
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 3.6.1
Format App
Compatibility SupercolliderMacOS X UB
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Nov 30, 2012
Total Downloads 3,617
Mac Downloads 3,388
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 3.6.1
Format App
Compatibility SupercolliderWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Nov 30, 2012
Total Downloads 3,617
PC Downloads 229

Real time audio synthesis programming language

SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis. You can write programs to generate or process sound in real time or non real time. SuperCollider can be controlled by MIDI, the mouse, Wacom graphics tablet, and over a network via Open Sound Control. SuperCollider can read and write sound files in AIFF, WAV, Sound Designer 2, and NeXT/Sun formats.
Supercollider Supercollider v 3.6.1 Nov 30, 2012 MacOS X UB
SuperCollider Supercollider Supercollider v 3.5.1 Apr 3, 2012 MacOS X UB
User-visible changes (started after 3.4)

* sclang startup file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.scd" - tb
* library configuration file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.cfg" - tb
* only warn about FunctionDef not being inlined if a compiler flag is set - ds
* new help system (SCDoc) - jli
* new help browser (HelpBrowser) - jle/jli
* bitwise ops (> & | ^) on ugens - jli
* new VarLag ugen - rk/jli
* new method: Node-onFree, run function when node finishes - jli
* new method: Help.methodArgs(string) - jli
* sced and sced3 updates - jli
* now returns device object, or nil if failed - jli
* LocalIn now has an input for initial value - jr/jli
* allow Bus-asMap symbols in \freq and friends in patterns - jli
* /b_free also free's sndfile if open (like /b_close) - jli
* VDiskIn and DiskIn sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
* Demand sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
* Warn when extensions overwrites methods in main class lib, unless put in SystemOverwrites folder - jli
* New cross-platform filesystem utilities: File.copy, .mtime, .mkdir, .realpath, .type, .fileSize - jli

  • --------

  • * bugfix ugen collection wrapper methods multichannel expansion - jli
    * _String_Regexp bugfixes - jli
    * bugfixes - jli
    * T2K bugfixes - jli
    * WiiMote bugfixes - jli
    * SynthDesc bugfixes - jli
    * fix String-openTextFile on systems without Document support - jli
    SuperCollider Supercollider v 3.5.0 Mar 16, 2012 MacOS X UB
    User-visible changes (started after 3.4)

    * sclang startup file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.scd" - tb
    * library configuration file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.cfg" - tb
    * only warn about FunctionDef not being inlined if a compiler flag is set - ds
    * new help system (SCDoc) - jli
    * new help browser (HelpBrowser) - jle/jli
    * bitwise ops (> & | ^) on ugens - jli
    * new VarLag ugen - rk/jli
    * new method: Node-onFree, run function when node finishes - jli
    * new method: Help.methodArgs(string) - jli
    * sced and sced3 updates - jli
    * now returns device object, or nil if failed - jli
    * LocalIn now has an input for initial value - jr/jli
    * allow Bus-asMap symbols in \freq and friends in patterns - jli
    * /b_free also free's sndfile if open (like /b_close) - jli
    * VDiskIn and DiskIn sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Demand sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Warn when extensions overwrites methods in main class lib, unless put in SystemOverwrites folder - jli
    * New cross-platform filesystem utilities: File.copy, .mtime, .mkdir, .realpath, .type, .fileSize - jli

  • --------

  • * bugfix ugen collection wrapper methods multichannel expansion - jli
    * _String_Regexp bugfixes - jli
    * bugfixes - jli
    * T2K bugfixes - jli
    * WiiMote bugfixes - jli
    * SynthDesc bugfixes - jli
    * fix String-openTextFile on systems without Document support - jli
    sound Supercollider v 3.5rc3 Mar 1, 2012 MacOS X UB
    User-visible changes (started after 3.4)

    * sclang startup file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.scd" - tb
    * library configuration file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.cfg" - tb
    * only warn about FunctionDef not being inlined if a compiler flag is set - ds
    * new help system (SCDoc) - jli
    * new help browser (HelpBrowser) - jle/jli
    * bitwise ops (> & | ^) on ugens - jli
    * new VarLag ugen - rk/jli
    * new method: Node-onFree, run function when node finishes - jli
    * new method: Help.methodArgs(string) - jli
    * sced and sced3 updates - jli
    * now returns device object, or nil if failed - jli
    * LocalIn now has an input for initial value - jr/jli
    * allow Bus-asMap symbols in \freq and friends in patterns - jli
    * /b_free also free's sndfile if open (like /b_close) - jli
    * VDiskIn and DiskIn sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Demand sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Warn when extensions overwrites methods in main class lib, unless put in SystemOverwrites folder - jli
    * New cross-platform filesystem utilities: File.copy, .mtime, .mkdir, .realpath, .type, .fileSize - jli

  • --------

  • * bugfix ugen collection wrapper methods multichannel expansion - jli
    * _String_Regexp bugfixes - jli
    * bugfixes - jli
    * T2K bugfixes - jli
    * WiiMote bugfixes - jli
    * SynthDesc bugfixes - jli
    * fix String-openTextFile on systems without Document support - jli
    language Supercollider v 3.5rc1 Feb 15, 2012 MacOS X UB
    * sclang startup file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.scd" - tb
    * library configuration file moved to thisProcess.platform.userConfigDir +/+ "sclang.cfg" - tb
    * only warn about FunctionDef not being inlined if a compiler flag is set - ds
    * new help system (SCDoc) - jli
    * new help browser (HelpBrowser) - jle/jli
    * bitwise ops (> & | ^) on ugens - jli
    * new VarLag ugen - rk/jli
    * new method: Node-onFree, run function when node finishes - jli
    * new method: Help.methodArgs(string) - jli
    * sced and sced3 updates - jli
    * now returns device object, or nil if failed - jli
    * LocalIn now has an input for initial value - jr/jli
    * allow Bus-asMap symbols in \freq and friends in patterns - jli
    * /b_free also free's sndfile if open (like /b_close) - jli
    * VDiskIn and DiskIn sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Demand sets done flag (to be used by or - jli
    * Warn when extensions overwrites methods in main class lib, unless put in SystemOverwrites folder - jli
    * New cross-platform filesystem utilities: File.copy, .mtime, .mkdir, .realpath, .type, .fileSize - jli

  • --------

  • * bugfix ugen collection wrapper methods multichannel expansion - jli
    * _String_Regexp bugfixes - jli
    * bugfixes - jli
    * T2K bugfixes - jli
    * WiiMote bugfixes - jli
    * SynthDesc bugfixes - jli
    * fix String-openTextFile on systems without Document support - jli
    write Supercollider v 3.4 Jul 17, 2010 MacOS X UB
    SuperCollider v3.4, released 2010-07

  • ---------

  • * 2009-09-03 add support for Mac OS 10.5 and greater 64-bit builds of plugins and scsynth
    * 2009-07-xx iphone support by Axel Balley added - ab
    * 2009-07-21 EnvirGui added, a gui for livecoding/editing environments - adc
    * 2009-07-24 Server.plotTree method for visualising the groups and synths on the server - sw
    * 2009-07-31 mac osx text-completion feature now includes sclang objects - ds
    * 2009-08-01 sclang now has a flag (Platform.ideName) for which IDE is in use (scapp, scvim, scel, sced, jsceclipse...) so that the same class-library can be used with different IDEs, enabling IDE-specific code as necessary - ds
    * 2009-08-16 add emergency escape route: if sclang is caught in an infinite loop, send it a USR1 signal to break out of it - ds
    * 2009-09-12 String:findRegexp and other regular expressions now available on linux as well as mac - mb,ds
    * 2009-09-18 n_order and Server:reorder allow one to specify chains of nodes - sw
    * 2009-09-20 simplify the Server recording interface. prepareForRecord is now optional (will be automatically invoked if you don't), and the server gui button is now just two-state "record" "stop" - ds
    * 2009-10-04 support multichannel indices for Env:at - jr
    * 2009-10-29 improve OSC message correctness: for convenience, sclang allows command names as symbols with no leading slash e.g. \g_new. To improve compliance with the OSC standard, the leading slash is now added to those symbols before dispatch - ds
    * 2009-11-07 use nova-simd framework for performance improvements of unit generators - tb
    * 2009-11-21 Event type \note supports polyphonic sustain, lag and timingOffset, and responds correctly to free and release. Add \grain event type. - jr
    * 2009-11-28 windows: system "application support path", previously hardcoded as C:\SuperCollider, now settable by environment variable SC_SYSAPPSUP_PATH. Default setting for that env var (when using official wix bundle) will be [SC3INSTALLLOCATION] - ds
    * 2009-12-15 sclang: 64-bit safety - tb
    * 2009-12-15 sclang: performance improvement of math ops - tb
    * 2010-01-02 scsynth: use osc-compilant address patterns for server/lang communication - tb
    * 2010-01-24 add readline interface to sclang command-line. This is used by default when invoking "sclang" (to use the non-readline interface set the "-i" option to something other than "none") - ds
    * 2010-01-24 enable GPL3 code by default - this 'upgrades' the overall binary license from GPL2+ to GPL3+, and allows supercollider to benefit from GPL3+ libraries such as libsimdmath and gnu readline - ds
    * 2010-02-04 Improvements to editor: Split pane documents, AutoInOutdent - sw
    * 2010-02-18 scvim: now compatible with gnu screen, opens post window using screen, making it compatible with a pure-CLI environment - ds
    * 2010-02-xx add the Deployment32-64 build style for building on OS X (10.5 and greater) - jp
    * 2010-03-10 SynthDef:memStore deprecated in favour of the more coherent and typeable SynthDef:add - jr
    * 2010-04-11 Moved some more experimental JITLib classes to "JITLib extensions" Quark - jr

  • --------

  • * 2009-06-12 fix for level indicator: critical and warning now display based on peak if it is shown rather than on value - sw
    * 2009-06-18 fix for mouse coordinates bug - sw
    * 2009-06-22 fix for negative bounds issue in SCUserView - sw
    * 2009-06-23 avoid memory corruption when unknown OSC type tags are received. Instead forward them to sclang - jr
    * 2009-06-23 Fix server crash with negative buffer numbers. - jr
    * 2009-07-20 factors(): no prime factors exist below the first prime - jr
    * 2009-07-21 Loudness ugen now supports LocalBuf - nc
    * 2009-07-23 Fix very nasty bug in Pbindf: if a key is an array, new values were written into the incoming event, instead of the outgoing event - jh
    * 2009-07-28 catch unintialised value in sc_GetUserHomeDirectory(), fixing potential memory corruption if HOME not set - ds
    * 2009-08-01 SpecCentroid, fix its reaction to silence (output zero instead of NaN) - ds
    * 2009-08-01 NamedControl: single default value now returns instance, not array, default values are obtained in a consistent way - jr
    * 2009-08-04 fix the CPU-usage issue when calling plain "./sclang" from the terminal on OSX (seems it was caused by a bug in how OSX handles poll() calls) - ds
    * 2009-08-15 LinPan2: fix initialisation issue - panning was not correctly applied during the first calc block - ds
    * 2009-09-28 Workaround for faded colours in HTML docs - sw
    * 2009-09-13 fix PV_MagShift argument handling, so that the defaults mean no-change, matching the behaviour of PV_BinShift - ds
    * 2009-09-20 warn about weirdness of Float:switch - ds
    * 2009-09-30 prevent NaN output from SpecFlatness when input is silence - ds
    * 2009-10-16 fix cropping issue in printing documents - cq
    * 2009-10-17 many phase-vocoder (PV_) ugens previously didn't handle the DC/nyquist bins as expected. fixed most of these (PV_MagAbove, PV_MagBelow, PV_MagClip, PV_LocalMax, PV_BrickWall, PV_MagSquared, PV_BinWipe, PV_CopyPhase, PV_Max, PV_RandComb) - ds
    * 2009-11-01 fix audio rate arg problem in PlayBuf - jp
    * 2009-11-02 fix amplitude-convergence issue in Pan2, Balance2, LinPan2, XFade2, which could sometimes result in sound despite zero amp, as discovered by jh - ds
    * 2009-11-03 fix unsafe implementation of methods that allow sending collections to buffers - jr
    * 2009-11-04 fix signalRange for MouseX, MouseY and KeyState, so that the range message works now - jr
    * 2009-11-19 Fix for PV chains and LocalBuf - sw
    * 2009-12-14 fix uninitialised variable in Pulse (could sometimes cause small glitch on init), thanks to rhian lloyd - ds
    * 2010-01-10 Demand ugens can now handle more than 32 channels, thanks Patrick Borgeat for the patch - ds
    * 2010-02-05 scsynth now respects the -D commandline option when running in NRT mode - ds
    * 2010-02-11 Fix for nowExecutingPath with Routines - sw
    * 2010-02-23 Performance fixes for SCUserView - sw
    * 2010-02-25 Fix interpolation / indexing problem in VDiskIn that caused slight pitch fluctuations - jp
    * 2010-03-11 SequenceableCollection:reduce no longer returns nil if the collection has only 1 element - ds
    * 2010-03-28 fix memory leak of empty command line, for interactive sclang mode - tb
    * 2010-03-29 main menu for Mac lang editor app: correction to key for evaluate selection, used to be return, now return+shift - nc

    Other additions/improvements:
  • ----------------------------

  • * 2009-06-11 Evaluate Selection menu command - sw
    * 2009-06-23 allow remote apps to send type chars - jr
    * 2009-06-27 build 32bit sclang on x86_64 - tb
    * 2009-07-xx efficiency improvements on some UGens - tb
    * 2009-07-xx improve Quarks use of svn for smoother user experience - ds
    * 2009-07-22 catch the case when a user tries to compile into a synthdef, a unary/binary operator that the server can't apply - jh
    * 2009-08-29 String:toUpper and String:toLower - ds
    * 2009-09-06 Boolean:while now throws an informative error, since Boolean:while has no particular use but is often used in error by beginners in code where Function:while is intended - ds
    * 2009-09-12 method FunctionDef:makeEnvirFromArgs allows to create template events from a function - jr
    * 2009-09-30 Error is now posted if maxSynthDefs exceeded -sw
    * 2009-11-03 TwoWayIdentityDictionary has a removeAt method now - jr
    * 2009-11-04 update of deferredTaskInterval from 0.038 to 0.01667 - fo
    * 2009-11-07 improved PyrSlot typesafety - tb
    * 2009-11-23 menu system improvements in Windows IDE - mv
    * 2009-12-13 tidyups for "sclang when on osx but not in" - ds
    * 2009-12-13 added lincurve and curvelin methods for numbers and UGens - jr
    * 2010-01-01 OSCresponder and OSCresponderNode respond equally to messages with or without preceding slash - jr
    * 2010-01-04 sclang: deprecated Proutine - switch back to the original Prout
    * 2010-01-06 UnitTest Quark improved, added script support - jr
    * 2010-01-23 Improved NodeProxy and ProxySpace helpfiles. Added proxy composition syntax to NodeProxy - jr
    * 2010-01-30 Make multichannel plotting easier. If no numChannels is given, find out automatically - jr
    * 2010-01-31 add new LOOP1 macro - tb
    * 2010-01-31 use c99 log2 functions for sc_log2 - tb
    * 2010-02-09 rearrangement of supercollider source code tree - ds
    * 2010-02-11 Server:default_ now assigns to s by default. Settable with flag - sw
    * 2010-02-27 removed SCAnimationView and added SCUserView:animate_ - fo
    * 2010-03-10 SCPen:setSmoothing changed to SCPen:smoothing_, harmonised change with swingosc - ds
    * 2010-03-23 exponentiation for Complex numbers - jr
    * 2010-xx-xx many helpfiles improved - various authors
    * 2010-03-30 Image class added, a redirect for SCImage or JSCImage - hr
    * 2010-03-30 Pitch ugen ability to output clarity measure (by default not activated, for backwards compat) - ds
    programming Supercollider v 3.2 Feb 20, 2008 MacOS X UB
    synthesis Supercollider v 2.2.16 Jan 28, 2004 MacOS 9
    Supercollider Supercollider v 3.6.1 Nov 30, 2012 Windows

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