
Category Tools / Converters
Version 6.0b17
Format App
Compatibility TranslatorMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $149  /  137€
Updated On Aug 5, 2013
Total Downloads 1,579
Mac Downloads 1,438
Category Tools / Converters
Version 6.0b17
Format App
Compatibility TranslatorWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $149  /  137€
Updated On Aug 5, 2013
Total Downloads 1,579
PC Downloads 141

Translation and Sample Audition

Translator Mac is available. As weel as translation, sample audition, viewing of proprietary disks, extraction of samples, and other features are included.

Now you can have access to your Akai, Roland, Emu, Ensoniq, and Kurzweil CD's/hard disks in your Mac!

Click below for a current list of translations that are available. The Mac and PC versions share the same code base, with code being transferred daily to the Mac structure. The Mac program uses the exact same high quality translations that Translator Windows is known for.
Translator Translator v 6.0b17 Aug 5, 2013 MacOS X UB
Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 17
  • ------------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added viewing of Independence v2 and v3 files
    [ALL] Fixed some Kontakt 5-> issues
    [ALL] Fixed several Bidirectional looping-> issues
    [ALL] Fixed viewing SoundFont Presets after selecting them more than once
    [ALL] Fixed viewing and exporting EmaxII disks
    [ALL] Fixed playback ability after stream player fails once
    [ALL] Fixed suppression of multiple Translator instances
    [ALL] Repaired some Ensoniq floppy Virtual Drive errors
    [ALL] Added better cancellation of multi-selected files in the Object List
    [ALL] Improved popupmenu look on lists and other
    [AKAI] Added MPC-> proprietary disk extraction
    [AKAI] Fixed reading MPC-60/3000 with 12-bit FAT's
    [NI] Fixed modulations->Filter for Kontakt in certain cases
    [INDY] Fixed importing sounds with slashes in them
    [KORG] (Unofficial) Fixed some ->Kronos velocity split issues
    [KORG] (Unofficial) Added merge into Kronos banks, added no KSF file replication
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed incoming loop issues related to Bi-Directional Loops
    [ROLAND] Fixed various ->Fantom issues
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 16
  • ------------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Minor bug fixes in preparation for 6.1
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Reason patches
    [ALL] Fixed Roland-> sending bi-directional loop info
    [ALL] Fixed some Collapse Tuning issues
    [ALL] Fixed some Replace Reference issues
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    Chickensys Translator Translator v 6.0b15 May 15, 2013 MacOS X UB
    [ALL] Added support for reading and converting Battery 3.2 files
    [ALL] Added viewing of Yamaha A-Series computer-style and proprietary disks
    [ALL] Fixed Yamaha A-Series-> translations
    [ALL] Added playback in stereo of WAVE/AIFF files that are mono and have -L/ L/(L) type suffixes
    [ALL] Improved Instrument Playback (Load button in Instrument Screen)
    [ALL] Fixed Alchemy-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed bug in fixing EXS24 Instruments
    [ALL] Fixed Roland S-7x Sample Only->Single Sample
    [ALL] Improved support for file names with non-ASCii chars (umlauts, trademarks, etc.)
    [ALL] Now views Emu EmaxII Virtual Drives in a separate Virtual Drive folder
    [ALL] Fixed adding node for Virtual Drive after creating new ones or from disks
    [ALL] Now views Roland S-7x dual-mono samples as stereo
    [ALL} Fixed playback of Motif Classic and ES samples
    [ALL] Added viewing of Kronos PCG files (multisamples)
    [ALL] Added support for proprietary drives that Windows doesn't give drive letters to
    [ALL] Improved keyboard graphic in Instrument Screen
    [ALL] Improved background graphic in Instrument Screen
    [NI] Added and improved EXS->Kontakt with multiple outputs (and other source formats)
    [INDY] Refactored ->Independence to better handle different conversion methods
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed minor ->SFZ issues; added release trigger support
    [SOUNDFONT] Improved ->SoundFont conversions (filter, filter envelope)
    [KORG] Improved ->Kronos conversions (still beta)
    No longer writes redundant Multisamples
    Added converting into Translator-created Kronos 2.0 Banks
    [KORG] Fixed accidental selection of "Triton LE Banks" in Format Preferences
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC2000XL/2000/3000 conversions
    [AKAI] Added velocity split filtering for ->MPC;
    Splits >4 per key get reduced to 4 splits
    [AKAI] Fixed creating cleanup functions where keyranges get merged
    [AKAI] Now supports newer Wersi versions of STS-500 files (.sts)
    [AKAI] Fixed small bug related to CONST (non-keytracked) incoming samples
    [EMU] Added multiple banks for ->EOS and ->E3/ESi when 100/ Presets; 100/1000 samples required
    [EMU] Add Velocity Split support in ->E3/ESi
    [EMU] Fixed some bugs in ->E3/ESi
    [ROLAND] Added conversion of all Patches in bulk from XV-5080 Banks
    [ROLAND] Added velocity split filtering for ->MV-Series;
    Splits >4 per key get reduced to 4 splits
    [MOTIF] Fixed ->XF conversions
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    Chickensys Translator v 6.0b14 Feb 27, 2013 MacOS X UB
    [ALL] Fixed EXS24-> tuning and pan (b12 issue)
    [ALL] Fixed updating accessing to web site
    [ALL] Fixed viewing of EmuX Presets, ASR-X banks
    [ALL] Fixed minor issues with viewing Synclavier Timbre Banks
    [ALL} Added auditoning samples from Synclavier Timbre Banks
    [ALL] Added auditioning samples from Partial references
    [NI] Fixed ->Kontakt outputs (minor)
    [NI] Adjusted minor Pan value differences
    [NI] Adjusted main Voice count to largest Group Voice count
    [ROLAND] Fixed ->MV-8000 when converting single object from a Bank
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    available Translator v 6.0b12 Feb 16, 2013 MacOS X UB
    [KORG} Fixed multistage envelopes ->Kronos
    [KORG] Fixed bank number selection in Format Preferences
    [EMU] Added Transpose parameter into EmuX
    [EMU] Fixed ->E3/ESi Level when incoming volume >0
    [SOUNDFONT] Improved ->SoundFont names when incoming name >20
    [NI] Fixed bug reading incoming Sample Start parameters in certain cases
    [ALL} Fixed reading Structure-referenced samples that have certain special characters in them
    [ALL] Tweaked Kurzweil sample start detection
    [ALL] Fixed auditioning issues related to sample starts other than 0
    [ALL] Removed TEST button (from b11)
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    translation Translator v 6.0b11 Jan 26, 2013 MacOS X UB
    [KORG] Fixed ->Triton (broken in b9)
    [KORG] New destination format: Korg Kronos (in beta)
    [ALL] Fixed Akai-> in certain cases
    [ALL] Fixed Kontakt-> zone volume and panning to certain formats
    [ALL] Fixed viewing XF files
    [ALL] Fixed some Roland naming issues
    [ALL] Fixed several LM4 mrk II issues
    [ALL] Fixed converting single Ensoniq wavesamples only
    [ALL] Fixed converting/moving into a newly-created Ensoniq directory without refreshing
    [ALL] Fixed Single Sample Map, first sample was set to RootKey of middle C instead of LoKey
    [ALL] Fixed EmuX/EOS-> modulators routed to pitch, now gives accurate cent value
    [ALL] Added Reaktor map v5.8 support
    [ALL] Added EXS24-> output routing support
    [ALL] Now handles EXS24-> referenced samples with trailing spaces properly
    [ALL] Improved Instrument Screen list parameters for RootKey, SampleRate, Bits, Channels for several formats
    [ALL] Added better support for modulating all Times in an Envelope
    [ALL] Improved Bulk Export window behavior when dragging folder from Object List to Container Pane
    [ALL] Added viewing contents on proprietary Yamaha disks
    [ALL] Added Instrument Screen support for Giga Instruments
    [NI] Added support for incoming modulators CONSTANT, RANDOM_UNIPOLAR, RANDOM_BIPOLAR
    [NI] Added support for modulator destination LFO_RATE
    [NI] Added better handling of "inverted" modulators
    [NI] Fixed writing Mac-type .nki files if Kontakt version is 3.5 or over; now does not do it
    [EMU] Fixed importing Banks files-> or single files making more than on Preset into Emu ESi
    [SOUNDFONT] Added writing 24-bit SoundFonts
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    translations Translator v 6.0b9 Nov 13, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 9
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added dropping on Translator interface from Finder
    [ALL] Added viewing Akai S-5000/Z-Series Multis (.akm)
    [ALL] Viewing SampleCell instrument and Bank internals
    [ALL] Added in "Copy Samples" option conversion from WAV-AIFF and vis-versa
    [ALL] Added option to translate bulk Recycle/Slice files mapped within one Instrument
    [ALL] Added viewing MPC Renaissance Programs (.xpm)
    [ALL} Added viewing Korg Kronos banks
    [ALL] Fixed several plain Emulator III reading issues
    [ALL] Fixed converting out of sample-only Akai Volumes
    [ALL] Fixed dropping folders from external sources to Favorites folder
    [ALL] Fixed Structure-> issue converting the last sample referenced
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Counterpart files Akai Program and Emu E3/ESI Bank (.ak1/3/.e3b/.esi)
    [ALL] Fixed several Split Incoming Sample issues
    [ALL] Fixed closing Translator from window Close button
    [ALL] Fixed translating SFZ-> files with forward-slashes in their paths
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Motif XF objects
    [ALL] Further optimization of EmulatorX envelope interpretation
    [EMU] Fixed ->plain Emulator III
    [EMU] Added ->EmulatorX options:
    Convert incoming 24-bit samples to 32-bit or 16-bit,
    always write 32-bit samples, always write 16-bit samples
    [EXS] Put in some averaging options of envelopes
    [EXS] Fixed writing default Release Trigger counter value
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed issues with multiple incoming velocities
    [KURZWEIL] Added Velocity->Layer option
    [NI] Fixed writing Kontakt 3.5 Multis
    [ROLAND] Fixed reading DJ-70 mkII samples from proprietary disk
    [ROLAND] Fixed exporting WAVE files in bulk from S-7x disk
    [STRUCTURE] Fixed ->Structure knob values
    [STRUCTURE] Added polyphony values from incoming formats or Preferences-Special
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 8
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added optional Preset Select Dialog when converting from bank formats
    [ALL] Added SFZ Use Aria option; write Aria specific opcodes
    [ALL] Added Drumagog 5 support
    [ALL] Added Drumagog sample audition
    [ALL] Added viewing MV-8000 Series patch contents
    [ALL] Added formatting proprietary floppy disks
    [ALL] Added displaying and playing back 8-bit files
    [ALL] Improved VelAverage feature
    [ALL] Improved internal MIDI handling
    [ALL] Fixed Split Sample feature
    [ALL] Fixed extracting single Ensoniq file to EFE/EFA file
    [ALL] Fixed Single Sound->Ensoniq with Single Sound Mapping
    [ALL] Fixed using Translator when dropping files/folders on the app or sending it a file
    [ALL] Fixed leftover Bias issues
    [ALL] Fixed assorted ->SampleTank issues
    [EMU] Fixed ->Emu stereo sample writing (no Emu errors)
    [ALL] Fixed WAV->Akai S-1000/3000 proprietary
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 7
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • New Destination Format: Ableton Live Drum Racks
    [ALL] Improved Replace References dialog
    Added opcode to filter replacements on specific groups
    [ALL] Redesigned Bias Preference dialog
    [ALL] Fixed Bias features
    [EXS} Added better detection of >31 sample file names when ->EXS24
    [EXS] Improved handling of 32bit samples ->EXS24
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed certain ->Kurzweil conversions
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed certain ->SampleTank conversions
    [YAMAHA] Fixed ->Tyros 2 and Tyros 2-> conversions
    [CAKEWALK] Changed "name" opcodes to "master_label", "group_label", and "region_label"
    [CAKEWALK] Redid ->SFZ parsing to uphold Region in opcode precedence
    [ALL] Now interprests SFZ-> with Region having opcode precedence
    [ALL] Now reads SFZ "transpose" opcode correctly; now reads "note_offset"
    [ALL] Fixed Bidirectional loop adjustment for non-supported dest formats
    [ALL] Added viewing inside Fantom Banks
    [ALL] Corrected converting into existing Fantom banks
    [ALL] Added viewing Kurzweil Program contents
    [ALL] Fixed reading Kontakt 4.2 Group names
    [ALL] Fixed XV-5080 conversions including Performances
    [ALL] Added viewing XV-5080 Banks including Performances
    [ALL] Fixed Reason->, no legato when Voices > 1, supports Group Mono (Reason4+)
    [ALL] Improved Velocity Grid feature in averaging velocities for limited destination structures
    [ALL] Added Minimize and Zoom/Restore main menus
    [ALL] Fixed several EmuX-> envelope time issues
    [ALL] Added warnings in Master Translation Dialog when Biases are in force
    [ALL] Added Bias dialog access in Master Translation Dialog
    [ALL} Fixed Split Incoming Samples in Preferences-Single Sample Map
    [ALL] Improved certain error logging features
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 6
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Improved S550-> conversions
    [ALL} Improved Waveplayer performance; now preloads on proprietary disks
    [ALL] Added SS-SE box drawing on the Waveplayer
    [ALL] Added playback of S-550 samples off CD/proprietary drive
    [ALL] Improved playback of Ensoniq samples, now observes SS-SE and transwaves
    [ALL] Added new Ensoniq icons
    [ALL] Added option to not view Ensoniq copied Wavesamples
    [ALL] Added automatic searching for sample files using CatSearch
    [ALL] CatSearch supports selecting in case of multiple files found
    [ALL] Reincluded DirectSound drivers in Waveplayer
    [ALL] Fixed SampleCell-> issues specifically HZ Gtr's Vol. 1 with funny sample file names
    [ALL] Fixed Battery-> certain esoteric issues
    [ALL] Fixed viewing internals of ESi Presets
    [ALL} Fixed certain Ensoniq-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed attempting to loop < 32 sample loops
    [ALL] Fixed formatting of already-mounted disks
    [ALL] Fixed Structure-> monolith files
    [ALL} Enabled viewing and auditioning of Structure monolith samples
    [ALL] Fixed Support::Email bug in build 5
    [ALL] Sorted Tab Orders on forms (finally)
    [ALL] Improved update downloading, added Cancel button on downloading window
    [AKAI] Improved ->STS conversions
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC-2000/3000 conversions
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed ->SFZ when selecting Opcode Sep other than
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed some cutoff_ and amp_keytrack opcodes
    [ENSONIQ] Improved ->ASR-X conversions
    [INDEPENDENCE] Improved ->Independence conversions
    [MOTIF] Improved ->Tyros conversions
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed certain ->Kurzweil conversions
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed ->SampleTank from bug in b5
    [SOUNDFONT] Fixed ->DLS when doing interleaved stereo samples
    [SOUNDFONT] Fixed ->DLS sustain values, handles defaults better
    [ALL] Manual Updates
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 5
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Fixed formatting proprietary disks in certain cases (previously written partitioning)
    [ROLAND] Eliminated any duplicate Partial or Sample names within a Patch setup,
    also insured no duplicate names would be written on disk
    [ALL] Tweaked more EmuX-> parameters
    [EMU] Fixed writing .e4b, .eos, .e3b, and .esi files directly to disk
    [EMU] Fixed ->EOS sample lengths
    [EMU] Fixed Emu disk formatting

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 4
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Supports viewing Yamaha RS7000 files
    [ALL] Supports converting EXS Monolith-type files->
    [ALL] Fixed reading Roland S-7x floppy images (.out)
    [ALL] Fixed ejecting the first disk on the Eject Disk list
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC-1000 with chromatic instruments
    [AKAI] Fixed formatting Akai disks with < 60mb Partitions
    [EMU] Fixed several ->EOS issues
    [EMU] Fixed several ->EmuX parameter and modulation amounts
    [EMU] Fixed several EmuX-> parameter and modulation amounts
    [EMU] Fixed basic EmuX-> loop points
    [EXS] Restored ->EXS settings for AAC files, retitled some EXS options
    [EXS] Tweaked ->EXS envelopes to achieve more natural results
    [EXS] Completed several ->EXS modulation schemes
    [HI-TECH] Format Options-Synclavier; list now allows multiple files and file/folder drops
    [ALL] Made Akai S-1000/3000-> more robust in certain areas (PITBULL CD)
    [ALL] Fixed formatting Ensoniq Proprietary disks and images
    [ALL] Fixed issue writing Ensoniq operating system
    [ALL] Fixed main screen for MinLeft and MinRight views so they don't overlap
    [ALL] Fixed small Bounds Exception bug with right-click access in the Container Pane
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 3
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • New Format: Bowen Solaris Synth
    [NI] Fixed crossfades incoming with negative values
    [NI] Removed converting to Konakt 4.2 (unnecessary and confusing)
    [ALL] Fixed dragging from the right with proprietary items
    [ALL] [PPC] Fixed crashes invoking the Instrument Screen at any time
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC when names > 16 characters
    [FUSION] Fixed dealing with incoming 24-bit samples
    [ROLAND] Fixed converting into existing Fantom banks
    [ALL] Improved mouse-over and renaming Proprietary items
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 2
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added bulk conversion of Roland S550 disks/Virtual Drives
    [ALL] Fixed Preference/Option dialogs (General and Format)
    [ALL] Changed Master Translation Dialog; now can access preferences
    [ALL] Added startup key operations
    Startup with "f" pressed clears the authorization info
    Startup with "t" pressed clears the preferences
    Startup with "s" pressed avoids checking for proprietary drives
    Startup with "l" or SHIFT pressed stops Translator from going to the last location
    [ALL] Changed transport button graphics
    [ALL] Fixed certain SFZ-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed S5000-> Rez value
    [ALL] Fixed inputting Comment Tags in files
    [ALL] Fixed Fusion-> for very early file versions
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 1
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added Beat Detection
    [ALL] Added Instrument Player
    [ALL] Compiled with new compiler
    [ALL] Fixed EXS-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed SFZ-> conversions
    disks Translator v May 24, 2011 MacOS X UB
    New Source Formats:
    * NI Kontakt 4.2.
    * Motif XF (.x3v;.x3a).
    * Akai MPC APS (.aps) files.
    * Ensoniq PARIS files.
    * Workstation formats (Motif, Fantom, Fusion, Triton).
    * Synclavier [MAC, Hi-Tech Edition only].

    New Destination Formats:
    * NI Kontakt 4.2.
    * Motif XF (.x3v;.x3a).

    Other changes:
    * [NI] Added full Kontakt 4.2 support for Reference Manager and other items.
    * [NI] Now supports non-extension sample files for Kontakt; Kontakt does not support sample files that do not have proper extensions. [MAC] Types the files so they work.
    * [NI] Fixed and optimized ->Kontakt Voicegroups.
    * [NI] Supports Kontakt ADHR Only setting (no sustain stage in envelopes).
    * [NI] Fixed ->Kontakt Monolith conversions.
    * [ALL] Added ability for interface to look at a user-defined Root Folder to eliminate clutter.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Added deletion and renaming of objects on proprietary disks; Roland, MPC, Ensoniq, Akai, Emu.
    * [ALL] Supports import of most non-Motif written Motif files.
    * [ALL] INST and inst chunks in WAVE or AIFF files properly read; RootKey and FineTune is given priority when 'INST'/'inst' are included.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Optimized creating Virtual Drives from disks.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Added option WriteDOSCompatibleNames, this forces Program-type and Sample-type files to be written with DOS-compatible names, even though the Mac can handle more characters.
    * [ALL] Sped up Giga-> conversions.
    * [ALL] Fixed conversion of Millennium files that use stereo WAVE's.
    * [ALL] Now includes warning giving choice to delete object or not.
    * [ALL] Improved reading of S-5x drives and images.
    * [ALL] Improved single and bulk conversion of single samples to other single sample formats.
    * [ALL] Fixed bulk conversion of Emax banks.
    * [SFZ] Added new Preference pane, added collapsing to Groups, support for incoming Group names and organization, and custom user-defined SFZ writing methods.
    * [AKAI] Added creating and deleting MPC folders on MPC proprietary drives.
    * [AKAI] Added option for MPC200XL 1.20 OS PC formatting.
    * [AKAI] Now supports nested MPC folders on MPC disks.
    * [AKAI] Fixed some bugs and optimized MPC proprietary disk formatting.
    * [ROLAND] Fixed some writing Roland disk bugs and auditioning Roland samples.
    * [EMU] Corrected some ESi issues.
    * [KURZWEIL] Corrected some ->Kurzweil issues.
    * [ENSONIQ] Fixed issues when converting the maximum wavesample (#127).
    * [ENSONIQ] Fixed naming issues with stereo samples.
    * [SAMPLETANK] Corrected some SampleTank issues.
    * [SOUNDFONT] Improved DLS conversions; added modulators and connections.
    * [KORG] Implemented more modulators into Triton conversion.
    * [FUSION] [MAC] Implemented full converting into Banks and creating new Banks.
    audition Translator v 5.9 Nov 18, 2008 MacOS X UB
    Mac Version 5.9 is a huge improvement over the older version 1.5, as it offers MacTel support, much faster and streamlined operation, and a vastly expanded format list.
    download Translator v 1.5 Dec 23, 2003 MacOS 9
    More conversion formats added
    mac Translator v 1.5 Dec 22, 2003 MacOS X PPC
    More conversion formats added
    Translator Translator v 6.0b17 Aug 5, 2013 Windows
    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 17
  • ------------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added viewing of Independence v2 and v3 files
    [ALL] Fixed some Kontakt 5-> issues
    [ALL] Fixed several Bidirectional looping-> issues
    [ALL] Fixed viewing SoundFont Presets after selecting them more than once
    [ALL] Fixed viewing and exporting EmaxII disks
    [ALL] Fixed playback ability after stream player fails once
    [ALL] Fixed suppression of multiple Translator instances
    [ALL] Repaired some Ensoniq floppy Virtual Drive errors
    [ALL] Added better cancellation of multi-selected files in the Object List
    [ALL] Improved popupmenu look on lists and other
    [AKAI] Added MPC-> proprietary disk extraction
    [AKAI] Fixed reading MPC-60/3000 with 12-bit FAT's
    [NI] Fixed modulations->Filter for Kontakt in certain cases
    [INDY] Fixed importing sounds with slashes in them
    [KORG] (Unofficial) Fixed some ->Kronos velocity split issues
    [KORG] (Unofficial) Added merge into Kronos banks, added no KSF file replication
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed incoming loop issues related to Bi-Directional Loops
    [ROLAND] Fixed various ->Fantom issues
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 16
  • ------------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Minor bug fixes in preparation for 6.1
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Reason patches
    [ALL] Fixed Roland-> sending bi-directional loop info
    [ALL] Fixed some Collapse Tuning issues
    [ALL] Fixed some Replace Reference issues
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    Chickensys Translator Translator v 6.0b15 May 15, 2013 Windows
    [ALL] Added support for reading and converting Battery 3.2 files
    [ALL] Added viewing of Yamaha A-Series computer-style and proprietary disks
    [ALL] Fixed Yamaha A-Series-> translations
    [ALL] Added playback in stereo of WAVE/AIFF files that are mono and have -L/ L/(L) type suffixes
    [ALL] Improved Instrument Playback (Load button in Instrument Screen)
    [ALL] Fixed Alchemy-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed bug in fixing EXS24 Instruments
    [ALL] Fixed Roland S-7x Sample Only->Single Sample
    [ALL] Improved support for file names with non-ASCii chars (umlauts, trademarks, etc.)
    [ALL] Now views Emu EmaxII Virtual Drives in a separate Virtual Drive folder
    [ALL] Fixed adding node for Virtual Drive after creating new ones or from disks
    [ALL] Now views Roland S-7x dual-mono samples as stereo
    [ALL} Fixed playback of Motif Classic and ES samples
    [ALL] Added viewing of Kronos PCG files (multisamples)
    [ALL] Added support for proprietary drives that Windows doesn't give drive letters to
    [ALL] Improved keyboard graphic in Instrument Screen
    [ALL] Improved background graphic in Instrument Screen
    [NI] Added and improved EXS->Kontakt with multiple outputs (and other source formats)
    [INDY] Refactored ->Independence to better handle different conversion methods
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed minor ->SFZ issues; added release trigger support
    [SOUNDFONT] Improved ->SoundFont conversions (filter, filter envelope)
    [KORG] Improved ->Kronos conversions (still beta)
    No longer writes redundant Multisamples
    Added converting into Translator-created Kronos 2.0 Banks
    [KORG] Fixed accidental selection of "Triton LE Banks" in Format Preferences
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC2000XL/2000/3000 conversions
    [AKAI] Added velocity split filtering for ->MPC;
    Splits >4 per key get reduced to 4 splits
    [AKAI] Fixed creating cleanup functions where keyranges get merged
    [AKAI] Now supports newer Wersi versions of STS-500 files (.sts)
    [AKAI] Fixed small bug related to CONST (non-keytracked) incoming samples
    [EMU] Added multiple banks for ->EOS and ->E3/ESi when 100/ Presets; 100/1000 samples required
    [EMU] Add Velocity Split support in ->E3/ESi
    [EMU] Fixed some bugs in ->E3/ESi
    [ROLAND] Added conversion of all Patches in bulk from XV-5080 Banks
    [ROLAND] Added velocity split filtering for ->MV-Series;
    Splits >4 per key get reduced to 4 splits
    [MOTIF] Fixed ->XF conversions
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    Chickensys Translator v 6.0b14 Feb 27, 2013 Windows
    [ALL] Fixed EXS24-> tuning and pan (b12 issue)
    [ALL] Fixed updating accessing to web site
    [ALL] Fixed viewing of EmuX Presets, ASR-X banks
    [ALL] Fixed minor issues with viewing Synclavier Timbre Banks
    [ALL} Added auditoning samples from Synclavier Timbre Banks
    [ALL] Added auditioning samples from Partial references
    [NI] Fixed ->Kontakt outputs (minor)
    [NI] Adjusted minor Pan value differences
    [NI] Adjusted main Voice count to largest Group Voice count
    [ROLAND] Fixed ->MV-8000 when converting single object from a Bank
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    available Translator v 6.0b12 Feb 16, 2013 Windows
    [KORG} Fixed multistage envelopes ->Kronos
    [KORG] Fixed bank number selection in Format Preferences
    [EMU] Added Transpose parameter into EmuX
    [EMU] Fixed ->E3/ESi Level when incoming volume >0
    [SOUNDFONT] Improved ->SoundFont names when incoming name >20
    [NI] Fixed bug reading incoming Sample Start parameters in certain cases
    [ALL} Fixed reading Structure-referenced samples that have certain special characters in them
    [ALL] Tweaked Kurzweil sample start detection
    [ALL] Fixed auditioning issues related to sample starts other than 0
    [ALL] Removed TEST button (from b11)
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    translation Translator v 6.0b11 Jan 26, 2013 Windows
    [KORG] Fixed ->Triton (broken in b9)
    [KORG] New destination format: Korg Kronos (in beta)
    [ALL] Fixed Akai-> in certain cases
    [ALL] Fixed Kontakt-> zone volume and panning to certain formats
    [ALL] Fixed viewing XF files
    [ALL] Fixed some Roland naming issues
    [ALL] Fixed several LM4 mrk II issues
    [ALL] Fixed converting single Ensoniq wavesamples only
    [ALL] Fixed converting/moving into a newly-created Ensoniq directory without refreshing
    [ALL] Fixed Single Sample Map, first sample was set to RootKey of middle C instead of LoKey
    [ALL] Fixed EmuX/EOS-> modulators routed to pitch, now gives accurate cent value
    [ALL] Added Reaktor map v5.8 support
    [ALL] Added EXS24-> output routing support
    [ALL] Now handles EXS24-> referenced samples with trailing spaces properly
    [ALL] Improved Instrument Screen list parameters for RootKey, SampleRate, Bits, Channels for several formats
    [ALL] Added better support for modulating all Times in an Envelope
    [ALL] Improved Bulk Export window behavior when dragging folder from Object List to Container Pane
    [ALL] Added viewing contents on proprietary Yamaha disks
    [ALL] Added Instrument Screen support for Giga Instruments
    [NI] Added support for incoming modulators CONSTANT, RANDOM_UNIPOLAR, RANDOM_BIPOLAR
    [NI] Added support for modulator destination LFO_RATE
    [NI] Added better handling of "inverted" modulators
    [NI] Fixed writing Mac-type .nki files if Kontakt version is 3.5 or over; now does not do it
    [EMU] Fixed importing Banks files-> or single files making more than on Preset into Emu ESi
    [SOUNDFONT] Added writing 24-bit SoundFonts
    [ALL] General Maintenance
    translations Translator v 6.0b9 Nov 13, 2012 Windows
    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 9
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added dropping on Translator interface from Finder
    [ALL] Added viewing Akai S-5000/Z-Series Multis (.akm)
    [ALL] Viewing SampleCell instrument and Bank internals
    [ALL] Added in "Copy Samples" option conversion from WAV-AIFF and vis-versa
    [ALL] Added option to translate bulk Recycle/Slice files mapped within one Instrument
    [ALL] Added viewing MPC Renaissance Programs (.xpm)
    [ALL} Added viewing Korg Kronos banks
    [ALL] Fixed several plain Emulator III reading issues
    [ALL] Fixed converting out of sample-only Akai Volumes
    [ALL] Fixed dropping folders from external sources to Favorites folder
    [ALL] Fixed Structure-> issue converting the last sample referenced
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Counterpart files Akai Program and Emu E3/ESI Bank (.ak1/3/.e3b/.esi)
    [ALL] Fixed several Split Incoming Sample issues
    [ALL] Fixed closing Translator from window Close button
    [ALL] Fixed translating SFZ-> files with forward-slashes in their paths
    [ALL] Fixed viewing Motif XF objects
    [ALL] Further optimization of EmulatorX envelope interpretation
    [EMU] Fixed ->plain Emulator III
    [EMU] Added ->EmulatorX options:
    Convert incoming 24-bit samples to 32-bit or 16-bit,
    always write 32-bit samples, always write 16-bit samples
    [EXS] Put in some averaging options of envelopes
    [EXS] Fixed writing default Release Trigger counter value
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed issues with multiple incoming velocities
    [KURZWEIL] Added Velocity->Layer option
    [NI] Fixed writing Kontakt 3.5 Multis
    [ROLAND] Fixed reading DJ-70 mkII samples from proprietary disk
    [ROLAND] Fixed exporting WAVE files in bulk from S-7x disk
    [STRUCTURE] Fixed ->Structure knob values
    [STRUCTURE] Added polyphony values from incoming formats or Preferences-Special
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 8
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added optional Preset Select Dialog when converting from bank formats
    [ALL] Added SFZ Use Aria option; write Aria specific opcodes
    [ALL] Added Drumagog 5 support
    [ALL] Added Drumagog sample audition
    [ALL] Added viewing MV-8000 Series patch contents
    [ALL] Added formatting proprietary floppy disks
    [ALL] Added displaying and playing back 8-bit files
    [ALL] Improved VelAverage feature
    [ALL] Improved internal MIDI handling
    [ALL] Fixed Split Sample feature
    [ALL] Fixed extracting single Ensoniq file to EFE/EFA file
    [ALL] Fixed Single Sound->Ensoniq with Single Sound Mapping
    [ALL] Fixed using Translator when dropping files/folders on the app or sending it a file
    [ALL] Fixed leftover Bias issues
    [ALL] Fixed assorted ->SampleTank issues
    [EMU] Fixed ->Emu stereo sample writing (no Emu errors)
    [ALL] Fixed WAV->Akai S-1000/3000 proprietary
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 7
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • New Destination Format: Ableton Live Drum Racks
    [ALL] Improved Replace References dialog
    Added opcode to filter replacements on specific groups
    [ALL] Redesigned Bias Preference dialog
    [ALL] Fixed Bias features
    [EXS} Added better detection of >31 sample file names when ->EXS24
    [EXS] Improved handling of 32bit samples ->EXS24
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed certain ->Kurzweil conversions
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed certain ->SampleTank conversions
    [YAMAHA] Fixed ->Tyros 2 and Tyros 2-> conversions
    [CAKEWALK] Changed "name" opcodes to "master_label", "group_label", and "region_label"
    [CAKEWALK] Redid ->SFZ parsing to uphold Region in opcode precedence
    [ALL] Now interprests SFZ-> with Region having opcode precedence
    [ALL] Now reads SFZ "transpose" opcode correctly; now reads "note_offset"
    [ALL] Fixed Bidirectional loop adjustment for non-supported dest formats
    [ALL] Added viewing inside Fantom Banks
    [ALL] Corrected converting into existing Fantom banks
    [ALL] Added viewing Kurzweil Program contents
    [ALL] Fixed reading Kontakt 4.2 Group names
    [ALL] Fixed XV-5080 conversions including Performances
    [ALL] Added viewing XV-5080 Banks including Performances
    [ALL] Fixed Reason->, no legato when Voices > 1, supports Group Mono (Reason4+)
    [ALL] Improved Velocity Grid feature in averaging velocities for limited destination structures
    [ALL] Added Minimize and Zoom/Restore main menus
    [ALL] Fixed several EmuX-> envelope time issues
    [ALL] Added warnings in Master Translation Dialog when Biases are in force
    [ALL] Added Bias dialog access in Master Translation Dialog
    [ALL} Fixed Split Incoming Samples in Preferences-Single Sample Map
    [ALL] Improved certain error logging features
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 6
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Improved S550-> conversions
    [ALL} Improved Waveplayer performance; now preloads on proprietary disks
    [ALL] Added SS-SE box drawing on the Waveplayer
    [ALL] Added playback of S-550 samples off CD/proprietary drive
    [ALL] Improved playback of Ensoniq samples, now observes SS-SE and transwaves
    [ALL] Added new Ensoniq icons
    [ALL] Added option to not view Ensoniq copied Wavesamples
    [ALL] Added automatic searching for sample files using CatSearch
    [ALL] CatSearch supports selecting in case of multiple files found
    [ALL] Reincluded DirectSound drivers in Waveplayer
    [ALL] Fixed SampleCell-> issues specifically HZ Gtr's Vol. 1 with funny sample file names
    [ALL] Fixed Battery-> certain esoteric issues
    [ALL] Fixed viewing internals of ESi Presets
    [ALL} Fixed certain Ensoniq-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed attempting to loop < 32 sample loops
    [ALL] Fixed formatting of already-mounted disks
    [ALL] Fixed Structure-> monolith files
    [ALL} Enabled viewing and auditioning of Structure monolith samples
    [ALL] Fixed Support::Email bug in build 5
    [ALL] Sorted Tab Orders on forms (finally)
    [ALL] Improved update downloading, added Cancel button on downloading window
    [AKAI] Improved ->STS conversions
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC-2000/3000 conversions
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed ->SFZ when selecting Opcode Sep other than
    [CAKEWALK] Fixed some cutoff_ and amp_keytrack opcodes
    [ENSONIQ] Improved ->ASR-X conversions
    [INDEPENDENCE] Improved ->Independence conversions
    [MOTIF] Improved ->Tyros conversions
    [KURZWEIL] Fixed certain ->Kurzweil conversions
    [SAMPLETANK] Fixed ->SampleTank from bug in b5
    [SOUNDFONT] Fixed ->DLS when doing interleaved stereo samples
    [SOUNDFONT] Fixed ->DLS sustain values, handles defaults better
    [ALL] Manual Updates
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 5
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Fixed formatting proprietary disks in certain cases (previously written partitioning)
    [ROLAND] Eliminated any duplicate Partial or Sample names within a Patch setup,
    also insured no duplicate names would be written on disk
    [ALL] Tweaked more EmuX-> parameters
    [EMU] Fixed writing .e4b, .eos, .e3b, and .esi files directly to disk
    [EMU] Fixed ->EOS sample lengths
    [EMU] Fixed Emu disk formatting

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 4
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Supports viewing Yamaha RS7000 files
    [ALL] Supports converting EXS Monolith-type files->
    [ALL] Fixed reading Roland S-7x floppy images (.out)
    [ALL] Fixed ejecting the first disk on the Eject Disk list
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC-1000 with chromatic instruments
    [AKAI] Fixed formatting Akai disks with < 60mb Partitions
    [EMU] Fixed several ->EOS issues
    [EMU] Fixed several ->EmuX parameter and modulation amounts
    [EMU] Fixed several EmuX-> parameter and modulation amounts
    [EMU] Fixed basic EmuX-> loop points
    [EXS] Restored ->EXS settings for AAC files, retitled some EXS options
    [EXS] Tweaked ->EXS envelopes to achieve more natural results
    [EXS] Completed several ->EXS modulation schemes
    [HI-TECH] Format Options-Synclavier; list now allows multiple files and file/folder drops
    [ALL] Made Akai S-1000/3000-> more robust in certain areas (PITBULL CD)
    [ALL] Fixed formatting Ensoniq Proprietary disks and images
    [ALL] Fixed issue writing Ensoniq operating system
    [ALL] Fixed main screen for MinLeft and MinRight views so they don't overlap
    [ALL] Fixed small Bounds Exception bug with right-click access in the Container Pane
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 3
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • New Format: Bowen Solaris Synth
    [NI] Fixed crossfades incoming with negative values
    [NI] Removed converting to Konakt 4.2 (unnecessary and confusing)
    [ALL] Fixed dragging from the right with proprietary items
    [ALL] [PPC] Fixed crashes invoking the Instrument Screen at any time
    [AKAI] Fixed ->MPC when names > 16 characters
    [FUSION] Fixed dealing with incoming 24-bit samples
    [ROLAND] Fixed converting into existing Fantom banks
    [ALL] Improved mouse-over and renaming Proprietary items
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 2
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added bulk conversion of Roland S550 disks/Virtual Drives
    [ALL] Fixed Preference/Option dialogs (General and Format)
    [ALL] Changed Master Translation Dialog; now can access preferences
    [ALL] Added startup key operations
    Startup with "f" pressed clears the authorization info
    Startup with "t" pressed clears the preferences
    Startup with "s" pressed avoids checking for proprietary drives
    Startup with "l" or SHIFT pressed stops Translator from going to the last location
    [ALL] Changed transport button graphics
    [ALL] Fixed certain SFZ-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed S5000-> Rez value
    [ALL] Fixed inputting Comment Tags in files
    [ALL] Fixed Fusion-> for very early file versions
    [ALL] General Maintenance

    Listing of features/fixes implemented in version 6.0 Build 1
  • -----------------------------------------------------------

  • [ALL] Added Beat Detection
    [ALL] Added Instrument Player
    [ALL] Compiled with new compiler
    [ALL] Fixed EXS-> conversions
    [ALL] Fixed SFZ-> conversions
    disks Translator v May 24, 2011 Windows
    New Source Formats:
    * NI Kontakt 4.2.
    * Motif XF (.x3v;.x3a).
    * Akai MPC APS (.aps) files.
    * Ensoniq PARIS files.
    * Workstation formats (Motif, Fantom, Fusion, Triton).
    * Synclavier [MAC, Hi-Tech Edition only].

    New Destination Formats:
    * NI Kontakt 4.2.
    * Motif XF (.x3v;.x3a).

    Other changes:
    * [NI] Added full Kontakt 4.2 support for Reference Manager and other items.
    * [NI] Now supports non-extension sample files for Kontakt; Kontakt does not support sample files that do not have proper extensions. [MAC] Types the files so they work.
    * [NI] Fixed and optimized ->Kontakt Voicegroups.
    * [NI] Supports Kontakt ADHR Only setting (no sustain stage in envelopes).
    * [NI] Fixed ->Kontakt Monolith conversions.
    * [ALL] Added ability for interface to look at a user-defined Root Folder to eliminate clutter.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Added deletion and renaming of objects on proprietary disks; Roland, MPC, Ensoniq, Akai, Emu.
    * [ALL] Supports import of most non-Motif written Motif files.
    * [ALL] INST and inst chunks in WAVE or AIFF files properly read; RootKey and FineTune is given priority when 'INST'/'inst' are included.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Optimized creating Virtual Drives from disks.
    * [ALL] [MAC] Added option WriteDOSCompatibleNames, this forces Program-type and Sample-type files to be written with DOS-compatible names, even though the Mac can handle more characters.
    * [ALL] Sped up Giga-> conversions.
    * [ALL] Fixed conversion of Millennium files that use stereo WAVE's.
    * [ALL] Now includes warning giving choice to delete object or not.
    * [ALL] Improved reading of S-5x drives and images.
    * [ALL] Improved single and bulk conversion of single samples to other single sample formats.
    * [ALL] Fixed bulk conversion of Emax banks.
    * [SFZ] Added new Preference pane, added collapsing to Groups, support for incoming Group names and organization, and custom user-defined SFZ writing methods.
    * [AKAI] Added creating and deleting MPC folders on MPC proprietary drives.
    * [AKAI] Added option for MPC200XL 1.20 OS PC formatting.
    * [AKAI] Now supports nested MPC folders on MPC disks.
    * [AKAI] Fixed some bugs and optimized MPC proprietary disk formatting.
    * [ROLAND] Fixed some writing Roland disk bugs and auditioning Roland samples.
    * [EMU] Corrected some ESi issues.
    * [KURZWEIL] Corrected some ->Kurzweil issues.
    * [ENSONIQ] Fixed issues when converting the maximum wavesample (#127).
    * [ENSONIQ] Fixed naming issues with stereo samples.
    * [SAMPLETANK] Corrected some SampleTank issues.
    * [SOUNDFONT] Improved DLS conversions; added modulators and connections.
    * [KORG] Implemented more modulators into Triton conversion.
    * [FUSION] [MAC] Implemented full converting into Banks and creating new Banks.
    Buy Translator online at:
    Buy Translator near Columbus, United States at:

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    Still developing, but a Mac OSX Version already exists...

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