier, ENV1/2 A/D/S/R, LFO1/2 speed/phase

Controller Map :
16 controllers are assignable to parameters

Others :
Unison mode
Portamento: available for both Poly/Unison
Velocity sensitivity individually available for all modulations
Programs: 128
Required : PowerMac G3 MacOS 8/9 Recommended : PowerMac G4 MacOS 9
Exciton Exciton v 2.01 May 1, 2004 MacOS 9
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version 2.01, MacOS 9
Ma fois un excellent synthé, polyvalent, qui sonne bien et permet des sons assez originaux, notamment des nappes inquiétantes ou planantes.
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