Logic Pro

Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 10.3.2
Format App
Compatibility Logic ProMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $200  /  200€
4.2 / 5 , 21 votes
Updated On Jul 29, 2017
Total Downloads 77,752
Mac Downloads 77,752

Digital Audio Workstation

Logic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever. Sophisticated new tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing are built around a modern interface that’s designed to get creative results quickly and also deliver more power whenever it’s needed. Logic Pro X includes a massive collection of instruments, effects, and loops, providing a complete toolkit to create amazing-sounding music.

Powerful New Interface
• Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layered instruments with Track Stacks
• Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and parameters with a single move
• An enhanced Mixer lets you move, copy, and bypass channel inserts more efficiently
• Quickly re-order song sections and try new ideas using Arrangement Markers
• Autosave keeps...
Logic Pro X is the most advanced version of Logic ever. Sophisticated new tools for professional songwriting, editing, and mixing are built around a modern interface that’s designed to get creative results quickly and also deliver more power whenever it’s needed. Logic Pro X includes a massive collection of instruments, effects, and loops, providing a complete toolkit to create amazing-sounding music.

Powerful New Interface
• Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layered instruments with Track Stacks
• Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and parameters with a single move
• An enhanced Mixer lets you move, copy, and bypass channel inserts more efficiently
• Quickly re-order song sections and try new ideas using Arrangement Markers
• Autosave keeps your work safe and sound
• See and edit more of your performances in the Score editor with a new wrapped view

Professional Music Production
• Fix out-of-tune vocals and change the melodies of recorded audio with Flex Pitch
• Manipulate the timing and tempo of any recording with ease using Flex Time
• Record and seamlessly punch in and out of one or multiple tracks
• Keep takes organized with take folders and build comps quickly with Quick Swipe Comping
• Record automation for any channel strip or plug-in parameter on the fly
• Create and mix music from anywhere in the room using Logic Remote on iPad
• 64-bit architecture supports large projects containing hundreds of tracks and sampled instruments

Drum Production
• Create drum tracks that play with your song using Drummer, a virtual session player
• Choose among 15 distinct drummers that can take your direction and perform millions of unique grooves
• Build your own kit with Drum Kit Designer using a diverse collection of deeply sampled, professionally mixed snares, toms, kicks, hi-hats, and cymbals
• Produce electronic drum sequences with Ultrabeat

Keyboards and Synths
• Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator
• Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins
• Create classic ’70s- and ’80s-style synthesizer tracks using Retro Synth
• Play faithful models of vintage keyboards with Vintage B3, Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav
• Get inspired by a collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, and physical modeling synthesis
• Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 Sampler

Guitar and Bass Gear
• Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
• Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes
• Access the Tuner with just a click to quickly get in tune

Creative and Production Effects
• Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb
• Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
• Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects
• Get the perfect mix with a variety of EQs, dynamics, and other mixing tools
• Put the finishing touch on your project using a collection of mastering plug-ins

Sound Library
• Over 1500 instrument and effect Patches
• More than 800 sampled instruments
• 30 urban and electronic drum machine Patches
• 3600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genres

• Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units-compatible plug-ins
• Import and export XML to support Final Cut Pro X workflows
• Export and share your songs directly to SoundCloud
• Open projects from Logic 5 or later
OS X v10.11 or later
Logic Pro Logic Pro v 10.3.2 Jul 29, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Apple Logic Pro Logic Pro v 10.3.1 Feb 26, 2017 MacOS X Intel
New Features/Enhancements

Logic now supports the Audio Unit v3 specification for virtual MIDI ports.

Stability and reliability

Logic Pro no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:
The Duplicate Event command is used while a field in the Event List is highlighted.
The left corner of an Apple Loop is adjusted on a track with Flex enabled.
Dragging dynamics symbols into the Score in large projects.
Customizing the Toolbar from a Floating Transport window.
Changing to another scale from the East Asian scale on the Touch Bar.
Changing the I/O Buffer size in a project that has a Groove Track enabled.
Save as Default is selected in the Alchemy plug-in window.
Dismissing the “Do you really want to create a high speed section” dialog when working with Flex inside a Take Folder.

The Piano Roll now displays reliably on Retina displays.
Tracks are no longer sometimes unexpectedly removed from Folder Stacks if Solo is used, and then the Mixer is closed and then re-opened.


The interface is now more responsive when time-stretching an audio region by Option-dragging its left corner.
Disabling Region Solo with a key command while the Project Audio window is open no longer takes several seconds.
Performance is improved in the Project File Browser in large projects.
The timing of playback, and the position of the playhead are now consistently maintained when trimming the length of audio regions.
Logic Pro remains responsive when time stretching Apple Loops while Varispeed is enabled.
The first Undo performed during playback no longer causes a small hiccup in playback.


The Magnet Effect in Alchemy now reliably sounds in tune.


Scripter instances that contain code beginning with “NeedsTimingInfo = True” command no longer cause hung notes when Cycle is enabled in the project.
Plug-ins can again be opened from mixer objects in the Environment window.
Preset names for Audio Unit v3 plug-ins are now displayed correctly.


It is again possible to edit Region-based Automation on Take Folders.


Applying fade outs to multiple selected audio regions now works reliably.
Clicking on a fade with the click zone fade tool no longer sometimes unintentionally changes its length.


Quantizing Audio Apple Loops no longer sometimes causes them to change in length.
Audio files with existing tempo information that are added to a project with a different tempo now properly follow Flex.
Time stretching an audio region no longer sometimes creates an unexpected fade out.
Audio files that have been bounced in place with the Include Audio Tail in File option enabled can again be Flexed after the Reset All Flex Edits command has been used on them.

Takes and comping

Selected MIDI Take Folders can again be flattened.
The start positions and lengths of regions in Take folders are no longer sometimes changed when the audio files are converted to a different sample rate.
Take folders inside of Folder Stacks are no longer sometimes deleted if Undo is performed after using the Unpack to New Track Alternatives command.

Touch Bar

The playhead now snaps to bars and beats when it is moved while in the overview mode of the Touch Bar.
The Touch Bar overview mode now scrolls vertically to display the currently visible regions even when the selected tracks are no longer in view.
The position displayed by the Touch Bar is now correct in projects that start at positions later than 1 1 1 1.

Track Alternatives

Regions on the inactive Track Alternative created by a Duplicate Alternative command are now deselected to keep them from being unintentionally deleted.
When an inactive Track Alternative is promoted to active, the pre-listen buttons on other tracks that are members of the same group are now clear as expected.
Deleting an inactive Track Alternative no longer causes the selected track to shift to Track 1.
Track Alternatives can now be created for Guitar/Bass tracks.
Global edits that cut or insert time are now also applied to inactive Track Alternatives.


The stand-alone Score window now reliably displays the currently selected regions.
There is now a switch to toggle the snapping of Score objects while dragging.
Selecting an instrument track that is part of the current Score Set will no longer change the Score Set when Same Level link mode is enabled.


Drummer regions in Track Alternatives are no longer converted to MIDI regions when changing Drummer Characters.


It’s now easier to drag values in the Event List.
Clicking a note in the Piano Roll with the Mute tool again immediately mutes the note.
The note length value for a Lane in the Step Editor can again be edited.
It is again possible to edit more than one selected event in the Event Float window.
The Event List again displays GM instrument names for program changes.
It is now easier to divide notes with the Scissors tool in the Piano Roll
The Operations on Selected Events map in the MIDI Transform editor again shows the result of operations on the second data byte.
It is again possible to edit the MIDI Controller number inn the Event List.
Lyrics are again displayed directly in the Event List when Additional Info is enabled.
Follow Playhead now works with looped MIDI regions in the Piano Roll.


Tracks added using the Share to GarageBand for iOS feature now playback correctly in cases where the sample rate for the Logic Project is not 44.1 kHz.


Take Folders on inactive Track Alternatives are now included when importing a track into a project.
It is now possible to import/replace a track that resides inside a Track Stack.

Inter-app operability

Logic Pro no longer changes ReWire bus numbers in existing projects to 60.
Logic Pro's playhead and locaters again follow the position of connected ReWire slave applications.


Changing a project’s frame rate no longer causes the SMPTE start time to shift unexpectedly.
Key commands now work reliably when a floating Movie window is open.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

Sliders, pan knobs and track names now reliably update in Logic Remote when Logic Pro is relaunched.
Logic Control can again be used to shift the Cycle position.


Performing a Cut (Command-X) when there is a marquee selection now creates an Undo step as expected.
The New Position field in the Go To Position window again shows the last entered position when it is re-opened.
The Marquee tool can again be used to divide multiple regions.
Software Instruments again output audio as expected when Varispeed Speed Only is active and Low Latency Mode is off.
When Normalizing parameters on MIDI regions with a negative Velocity offset, notes whose velocities are smaller than the offset are no longer unexpectedly set to 127 instead of to 1.
Dragged regions no longer move to incorrect positions in certain rare cases on macOS Sierra.
The end of a reversed audio region that has been shortened can again be extended.
Input monitoring again works when Varispeed is engaged.
Names of Aliases are again displayed with an italic font.
The Select Unused command again works in the Project Audio window.
The Score parameter in the Region Inspector again shows the Show or Hide status of the region.
Using the close button to hide inactive Track Alternatives now creates an Undo step.
Sustain pedal events now trigger properly on looped MIDI regions.
The pointer again consistently becomes the Loop tool, when the lower right edge of a flexed region is grabbed.
The appearance of fonts on non-retina displays is improved.
Auxes that are saved in a Track Stack as part of a Patch again retain their custom assigned colors when the Patch is loaded.
Record-enabling and disabling multiple selected audio tracks again works as expected.
Apple Logic Pro v 10.3 Jan 21, 2017 MacOS X Intel
using Logic Pro v 10.2.4 Jul 31, 2016 MacOS X Intel

Logic Pro X no longer quits unexpectedly:

Sometimes when opening or creating a project.
Sometimes when picking an icon for a Drum Machine Designer cell.
When rubber band selecting a group of notes in the Piano Roll immediately after changing screen sets.
When initializing a connected Mackie HUI control surface.
When the currently active audio device is disconnected and then reconnected.
When selecting Import Audio from an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu.
When using an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu to import audio on a system that includes a mounted volume whose name begins with a Unicode 2-byte character.
When a file with a name containing 2-byte characters is dragged onto the Current or Reference button of the Match EQ plug-in.


Opening the extended parameters of Retro Synth in OS X Yosemite no longer sometimes triggers an Internal Error alert.
There is no longer a glitch at the beginning of a skip cycle area when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled.
Quantizing notes on a Software Instrument track during playback no longer sometimes causes audio dropouts.
Stepping through Alchemy presets no longer causes the memory usage of Logic Pro to rise unexpectedly.
Alchemy no longer causes Logic Pro memory usage to rise unexpectedly when stepping though samples using the source left/right buttons.


It is once again possible to Shift-click to select non-contiguous notes in the Piano Roll editor.
Pressing Option-Shift while adjusting the Piano Roll Velocity slider again sets all notes to the same velocity as expected.
It is once again possible to use the pointer to rubber-band select MIDI Draw points that were created with a MIDI channel setting of All.
It is no longer possible to inadvertently set the length of a note to 0 ticks in the Event Editor or the Step Editor.


Addresses a rare automation related issue that could cause a bypassed Send on a muted Channel Strip to remain active.
Duplicating a track now reliably duplicates all plug-in parameter values.
Clicking Cancel in the dialog shown when deleting an Aux in the mixer that is assigned to a track no longer deletes the Aux.
Solo now works on channels routed to mono outputs higher than Output 1 or 2.
Soloing a channel strip routed to a mono output no longer unexpectedly mutes the right output.
Soloing an output above 1—2 now mutes Output 1—2 as expected.
Duplicating a track now also duplicates its track notes.


VoiceOver again properly announces selected regions.


Audio is now routed properly from Audio Unit-based multi-output instruments in projects saved in previous versions of Logic Pro X.
When importing drum kits into Ultrabeat, the Import Kit name is again properly displayed.
Instances of the Tremolo plug-in with a rate set to a Hz value are no longer reset to 32 bars when the project is loaded.


Joining audio regions when Low Latency mode is enabled no longer sometimes leads to the new region being shifted to an incorrect position.
If the Toolbar Replace button is activated while the Project Settings > Recording window is open, all the Overlapping Recordings settings now switch from Toggle to Replace.
Autopunch recording on MIDI tracks now behaves as expected when Record > Overlapping MIDI Recordings > Replace is enabled.
Manually punching in and out in Replace mode now works properly with MIDI regions.
When recording MIDI in Replace mode with Cycle enabled, playing MIDI before the start of the Cycle no longer causes the measure before the Cycle start to be replaced.
Dragging an Apple Loops file into a track with a custom name no longer renames the track.
It is once again possible to assign a custom key command to the Discard Last Recording and Return to Last Play Position command.
Editing notes in the mixer notepad no longer sometimes causes custom fonts to reset, or text to be unexpectedly duplicated.
Text pasted into an existing note now properly takes on the color of the existing text, and doesn’t cause the existing text to change to the default color.
It is once again possible to rename files and regions in the Project File browser using a key command. The key command is now assignable and is called “Rename.”
It is once again possible to enter text into the patch name cell within the Multi-Instrument object in the Environment window.
It is once again possible to extend the selection of an audio file beyond the current visible area in Impulse Response Utility.
tracks Logic Pro v 10.2.3 Jun 11, 2016 MacOS X Intel
vintage Logic Pro v 10.2.2 Mar 12, 2016 MacOS X Intel
New Features/Enhancements

Logic now offers a new preference pane (Control Surfaces > MIDI Controllers) that allows the automatic assignment of controls for supported USB MIDI control devices to be enabled and disabled.


Includes several improvements to Logic’s stability, including, but not limited to:

Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:

At startup there are aliases in the path to the Alchemy database or presets, or if the Alchemy database has been set to Read-only
Displaying a content download progress bar
Opening a Channel EQ plug-in window from Logic Remote
A project containing an open Score text box is closed
Opening the Audio File Editor with a key command when running in Japanese
Opening the Plug-in Manger if there is a custom display name for a plug-in that contains more than 2 spaces
Grouping files in the Audio Bin
Option-dragging a folder stack

Logic no longer sometimes stops responding when:

Canceling a download while previewing an Apple Loop in the Loop Browser
Using VoiceOver to interact with the Mixer
Clicking on the Library tab with a software instrument track selected and an instance of Melodyne 4 inserted on an audio track


Rubber band selection of MIDI Draw data in the Piano Roll now works correctly when the selection is started outside the boundaries of the region.
Dragging is now restricted to the vertical direction when pressing Control + Shift while dragging a note in the Flex Pitch editor to move it more than one semitone.


Automation of Stereo Delay and Tape Delay created in Logic Pro X 10.2 or older now plays back correctly in Logic Pro X 10.2.2 or later.


Creating tracks from the Mixer no longer unexpectedly changes their output setting.


The display for IR waveforms in Space Designer now updates immediately when loading a preset or reversing an IR.
User added Space Designer impulse responses copied from one computer to another are now reliably found on the destination computer.
Logic again can open instances of Altiverb 7.1 or earlier.


It is again possible to use strike-through text in the Score editor.


Audio from an open movie no longer mutes unexpectedly when the playhead is touched.
Right or Control-clicking a movie window again opens a contextual menu as expected.


MIDI input now works with Roland A49 and A88 USB keyboards.
Playback in Cycle mode now remains in sync when using latency causing plug-ins.
Playing MIDI data into Logic after stopping no longer clears data from the Capture Last Recording buffer.
The Orchestral and Music for Picture project templates are again available when the Orchestral content is installed.
Audio recordings made by punching in and out in Cycle mode with the Create Track preference set for overlapping recordings are now reliably in sync.
All key commands are now functioning as expected while Logic downloads additional content.
Moving one or more regions and then performing undo no longer causes them to be unselected.
The Follow Tempo check box is again available in the region inspector after detecting the tempo of the region.
It is again possible to load tempo information stored in an audio file into the Logic project.
The Playhead again scrolls smoothly when zoomed out on large projects.
Strip Silence again delivers consistent results when reapplied with the same settings.
All menus now open reliably on computers running OS X 10.9.5.
It is again possible to move a region on a software instrument track that is adjacent to a track stack to a different position along the time line without the region being inadvertently moved into the track stack.
Dragging the left edge of an audio region with Snap to Zero Crossing enabled no longer sometimes causes the waveform display to make it look as though the region content has shifted.
In region solo mode, all sends now sound as expected when selecting regions on different tracks.
Clicking in the Timeline now correctly positions the Playhead when Skip Cycle is enabled.
It is again possible to type in a value higher than +6db in the Region Gain parameter.
Stopping playback with the Transport no longer unexpectedly re-enables Catch Playhead Position when it has been disabled in the Toolbar.
After deleting a take when recording to a group of audio channels, Logic no longer sometimes disarms recording for all but the selected track and shows an incorrect “Multiple channels of this recording group have identical input setting”.
Audio input monitoring now works with Varispeed active when the Multithreading preference Playback & Live Tracks is activated.
When opened with an empty audio track, the Audio Track Editor no longer opens near its maximum zoom level.
The Playhead now cycles correctly when the Audio > Devices > Multithreading preference is set to Playback Tracks.
The Scroll to Selection key command again works during playback.
The 2/3 option for Detect Tempo now works as expected.
create Logic Pro v 10.2.1 Jan 26, 2016 MacOS X Intel
instruments Logic Pro v 10.2 Aug 27, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Introduction of Alchemy

Alchemy is a new sample manipulation synthesizer that includes the following:

Next generation synthesizer plug-in with multiple sound generators including; additive, spectral, formant, granular, sampler, and virtual analog
Over 3,000 presets for all types of electronic music including electronic dance, hip hop, rock, and sound for picture
Integrated keyword preset browser for finding the right sounds quickly
Performance controls like the Transform Pad make it easy to explore and reshape sounds
Combine up to four synth modules to create complex multi-layered sounds
Virtual analog oscillators produce authentic recreations of iconic synth sounds
Wide selection of modeled analog and special effect filters for producing sounds with vintage character and tonal complexity
Create animated, dynamic instruments using over 100 modulation sources that include flexible LFOs, AHDSR and MSEG envelopes, and step sequencers
Manipulate and combine samples in new ways using unique collection of morphing and resynthesis tools
Import EXS24 instruments or create your own using a robust set of sampler features
Apply independent arpeggiators to each of the four sound sources to transform simple chords into elaborate performances
Integrated effects rack with reverb, modulation, delay, compression, and a range of distortion effects

More new features

Share directly to Apple Music Connect (requires Apple Music Connect account)
Share and backup files to Gobbler (requires Gobbler third-party subscription)
Adds support for Force Touch trackpad
Create custom track icons with your own image files
1,000 new Apple Loops from a variety of popular instruments and genres including EDM, Hip Hop, Indie, Disco, Funk, and Blues
There are now independent settings for the handling overlapping MIDI recordings depending on whether Cycle is on or off
It's now possible to set Replace mode for audio recordings independently depending on whether Cycle is on or off
It's now possible to create new tracks with the same channel strip instead of creating a Take folder when recording audio in cycle mode
Expanded MIDI clock options improve sync compatibility with external MIDI devices
The new As Time Quantize option in the Piano Roll Snap menu sets the snap value to follow the Inspector quantize setting
Audio regions can now be nondestructively reversed using either a check box in the Region Inspector, or a key command
There are now Global Key Commands to set the Nudge value to various note values
There is now a key command to toggle the Clear/Recall Solo button
The Audio Editor now shows fades applied to flexed regions
The new General > Editing preference Piano Roll: Region Border Trimming controls whether the borders of a region can be edited within the Piano Roll editor
There are now commands in the Global Tracks Marker Set menu to convert the currently selected Marker Set to Arrangement Markers, or to convert Arrangement Markers to conventional Markers
There is a new key command Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle Mode
Open the sound library from the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click or control-click a cell in Drum Machine Designer

Additional updates

This update includes various fixes to enhance stability and reliability, including, but not limited to the following.

  • General performance improvements

  • Quantizing large audio files is much faster
    Logic’s performance when Undo is performed is improved
    Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly under these circumstances:
    Sharing content to iTunes 12.2
    Reindexing all loops in the Loop Browser
    Adjusting values in the Region Inspector
    Importing MIDI files that contain unknown text encoding
    Quitting while a configuration panel is open
    Closing a project while the Customize Control Bar and Display dialog is open
    When creating more than 64 Aux channel strips
    Quitting if a V-Control control surface is installed
    Deleting all automation on a track while playing
    Dragging long strings of text in the Score editor
    Logic no longer becomes unresponsive under these circumstances:
    When opening a song if a modal dialog window is already open
    When the trim field is used to adjust Smart Controls automation
    If a connected control surface is disconnected while Logic is hidden
    Sometimes when disabling Phase-locked audio for a group
    Sometimes if the number of available MIDI ports increases while Logic is open
    Sometimes when quitting

  • Main Window

  • When cutting multiple regions simultaneously, the location of the edit window is now consistently the same for all affected regions.
    When the left corner of a flex quantized audio region is dragged to the left, the newly revealed portion of the region is now immediately quantized as expected.
    Option-dragging to copy a region now places the copy at the correct position in projects that have a start position earlier than 1 1 1 1.
    It's now possible to vertically swipe to affect multiple instances of the Record, Input, Mute and Solo buttons in the track header.
    Locked Markers now properly display the lock glyph.
    Changing the start position of region slaved to a Groove master track no longer causes unexpected timing changes.
    The Repeat Section command no longer truncates audio loops at the left locator.
    The Repeat Section function now works as expected when applied to the Looping section of a Looped region.
    When in Flex mode, the user interface now updates properly when the Marquee tool is used to define areas to shift in time.
    On computers with smaller screens, the Track inspector no longer overlaps the Channel Strip inspector when a new project is created or when a new Main window is opened in an existing project.
    Locking a track now prevents Flex edits.
    Region Gain values are now retained when regions are packed into a Take folder.
    Region Gain now applies as expected to Take regions within collapsed Take folders on phase-locked audio tracks.
    Option-clicking on parameters in the Region Inspector again reliably sets them to their neutral values.
    All Region parameters from the MIDI Thru inspector are now applied correctly when creating an empty MIDI region.
    When a new MIDI recording is merged with an existing region, the notes contained in the merged region are no longer selected after recording.
    It's now possible to delete a single MIDI take from within a Take folder.
    When recording MIDI to an existing region with No Overlap mode enabled, the new MIDI recording is now merged with the existing region.
    It's now possible to close the Track Header configuration pane by clicking outside the borders of the window, or by toggling it with the Configure Track Header key command.
    Double-clicking the Pan control in the Track header and typing a value no longer results in an incorrect random setting.
    When a Track header is reduced in height to one line, the track name is now displayed instead of the Track/Region automation button.
    Naming tracks now works reliably when the Additional Name Column is disabled in the Track List.
    The Repeat Section function now extends the Project End point when necessary to accommodate the additional regions.
    Performing Undo after using the Export Active Comp to New Track now works as expected.
    Dividing a looped region with the Marquee tool no longer creates an extra region to the left of the edit position.
    Dragging a MIDI region over another with No Overlap Mode enabled no longer causes MIDI notes outside the overlapping area to be deleted.
    Marquee tool transient detection now places the Marquee borders at the correct position on regions where the Anchor has been adjusted to the right of the region start.
    It's now possible to set the icon for all selected tracks simultaneously.

  • Editors

  • It's now easier to grab the Playhead in the Piano Roll editor.
    The Piano Roll quantize value is now saved with the project.
    Notes that start within ¼ note before the beginning of a region no longer snap unexpectedly to the region start when moved in the Piano Roll.
    The playhead is now reliably placed at the clicked position in the Piano Roll timeline.
    Defining a Brush pattern with the Brush selected as the secondary tool no longer also sets the primary tool to the Brush.
    The visible location in the Piano Roll no longer jumps to the playhead when clicking a note if Catch is enabled and MIDI Draw is displaying MIDI Sustain events.
    Performing Undo after dragging a note in the Piano Roll no longer causes Tuning in the Project settings to revert to the default value.
    Changing or refreshing a Screen Set no longer causes Piano Roll inspector controls to revert to their default values.
    Clicking on a region no longer sometimes causes it to move unexpectedly when the Playhead is off screen and the Piano Roll is open.
    The Quantize button in the Piano Roll editor no longer quantizes unselected notes when the Q-range is set to a value other than zero.
    The Piano Roll quantization mode now matches the mode selected in the Region Inspector.
    Key labels for Mapped Instruments now appear on the keyboard in the Piano Roll editor.
    When multiple regions on different tracks are selected, notes added in the Piano Roll editor with the Pencil tool are placed in the region on the currently selected track, rather than the first track.
    It's now possible to use the Pencil or Brush tool to insert notes into an empty region when Collapse Mode is enabled in the Piano Roll.
    The contextual menu command Create Note now creates a note at the clicked position in the Piano Roll while Collapse Mode is enabled.
    The Velocity tool once again causes the the Piano Roll editor to scroll when click-dragged over the right edge of the window.
    It's once again possible to access the Velocity tool in the Piano Roll using Control+Command as modifier keys.
    Time Stretch Handles in the Piano Roll editor now remain visible when switching to another editor and then back.
    Time Handles now switch off immediately when the notes are deselected in the Piano Roll.
    If the Time Handles option is enabled, then Nudge commands applied in the Piano Roll will shift the Time Handle selection along with the selected notes.
    Using the Zoom tool to rubber-band a selection of notes in the Piano Roll no longer affects the Time Handles selection.
    The Time Handle selection now includes non-note MIDI events when used to compress or stretch in the Piano Roll.
    Option-dragging the Playhead to zoom horizontally in the Piano Roll now works as expected when the Playhead is inside a region.
    The vertical positioning line is again displayed at the start of notes dragged in the Piano Roll.
    The cursor now reliably switches to the Length Change tool when hovered over the left or right edge of a note in the Piano Roll editor.
    Using the Brush tool to repeat existing sections now includes non-note MIDI events from the source.
    Notes entered while the Brush tool is in pitch lock mode are no longer unexpectedly transposed when disabling the lock mode.
    Logic no longer inserts unintended notes when toggling velocity or locked pitch mode with the Shift key while using the Brush tool.
    The Velocity slider in the Piano Roll Inspector now sets the velocity for notes added by the Brush tool.
    The Include Non-Note MIDI Events function in the Piano Roll now works when using the arrow keys to navigate from note to note.
    The key command Select Same Channel in the Piano Roll no longer also selects all regions of the same track when used on an event assigned to MIDI channel 1.
    The Shift key again works to toggle between horizontal and vertical dragging in the Piano Roll when the Limit Dragging to One Direction in Piano Roll and Score preference is enabled.
    The Play Region Solo button in the Piano Roll editor now works when the Secondary Ruler is visible.
    The Select Next Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Next Transient and Select Previous Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Previous Transient key commands again work as expected in the Piano Roll editor.
    Selecting a large number of notes in the Piano Roll no longer sometimes causes unexpected noise.
    Changing screensets no longer causes the quantize value in the Piano Roll to be set to 1/16th note.
    It's again possible to edit the position of events in the Event List when the View > Event Position and Length as Time option is enabled.
    It's again possible to set the Channel value for multiple events to MIDI channel 1 by dragging the value of one selected event while pressing Option and Shift in the Event List.
    The Select Similar Events command in the Event List no longer selects both Relative and Absolute automation events, when only one type is selected to start with.
    It's again possible to continue editing multiple selected events in the Event list when one or more events has reached its minimum or maximum possible value by pressing Option while dragging the value of one event.
    Logic no longer creates interpolated events between two controller events manually inserted in the Event List editor.
    The Audio File Editor timeline now shows labels for beats in Bars/Beats view mode.
    The hot spots around Flex Pitch notes in the Audio Track editor now behave more reliably.
    The Pitch slider in the Audio Track editor no longer sometimes stops working after switching from one region to another.
    When multiple regions are visible in the track editor with Flex Pitch enabled, choosing Select All no longer highlights notes outside the currently selected region.
    It's no longer necessary to scroll in the Audio Track editor to show the note bar display for flex-pitched regions.
    The Audio Track Editor Inspector now accurately shows the current region Flex Pitch settings when switching between regions.
    The contents of a recently recorded region now reliably continue to be shown when switching between linear and page view in the Score editor.
    Sustain Pedal Off symbols now reliably display in the Score when the corresponding CC64 message has been moved to the end of the region.
    The strum up and strum down symbols are now correctly inserted into tablature with the Bravura font.
    Muted and diamond head note stems in tablature are no longer sometimes drawn with stems that span an entire page.
    Whole bar rests now reliably display at their correct positions in regions that follow a time signature change.
    The Sustain Pedal symbol highlighted in the Score Part Box now alternates between On and Off as Pedal events are inserted into the score.
    MIDI Draw in the Score editor now reliably shows names for all available parameters.
    Repeating the key command for Part Box: ¼ Note, Part Box ? Note, etc, now cycles through the related dotted and triplet note values.
    Note names are now centered properly inside note heads with non-serif fonts.
    The editor now correctly switches back to the Drummer editor when Undo is used after converting a MIDI region to a Drummer region.
    The Drummer editor now updates correctly when a Drummer region is moved from one Drummer track to another.
    It's now possible to define a MIDI pitch for applicable input fields in the Transform Window using live MIDI input.
    The key command Sustain Inserted Note now works when the Step Input window is closed.
    It's no longer possible to set the Step Input keyboard to octave ranges below the allowed MIDI minimum of C-2 with the Octave -1 key command.
    Environment objects can now be freely positioned within the window.

  • Mixer

  • The Reset Channel Strip command now works on all selected channel strips in the Mixer.
    The Mixer now shows the record-ready status of a selected audio track.
    Channel strips can be added to newly created VCAs by Option-clicking the channel strip VCA slot.
    Clicking on a channel strip meter now clears the peak hold display on all channels when the Display > Mixer > Peak Hold Time preference is set to Infinite.
    Double-clicking an External MIDI volume fader in the Logic Mixer now sets its value to 90, as expected.
    Option-clicking on the numerical volume display in the Mixer now sets it to 0dB.
    In the Mixer, double-clicking on the output slot of a channel strip assigned to a mono output now correctly selects the corresponding mono output channel strip.

  • Automation

  • It's now easier to grab and drag up an automation line defined by two points at the bottom the automation lane.
    New automation lanes are no longer set to Volume if volume automation is already visible for the track.
    Region-based automation no longer is unexpectedly moved or deleted when the left corner of a region is adjusted.
    Region-based automation is now correctly retained for all regions when joining regions that were originally divided from one continuous region.
    This update improves the handling of region-based automation in cases where the start of the region is moved to the right of the first automation point.
    Automation Write mode with region-based automation no longer creates unexpected automation ramps when playback is started in the middle of a region.
    Automation Write mode with region-based automation now reliably brings the last touched parameter to the front when different parameters are written in the same pass.
    Automation nodes added to an automation lane that has been switched off no longer playback until the lane is switched back on.
    Unexpected Track automation ramps are no longer created when converting track-based automation to region-based automation when there are not regions that encompass the entire track.
    Volume automation now properly maintains the last written value after writing in Latch and Write mode.
    Region-based automation is now exported or moved as expected when using the Export or Move the Active Comp commands.
    Automation nodes created at the right side of a Marquee selection are now reliably placed at the correct position.
    The command to set automation points at the borders of overlapping regions now places the points for the start of the right-most region correctly when the anchor point has been offset in the left-hand region.
    Automation lanes labeled Display Off are no longer sometimes created after converting track-based automation to region-based automation or vice versa.
    Automation on External Instrument tracks can now be converted between region-based automation to track-based automation.
    Region-based automation now visually updates when being trimmed using Track Header control in projects that start before bar 0.
    Moving track-based automation with regions no longer sometimes results in unexpected automation ramps in projects that start before bar 1.
    Logic no longer sometimes creates extra unexpected automation points after joining two overlapping regions that both contain region-based automation.
    Changing direction while adding track-based automation with the Pencil tool no longer creates unexpected spikes in the automation.
    Imported tracks now include the volume and pan level, even when they contain no automation.
    Relative automation now works correctly in songs where the MIDI > General > Control Change 7/10 controls Volume/Pan of channel strip objects project setting is enabled.
    The Automation View no longer incorrectly switches to display Read mode when a second automation point is added while in Touch mode.
    Existing automation is no longer set to an External MIDI Instrument when new automation is being written.
    If a track is set to region-based automation mode, Logic no longer switches to writing track-based automation when the automation view is turned off.
    If a long region completely overlaps a shorter region, Logic now continues to write region-based automation to the longer region after the playhead passes the right edge of the short region.
    The position of points for Mute automation off/on is now displayed consistently whether the MIDI > General > Control Change 7/10 controls Volume/Pan of channel strip objects project setting is enabled or not.
    In Touch mode, automation no longer briefly jumps unexpectedly at the beginning of the ramp time when the fader is released.
    Midi Draw now shows the correct scale for Pitch bend and Pan in the Score and Piano Roll editors.
    Smart Controls now reliably update when automation for their corresponding parameters is written in Touch mode.

  • Plug-ins

  • It no longer requires two clicks on another application to bring it in front of a Logic plug-in window.
    When resizing the Drum Machine Designer plug-in window, there is now a percentage display of of the current size in the upper right corner of the window.
    The new positions of kit piece cells that have been rearranged in the Drum Machine Designer plug-in are retained when the project is saved and then reopened.
    The BPM Counter now correctly displays the tempo when in Controls View.
    It's no longer necessary to press Return or Enter to confirm the name of a new folder created in the Plug-in Manager.
    Plug-in Manager categories that include a “/“ in their name no longer show up multiple times when clicking on a channel strip plug-in insert slot.
    Logic track names and numbers now display as expected in the Softube Console 1 plug-in.
    Logic no longer shows a “Too many files open” error when opening Omnisphere patches that contain more than 256 samples.
    The Pitch parameter for the Apple AUPitch plug-in can again be automated when running Logic in German.

  • Sharing/Export

  • Project XML files exported from Logic to Final Cut Pro X now reliably maintain the correct sample rate.
    When importing Final Cut Pro X Project XML, Logic now places audio clips that lack time position information in the Audio Bin.

  • Accessibility

  • The Filter buttons in the Event list are now accessible with VoiceOver.
    The Velocity slider in the Piano Roll Inspector is now accessible with VoiceOver.
    The volume slider in the Track Header is now accessible via VoiceOver.
    Volume faders and bus send knobs in the Mixer are now accessible via VoiceOver.

  • Synchronization

  • Logic no longer sends MIDI Clock when stopped, improving sync with MIDI hardware devices.
    MIDI Clock Song Position Pointer now works as expected in Cycle mode.
    MIDI Clock transmission now behaves as expected when Cycle is enabled and the Cycle Pre-Processing Preference is set to Off.
    Logic no longer sends MIDI Clock data when the playhead is dragged while Logic is stopped.
    The Frame Rate warning Logic shows when 30 fps (non-drop) is selected now offers a “Do not show again” option.
    Double-clicking the Time display in the Transport and typing in a SMPTE position now takes the playhead to the correct position in projects where a SMPTE Offset has been set.
    The Plays at SMPTE field in the Synchronization > General project settings window now displays the correct time when the Display Time setting is set to SMPTE/EBU with Subframes.
    Importing a movie with embedded audio no longer unexpectedly SMPTE locks existing audio regions in the project.

  • Control Surfaces

  • Touch OSC can now access Aux channel strips that are not assigned to tracks.
    Channel strips that are not assigned to tracks are no longer labeled with track numbers on connected control surfaces.
    The Spot Erase button now works on the Mackie C4 control surface.
    Mackie Control control surfaces are now reliably recognized when Logic launches.
    Turning the Logic Control jog wheel to the right no longer sometimes causes the playhead to jump to the end to the project.
    It's again possible to step through parameters using the left and right cursor keys on Emagic Logic Control hardware.
    Select All and delete now work as expected in the Control Surfaces Setup window.
    The control surface Flip Group parameter now works with control surfaces not directly supported by Logic.

  • Additional Updates

  • This update includes various fixes for issues related to patches and content.
    A Multitimbral instrument saved as a Track Stack patch no longer loads as separate instruments when the patch is recalled.
    The "grace period" for MIDI notes played before the start of a project is again always a quarter note, regardless of the Cycle and Cycle Pre-Processing settings.
    Projects saved to iCloud Drive now show up in Logic’s recent files list.
    Sliders in the preferences window can now be incrementally adjusted with the mouse wheel or touch pad.
    The Normalize Region Parameters key command now properly changes the MIDI channel of events within regions on Software Instrument tracks.
    The New Track with Duplicate Settings menu command and key command now work with Drummer tracks.
    Canceling Flex analysis now works consistently.
    Project templates can now be set to tempos that include decimals.
    Software Instrument loops created in versions prior to Logic 10.1 now play back properly.
    New files dragged into the Project Audio window are now placed at the bottom of the list.
    There is now a Cancel button in the dialog that appears when notes cross the point at which a MIDI region is divided.
    Living Groove connection now works as expected with quantized audio regions.
    The Physical Input object in the environment now displays each port’s device name, as well as the port number.
    Resizing Global tracks no longer sometimes causes graphics issues when more than one Global track is visible.
    The division value 1/192 is again available in the LCD.
    The key commands Increase/Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 1 now work in the local Inspectors for the Piano Roll, Score editors, Track Header channel strips and Mixer Channel Strips.
    There is now a contextual menu and key command for deleting all region-based automation for all selected region or regions.
    It's now possible to delete the first Tempo Set in cases where more than one Tempo Set exists.
    Selected tempo events in the Tempo track can now be reliably deselected by clicking anywhere in the background of the Tempo track.
    It's now possible to copy/paste tempo events from the Tempo List to a new Tempo Set in the Tempo track.
    Clicking on a tempo event in the Tempo track no longer selects the previous event when that event is the same value.
    Tempo events created by clicking the + button in the Tempo List now immediately appear in the Tempo track.
    Erasing the first Beat Mapping event in a project no longer causes the SMPTE position of the first Tempo event to shift when the project SMPTE format is not 25 fps.
    Marker text can now wrap to the next line if the Marker track is tall enough to accommodate more than one line of text.
    Markers displayed in the Timeline now update as expected when a new Marker Set is chosen.
    After a Marker List editor has been closed, it no longer reappears when a screenset is recalled, or a song saved after closing it's reopened.
    The first point in the Tempo track now displays properly.
    It's again possible to learn MIDI commands when the MIDI port is set to All.
    The Set Locators and Goto Position dialogs now allow the position to be entered in time code format, as well as bars and beats.
    The Musical Typing window no longer opens when a new project with a Software Instrument track is created and the option to Open Library is disabled.
    MIDI events no longer sometimes disappear when two SMPTE locked regions are glued together.
    The Audio > Editing > Crossfade Curve preference for Merge and Take Comping now correctly affects crossfades created when comping takes.
    The Repeat Section command no longer causes the Playhead to change position.
    The Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle key command again works as expected.
    Logic projects again reliably display Quick Look previews.
    When the cursor is in an Inspector, pressing Option no longer incorrectly changes the cursor to the Zoom tool.
    Key commands to control the Transport now work when the Time & Pitch Machine window has focus after processing some audio.
    Moving an Arrangement marker no longer sometimes causes protected text markers to be deleted.
    If Cycle is enabled, Logic will ignore selected regions and use only its range to determine which portion of a project to include when exporting audio to a movie.
    The MIDI In display on Mapped Instruments now updates to show the last played note.
    Regions selection is no longer changed unexpectedly by changing to a different screenset, or reloading a song.
    The Audio Crossfade Options for Merge key command now opens the correct preferences panel.
    Performing Undo after importing tracks no longer unexpectedly changes the color of markers to the default color.
    download Logic Pro v 10.1.1 Feb 28, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Stability and performance

    Logic no longer sometimes stops responding when you open it with Euphonix control surfaces installed
    Resolves an issue that could cause the Download Manager to appear empty
    Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when you use Izotope RX4 as external audio editor

    Main window

    Disabling Automation view in the Main window no longer causes region-based automation that has been switched off to playback unexpectedly
    Click-holding a region now immediately brings up the Region Info window
    It is again possible to split a take region with the Scissors tool
    Editing automation during playback now works properly in projects that start before 1 1 1 1
    Writing automation for send mutes now works as expected
    The cursor keys on control surfaces no longer sometimes trigger unexpected key commands
    Region based automation for all Smart Control parameters now displays reliably
    Logic now displays the tempo correctly when the Display Tempo As preference is set to "Frames Per Click with Decimals," or "Frames Per Click with Eighths," and the frame rate is 50, 59.94, or 60 fps
    Audio tracks edited with Melodyne in songs that originated in Logic Pro 9 now play back in sync
    Logic Screensets that include only plug-in windows work as expected again
    MIDI regions recorded in Cycle mode no longer sometimes have a measure before the start position of the recording when the first note is performed within the Cycle Pre-processing time before the downbeat
    The "Beats from Region" function works as expected again
    Logic no longer outputs an audio pop when switching between certain patches


    Deleting fader events for region based automation in the Event List editor now properly removes the interpolation events between them
    Clicking the plus button in the Sysex Fader editor again adds events as expected
    All audio take regions now reliably display in the Track Editor
    The Brush Tool no longer gets stuck in fixed pitch mode when selected after using the Pencil Tool
    While using the Brush tool, pressing Shift while pressing the mouse button no longer erases the recently brushed notes
    There is now an option "Snap MIDI Draw and Automation” in the Piano Roll Snap menu
    Auto Set Locators no longer improperly follows note selections inside of regions
    The Toggle Loop trigger setting in Touch Tracks again works as expected
    The Piano Roll now reliably opens with the visible area showing the notes contained in the selected region
    Undo now reliably works after moving events in the Piano Roll
    Looping regions with Show Drum Names enabled in the Piano Roll no longer causes notes to transpose unexpectedly
    Muted notes in the Piano Roll no longer play when clicked
    Scale Quantize no longer sometimes moves notes that are already in the selected key
    Touching the Ruler in the Piano Roll with a rubber band selection no longer causes visible Time Frame handles to move to the wrong position
    MIDI events clicked in the Piano Roll now output on their set MIDI channel as expected
    The “Delete and Select Next Event” key command now works properly in the Piano Roll
    Using the right/left arrow keys now reliably triggers notes in the Piano Roll when a different track is selected in the Main window
    On/Off buttons in the Environment again operate correctly with a short mouse click
    Environment cabling is now reliably maintained when importing Environment layers not a project
    The Note Head menu in the Environment Mapped Instrument editor is no longer empty
    MIDI Draw automation points now follow the mouse as expected when editing in an independent Piano Roll window


    Pre-fader sends are no longer affected by VCA fader changes
    Replacing Drum Kit Designer with Drum Machine Designer on a Drummer track channel strip no longer converts the track to a Software Instrument track
    Audio Device controls no longer sometimes display non-functional buttons for the attached audio interface
    Undoing the deletion of a channel strip in the Mixer no longer leaves the channel strip in a non-functional state


    Changing the Knee value in the Platinum Compressor no longer causes unexpected changes in sound and metering when switching to the Classic VCA Compressor model
    Multimeter plug-in instances saved in previous versions of Logic now load with the correct settings
    Logic Remote and Controls view in Logic Pro no longer show the RMS/Peak controls for the Compressor models that do not support RMS/Peak
    Songs using Lexicon PCM Native bundle plug-ins no longer exhibit audio artifacts when played back


    VoiceOver can once again access audio channels as well as the track header volume and pan controls

    Control Surfaces

    Channel names now update correctly on control surfaces when opening or clos track stacks in Logic
    Logic Remote again reliably connects to Logic Pro X at launch when you set the Startup Action to “Ask" in Logic Pro
    EuCon Artist control surfaces can again control a channel’s send level in Logic
    mac Logic Pro v 10.1 Jan 22, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    windows Logic Pro v 10.0.7 May 14, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    macintosh Logic Pro v 10.0.6 Jan 10, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Fixes an audio-input issue that caused the Record Enable button to be unavailable with some audio interfaces, including the M-Audio Fast Track Pro, M-Audio Plus, Blue Yeti USB mic, Alesis i02 Express, Avid Mbox, and Griffin iMic.
    pc Logic Pro v 10.0.5 Dec 19, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New features and enhancements

    Includes 3 new Drummers and 11 new Drum Kit Designer patches.
    Significant enhancements to Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ plug-ins, including:
    Redesigned, easier-to-use interface that's also accessible within the Smart Controls area
    Double Precision processing provides more accurate filtering, especially for low frequencies
    Oversampling option improves high-frequency clarity
    Option to apply EQ only to stereo left, right, middle, or side signals
    There is now an option to set the Piano Roll to a light background color.
    Selected notes in the Piano Roll are now highlighted by a selection frame.
    When Logic is stopped or in Play mode, the glyph on the Metronome button in the control bar now illuminates to indicate that “Click while recording” is enabled.
    The Shuffle commands are improved (see Logic Pro X Help for details).

    User interface

    There is now a command to assign region names to track names.
    The waveform size in an audio region now adapts to the value of the region gain parameter.
    Loops that belong to the same family can now be selected and changed using a new control in the region header.
    Logic Pro X now assigns region and Mixer channel colors that are closer to the original colors when opening a project created in an earlier version of Logic.
    Option-clicking a disclosure triangle in the Project Audio window now toggles all disclosure triangles in the window.
    The Windows menu again lists all currently open windows.
    The Mixer can now be reliably resized when in All mode.
    Renaming multiple selected Mixer channels now reliably renames all channel strips in the selection.
    When creating a duplicate track, the correct track icon and color are now assigned to the duplicate.
    The song title is now automatically populated in the Share to iTunes dialog when sharing a song created in Logic 9 or GarageBand for iOS.
    It's once again possible to browse or load patches onto the Output channel strip via the Library.
    The View menu items One Track and Selected Regions in the Piano Roll are now disabled when Link mode is disabled.


    Improves processor balancing for multi-output software instrument configurations.
    Improves handling of multiple displays on OS X Mavericks v10.9.
    Resolves an issue that in some cases might cause audio clicks and pops when scrolling.
    Moving an automation line while playing no longer spikes in CPU usages, or clicks and pops in the audio output.
    Resolves an issue that could cause clicks and pops in the audio output when adjusting the gain or output level settings during playback in the various plug-ins.
    Logic's interface no longer freezes when using the Native Instruments Maschine controller to adjust two macro controls simultaneously.
    Fixes an issue in which a warning about not enough memory might be displayed when performing Undo after editing a protected track.
    Adjusting the frequency controls while playing audio through the Stereo Spread plug-in no longer causes audible zipper noise.
    Improves the performance of scrolling when dragging regions in the Tracks area beyond the currently visible section.
    Playing notes live into the Arpeggiator plug-in no longer sometimes leads to spikes in CPU usage.
    Fixes an issue that could cause a spike in CPU usage when recording near the end of a project.
    Logic 9 projects that contain a macro object in the Environment now behave more reliably when opened into Logic Pro X.
    Multiple instances of the Scripter plug-in no longer have the potential to cause stuck notes.
    The Scripter plug-in is no longer prone to causing stuck notes when using the Delay Note Until Next Beat preset.
    Switching between presets in the Space Designer plug-in no longer sometimes results in noise.


    Regions copied from a Track Stack can now be muted as expected even when they are within a Track Stack that is muted.
    Deleting an audio Track Stack while it was soloed no longer leaves all the remaining tracks muted.
    Entering a new crossfade value in the Region inspector for multiple selected regions now works as expected.
    Region-based automation data beyond the end of a region is now chased properly even when playback is started after the last automation node within the bounds of the region.
    Logic now maintains the correct relative levels when automation on multiple tracks belonging to the same Group are copied by dragging.
    Resolves an issue in which track automation might be deleted when switching patches.
    The default display setting when showing automation on Track Stacks is now Volume, instead of Display Off.
    A track is now created as expected when using a control surface to set the automation mode of a channel strip not previously assigned to a track.
    Moving a SMPTE locked region can no longer cause the automation on the track to move.
    The position of the automation line no longer jumps unexpectedly when it is selected after creating 4 automation points with a Marquee selection.
    Adjacent automation points of the same value are no longer sometimes inadvertently deleted when moving automation points on a grouped track.
    The Repeat Section Between Locators command now includes automation on tracks that contain no regions in the repeated section.
    When using Touch mode, Logic no longer writes unneeded automation points at the held value when holding a fader at the same position where there is an existing automation ramp.
    Writing automation to an Aux not assigned to a track can no longer potentially cause tracks in a Track Stack to be rerouted to that Aux.
    Copying multiple regions where only some affected tracks contain automation no longer activates Automation Read mode on the channel strips that have no automation.
    Chase now works as expected for MIDI controllers on channels other than channel 1.
    Takes are now shortened as expected when the take folder containing them is shortened by an edit operation and No Overlap mode is enabled.
    Fixes an issue in which the visible area might jump unexpectedly when comping in a take folder that was not on the selected track.
    Fixes an issue that caused some audio regions to be immovable when duplicate regions are packed into a take folder.
    Packing regions with names containing non-ASCII characters into a take folder no longer creates garbled take names.
    Numbers assigned to MIDI takes now increment reliably.
    Expanding a take folder no longer potentially causes the playhead to fall out of sync with the audio output.
    When using OS X v10.9, the playhead in the Audio Editor now consistently maintains the correct position when switching from Flex Time to Flex Pitch mode.
    It's now possible to set a loop to a length of less than 1/16 note.
    The position of beat markers in the Global Beat Mapping track are now updated appropriately when using the various Cut/Insert Time commands.
    Inserting a beat marker in the Beat Mapping track no longer creates unexpected tempo events in some circumstances.
    Expanding a take folder no longer potentially causes the playhead to fall out of sync with the audio output.
    Resolves an issue in which some MIDI notes might unexpectedly change position when Beat Mapping.
    Adding a Beat Mapping marker no longer intermittently removes existing tempo events.
    Inserting a fade-in using Shift-Control and the Pointer tool now works consistently.
    Using the Fade tool to set fade-ins on multiple regions in a set of grouped tracks now works reliably.
    Dragging regions on multiple grouped tracks with the Drag Mode set to X-Fade no longer potentially results in crossfades of varying lengths.
    The Delete command now works as expected on selected regions that are inside a collapsed Group in the Project Audio window.
    It's now possible to add a green Apple MIDI loop to the Tracks area as an audio loop by dragging it from the Loops browser while pressing the Option key.
    Logic Pro X no longer creates separate tracks for non-overlapping regions when unpacking folders in projects created by earlier versions of Logic.
    Using the menu that appears when pressing the Metronome button in the Control Bar, it's now possible to set the metronome to sound only during count-in.
    Improves the reliability of Undo in several areas.
    The Mixer window no longer intermittently moves when scrolling past the minimum or maximum value of the fader using a scroll wheel or gesture.
    It's now possible to select or open folder tracks in the Mixer.
    Right-clicking an Aux or Output channel strip in the Mixer and selecting Create Track now behaves as expected even if the channel strip is not initially selected.
    Command-click again works reliably to deselect a Mixer channel within a selected group of channels.
    The display of audio waveforms of regions in a track no longer change unexpectedly when enabling or disabling the Groove status on a track.
    Looped regions inside a folder now update the point they are supposed to stop playing after extending the length of the folder.
    Overwriting an existing project no longer potentially leaves assets from the original project in place.
    When creating a new project from a Logic 9 template, the default save path is no longer the location of the template.
    Improves the mapping of Smart Controls to channel strip settings created in Logic 9.
    The Follow Tempo parameter in the Region inspector is no longer incorrectly disabled for Apple Loops in songs last saved in GarageBand 6 or earlier.
    Clicking and holding down on the upper-right corner of a region no longer unexpectedly enables looping in the Region inspector, with a loop length of zero.
    The Region Inspector no longer displays a Loop checkbox for selected Track Stack folder regions.
    It's once again possible to disable Quantize in the Region Inspector for a region on a track slaved to a Groove Master track.
    Saving a song created from a template no longer resets the tempo to 120 BPM.
    Text for alert messages now always displays correctly on control surfaces.
    Changing Region inspector parameters for MIDI regions on the main track of a Track Stack now behaves as expected.
    It's again possible to change the Transpose value in the Region Inspector using the + and - keys.
    Logic now consistently responds to Play or Stop key commands when a floating Region inspector window is open.
    It's no longer possible to give the same name to more than one project alternative.
    MIDI played from the Musical Typing Keyboard and Logic Remote is now routed through the Physical Input object in the Environment, which allows Environment processing of MIDI as it is being played into Logic from these sources.
    Logic no longer adds 2 extra frames to the value when entering a SMPTE position in a project set to a non-drop frame rate.
    Regions copied by option-dragging in projects with a start position earlier than bar 1 now end at the desired position.
    Moving the first arrangement marker in a project no longer inadvertently moves other arrangement markers.
    Resolves a rare issue that could cause the timing of a track in a project with many tempo changes to be altered after turning Flex on and then off.
    Logic now asks the user to save the project when closing a project immediately after entering text into the Project Notes area.
    It's now possible to consistently add, remove, or edit plug-ins on tracks that were frozen in Source Only mode.
    Pressing the Control key while dragging a region with the Snap Mode set to Bar now moves the region by beats instead of ticks, as expected.
    Editing the left border of an audio region now behaves as expected when the Snap setting is set to “Snap Regions to Relative Value”.
    Resizing a region with the Snap setting set to “Snap Regions to Absolute Value” now behaves as expected.
    Resolves an issue that caused an event in the Event List to move later than expected when editing its position.
    The “Capture as Recording” command now works as expected when multiple MIDI tracks are record-enabled.
    It's now possible to preview sections of an audio file outside the current region borders by clicking the area in the Project Audio window.
    The tap-to-click option for trackpads now works reliably with all drop down menus.
    The “Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position” key command now reliably discards the recording.
    It's again possible to use the Tab key to navigate to the next control while working with plug-ins in Controls view.
    The MIDI Activity display now shows chords as they are played when using Musical Typing.
    All currently found audio files are now reliably saved with a project when using Save As or Save a Copy As with a project in which one or more audio files are missing.
    The name of a project is now correctly updated after saving a project created from a template.
    Fixes an issue in which clicking on the level LED in the track header did not select the track.
    Resolves an issue in which changes made to the setup for Mackie Control and other MCU-compatible control surfaces were not saved by Logic Pro X.
    Setting the Display Time preference to “SMPTE/EBU with Subframes”, “SMPTE/EBU without Subframes,” or “SMPTE/EBU with Quarter frames” can no longer cause the time display to jump unexpectedly.
    Saving a project for the first time no longer resets the record path when it was previously set to an external path.
    Performing undo in the Piano Roll or after deleting a flex marker no longer has the potential to unfreeze currently frozen tracks in the project.
    Sample rate, tempo, and key information is now reliably stored within template files.
    Fixes an issue in which the Repeat Regions dialog did not have key focus when opened, making it necessary to click it with the mouse before pressing Return to confirm the operation.
    Individual MIDI Draw points in the Piano Roll are now easier to grab.
    Deleting a track no longer has the potential to inadvertently delete regions on other tracks.
    Cut/Insert Time edits no longer add unexpected tempo changes.
    Scrubbing the SMPTE display in the LCD no longer moves the playhead to the wrong position.
    Copying an arrangement marker to a position between two other arrangement markers now moves the end-of-song marker to accommodate the new section, as expected.


    Audio regions now appear as expected in the Audio Editor, even when cycle is enabled and there are no audio regions within the cycle area.
    Flex Pitch now correctly detects notes for take regions that have manually inserted flex markers.
    The timing of notes played during the count-in on EXS24 or Drummer tracks is now more reliable.
    Pasting an audio region into a take folder now correctly places the region on the selected take lane.
    When saving an EXS instrument, the default save location is now ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Sampler Instruments.
    Editing the start point and anchor in the EXS audio editor now consistently alters playback as expected.
    Logic no longer overwrites an existing audio file of the same name when performing a bounce with the option to create a split stereo file enabled.
    Audio tracks assigned to output to a bus now consistently maintain that assignment when imported into a different song.
    User-defined controller assignments now work as expected to control MIDI plug-in parameters.
    The Record Repeat command now deletes the previous recording when used after recording in Cycle mode.
    Quantize now operates reliably on takes that are displayed in the Audio Editor.
    The Tuner window is no longer affected by the Content Link setting of other plug-in windows.
    Audio now plays for multiple cycle iterations when using marquee selection to define the cycle area.
    When the Edit command “Analyze Audio for Flex Editing” is used, Logic now properly resets any existing pitch edits on the selected audio files.
    Command-clicking a selected note in Flex Pitch mode in the Audio Editor now deselects the note, as expected.
    Setting a track to Flex Edit mode with the Slicing algorithm no longer processes the track with Flex if no edits have been applied.
    It's again possible to set Software Instruments to mono.
    Logic no longer creates an extra audio file when merging or format-converting audio files.
    Resolves an issue in which the Mixer did not show the 8th bus send on a channel strip.
    Changing the input format of a stereo output channel strip to mono now creates a second mono output channel strip on the Mixer for the other channel in the stereo pair.
    Setting an external recording path now reliably resets the Audio Assets setting. Conversely, enabling the Audio Assets setting now disables an externally set recording path.
    The compressor meter in the channel strip is now in sync with the meter in the plug-in window.


    Improves the translation of articulations when an Ultrabeat-based patch is assigned to a Drummer track.
    When a project starts on an upbeat, a Drummer region at the project start now automatically creates a fill at the beginning.
    Changes to Drummer regions are now reliably applied when the regions are set to follow a flexed audio track.

    MIDI editors

    The Link mode button is now available for the Piano Roll editor.
    The “Limit Dragging to One Direction” setting now works as expected in the Piano Roll.
    It's now possible to grab notes shorter than 15 ticks for editing in the Piano Roll.
    Double-clicking a region with MIDI Draw enabled now consistently opens or closes a MIDI editor.
    Resolves an issue in which recently recorded MIDI notes might disappear from view in the Piano Roll when recording with cycle engaged.
    It's again possible to alter the pitch of notes in the Piano Roll via MIDI input.
    Using Option-Shift to edit the end points of multiple selected notes to the same position in the Piano Roll Editor now works as expected.
    In the Piano Roll, it's again possible to use Option-Shift in conjunction with the Velocity tool to set all selected notes to the same velocity.
    An Event Float window that is linked no longer switches unexpectedly to the Region level when using arrow keys to move from note to note in the Piano Roll.
    Pasting events in the Piano Roll when the playhead is to the right of the region border will not trigger the error “Illegal Region number”.
    It's now possible to copy a note in the Piano Roll to a different pitch at the same position when the note starts before the left edge of the region.
    It’s now possible to move notes in the Piano Roll by increments smaller than 13 ticks when the “Limit Dragging to One Direction” setting is enabled.
    User-inserted rests no longer incorrectly appear as notes in the Piano Roll.
    Copying a muted note in the Piano Roll now creates a muted copy of the note, as expected.
    Fixes an issue in which some note events might not be selectable in the Step Editor.
    The contents of the Event List are now updated properly when deselecting a region from a multiple selection while Content Link mode is enabled.
    The Event List now displays the correct LSB values for 14-bit pitch bend events.
    Editing Release Velocity values in the Event List now behaves as expected.
    The “Copy selected events” option in the MIDI Transform window now behaves as expected.

    Score Editor

    Fixes an issue that could cause the menu option for switching between Parts and Score view in the Score Sets window to disappear.
    Double-clicking a region with the All Instruments filter setting active now reliably reveals all regions on that track, rather than just the single region.
    The contents of the Event List editor are more consistently updated when changing the region selection from the Score window.
    Newly inserted key signatures no longer display “xx Major” in some circumstances.
    The Chord Grid Editor now correctly names Add 9 chords.
    The clef menu no longer disappears for a Mapped Instrument staff style set to “No Clef”.
    It's again possible to create a new Chord Grid library that uses an alternate tuning.
    It's now possible to adjust the Velocity setting in the MIDI Meanings settings window by scrubbing the value with the mouse.
    The length adjustment in the MIDI Meanings settings window can now be adjusted via a pop-up menu.
    In the Staff Style window, the check marks indicating that a style is used in the current song now reliably update to reflect changes when Content Link mode is off.
    Grace notes now scale properly when the scale setting of a Score Set is less than 100.
    Resolves an issue that prevented reassigning instruments assigned to a Score Set after performing certain other edits.
    Fixes an issue that prevented naming a floating score Part box set.


    Solo now works as expected on channel strips using an external I/O plug-in
    Ultrabeat can now find samples that have been relocated from the default install location.
    Ultrabeat now correctly applies the Fine Pitch adjustment to all triggered samples when trigger mode is set to Multi.
    It's now possible to halve/double the current rate of the Arpeggiator plug-in by clicking the Slow/Fast buttons.
    The ES1 synth plug-in can now be set to offer 32 and 64 voices per instance.
    The Scripter plug-in now allows System Realtime MIDI events to pass through.
    The Scripter plug-in now offers an option to keep current control values when recompiling a script, rather than resetting all values back to their defaults.
    The Scripter MIDI plug-in now includes a Set Parameter function.
    Switching between Vintage Electric Piano patches while holding notes no longer potentially results in momentary jumps in level.
    The Vintage Electric Piano no longer potentially creates audible pops when switching patches when the Drive is enabled and set to Type II.
    It's now possible to continue working with the Scripter editor window when Logic Pro X is not in focus.
    The Surround Compressor plug-in now properly shows all the new circuit types available in Logic Pro X.
    It's again possible to copy or paste settings in the Space Designer plug-in window.
    The order of controls in the Retrosynth Filter Envelope and Amp Envelope sections has been reorganized to improve usability.
    The plug-in window no longer appears empty for Waves plug-ins opened in projects created in Logic 9.
    Fixes an issue in which inserting a plug-in on multiple stereo Software Instrument channel strips would insert mono versions of the plug-in on some channel strips.
    EXS24 or Kontakt settings are no longer removed from a song if the Audio Device buffer size is changed before saving the song.
    Resolves an issue in which adjusting parameters on the Channel EQ while playing back might cause minor clicks and pops in the audio signal.
    Moving an Amp Designer instance to a different plug-in slot no longer sometimes changes its sound.
    “Save as Default” for Audio Unit presets again works as expected.


    It's now possible to exchange movie files in a project by dragging a new movie file into the Movie window or the Movie inspector.
    Logic Pro X can now work with the following professional video codecs, if OS X Mavericks v10.9 and the codecs are installed: Apple Intermediate Codec, Apple ProRes, AVC-Intra, DVCPRO HD, HDV, XDCAM HD / EX / HD422, MPEG IMX, Uncompressed 4:2:2, XAVC.
    There is now a Show/Hide Movie Window command in the View menu when the current project contains a movie.
    Resolves an issue in which some movies that were compatible with QuickTime X did not play in Logic Pro X.
    Exporting audio to a movie with a portrait orientation no longer causes the movie to rotate 90 degrees.
    Logic is now able to export surround AAC audio to a movie even if the original audio in the movie was originally kept.
    The visible frame of a movie now updates as note lengths in the Piano Roll are changed.

    Import/export fixes and improvements

    XML projects imported from Final Cut Pro X now contain volume and pan automation when opened in Logic Pro X.
    Exporting a project as an Final Cut Pro/XML file with the “Export as Final Cut Compound Clip” option enabled now behaves as expected.
    Includes several improvements to the way Logic handles audio sample-rate conversion when importing Final Cut Pro XML.
    Logic now shows a progress bar when importing large Final Cut Pro XML projects.
    32-bit float audio files in Final Cut Pro XML projects are now converted to 24-bit files during import so they play properly when imported into Logic.
    The start time of imported Final Cut Pro XML projects is now consistently correct.
    It's now possible to export Music XML when the Score window is in linear view mode.
    Logic no longer shows multiple alerts when importing a Final Cut Pro XML project containing videos in a format not supported by Logic.
    Songs created in GarageBand 6 no longer load in Logic Pro X with an extra channel in the Mixer.
    Fixes an issue in which audio in a song imported from GarageBand 6 might play back too fast in Logic Pro X.
    Logic now offers to include embedded tempo and marker information when using Track Import to bring an audio file into a project that contains no other audio regions.
    Simultaneously dragging multiple MIDI files into the Tracks area now behaves as expected when using No Overlap mode.
    The default destination path for exported MIDI files is now the project folder instead of ~/Music/Logic.
    When importing projects, there is now an Add All button in the Aux import dialog.
    The user settings in the Bounce window are now retained after sharing to iTunes.
    Split stereo SD2 files no longer incorrectly import as AIFF files when the WAV file option is enabled.
    The “Share Song to iTunes” command now creates a playlist with the name entered if there is not already an iTunes playlist with that name.
    MIDI events that precede the start point of a region are no longer included when the region is exported as a MIDI file.

    Stability and reliability

    Includes several fixes related to stability and reliability, including to resolve issues that could cause Logic to quit unexpectedly in these circumstances:

    When changing the length of a time-stretched region
    When importing tracks from another project
    When recording with the color palette open
    When bypassing an instance of the Maschine plug-in
    When exporting Music XML after applying Enharmonic Shift to some notes
    When changing the range on an Environment fader whose style was set to Text
    When quitting a project that has a Surround Compressor inserted on a channel strip
    When removing a control surface from the Control Surface setup window when the Logic Remote is also present
    When changing the range value of a Smart Control during playback.
    When reapplying a Time and Pitch operation after undoing a previous one
    When dragging an audio region from a take folder to a new song
    Logic Pro v 10.0.4 Oct 25, 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Includes a change that allows Logic to properly open GarageBand X projects.

  • Fixes an issue in which the Mixer might flicker when scrolling up or down in OS X Mavericks v10.9.

  • Resolves an issue in which EXS instruments created with third-party applications might exhibit unexpected voice "stealing" when played in Logic Pro X.

  • Resolves an issue in which the Tuner did not display correctly on Retina Displays with OS X Mavericks v10.9.

  • Fixes an issue in which Logic Pro X did not correctly display track icons in projects imported from GarageBand 2 for iOS.
  • Logic Pro v 10.0.2 Aug 21, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This update improves overall stability and performance issues including:

  • Undo commands work as expected after Flex Pitch editing

  • The Vintage Electric Piano plug-in now performs correctly at all sample rates

  • The Capture Last Take key command no longer erases a MIDI recording

  • Double-clicking on a Drummer region now opens or closes the editor

  • Addresses a graphic issue where the Piano Roll Editor could display an empty window
  • Logic Pro v 10.0.1 Jul 29, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This update improves overall stability and performance issues including:

  • Fixes an issue that could cause content downloading to stall

  • 24-bit audio files are no longer converted to 16-bit when exporting projects to AAF

  • Improves stability when switching between audio editors while Flex Pitch is enabled

  • Track Stacks that contain both software instrument and audio tracks will no longer be inadvertently flattened by loading a Patch

  • Tuner is now available when selecting a Track Stack containing audio tracks

  • Addresses graphic and selection behavior issues in the Score Editor
  • Logic Pro v X Jul 17, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Apple has released Logic Pro X, the most advanced version of its professional recording studio for the Mac. Featuring a modern new design, Logic Pro X comes with new plug-ins, sounds, and tools that keep the music-making process flowing. New features include Drummer, a virtual session player that jams along with your songs, and Flex Pitch, which allows you to fine-tune the pitch of your audio tracks. Also new is Logic Remote, an app that lets you control Logic Pro X wirelessly from your iPad. “Logic Pro X is our most powerful version yet, with advanced tools and a modern new interface designed to streamline the process of creating professional quality music,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. Wayne Sermon, guitarist of the Platinum-selling band Imagine Dragons, said, “We love the new design, and the creative features of Logic Pro X have already been inspiring us to write new material while we’re on tour
    Logic Pro v 9.1.8 Oct 26, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    This update addresses overall stability and performance issues including:

    Fixes an issue that caused an AirPlay dialog to repeatedly appear.
    Resolves performance issues when using plug-ins that provide frequent graphic feedback.
    Additional content downloads now behave correctly when installing on Lion and Mountain Lion.
    Logic Pro v 9.1.7 Mar 28, 2012 MacOS X Intel

    Provides compatibility with songs created with GarageBand for iOS 1.2.

    Performance and Stability

    Resolves an issue in Logic Pro 9.1.6 in which projects with a large number of fades displayed “I/O Error, Result code = -36” when playback was started.
    Improves performance when using multiple instances of EXS24 in 32-bit mode with EXS24 Virtual Memory mode active.
    Resolves several issues related to the download and installation of basic and additional content.
    Resolves an issue that could occur which caused the application to stop responding when performing Undo. This would occur after deleting a file or region in the Audio Bin.

    Plug-ins and Instruments

    The Output Distortion setting for the Compressor plug-in now works as expected with the "ClassA_R" and "ClassA_U" models.
    Fixes an issue in which the Autofilter plug-in might produce clicks with certain settings.
    The "Select Zone of Last Played Key" setting now works as expected in the EXS24 editor.
    When adding Auxes as additional outputs for Multi Output Software Instruments, the additional Auxes are automatically assigned the same color and track icon as the Software Instrument.


    Fixes an issue in which copying a MIDI region in a project which does not start at 1 1 1 1, and in which the Transposition track is active, might result in unexpected transposition of the copied region.
    The Controls View of plug-in GUIs now fit properly on the 11-inch MacBook Air display.
    Resolves an issue in OS X 10.7.x Lion that caused the Consolidate Project command in Logic to open a backup of the project at the end of the process.
    Logic Pro v 9.1.6 Dec 9, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This update improves overall stability and addresses some minor issues.
    Logic Pro v 9.1.5 Aug 9, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Resolves an issue which could cause unexpected feedback in Logic after importing a song from GarageBand for iPad.
    Selecting the "Open Apogee Control Panel" command will now launch Apogee's Maestro 2 application if a Duet 2 is attached.

    Performance and Stability
    Resolves an issue in which Logic might quit unexpectedly when creating a new project.
    Resolves an issue in which Logic might quit unexpectedly when moving audio regions in the Arrange window.

    Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1.4 in which LFO sync for some Logic plug-ins did not sound as expected.
    Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1.4 in which automating the Wet/Dry mix control in Delay Designer resulted in zipper noise.
    The EVB3 plug-in now correctly responds to sustain off messages.
    Direct text input of the pitch reference for the Tuner plug-in now works correctly.

    Fixes ain issue in which performing undo after recording a MIDI take sometimes caused the MIDI track to stop sounding.
    The "Toggle Zoom to Fit Selection or All Contents" key command now correctly recalls the the previous zoom view rather than zooming in on the entire project.
    Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1.4 in which some regions might shift out of position after using the Pack Take Folder command.
    Fixes an issue in which Japanese key command sets were not available if Logic was updated to version 9.1.4 before launching Logic for the first time.
    Resolves a rare take folder issue in which performing undo after deleting a comp section could cause regions in subsequent tracks to shift to the next adjacent track.
    Fixes an issue in which take folders would not sound on soloed tracks if the Track Mute/Solo mode was set to CPU-saving (Slow Response).
    Logic Pro v 9.1.4 May 25, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This update improves overall stability and addresses a number of minor issues, including the following:
    * Support for opening projects imported from GarageBand for iPad.
    Logic Pro v 9.1.3 Oct 29, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    Resolves problems related to the support of Hyper-Threading
    Logic Pro v 9.1.2 Oct 15, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    Some issues addressed in this update include but are not limited to:

    Performance and Stability
    * Logic's performance while playing movies at larger than 300% native size in 64-bit mode has been improved.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause the warning dialog "Memory Getting Low" to appear when simultaneously recording multiple tracks in 32-bit mode.
    * Resolves an issue that could cause the warning dialog "Specified volume doesn't exist -35" to appear when simultaneously recording multiple tracks in 32-bit mode.
    * Using the Undo command after a "Bounce in Place" command now correctly reinserts used plug-ins on the channel strip.
    * Performing Undo after using the "Bounce - Replace All Tracks" command now correctly restores all automation.
    * Resolves an issue that sometimes caused Logic to stop responding when loading a setting for a mono plug-in in a multi-mono surround configuration.

    * Improves compatibility with 6- and 12-core Mac Pro systems.
    * Supports iOS control surface apps that utilize the OSC protocol.
    * Supports REX files when running in 64-bit mode.
    * Improves compatibility with select Audio Unit plug-ins.
    * The expanded System Performance window now accurately reflects the number of available real cores on all supported computers.
    * Logic no longer inadvertently reloads the content for third-party sampler plug-ins such as Native Instrument's Kontakt after tracks are deleted, or after some other edits are performed.
    * Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1.1 that could cause the spacebar to incorrectly trigger playback in Logic while the Melodyne plug-in window had focus.
    * Logic Control or Mackie Control hardware control surfaces no longer switch to plug-in edit view when a plug-in on slots 8-15 is removed.

    MIDI Editing
    * Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1 where using the Marquee tool to trim the end of a MIDI region could extend the number of loops for regions earlier in the same track.
    * The Piano Roll now updates as expected to show the currently selected MIDI take.
    * Resolves an issue in Logic 9.1.1 which could cause the Score to not display all notes from a region that had been split with the Scissors tool.
    * The appearance of downward slurs and ties has been improved in the Score window.
    * When pasting MIDI events into the Arrange area, the playhead no longer jumps unexpectedly to a position far to the right of the end of the pasted content.

    Instruments and Effects
    * Amp Designer now reliably maintains saved non-default EQ settings when a project is reloaded.
    * The Wah Wah stompbox now responds more reliably to expression pedal input.
    * EXS24 loads and plays back instruments that use short AAC or ALAC audio files when Virtual Memory is disabled.
    * Corrects an issue that could cause the "Next Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument" key command to change settings on the wrong plug-in.
    * It is possible again to copy and paste sequences between Voices within an Ultrabeat pattern.
    * A Software Instrument with a Send set to Post Pan no longer loses audio output when the Aux it sends to is soloed, and the Software Instrument's pan is adjusted.
    * Software Instrument tracks with the AUNetReceive plug-in no longer exhibit excessive latency.
    * The Noise Gate no longer creates audible clicks while processing audio with the plug-in GUI open.
    * Double-clicking an insert slot will close the associated plug-in if it is open and set to Link Mode.
    * In the EXS Editor, a mouse roll over of an audio file name now displays the full path for the file.
    * The EXS Editor now properly displays all Groups even those that have the same name.

    File Handling and Management
    * Resolves an issue which sometimes caused the text after a period in a plug-in setting name to be lost on the first save of the setting.
    * Resolves an issue from Logic 9.1.1 which forced exported MIDI files to have a .logic extension rather than the .mid extension.
    * Import of folder tracks from other projects now works reliably.
    * Bank and Patch names in Multi-instruments now import correctly when using the Track Import feature.
    * Resolves an issue which could cause the Track Import window to become non-functional in certain rare cases.
    * Import of stereo Input Channel Strips from other projects now works reliably.
    * It is again possible to drag split stereo audio files from the Finder into the Arrange window.
    * The mute status is now maintained for tracks imported from other projects using Selective Track Import.
    * The "Export Region as Audio File" and "Export Track as Audio file" functions now add tempo information to the exported files.
    * The EXS24 now automatically locates samples stored in a folder inside the Project Folder that have any of the following names: "Samples," "Sampler Files," "Sampler Instruments," or "Audio Files."
    * When a project is opened from a project folder that has been copied, EXS24 now loads samples from the copied location instead of the original.
    * It is now possible to drag and drop an AIFF audio file copied from a CD into the Audio Bin in the Media area of the Arrange window.
    * The project name is no longer truncated if a period is added to the project name when performing a Save As for the project.

    General Issues
    * Resolves an issue where applying a crossfade with the crossfade tool might affect existing crossfades on the same track.
    * A marker is no longer created unexpectedly when the Open Marker Text command is used.
    * The relative movement of the mouse when editing multiple automation nodes has been improved.
    * The mouse pointer no longer incorrectly shows the Freeze pointer when editing volume, pan, send, mute or solo automation on frozen tracks.
    * Help tags for the Marquee Strip now show the correct range.
    * Soloing an Auxiliary channel strip whose source is a Bus from another Auxiliary channel strip now works as expected.
    * Copying a MIDI region on a ReWire track no longer creates an unexpected new track.
    * Cutting a region at a point earlier than the anchor at high zoom levels no longer causes the region to move unexpectedly.
    * Plug-ins now open with Link mode enabled when they are invoked by entering Plug-in edit mode on a remote control surface.
    * When a channel strip is muted, pre-fader sends on the channel strip are now muted as expected.
    * Reordering multiple Control Surface objects in the Control Surface Setup window now behaves more reliably.
    * Performing comp edits while recording will no longer create graphic artifacts in the Take Folder.
    * The behavior of the key commands to adjust Marquee selection borders based on transients has been improved. See this article for details.
    * There is no longer audible stepping with automated volume changes at low fader levels.
    * Touch automation mode now works correctly with Sculpture's Object Position 2 parameter.
    * Quantize parameters are now correctly maintained when a region is divided.
    * The vertical position guide when moving/copying a flexed region is now correctly positioned at the left edge of the region in projects that start earlier than position 1 1 1 1.
    * The Optimize file(s) command now properly affects both channels of a split stereo file.
    * Delete now works properly on selected regions within undisclosed groups in the Audio Bin.
    * Resolves an issue introduced in Logic 9.1.1 that could cause channel strips with default names to display incorrectly on EuCon control surfaces.
    * The "Reset All I/O Labels" command once again works as expected.
    * Regions dragged from the Audio Bin to tracks within folders in the Arrange window are now correctly positioned.
    * Contextual menus now appear as expected when Control- or right-clicking entries in the Audio Bin in the Media area of the Arrange window.
    * Performing Undo after adding tempo events to a project no longer inadvertently modifies the selections for the active comp in a take folder.
    * Regions with a negative value set for Delay in the Region Inspector are now rendered properly with Bounce Region in Place.
    * Bounce Regions in Place now works properly on record-enabled audio tracks.
    * The current scroll position in the Audio Bin will not jump unexpectedly after renaming an audio file.
    * The color and icon assigned to a track are now properly maintained when tracks are imported using Selective Track Import.
    * Using the Backspace to remove all characters in the File Browser's search field no longer causes it to lose key focus.
    * Imported linked stereo files will now load with all other audio files in a Project without sometimes displaying a dialog that states "Unequal Stereo Regions Corrected."
    * The MIDI channel number is now appended to the channel strip name when new tracks are created using the "New Track with Next MIDI Channel" menu option.
    Logic Pro v 9.1.1 Mar 19, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    # This update delivers improved compatibility and numerous fixes.

    # Issues addressed include:
    * - Improved stability of the 32-Bit Audio Unit Bridge
    * - Compatibility with Novation's Automap feature in 64-bit mode.
    * - Compatibility with Euphonix Eucon protocol in 64-bit mode.

    # Issues addressed include:
    * - Support for 64-bit native mode
    * - Compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins
    * - File names with over 32 characters are now supported
    * - Samples are now mapped correctly when using the "Contiguous Zones" option in the EXS editor

    # Updated System Requirements:
    * - 32-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later
    * - 64-bit mode requires Mac OS X 10.6.2 or later
    Logic Pro v 9.1 Jan 12, 2010 MacOS X Intel
    # This update delivers improved compatibility and numerous fixes.
    # Issues addressed include:
    * - Support for 64-bit native mode
    * - Compatibility with 64-bit Audio Unit plug-ins
    * - File names with over 32 characters are now supported
    * - Samples are now mapped correctly when using the "Contiguous Zones" option in the EXS editor
    Logic Pro v 9.0.2 Oct 13, 2009 MacOS X Intel
    * This update improves overall stability and provides numerous fixes and enhancements.

    * Issues addressed include:
    o - Flex Markers can align & snap to MIDI notes
    o - Performing a punch-in recording with Replace Mode now behaves correctly
    o - The I/O plug-in adds an option for latency compensation
    o - TDM plug-ins now behave as expected. (Only affects users with Pro Tools HD audio hardware.)

    * The update is recommended for all users of Logic Pro 9.
    Logic Pro v 9.0.1 Sep 23, 2009 MacOS X Intel
    * This update improves overall stability and provides numerous fixes and enhancements.

    * Issues addressed include:
    o - Flex Markers can align & snap to MIDI notes
    o - Performing a punch-in recording with Replace Mode now behaves correctly
    o - The I/O plug-in adds an option for latency compensation

    * The update is recommended for all users of Logic Pro 9.
    Logic Pro v 9.0 Jul 23, 2009 MacOS X UB
    Flex Time
    Flex Time is a new collection of features that lets you manipulate timing and tempo quickly and creatively. Experience editing without all the cutting.

  • Flex Tool

  • The new Flex Tool lets you push audio around with your mouse by clicking and dragging anywhere on the waveform — forget all that tedious splicing and editing.

  • Audio Quantize

  • It's not just for MIDI anymore. Now you can conform the timing of an audio region to a musical grid, or to the feel of another track, instantly correcting a performance.

  • Editing drum tracks

  • Use Slicing Mode with drums and you won't compromise a single attack. Edit across a set of grouped multitrack drums and everything stays locked perfectly in phase.

  • Varispeed

  • Slow down or speed up an entire multitrack project effortlessly, whether you want to try out different tempos or take it slow while you play a difficult solo.

  • Flex Modes

  • Whether you're editing a solo vocal, a rhythm guitar or multitrack drums, Flex Time has a mode designed to give you the best results.

  • Speed Fades

  • Get creative by adding turntable-style starts or stops with the kind of precision that would impress even the best DJs.

  • Tempo Import/Export

  • Now the audio you import can automatically conform to the tempo of a project you're working on. (And the other way around.)

    Production Tools
    New production tools allow musicians to tackle any part of the recording, editing and mixing process they want — and get it done in a fraction of the time.

  • Selective Track Import

  • To transfer setups and track content between projects, simply select the individual components you want to import on a track-by-track basis.

  • Expanded take folder editing

  • Logic Pro 9 gives you access to your most important edit operations — including cut, copy, paste, fades and crossfades — alongside Quick Swipe comping.

  • Drum Replacer

  • Now you can replace or double less-than-perfect drum tracks with triggered samples in just a few clicks. No more headaches. No more hassles.

  • Convert to Sampler Track

  • In one step, turn an audio region into a sampler instrument with a MIDI track to trigger it. Then you can modify and resequence the part.

  • Bounce-in-Place

  • The new Bounce-in-Place feature makes effects rendering much quicker and easier, whether you're bouncing a single region or an entire track.

  • Notation and chord grids

  • Create guitar tablature or detailed scores using a library of more than 4000 chord grids (or your own custom grids) and new ornaments for hammer-ons, bends and more.

  • Vocal Jam Pack

  • Build your song with a lead vocal, rappers, backup singers, an entire choir, or even software instruments based on the human voice and body.

  • Warped Effects for Space Designer

  • More than 450 warped impulse responses radically transform what Space Designer can do, allowing you to give ordinary sounds a bizarre, other-worldly quality.

    Guitar Gear
    Now you can mix and match amp heads, EQs, reverbs, speaker cabinets and mics—then creatively route your signal through an impressive new collection of stompboxes.

  • Amp Designer

  • Build your dream rig by mixing and matching 25 amps, 25 speaker cabinets and 3 mics you can position freely around the speaker cone. Hear it now

  • Pedalboard

  • Fire up 30 stompboxes that deliver lush effects like Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz, Delay, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, Treble Boost and Wah. Hear it now

  • Classic tones

  • Hundreds of presets give you Amp Designer and Pedalboard sounds that are ready to go. Start exploring with classic tones, genres, or characteristics like clean, crunch and distorted.

  • Apogee GiO support

  • This new USB audio interface and control device lets you operate Pedalboard hands-free and works with Logic Pro 9 and MainStage 2 right out of the box.
    Logic Pro v 8.0.2 May 21, 2008 MacOS X UB
    This Logic Pro 8.0.2 update addresses specific customer and compatibility issues of Logic Pro 8.0 and WaveBurner 1.5.

    This update is recommended for all Logic Studio users. For more information about this release, please go to Logic 8.0.2 Details.

    If you are using Logic Node you will need to update your Logic Node application on connected computers as well. After running this updater you will find an updated Logic Node installer called Logic Node 8.0.2.dmg in your Utilities folder.
    Logic Pro v 8.0.1 Dec 18, 2007 MacOS X UB
    This Logic Pro 8.0.1 update addresses specific customer issues and compatibility issues of Logic Pro 8.0 and WaveBurner 1.5.

    If you are using Logic Node you will need to update your Logic Node application on connected computers as well. After running this updater you will find an updated Logic Node installer called Logic Node 8.0.1.dmg in your Utilities folder.
    Logic Pro v 8.0.0 Oct 2, 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Single-Window Design

  • The Arrange window in Logic Pro 8 consolidates production activities in a single, elegantly-designed workspace. You can record multiple takes; cut, move or stretch audio with sample accuracy; browse channel strip settings; audition Apple Loops; and drop chords onto your lead sheet—all from one central space, without managing multiple windows.

  • Simplified Setup

  • Production-ready templates, a streamlined track setup window and dynamic channel strip creation get you up and running fast. Improved ReWire support provides easy integration with other music applications.

  • Effortless multitake recording

  • Region-based take management speeds up multitake recording, editing and processing. An expandable take folder makes it simple to recall overdubs, and entire take folders can be moved and edited like regions.

  • Quick Swipe comping

  • With breakthrough Quick Swipe comping, you can simply swipe over the best portions of each take to create a seamless comp, complete with transition-smoothing crossfades.

  • New audio editing tools

  • Work faster and with greater precision using powerful new features like snap-to-transient selection, graphical time stretching and sample-accurate editing in the Arrange window.

  • Surround mixing and processing

  • Logic Pro 8 allows for end-to-end surround production with multichannel tracks and busses. True Surround and multi-mono support lets you use any surround, stereo or mono plug-ins within any surround project.

  • Portable preferences

  • Save your key commands, channel strip settings and plug-in settings to your .Mac account for easy backup, sharing and portability.

  • XSKey-free operation

  • A simple serial number replaces the USB dongle and lets you make music without the hassle of extraneous hardware.
    Logic Pro v 7.2.3 Sep 28, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Logic Pro 7.2.3 addresses performance issues when Logic Pro 7 is used on Mac Pro and G5 Quad computers. Logic Pro 7.2.3 is recommended for all Mac Pro and G5 Quad users. An existing Logic Pro 7.2.1 or Logic Pro 7.2.2 installation is required for this update.

    Note: Logic Pro 7.2.3 is optimized for PowerPC G4, G5 and Intel based Macs with up to 2 dual-core processors.
    Logic Pro v 7.2.2 Aug 18, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Logic Pro 7.2.2 improves compatibility with the Mac Pro and delivers:
    Increased performance through full use of the Mac Pro Quad-core architecture
    Optimized support for the built-in audio ports

    Logic Pro 7.2.2 is recommended for all Mac Pro users. An existing Logic Pro 7.2.1 installation is required for this update.
    Logic Pro v 7.2.1 May 5, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Logic Pro 7.2.1 is a maintenance release that addresses isolated reliability and compatibility issues in the following areas:

  • Intel Macs: ReWire and ReCycle support, Standard MIDI file export, OMF import, VSL EXS instrument compatibility

  • Blank Sample Editor window in some circumstances

  • Unexpected halt of software instrument output

  • Compatibility with Logic 7.1 songs

  • Direct playback of MP3 files

  • EuCon support for the Euphonix MC and CM408T control surfaces
  • Logic Pro v 7.2 Feb 1, 2006 MacOS X UB
    Universal compatibility
    Logic Pro 7.2 is a Universal application, which means it's designed to run natively on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs. Stay compatible as Apple continues to deliver new Intel-based systems.

    Integrated support for new Apogee Ensemble interface
    Logic Pro 7.2 offers integrated support for Ensemble, the new FireWire audio interface solution from Apogee Electronics, providing superb Apogee sound quality and mix-and-match expandability at breakthrough prices. Multiple parameters — including headphone level, metering source, output levels, and even microphone input gain — can be manipulated from a control panel within Logic Pro.

    Digidesign Pro Tools HD 7 DAE support
    Logic Pro 7.2 is fully compatible with the Pro Tools 7.1 version of DAE. All features are supported, including ESB and EXS24TDM. (Users must install an updated Digidesign Stream Manager framework library file, which is downloadable from the Digidesign support website. Users of Pro Tools 6.9 and earlier must use Logic Pro 7.1 or earlier.)

    Serato Pitch 'n Time support
    Purchase a special Audio Unit version of the legendary Pitch 'n Time plug-in from Serato and you'll have access to its extraordinary algorithms directly from Logic Pro's Time and Pitch Machine or from the audio time stretch options in Logic's Arrange window. Available exclusively within Logic Pro 7.2, this option renders rich and natural-sounding results, even at extreme settings.

    Improved Rewire support
    Logic Pro 7.2 provides support for stereo Rewire objects — and now clearly labels the incoming Rewire streams to reflect the source application. In addition, you can create Rewire objects directly from the Create Multiple option in the Arrange window.

    Enhanced support for control surfaces
    The Arrange window in version 7.2 provides visual indication of which tracks are currently active on the control surface. This is especially useful with supported control surfaces that do not provide LCD or other feedback information, such as the newly supported iControl from M-Audio.

    32-channel support for multi-channel Audio Units instruments
    Users of multi-channel Audio Unit instrument applications — such as the popular BFD — will appreciate that Logic Pro now has increased output capacity of to 32 mono-channels.

    Playback of compressed files
    Logic Pro 7.2 allows you to play back AAC and Apple Lossless files directly — with no need for conversion. This feature ensures session compatibility with Garageband 3 and offers great sonic quality with the convenience of smaller file sizes.

    Access to new GarageBand 3-compatible plug-ins
    Ducker offers automated voiceover volume reduction functionality, known as "ducking," on Output or Bus tracks. Speech Enhancer provides a simple option for cleaning up and enhancing recordings made with the built-in microphones.

    New royalty-free jingles and sound effects Apple Loops
    Logic Pro 7.2 includes the same Jingles and Sound Effects library that ship with iLife '06. A dedicated Effects button in the Loop Browser makes it easy to view and filter this new collection of sounds. The library includes more than 200 sound effects and 100 jingles.
    Logic Pro v 7.1.1 Oct 5, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    The Logic Pro 7.1.1 Update addresses isolated reliability issues. It also improves compatibility with Mac OS X version 10.4 (Tiger).
    The most significant areas addressed are:

  • MP3 and AAC import in Mac OS X Tiger

  • Use of Scandinavian keyboard layout in Mac OS X Tiger

  • Delay compensation of QuickTime movies

  • OMF, AAF and XML compatibility

  • DAE/TDM: Bounces with the Wave recording file type

  • AudioSuite plug-in compatibility

  • Automation of Ultrabeat parameters, Sculpture parameters and two state buttons

  • For more information on this update, see here .
    Logic Pro v 7.1 Apr 6, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    The Logic Pro 7.1 update adds a generous collection of new features and sought after enhancements such as full native plug-in delay compensation and over 70 new key commands. It provides greater facility for creating and managing Apple Loops and a convenient new method for re-ordering Channel Strip plug-in configurations. Logic Pro 7.1 further extends the creative options with 5 new plug-ins including a Bass Amp and two hybrid synthesizers. The update is rounded out by a host of optimizations and refinements that significantly improve the performance and stability of both Logic Pro and the included, updated version of Waveburner.

    1. Expanded Apple Loops Integration
    Produce your own software instrument Apple Loops using any Logic Pro or Audio Unit plug-in. Place the software instrument Apple Loops onto an Audio Instrument track and the original MIDI performance and Channel Strip configuration is completely restored. Convert your ReCycle (REX) files into Apple Loops by simply dragging them into the Arrange window. Find your Apple Loops more easily by limiting which Jam Packs or other loop collections you wish to browse.

    2. Full Native Plug-In Delay Compensation
    Take advantage of full plug-in delay compensation which now corrects for latency produced on bus, auxiliary, and output channels in addition to every other path in the native audio mixer. You'll especially appreciate this enhancement if you own third party DSP cards like those developed by Universal Audio and TC Electronics.

    3. New Instrument and Effect Plug-Ins
    Add beef and character to your bass or other instruments with a new Bass Amp plug-in which replicates the sound of the industry's sweetest bass amplifiers and direct boxes. Tighten up any performance using the Enhanced Timing plug-in or be inspired by the massive atmospheric synth textures produced by two new Hybrid Synth instruments.

    4. Hand Tool in Track Mixer
    Freely move, copy and swap plug-ins between Channel Strip Inserts using the new Hand Tool in either the Arrange window or Track Mixer.

    5. Over 70 New Key Commands
    Speed up your workflow by assigning up to 70 new key commands to your favorite functions, including many of those introduced in 7.0 such as Open Loop Browser, Next/Previous Channel Strip, Create Multiple Tracks, Import Audio Files, and Bounce.

    6. Numerous Plug-In Improvements
    Swap, copy, and import Ultrabeat voices and sequences using a simple drag and drop operation. Export Ultrabeat patterns directly to the Arrange window also using drag and drop. Create or edit EXS24 instruments more easily using rubber-band selection of Zones and the ability to define Start Note and Width settings when importing multiple samples. Exploit new options for the Rotor effect in the EVB3, which also now has improved integration with the Hammond Suzuki XB-1, XK-2, and XK-3 hardware Drawbar controllers. Enjoy many other useful refinements made to Sculpture, Vocal Transformer, Pitch Correction and other plug-ins.

    7. Support for 9 additional Control Surfaces
    Increase your choices for compatible hardware control surfaces thanks to dedicated support for these 9 popular controller devices: Korg KONTROL49 and MicroKONTROL, Frontier Design Groups Tranzport, Tascam US-2400 and FW-1082, JL Cooper CS-32 and FaderMaster 4/100.

    8. Follow Tempo Option for Recorded Audio
    Enable the new "Follow Tempo" Region parameter for any audio recorded into your song, and Logic will time and pitch shift the file when you change the song's tempo or key.

    9. Insert Chords from Chord Track
    Simplify the process for placing chords in lead sheets using a new option which imports the chords from the Global Chord Track.

    10. Multiple Performance Enhancements
    Streamline your entire workflow as a result of numerous general optimizations and performance enhancements found in Logic Pro 7.1. Highlights include accelerated waveform overview creation, speedier initialization of Audio Units plug-ins during startup, the option to add files to the Audio Window after many audio file functions, improved handling of XML, AAF, and OMF file transfers, and more.
    Logic Pro v 7.0.1 Jan 19, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Compatibility fixes:

    Apple Loops playback correctly in sessions with sample rates other than 44.1 kHz.
    Recycle files consistently import as expected.
    All Acid Loops transpose in Loop Browser as expected.
    TDM tracks are successfully bounced even when native bounce is set to "offline".

    Ultrabeat fixes:

    Accents in sequencer now perform consistently.
    There are no longer graphic glitches when copying step sequences.
    The Import of Ultrabeat factory drum kits now works consistently.
    Drum voices begin playback more quickly when auditioning while importing a Ultrabeat kit.
    Automating more than one Ultrabeat drum voice now works as expected.

    General fixes:

    Loading a Channels Strip Setting will no longer switches the "Transpose" instrument parameter on.
    The Guitar Amp mic position setting is not lost when loading a Channel Strip Setting from Logic Express into Logic Pro.
    MIDI device names from Audio MIDI Setup or Logic Setup Assistant show up properly in default song.
    Multi-Instrument Bank Messages won't change when importing a Song from Logic Pro 6.4.3.
    "Goto Position" window does not inadvertently switch to current SPL position when opened.
    "Send to MIDI > Maximum Volume" sends to all channels, not just channel 1.
    Guitar Tablature preferences and tuning definitions can be entered via menu options again.
    Screen updates now occur more consistently so there are less graphic glitches.
    Audio Suite plug-ins process correctly regardless of whether there are open floating windows.
    Both sides of a split stereo file are converted when performing a sample rate conversion within the Sample Editor.
    Track Automation fixes:
    The Copy/Convert function behaves properly.
    The names of Pitch Correction plug-in parameters are displayed correctly.

    Control Surface Support fixes:

    Logic Control no longer generates notes in Learn mode.
    All plug-in parameter names are displayed correctly.
    Yamaha mixers no longer install multiple times in the Setup window.
    Assignments are now possible in the Controls View.
    Surround Joysticks work properly.
    Logic Pro v 7.0 Jul 22, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Distributed Audio Processing : Run tons of plug-ins using additional G5 processor power.

  • Apple Loops : Produce sound beds instantly from a comprehensive audio library.

  • Three New Instruments :

  • Sculpture : Synthesize anything naturally via component modeling.
    Ultrabeat : Bang out endless permutations on a modern drum machine.
    EFM1 : From dreamy landscapes to punchy belltones with FM style.

  • Nine New Effect Plug-ins :

  • Guitar Amp Pro : Dial in sweet guitar tones from arena to funk, live or in studio.
    Linear Phase EQ : Manipulate EQ curves without corrupting phase.
    Match EQ : Match acoustically two signals to transfer frequency spectrum.
    Pitch Correction : Correct improper intonation on vocals or force to monotone.
    Ringshifter : Add metallic sheen to any loop or sample for haunting effects.
    Vocal Transformer : manipulate vocal lines, percussive signals or any other monophonic material
    Multimeter : A powerful analysis and measurement tool for audio material

  • Recall Channel Strips : Save all channel settings and parameters for future projects.

  • Global Tracks : Control tempo, signature and more, all graphically.

  • Shuffle Editing in Arrange : Restrain movement to prevent regions from overlapping.

  • Auto Crossfades in Arrange : Apply crossfades automatically to overlapping regions.

  • Software Instrument Layering : Play MIDI regions through multiple software instruments.

  • EX24 Editing Improvements : Drag and drop audio and edit zones graphically.

  • ...
    Logic Pro v 6.4.3 May 12, 2004 MacOS 9
    This version is required to open songs that where saved with Logic 7
    Fixe the "recent files" menu bug
    Fixe control surface bug on dual CPU mac
    Buy Logic Pro online at:
    Buy Logic Pro near Columbus, United States at:

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    You can signin with your 440Software account (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) or via FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

    version 9.1.2, MacOS X Intel
    Problem....now all my INST plug-ins sound like they're running through a ring modulator. WTF????
    version 9.1.1, MacOS X Intel
    Love the retro screenshot we've got here. Please keep it! Glad they are actually releasing updates to fix bugs in logic 9. Logic is awesome, but there are a few bugs still left to fix, so lets hope this continues.
    version 8.0.2, MacOS X UB
    What, logic has Plugin delay compansation, one of the best actually. what do you base that on?
    version 8.0.2, MacOS X UB
    I am using it since v 2.5, so I have seen a lot about Logic. All I can say now is that it is evolving....absolutely. I am more than happy now. Waiting the mail for v 9.0
    version 7.2.3, MacOS X UB
    Loading some factory samples into the EX24 sampler seem to take an absolute age with lots of HD activity post the update to 7.2.3. Also crashed whilst trying to load one of the samples
    version 7.1, MacOS X PPC
    Finally!! Full PDC implemeted, my prayers have been heard! :D
    version 7.1, MacOS X PPC
    Superb! i switched from Cubase and I ain't ever going back.
    version 6.4.3, MacOS 9
    I stopped to use this software as soon as i realized that i was spending more time to make setups in Logic rather than doing music. I switched to Protools and immediatly feeled well doing music rather than software setups. But if you like to be able to control everything on eveyrthing, logic is certainly the most complete and powerfull sequencer nowadays. Software coding is excellent, and you cant miss any features, expect may be a musician-oriented user interface ;-)
    version 7.0.1, MacOS X PPC
    Best DAW ever made. Apple takes best choice to go with Logic. Great Spacedesiger for best quality Reverbs at professional level. Very good EQ's.
    version 7.0.1, MacOS X PPC
    No Plugin delay compansation is a huge disappointment in my view! It's about time Logic was updated in quality instead of features.
    I'm not sure I can bear with Logic like this much longer if full PDC isn't implemented real soon.
    version 6.4.3, MacOS 9
    Mai 2011
    Toujours sur Logic 6.4.1 et mon bipro G4 Je ne ressens aucun besoin d'upgrade étant plus que comblé
    Par contre le jour ou un des éléménts lachera faudra tout changer Oyeoyeoye
    version 9.0.1, MacOS X Intel
    J'ai démarré avec pro24 sur atari, puis sur cubase atari.
    ensuite, je suis passé sur mac avec le premier cubase VST.
    j'avais essaye vite fait logic emagic, mais je n'était pas convaincu.
    après un raz le bol de cubase devenu de plus en plus usine à gaz, et surtout à une politique de prix des mises à jour scandaleuse de steinberg, j'ai jeté cubase à la poubelle et acheté logic 8.
    Et là, la révélation, ça fait tout comme cubase, mais en vraiment bien fait. Ca sens le logiciel sérieux, ça ne plante plus, c'est ergonomique. merci bien pour ce soft, car en production tous les jours ça change la vie. il reste encore quelques bizarreries mais à part ça que de bonheur...
    version 8.0.1, MacOS X UB
    Bonjour à tous, je débarque dans le monde MAC il y à 1 mois, je suis émerveiller par la puissance et le simplicité de Logic et du Mac Pro, j'ai passé 10 ans sous PC avec cubase et tous bon mécanicien on passe plus de temps dans le moteur que dans la voiture......!!!!!
    tous çà pour dire que depuis je fais vraiment de la musique, et que Logic et révolutionnaire.
    version 8.0.1, MacOS X UB
    Excellent produit, puissant, complet, beaucoup de presets et de réglages de tranches très utiles pour gagné du temps. Les plugin qui sont fourni avec sont de très bonne qualité.
    Un programme plus que complet en en regard du prix qui est une franche rigolade. Signalons une vingtaine de bugs qui sont plus où moins dérangeant, mais qui seront résolu sous peu j'en suis sûr. La version 7.2 avait pas mal de problèmes au début, entre autre le rewire qui ne fonctionnait pas en tout cas chez moi). Mais les problèmes ont vite été résolu, et avec la version 7.2.3 il n'y avait plus de problèmes (je crois, pour ma part je l'utilise en maître rewire avec Live 6 et Reason 4 comme ésclave, et malgré cette configuration gourmande ça fonctionne très stablement) J'ai débuté avec la version 6, et une fois qu'on à compris la philosophie du programme, on s'aperçoit que c'est très simple, le secret est de ne pas cherché trop loin, certes on peut allez très loin dans le midi si ça vous branche. Je ne vais pas dire que Logic 8 et mieux Cubase 4, car Cubase à des fonction intéressante, et chacun à sa façon de travaillé. Personnellement je trouve Cubase trop typé PC, affichage pénible et tout est "dispersé", et comme je suis pro Mac, très peu pour moi.
    White O
    version 7.1, MacOS X PPC
    Je suis resté longtemp sur la version 5.5/pc, après avoir tenté Cubase sx 3 et Samplitude, J'ai vite switché sur un Powermac G5 Bi 2Ghz avec Logic 7.1, et vraiment la qualité est au dessus de mes attentes, toujours la même ergonomie avec de nombreux ajouts, stabilité impeccable, Logic est vraiment fait pour les musiciens, excellent !
    version 7.1.1, MacOS X PPC
    Ce logiciel et superieur a cubase sx et en plus il es + logic il porte bien son nom
    version 7.1, MacOS X PPC
    Je bosse sur LOGIC depuis toujours, même avec son ancêtre Notator sur Atari. La version 7.1 est une pure merveille, aucun plantage en utilisation même intensive. La gestion de l'audio est impressionnante et bien plus facile et intuitive qu'avec ProTools. En tout cas le rapport Qualité / prix est imbattable. A part Vocaline, qui n'est pas dispo sur LOGIC tous les autres Plugs sont top!! Et les pre-sets d'excellente facture. On sent qu'ils ont été mis au point par des musiciens et pas par des blaireaux... Je n'ai que des éloges à faire sur LOGIC et ne m'en séparerai pour rien au monde!! J'enregistre mon troisième Album entièrement sur LOGIC et la qualité et les possibilités ecrasent la concurence sans l'ombre d'un doute!!
    PS : L'update 7.1 était payante mais ça valait le coup.
    version 7.1, MacOS X PPC
    Me voici sur logic 7.1 depuis 7 jours. Avec un G5 birpo. Rien a dire ça le fait. Je fait des choses que je ne sais pas encore faire avec cubase SX3 et je cherche encore avec 6 mois de pratique de SX!!
    C'est un soft LOGIC voila ce qu'il me fallait.
    version 6.4.3, MacOS 9
    Logic, je suis tombé dedans avec une version livrée avec ma première carte son (Audiophile 2496). Donc, je suis un peu biaisé (sans le premier 'i' aussi, oui, je sais ;-) ), je ne peux plus m'en séparer.
    Des choses m'énervent (la p'tite taille pas modifiable de certaines polices, les possibilités limitées d'éditer l'audio, le nombre de fenêtres encombrant facilement un unique écran, si on n'en a pas d'autre...)
    MAIS dans les plug-ins, il y a des trésors qui valent la moitié du prix; j'adore la fenêtre "arrange" (visualisations des pistes et ce qu'il y a dessus), l'hallucinante flexibilité MIDI interne, le piano roll est une Rolls (j'en ai vu d'autres, pitoyables en comparaison); l'implantation dans OS X est apparemment excellente (j'attends toujours un plantage depuis 1 an d'utilisation quotidienne).
    J'ai pratiqué Logic Audio 5.5 sur PC pendant deux ans avant, et c'était déjà le bonheur à tous les étages! Je ne changerai pas de séquenceur sauf GROS pépin! Et je découvre des merveilles sans arrêt!
    Et quand on ne peut pas faire comme on veut, on va sur les nombreux forums, et qqn a déjà trouvé la solution pour contourner!
    C'est bcp d'argent sur le moment, mais c'est pas cher payé.
    JE PARLE DE Pro 6.4.3, pour 7, je ne sais rien, je n'ai pas l'intention de mettre à jour pour l'instant...
    version 7.0.1, MacOS X PPC
    Excellent pour la musique, on peut y faire une maquette qui sonne pro sans logiciels extérieurs. Je le trouve moins précis que Protools pour l'audio pur, mais c'est peut-être une question d'habitude. Les plugins intégrés sont de très bonne facture, avec mention pour les traitements de dynamique et les intruments virtuels. Points négatifs : le manuel en français est à la limite du compréhensible (on sent une traduction laborieuse) ; des petits bugs étranges avec le Coreaudio (rien d'insurmontable) ; un jeu de fenêtres parfois trop encombrant. Cependant, c'est un soft incontournable.
    version 7.0.1, MacOS X PPC
    Il est incredible et contient tout ce qu on a besoin
    y a pratiquement pas besoin d'acheter d'autre plug
    100 % Pour Demo. 90 % pour le serieux

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