
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 5.4
Format App
Compatibility MetasynthMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $599  /  553€
5 / 5 , 5 votes
Updated On Mar 19, 2014
Total Downloads 1,553
Mac Downloads 1,553

Graphic sound design and synthesis environment.

MetaSynth is an unique electronic music composition and sound design program. With its Image Synthesis technology, MetaSynth can create an astonishing variety of sound and music.
Intel-Mac and OS X.5 or later.
Metasynth Metasynth v 5.4 Mar 19, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Addresses Mavericks-compatibility
UI Software Metasynth Metasynth v 5.3 Mar 17, 2012 MacOS X UB
Addresses all known Lion compatibility issues
UI Software Metasynth v 5.0 Aug 4, 2009 MacOS X UB
Have a look at the New Features Guide
sound Metasynth v 4.0 pro Feb 3, 2005 MacOS X PPC
MetaSynth 4 now features full-fidelity preview, realtime editing, and capture-to-disk recording.

MetaSynth 4 features six rooms, each of which is a fully-featured application in its own right. MetaSynth's rooms are:

  • Effects Room - envelope-controllable DSP Effects

  • Image Synth - paint sound using any imaginable-tuning. The new MetaSynth instrument architecture makes the Image Synth more powerful than ever. Paint scores where color is translated to spatial position and brightness is translated to amplitude.

  • Image Filter Room - use an Image Synth-like interface to create extraordinary dynamic stereo filters. Many users tell us that the Image Filter Room alone is worth the price of admission.

  • Spectrum Synth - a new paradigm in synthesis: spectral granular sequencing. Analyze sounds into a sequence of events that you can transmogrify in ways you have never imagined.

  • Sequencer Room - lightweight non-MIDI composition room for composing melodies, phrases and loops.

  • Montage Room - the mixing room. 16-track audio sequencer. In MetaSynth Pro, you can also record audio in sync with your tracks.
  • UI Software
    Buy Metasynth near , United States at:

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    Loopy C
    version 5.0, MacOS X UB
    Been a user since 1999, this is a FANTASTIC update as Metasynth 5 loves my new Mac Pro.
    A unique and special app like no can spend a lifetime exploring the possibilities (and enjoying every minute).
    version 5.0, MacOS X UB
    I think this app gets unfairly dinged for it's so-called non standard interface. Once you live in the U&I world for a little while, you come to see how deep and powerful Metasynth is. The unique interface is a part of that experience and in fact makes using Metasynth more like playing a musical instrument than, "just clickin' round on the compooter."
    doggg powder
    version 5.0, MacOS X UB
    Sounds promissing!
    version 5.0, MacOS X UB
    Je trouve ce programme proprement hallucinant
    Chaque étages (rooms) est a sa manière un sous-programme élaboré et complet, excellant dans sa spécialité
    Et en particulier ce code couleur symbolisant la localisation stéréo d' un son ainsi que l' intégralité, partielle après partielle, de la resynthèse de son timbre était une idée proprement magistrale qui est a considérer comme l' équivalent d' un partition pour un designer sonore, qui peut rapidement prendre a sa manière la dimension d' un orchestre symphonique !
    Longue est la prise en main pour qui debute dans un univers aussi déroutant, mais l' émerveillement renouvelé, au fur et a mesure de son expérience de cet environnement insondable est garantit !
    version 5.0, MacOS X UB
    Je viens d'acquérir la version 5. Il y a de nouveaux outils pour dessiner des formes (ce qu'on voit sur votre image).
    Cette version est fantastique. C'est, de toute façon, mon logiciel de musique favori depuis longtemps (version 2.5 sur Mac OS 8 !)

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