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Version 0.89
Format App
Compatibility JackOSXMacOS X UB
License Freeware
Price Free
3.8 / 5 , 4 votes
Updated On Dec 19, 2011
Total Downloads 8,768
Mac Downloads 8,768

Audio server

Jack (the Jack Audio Connection Kit) is a low-latency audio server, written originally for the GNU/Linux operating system, and now with Mac OS X support. It can connect any number of different applications to a single hardware audio device; it also allows applications to send and receive audio to and from each other.
Mac OS 10.5 - 10.7
JackOSX JackOSX v 0.89 Dec 19, 2011 MacOS X UB
Fixes a problem with audio output from Flash-based movies, improves support for Avid/Digidesign soundcards and also adds support for ProTools 9.
Jack Tools JackOSX JackOSX v 0.87 Oct 22, 2010 MacOS X UB
Fixes a problem with saving studio setups within JackPilot.
Jack Tools JackOSX v 0.86 Sep 17, 2010 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.86, which addresses several issues in the CoreAudio driver, especially when used with Apogee cards. A new feature, Monitor Ports (input ports that loopback everything that is sent to the audio output and make it available as an input) has been added. The Jackdmp server has also been updated to the latest version.
audio JackOSX v 0.85 Dec 23, 2009 MacOS X UB
Addresses a problem with the Jack OS X plugins being closed after the main Jack server has been shut down. It also addresses a problem with some Digidesign cards, and updates the Jackdmp server to the latest version.
applications JackOSX v 0.84 Nov 26, 2009 MacOS X UB
Released upated version 0.84, which removes requirement to use Aggregate Device on Intel Macs. Also adds new "hog" mode, and fixes some server-related bugs.
server JackOSX v 0.83 Oct 13, 2009 MacOS X UB
Adds Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.x) support, and also now comes in two different packages, a legacy 32 bit version, and a "mixed" 64/32 bit version as well.
download JackOSX v 0.82 Apr 7, 2009 MacOS X UB
Addresses a "deadlock" issue that appeared on some machines. It also increases the maximum number of Jack ports to 1024 (from 512).
mac JackOSX v 0.81 Feb 10, 2009 MacOS X UB
Fixes a "deadlock" issue in the Jackdmp server that could cause audio applications to hang. It also fixes a bug in JackRouter that was causing "dirty buffers" to continue playing when audio was stopped in Max/MSP.
windows JackOSX v 0.80 Jan 20, 2009 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.80, which updates JackRouter to allow it to be selected as the default system audio device again, addressing an issue introduced by OS X 10.5.6. It also updates JackPilot to ensure that available sample rates for each device are now retrieved more reliably. Finally, it updates the Jackdmp server to the latest SVN version (1.91).
macintosh JackOSX v 0.79 Nov 6, 2008 MacOS X UB
Updates the Jackdmp server to the latest SVN version (1.90) to address a compatibility problem with Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack application, and with input-only CoreAudio devices. It also includes a fix to allow iTunes to work with Jack OS X when Jack is set up with more than 2 virtual channels.
pc JackOSX v 0.78 Aug 5, 2008 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.78, which updates Jackdmp server to address an issue causing the Ardour application to hang when quiting (in the case where Ardour started the Jack server itself).
JackOSX v 0.75 Jan 25, 2008 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.75 to support OS X 10.5.X (Leopard). Also first release including new Jackdmp server infrastructure.
JackOSX v 0.74 May 4, 2006 MacOS X UB
Updated Jack AU plugin to pass Apple AU validation
JackOSX v 0.73 Apr 13, 2006 MacOS X UB
Released updated version 0.73, now Universal Binary, to allow running on either PowerPC or Intel architectures. Removed NetJack component until bugs fixed. Also removed legacy Port Audio driver. Updated to latest Jack server version.
JackOSX v 0.72 Jan 28, 2006 MacOS X PPC
Released updated version 0.72, with bug fix updates to Jack server, Core Audio driver, Jack Audio Router, and JackPilot. Fixes a problem with VLC Media Player. No new features.
JackOSX v 0.71 Jul 13, 2005 MacOS X PPC
Addresses problems with Rax and Plogue Bidule
JackOSX v 0.7 Jun 24, 2005 MacOS X PPC
* Tiger (10.4.x) compatible, including use of Tiger's new "Aggregate Audio Devices"
* Uses latest version of Jack server, 0.100.1
* Various bug fixes
* Best of all - Jack OS X continues to be free and open source!
JackOSX v 0.61 Mar 2, 2005 MacOS X PPC
Fixes a bug causing application crashes and/or startup issues (Skype, Rax, etc.). Also now including Arvid Tomayko-Peter's startup Applescript in distribution.
JackOSX v 0.6 Feb 22, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Updated Jack server to version 0.99.49

  • Fixed Jack Audio Router to work with Native Instruments applications

  • Fixed Jack Audio Router to work with Final Cut Pro

  • Fixed Jack Audio Router to allow working with both Jack AU and Jack VST plugins at the same time

  • Added "blacklist" functionality to Jack Audio Router, allowing for some clients to be rejected from being added. Currently, XQuartz (opened by

  • X11) is the only client on the list. This is mostly for the upcoming Ardour OS X port.
  • Fixed CoreAudio driver to fix a problem with multi-stream interfaces

  • New management of Jack plugin audio buffers (they are now allocated and managed in the JAR, not in the plugins), to address "dirty buffer" problem, especially in Logic.

  • Documentation updated

  • Jack - 0.99.49

  • Jack Audio Router (JAR) – 0.7.2

  • JackPilot – 1.5.4
  • JackOSX v 0.51 Oct 9, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Fixed Jack Audio Router to fix crash when using "Band-in-a-Box " application; JAR did not deal with special characters nicely.

  • Fixed AU and VST plugs to fix crashes when Jack buffer size less than hosting app buffer size.

  • Fixed default Jack server buffer size to 512 – was set to 4096 by default in 0.5 version, which caused problems with iTunes not playing correctly

  • Jack Audio Router (JAR) – 0.5.8

  • Jack AU plugin – 1.5.1

  • Jack VST plugin – 1.5.1
  • JackOSX v 0.5 Jan 22, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • New, more CPU-efficient CoreAudio driver

  • New NetJack UDP module for JackPilot, to allow for Jack audio connections over a network (including Ethernet, Airport, IP over Firewire)

  • Workaround for "the iTunes problem", in which some applications (like iTunes) are dropped from the Connections Manager window when they stop actively sending audio, thus destroying any connections already established with that application. The workaround restores the connection state of the application in question when the audio stream is resumed

  • Various Jack Audio Router (JAR) bug fixes

  • New Jack VST and AU plugin design; AU plugin now passes current Apple AU validation test

  • Developer toolset added, which allows for both "Apple" and "Unix" approaches to developing Jack native applications on Mac OS X

  • Inclusion of step-by-step illustrated examples in documentation

  • Italian and French localization of JackPilot
  • less...
    Jack Tools

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    version 0.5, MacOS X PPC
    Sorry, but that connections manager interface just dosn't do it for me. why can't they just make a good gui? ...
    i find soundflower even if limited in patching possibilities much more clean and stable - personally.
    Lou Kash
    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Jack Tools offer fantastic possibilities for connecting apps or work around I/O limitations of various apps with multichannel hardware. While there are still bugs making it sometimes necessary to relaunch the server and the connected apps a couple of times, once the apps are connected basically it works as expected. Obviously this is beta software, so it will surely improve over time.
    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Great stuff!
    version 0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Il s'agit bien de rerouter virtuellement n'importe quel output stéréo d'application sonore de type "standalone" (Exemple: Max/MSP, Peak, Spark, iTunes, RealPlayer, Quicktime etc...) vers l'entrée de votre logiciel de composition préféré (Cubase SX, Logic, Digital Performer, Reason, Live...). Il y a même des plug-ins "aspirateur" (VST et AU) pour "capter" le son et le mixer via une piste VSTi.
    Fini les galères de rewire, plus besoin d'attendre les versions des plug-ins compatibles avec votre environnement. Le core audio d'OS X dans toute sa splendeur, exploité avec brio.
    Dowser 101
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