
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 4.2beta
Format App
Compatibility CeciliaMacOS X UB
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Apr 3, 2011
Total Downloads 4,633
Mac Downloads 3,830
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 4.2beta
Format App
Compatibility CeciliaWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Apr 3, 2011
Total Downloads 4,633
PC Downloads 803

Graphic user interface for CSound

Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package Csound. Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control Csound intruments. It is also an editor to Csound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference. Cecilia is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive way.
Mac OS X 10.5-10.6 Python: 2.6.x Csound 5.11.x
XP, Vista, 7 Python: 2.6.x Csound 5.11.x
Cecilia Cecilia v 4.2beta Apr 3, 2011 MacOS X UB
Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia v 4.1beta Nov 11, 2010 MacOS X UB
Cecilia Cecilia v 2.5.8 Feb 8, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • -> some quad modules (Reverbs and WaveGuides.. more coming)

  • -> octophonic handle.. ready for octophonic modules developements

  • -> new csound4.23f12 engine with fixes for tempfile problems

  • -> Some minor bug fixes in the interface.

  • -> 4.23f13 engine.

  • -> always less fickle.. more charm
  • csound Cecilia v 2.5.3 Jan 7, 2005 MacOS X PPC
    1- More bug fixes than I can count.
    2- Realtime pretty much everything.
    3- MIDI sliders you can record and playback
    4- Freshly revised, new and insanely improbable modules for every audio processing function known to man:
    Cybil: CybilExample, CybilFofs, CybilGraphs,
    Dynamics: Compressor-Expander, Distortion, DistortionMorph,
    Pitch: ChordMaker, Harmon-Delay, Harmonizer, Looper-Transposer, PitchShifter, Transposer2
    Filters: 4Band-Eq, HyperChorus, Mask-filter, Multimode, MultimodeMod, MultiPole,
    NonLinear-filter, ResonatorBank, WaveGuideBank
    Re-Synthesis: Adsynner, Convoluter, DirectConvole, LPCReader, Morph-em, PvocReader, UltraVocoder
    Spatial/Reverb: BaboVerb, StereoPan-Distance, StereoReverb
    Synthesis: AdditiveSynth, LFO-Amp-Mod, StochasticGrains, StochasticGrains2
    Time: 4-Delays, Brassage2, Cuisi-warp, DelayMod, Phaser, Stretcher, Warper
    MIDi Modules: MIDI-AdditiveSynth, MIDI-Brassage, MIDI-MultiModeMod, MIDI-Warper
    (Note: I hope someone makes quad versions of these)
    5- Waveform display (I am not certain how useful that really is...)
    6- A time cursor that sort-of works and .csd document sort-of imports.
    8- 4.23f7 engine.
    Cecilia Cecilia v 4.2beta Apr 3, 2011 Windows
    Cecilia Cecilia Cecilia v 4.1beta Nov 11, 2010 Windows

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    version 2.5.8, MacOS X PPC
    L'adresse de téléchargement (en fait : ftp://anonymous@ftp.musique.umontreal.ca:21/FTP_Musique/Cecilia) peut causer quelques soucis à des navigateurs comme Safari, moins à iCab qui gère mieux les sites ftp.
    Au demeurant et afin d'être sûr de récupérer le paquet complet, il est fortement conseillé d'utiliser un logiciel spécialisé ftp, comme Cyberduck, par exemple…
    version 2.5.3, MacOS X PPC
    Ce logiciel est tout simplement incroyable.
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