
Category Miscellaneous / Internet & Network
Version 1.6
Format App
Compatibility iRecordMusicMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $25  /  23€
4 / 5 , 3 votes
Updated On Jan 24, 2010
Total Downloads 6,727
Mac Downloads 6,727

Surf & Record Net Audio To MP4-AAC

RAW enables you to surf and record Net audio to MP4-AAC. You can record multiple BBC radio streams, Hollywood movie trailer soundtracks and news webcasts at the same time! Recorded files are iPod compatible. RAW offers AppleScript support for third party developers. Features include:
- Record Internet audio as MP4-AAC (iPod compatible)
- Make multiple recordings at the same time
- Split recordings manually, or automatically by time
- AppleScript support
Support for:
- RealAudio / RealVideo
- QuickTime media support
- Midi web sounds support
- FLASH web content
- MP3, M3U, EXTM3U streaming net radio
iRecordMusic iRecordMusic v 1.6 Jan 24, 2010 MacOS X UB
Bitcartel iRecordMusic iRecordMusic v 1.5 Jul 6, 2006 MacOS X UB
Bitcartel iRecordMusic v 1.4b38 Apr 28, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Tiger compatible release. Fixed internal issue with scheduling due to change in 10.4 system layout.
  • support iRecordMusic v 1.4b35 Mar 16, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Fixed bug related to recording archived audio streams of pre-determined length, where on reaching the end of the stream, if the no audio setting in preferences was triggered, the AIFF file would not be encoded. A symptom would be the last file in a series of recordings not being encoded and added to iTunes. Or if the preference option to delete cancelled recordings was enabled, a symptom would be disappearing AIFF files and no subsequent encoding.
  • record iRecordMusic v 1.4b34 Feb 23, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Fixed bug where AAC files encoded with iTunes were ignoring the bookmarkable option.

  • Fixed bug where iTunes encoded files on Jaguar had their file type and creator codes stripped.

  • Updated default media embedding list

  • Genre of recordings is now set to 'iRecordMusic' making it easier for users to create iTunes smart playlists to handle recordings

  • Changed input session info dialog so that user can press return to select 'Okay'.

  • Fixed bugs in ID3v2 tag generation.
  • audio iRecordMusic v 1.4 Feb 9, 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Added real-time encoding to LAME MP3, Ogg Vorbis and FLAC

  • Added standard encoding to 3GPP and Apple Lossless

  • Added option to configure custom AAC settings via QuickTime

  • Added abilty to pause and cancel recordings

  • Added option to empty web cache

  • Added basic error reporting in the progress window

  • Added delete bookmarks option to the contextual menu of the Bookmarks window

  • Added option to delete recordings after they have been added to an iTunes playlist. Useful if users enable iTunes to copy files into the iTunes Music Library

  • Improved tagging via native libraries and code, less reliance on iTunes for tagging

  • Fixed bug where AIFF recordings were only added to iTunes playlist if AIFF tagging was not also enabled

  • Many internal bug fixes and improvements.
  • recordings iRecordMusic v 1.3b27 Jun 26, 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Software localised in the following languages: Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Spanish

  • Fixed an issue with rtsp:// URLs not loading properly, affecting sites such as
  • Bitcartel
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    version 1.6, MacOS X UB
    This product works quite well although there is zero support. Emails to support rarely get answered.
    version 1.4b38, MacOS X PPC
    Bien, et très excellent.
    version 1.5, MacOS X UB
    On ne peut pas encore acheter Diana Navarro a capella. iRecord, m'a promis de prendre l'audio de son clip magnifique sur YouTube.
    Mission accomplie. Il suffit de coller l'adresse de ton clip favori dans le browser de iRecord, mets le clip en pause à l'endroit ou tu veux démarrer l'enregistrement, pomme R, puis démarres le clip. Puis arretes l'enregistrement à la fin du morceau et avant les applaudissements (?!?). Après qq secondes de traitement, tu trouves ton morceau favori dans ton iTunes.
    Ca marche :) Quoi dire de plus?
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