Five Line Skink

Category Education and composition / Scores & tablatures
Version 2.0
Format App
Compatibility Five Line SkinkMacOS X UB
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Jun 17, 2009
Total Downloads 4,364
Mac Downloads 3,681
Category Education and composition / Scores & tablatures
Version 2.0
Format App
Compatibility Five Line SkinkWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Jun 17, 2009
Total Downloads 4,364
PC Downloads 683

Abc music editor, score display and player

The abc notation is a compact, human and machine readable notation that can be used to produce scores, and has more than 20K tunes available. Five Line Skink is a Java application that runs on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows and can be used to edit, play and display abc file.
Mac OS 10.4.x or better
Java 5 or better
Five Line Skink Five Line Skink v 2.0 Jun 17, 2009 MacOS X UB
This is a prerelease version of Five Line Skink. Major differences between Skink 2.0 and Skink 1.x include:

* Skink 2.0 supports multi-voice abc, as well as related features such as alto, tenor and bass clefs
* Skink 2.0 can invoke abcm2ps directly.
* Support for multiple open files in separate windows
* window menu
* support for abcm2ps format files
* preferences menu can be used to update abcm2ps path and format file
* sample format file (skink.fmt) to produce abcm2ps output similar to Skink output
* tested on Mac OSX 10.5.7 with Java 5, Windows XP with Java 6 and Ubuntu 9.04 with Sun Java 6

Some other enhancements include:

* improvements to layout
* more consistent handling of the interaction between continuous layout mode and playback - in continuous mode, Skink will now only display the tune in which data is being entered, and will play that tune when play is invoked from the menu
* the abc file directory is now 'sticky' - Skink will remember the last directory from which abc files were opened after restart.

Note that in this version there are a number of restrictions, some of which are documented here:

* Skink 2.0 requires Java 1.5 or better, and thus must run on Mac OS X 10.4.x or better
* In order for Skink to invoke abcm2ps, it must be installed separately, and must appear in the path. The pre-built abcm2ps that is available at installs in /usr/bin/ which satisfies these requirements. Future versions of Skink will support configuration of the location and options of abcm2ps. In the current version, this is controlled by the environment variable "ca.celticmusic.skink.abctool",which defaults to the string "abcm2ps". This can also be changed from the preferences menu.
* Merging voices on a single staff is not yet supported.
* Playback of multi-voice music is not fully supported. Specifically, in cases where one voice has tuplets (for example triplets) while another does not, roundoff error can cause the voices to become unsynchronized.
* The interaction between parts (P:xxx) and voices (V:xxx) is not fully resolved.
* Selecting 'New' from the file menu when you have changed a file will prompt you to save the file
* It is possible to open the same file multiple times. If you change the file in different buffers, the last one saved will win.
* When canceling out of quit, the Window menu can be momentarily corrupted.
* Multiple windows can cover each other.
Toronto Celtic Music Page Five Line Skink Five Line Skink v 1.2a3 Sep 25, 2004 MacOS X PPC
New Features and Bugfixes
  • zoom in and out on the staff pane

  • parsing improvements, especially in the interaction of gracenotes and slurs.

  • support for the following extended decorations:

  • H or !fermata!
    I or !invertedfermata!
    J or !slide!
    L or !>! or !emphasis! or !accent!
    M or !mordent! or !uppermordent!
    O or !coda!
    P or !pralltriller! or !lowermordent!
    Q or !longphrase!
    R or !mediumphrase!
    S or !shortphrase!
    T or !trill!
    W or !segno!
  • improved rendering of note tails

  • improved slur rendering

  • improved tuplet rendering

  • improved barline rendering

  • allow decorations on barlines, repeats and invisible rests

  • accidentals on gracenotes

  • decorations on chords

  • line up leger lines and notes better

  • fix cancel window closing
  • Five Line Skink Five Line Skink v 2.0 Jun 17, 2009 Windows
    This is a prerelease version of Five Line Skink. Major differences between Skink 2.0 and Skink 1.x include:

    * Skink 2.0 supports multi-voice abc, as well as related features such as alto, tenor and bass clefs
    * Skink 2.0 can invoke abcm2ps directly.
    * Support for multiple open files in separate windows
    * window menu
    * support for abcm2ps format files
    * preferences menu can be used to update abcm2ps path and format file
    * sample format file (skink.fmt) to produce abcm2ps output similar to Skink output
    * tested on Mac OSX 10.5.7 with Java 5, Windows XP with Java 6 and Ubuntu 9.04 with Sun Java 6

    Some other enhancements include:

    * improvements to layout
    * more consistent handling of the interaction between continuous layout mode and playback - in continuous mode, Skink will now only display the tune in which data is being entered, and will play that tune when play is invoked from the menu
    * the abc file directory is now 'sticky' - Skink will remember the last directory from which abc files were opened after restart.

    Note that in this version there are a number of restrictions, some of which are documented here:

    * Skink 2.0 requires Java 1.5 or better, and thus must run on Mac OS X 10.4.x or better
    * In order for Skink to invoke abcm2ps, it must be installed separately, and must appear in the path. The pre-built abcm2ps that is available at installs in /usr/bin/ which satisfies these requirements. Future versions of Skink will support configuration of the location and options of abcm2ps. In the current version, this is controlled by the environment variable "ca.celticmusic.skink.abctool",which defaults to the string "abcm2ps". This can also be changed from the preferences menu.
    * Merging voices on a single staff is not yet supported.
    * Playback of multi-voice music is not fully supported. Specifically, in cases where one voice has tuplets (for example triplets) while another does not, roundoff error can cause the voices to become unsynchronized.
    * The interaction between parts (P:xxx) and voices (V:xxx) is not fully resolved.
    * Selecting 'New' from the file menu when you have changed a file will prompt you to save the file
    * It is possible to open the same file multiple times. If you change the file in different buffers, the last one saved will win.
    * When canceling out of quit, the Window menu can be momentarily corrupted.
    * Multiple windows can cover each other.
    Toronto Celtic Music Page

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