Amazing Slow Downer

Category Miscellaneous / Players & Jukeboxes
Version 3.4.4
Format App
Compatibility Amazing Slow DownerMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $45  /  42€
Updated On Jan 30, 2013
Total Downloads 8,147
Mac Downloads 7,484
Category Miscellaneous / Players & Jukeboxes
Version 3.4.5
Format App
Compatibility Amazing Slow DownerWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $45  /  42€
Updated On Jul 30, 2013
Total Downloads 8,147
PC Downloads 663

Time-stretching & Pitch in real time

Slows down the speed of the music - between -50% and 400% time-stretching without changing the pitch. Real-time processing-all described above is done in real-time - just insert the CD and press the play button! Also slows down MP3, AIFF and wave files on your computer in real-time.
Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7 and 8
Amazing Slow Downer Amazing Slow Downer v 3.4.4 Jan 30, 2013 MacOS X UB
1. New - Better looking history dialog
Roni music Amazing Slow Downer Amazing Slow Downer v 3.4.3 Nov 5, 2012 MacOS X UB
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.3 (2012-10-01)

1. Bug fix - Fixed a bug that could possibly crash the program if "Use QuickTime for MP3 encoding" was enabled

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.2 (2012-09-12)

1. Change - Better support for encoding very low bit rate files using the Lame MP3 encoder
2. Change - Better support for Audacity Lame MP3 encoder

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.1 (2012-05-14)

1. Change - Minor changes needed for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)
2. Bug fix - Could crash if trying to open a non existing file

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2012-03-12)

1. Bug fix - Minor fix related to an audio problem with Slow Down Type IV
2. Bug fix - Because of changes in iTunes 10.6, drag and drop from iTunes would add duplicated files (Lion issue only)

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.0 (2012-03-06)

1. New - Displays the selected file in the window title bar
2. Change - Better preservation of the stereo image for all slow down types
3. Change - Default key command for "Karaoke" On/Off is changed into [Shift] + [K]
4. Change - Key command for "Save Song As MP3 file" is [Command] + [Shift] + [S]
Roni music Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.9 Feb 26, 2012 MacOS X UB
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.9 (2011-12-12)

1. Bug fix - ID3 data could be wrong for some file types

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.8 (2011-10-19)

1. Change - Reduced the scroll rate for the loop up/down arrow controls

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.7 (2011-10-04)

1. New - The USB command dialog has a new "Toggles" switch that performs the selected command only as long as pedal/button is held down
2. Bug fix - Fixed a minor bug in the MP3 decoding engine that could cause ASD to crash when playing certain files.

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.6 (2011-09-15)

1. Change - Restructured the "Import iTunes Library" dialog
2. Bug fix - Some minor bug fixes related to USB remote controlling

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.5 (2011-09-05)

1. New - Support for remote controlling with USB HID devices (foot pedals etc)

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.4 (2011-08-02)

1. Change - Minor changes for OS X 10.7 (Lion)
2. Bug fix - Some audio files didn't didn't play the very last audio frames
real-time Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.3 Jun 7, 2011 MacOS X UB
1. Bug fix - Old file extension wasn't replaced when saving a new file
2. Bug fix - Minor fix for CD-Text CDs
3. Change - The default read buffer size is now "Medium"
time-stretching Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.1 Oct 19, 2010 MacOS X UB
1. New - Logarithmic speed slider
2. Change - If missing ID3 title, display the file name
3. Bugfix - Correct display of Unicode characters in the Key Commands dialog
slows Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.0 Jul 3, 2010 MacOS X UB
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.0 (2010-06-28)
1. New - Support for Apple Remote controller
2. Bugfix - Drag/Drop from iTunes 9.2 was broken
3. Change - Now requires OS X 10.4 or later

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.9 (2010-02-08)
1. Bugfix - Fix for MP3 ID3 tags with both Unicode and ASCII text
2. Change - Better error checking for files with non-standard MP3 ID3v2 tags
3. Change - Renamed the File Menu | Save File List As... into into Save Playlist As...

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.7 (2010-01-29)
1. Change - Updated the QuickTime decoding engine - now works with latest versions of the Flip4Mac and Perian QT components
2. Change - Now displays the enclosing folder name for the selected file in the window title bar
3. Change - Text labels on main screen now uses a font size according to the current zoom setting
4. Change - Finally changed the display name from "Amazing X" to "Amazing Slow Downer"
5. Bugfix - Better error checking for corrupt MP3 ID3 tags
6. New - Load/Save MIDI Remote template files
pitch Amazing Slow Downer v 3.2.6 Oct 17, 2009 MacOS X UB
1. New - Support for libmp3lame.dylib provided it's placed in the Library/Application Support folder
2. Change - Changed the default key commands for "Select Slow Down Type" and "Toggle Processing On/Off"
3. Change - Better detection of VBR MP3 files
download Amazing Slow Downer v Mar 27, 2009 MacOS X UB
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2009-03-17)
1. Bug fix - Because of changes in iTunes 8.1, drag and drop support from iTunes was broken

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2009-02-28)
1. Bug fix - Cue slider didn't work OK when running on PPC computers

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.5 (2009-02-16)
1. New - Support for Flash files (.flv) from YouTube provided you have the Perian QuickTime component installed. Free download at:
2. Change - Tracklist now truncates a too long title in the middle and then also displays a help tag if mouse held over the title

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.4 (2008-11-15)
1. New - Added key commands for the Mix slider
2. New - Now displays the currently selected file in the title bar
3. Bug fix - Certain ID3v2 tags wasn't found

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.3 (2008-06-17)
1. Bug fix - VBR mp3 files didn't play the last couple of seconds

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.2 (2008-04-20)
1. New - Added a "Delete" item in the track list menu

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.1 (2008-04-10)
1. Change - "Delay before playback" and "Wait between loops" may now be simultaneously active
2. Bug fix - Looping didn't work correctly in bypass mode
3. Bug fix - Didn't handle filenames with versal file extensions correctly

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.0 (2008-02-19)
1. New - Now possible to enter a new value for speed, pitch and stretch by double clicking in the status bar at the bottom
2. New - A second selection of the same sort item in the tracklist pop-up menu will reverse the order
3. Change - Files are now added in correct order
4. Change - New files are now added after the currently selected file
5. Change - Removed the "Allow duplicates in playlist" switch in the Miscellaneous Settings dialog
6. Bug fix - Because of changes in QuickTime 7.4, playback of Apple Lossless files was broken again (come on Apple)
7. Bug fix - First few milliseconds was skipped when looping a mp3 file

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.9 (2008-01-15)
1. New - Support for .amr and .m4b (audio book) files
2. New - Support for flac 8-bit samples
3. Bugfix - Fixed playback problems for QuickTimes files at double speed and Large "Read buffer Size" setting
4. Bugfix - MIDI remote controlling settings wasn't saved correctly

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.8 (2007-11-29)
1. New - Added a "Delay before playback" setting in Preferences -> Controls
2. New - Added a "Volume control affects saving" switch in Miscellaneous settings
3. New - Added a "Use QuickTime for MP3 decoding" switch in Miscellaneous settings
4. New - Key command for bypassing of processing
5. New - Key command for toggling between CD and File player mode
6. New - Support for MP3 ID3v2.4 tags
7. Bugfix - Improved playback for newer laptops running OS X 10.4
8. Bugfix - Fixed minor display problems for OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
9. Change - PPC version now requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher and G4 or G5 processor

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.7 (2007-07-22)
1. Bugfix - File list displayed one character too much for Unicode encoded ID3 tags
2. Change - Updated the help file
mac Amazing Slow Downer v 3.1.6 Jul 15, 2007 MacOS X UB
1. New - Support for Musepack audio files
2. Change - Now reacts correctly when changing the default output device in System Preferences -> Sound
windows Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.7 Dec 19, 2006 MacOS X UB
Bugfix - Would crasch when using the presets for the first time
macintosh Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.6 Dec 5, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. New - Change speed at new loop has a new setting
2. New - Completely rewritten help file
3. New - Key commands for setting 125% speed, 150% speed etc - set in the Key Commands dialog
4. Change - Moved "Show Helptags" selection to Misceallaneous settings
5. Change - Restricted the minimum audio file duration to 250 milliseconds
6. Bugfix - When moving the Cue slider, error #158 could sometimes be generated
7. Bugfix - The "Eject" button icon was displayed upside-down in Metalic mode
pc Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.5 Oct 25, 2006 MacOS X UB
New - Support for DRM protected files from the iTunes store with the following limitations:
a. Minimum speed is 25% - quarter speed
b. Can not save the file
c. Equalizer has bass and treble controls only
d. The Karaoke function is disabled
e. The Mix slider has no effect
f. The stereo on/off switch has no effect
g. The Hold function is disabled
Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.4 Oct 19, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. New - New menu items in the main file menu that duplicates menu items in the track list menu
2. New - Added a random sort order in the track list menu
3. Change - Metalic window appearance is now only available on OS X 10.4.0 and later
4. Bug fix - Saving as uncompressed QuickTime movie didn't work OK on Intel Mac's
5. Bug fix - Minor fix in the MP3 decoding engine
Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.3 Oct 9, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. New - Preferences dialog that replaces all previous settings dialogs
2. New - Import of iTunes Library/Playlists
3. New - The playlist may now contain any number files (previously a maximum of 100 files)
4. New - Metal window appearance as an option (Misceallaneous settings - OS X 10.3.0 or higher)
5. New - Support for Windows Media Audio ( .wma files) provided you have the Flip4Mac QuickTime component installed. Free download at:
6. New - Added VBR (Variable Bit Rate) settings when saving mp3 files using Lame encoder
7. Change - End slider goes to complete end when dragged far right
8. Change - Karaoke mode is now always available
9. Minor bug fix in the Type III slow down engine
Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.1 Aug 13, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. Minor improvements in the Type IV slow down engine
2. Cue Slider updates more correctly during playback
3. Bugfix - ASD could crasch if an audio file was no longer present
4. Bugfix - starting playback close to the end of file could possibly hang ASD
Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.0 Jul 5, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. New slow down engine with transient preservation (Type IV - old Type IV is now Type V)
2. Process bypass mode
3. Now possible to re-arrange the files in the tracklist (file player only)
4. Support for Ogg and FLAC audio files provided free frameworks are installed - see the help file
5. Support for Sound Designer II files
6. Support for LAME MP3 framework
7. Key commands for setting the speed now also toggles between the selected speed and full speed
8. Extended some slider's click region
9. Bugfix - because of changes in QuickTime 7.1, playback of Apple lossless files was broken
10. Bugfix - could possibly save another track than the selected
Amazing Slow Downer v 2.8.5 Apr 20, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. Auto Create Presets - please read the documentation for more information
2. Recall loop points only when recalling a preset - Miscellaneous Settings dialog
3. Added a zoom setting in the Miscellaneous Settings dialog
4. Bugfix in save preset file - affected Intel Mac's only
Amazing Slow Downer v 2.8.3 Mar 29, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. "Change speed at new loop" setting in Button the Settings dialog
2. Improved Equalizer
3. Support for LAME MP3 framework
4. Bug fix - start of each CD track contained some noice
Amazing Slow Downer v 2.8.2 Mar 8, 2006 MacOS X UB
1. Univerasl Binary (runs as native on Intel Mac's)
2. Full Unicode file name support
3. Removed a stuppid limitation - files on removable volumes will now also play OK
4. Now detects when a CD is changed/inserted
5. Bug fix - lowering the pitch could introduce "scratchy, static sound"
Amazing Slow Downer v 2.8.1 Jan 10, 2006 MacOS X PPC
1. MIDI remote controlling
2. Removed synch correction for CD playback - not needed when running OS X
3. Bugfix - saving a MP3 file could possibly fail
Amazing Slow Downer v 2.8.0 Nov 14, 2005 MacOS X PPC
1. Bugfix - copies of loop in Save As... was broken
2. Bugfix - main window could possibly move outside the monitor area
3. Sort type is now stored when exporting/importing playlists
4. Volume control is now logarithmic (as human hearing)
5. Added a contextual menu for CD Player track list
6. Cleaned up the interface a bit
7. Less processor usage
Amazing Slow Downer Amazing Slow Downer v 3.4.5 Jul 30, 2013 Windows
1. New - Support for 32-bit floating point wave files without having QuickTime installed
2. Bugfix - Minor fix needed for MP3 encoding when running Windows 8
3. Bugfix - Wrong song selected when importing a playlist
Roni music Amazing Slow Downer Amazing Slow Downer v 3.4.3 Nov 5, 2012 Windows
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.3 (2012-10-01)

1. Bug fix - Fixed a bug that could possible crash the program when decoding MP3 files

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.2 (2012-09-12)

1. Change - Better support for encoding very low bitrate files using the Lame MP3 encoder

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.1 (2012-05-14)

1. Change - Better support for Apple QuickTime file formats

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2012-03-12)

1. Bug fix - Minor fix related to an audio problem with Slow Down Type IV

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.4.0 (2012-03-06)

1. New - Now possible to select the iTunes Library XML file (if needed)
2. New - Displays the selected file in the window title bar
3. Change - Better preservation of the stereo image for all slow down types
4. Change - Default key command for "Karaoke" On/Off is changed into [Shift] + [K]
5. Change - Key command for "Save Song As MP3 file" is [Control] + [Shift] + [S]
Roni music Amazing Slow Downer v Feb 26, 2012 Windows
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2012-01-12)

1. Bug fix - Could crash on old XP computers without support for the SSE2 instruction set

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.9 (2011-12-12)

1. Change - Much faster audio processing if using Slow Down Type IV
2. Bug fix - Some mp3 files could possible crash the program
3. Bug fix - ID3 data for Apple format files could possible be wrong
4. Bug fix - Fixed a problem that could occur when looping Apple format files

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.8 (2011-10-19)

1. Maintenance update - minor internal corrections and fixes

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2011-10-06)

1. Bugfix - Playback of Apple iTunes/QuickTime files was partially broken

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version (2011-10-05)

1. Bugfix - Fixed a bug that could cause the program to crash at startup

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.7 (2011-10-04)

1. New - The USB command dialog has a new "Toggles" switch that performs the selected command only as long as pedal/button is held down
2. Bugfix - Fixed a minor bug in the MP3 decoding engine that caused ASD to crash when playing certain files.

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.6 (2011-09-15)

1. Change - Better error detection to avoid loading of corrupt files
2. Bugfix - Fixed a race condition that could cause the app to deadlock when looping was set to off
3. Bugfix - Some minor bug fixes related to USB remote controlling

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.5 (2011-09-05)

1. New - Support for remote controlling with USB HID devices (foot pedals etc)

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.4 (2011-08-11)

1. Change - Better visual appearance if running on Windows 7 and Vista
real-time Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.3 Jun 7, 2011 Windows
1. New - Support for many more file types
2. Bug fix - Some uncommon file types could possibly crash the program
time-stretching Amazing Slow Downer v 3.3.1 Oct 19, 2010 Windows
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.1 (2010-10-19)
1. New - Logarithmic speed slider
2. Change - If missing ID3 title, display the file name
3. Bugfix - Fixed slow application termination

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.3.0 (2010-08-16)
1. Change - Minor change in the DirectX playback engine
slows Amazing Slow Downer v 3.2.9 Apr 3, 2010 Windows
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.9 (2010-02-08)
1. Bugfix - Fix for MP3 ID3 tags with both Unicode and ASCII text
2. Change - Better error checking for files with non-standard MP3 ID3v2 tags

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.8 (2010-01-31)
1. Bugfix - WMA files wouldn't play on certain versions of Windows

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.7 (2010-01-29)

1. New - Support for keyboards with multimedia keys
2. New - Load/Save MIDI remote template files
3. Change - Now displays the enclosing folder name for the selected file in the window title bar
4. Change - The status bar at the bottom now uses a font size according to the current zoom setting
5. Bugfix - Better error checking for files with corrupt MP3 ID3 tags
6. Bugfix - Fixed a bug concerning WMA files that only occurs if running on Windows 7
pitch Amazing Slow Downer v 3.2.6 Oct 17, 2009 Windows
1. Change - Changed the default key commands for "Select Slow Down Type" and "Toggle Processing On/Off"
2. Change - Better detection of VBR MP3 files
download Amazing Slow Downer v 3.2.5 Mar 27, 2009 Windows
Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.5 (2009-02-16)
1. Bugfix - Saving to an mp3 files using Frauenhofer ACM encoder could fail
2. Bugfix - Because of changes in QuickTime 7.6, playback of DRM protected files from the iTunes store was broken (come on Apple)

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.4 (2008-11-15)
1. New - Now opens Windows Media Player playlist files ( .wpl )
2. New - Added key commands for the Mix slider
3. New - Now displays the currently selected file in the title bar
4. Change - Better support for .m3u files created by Windows Media Player
5. Bugfix - Certain ID3v2 tags wasn't found

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.3 (2008-06-17)
1. Change - Apple has fixed a bug in QuickTime 7.5 which means pitch change again works for iTunes store files
2. Change - Can now use the pop-up menu for Karaoke presets
3. Bugfix - Minor fix in the MME playback engine
4. Bugfix - VBR mp3 files didn't play the last couple of seconds

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.2 (2008-04-20)
1. Bugfix - Certain actions could change the current pitch setting
2. New - Added a "Delete" item in the track list menu
3. Change - Requires QuickTime 7 or higher to support Apple file types

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.1 (2008-04-10)
1. Change - "Delay before playback" and "Wait between loops" may now be simultaneously active
2. Change - Skipped all CD-ROM access methods except "Native Win32" for Windows 2000, XP and Vista build
3. Change - Changed the default "Audio Card Sample Rate" setting to "No Change"
4. Bugfix - Looping didn't work correctly in bypass mode
5. Bugfix - Could crash for iTunes store files if not QuickTime 7 was installed
6. Bugfix - Dropping a file over the ASD icon didn't select the correct file in the tracklist

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.2.0 (2008-02-19)
1. New - Now possible to enter a new value for speed, pitch and mix settings by double clicking in the status bar at the bottom
2. New - A second selection of the same sort item in the track list dropdown menu will reverse the order
3. Change - Files are now added in correct order
4. Change - New files are now added after the currently selected file
5. Change - Removed the "Allow duplicates in playlist" switch in the Miscellaneous Settings dialog
6. Bugfix - Opening shortcut files was broken on Windows XP, now fixed
7. Bugfix - Because of changes in QuickTime 7.4, playback of Apple Lossles files was broken again (come on Apple)
8. Bugfix - Fixed minor playback problem when using DirectX drivers

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.9 (2008-01-15)
1. New - Support for DRM protected files from the iTunes store with the following limitations:
a. Minimum speed is 50% - half speed (uses QuickTime so the audio quality is quite bad)
b. Pitch change is disabled (QuickTime pitch change is unusable) - UPGRADING TO QuickTime 7.5 FIXES THIS PROBLEM
c. Not allowed to save the file
d. Equalizer has bass and treble controls only
e. The Karaoke function is disabled
f. The Mix slider is disabled
g. The stereo on/off switch is disabled
h. The Hold function is disabled
2. New - Support for flac 8-bit samples
3. Bugfix - MIDI remote control settings wasn't saved correctly

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.8 (2007-11-29)
1. New - Support for importing of iTunes Library/Playlists
2. New - Added a "Delay before playback" setting in Preferences -> Controls
3. New - Added a "Volume control affects saving" switch in Miscellaneous settings
4. New - Key command for bypassing of processing
5. New - Key command for toggling between CD and File player mode
6. New - Support for MP3 ID3v2.4 tags

Changes for Amazing Slow Downer version 3.1.7 (2007-07-22)
1. Bug fix - File list displayed one character too much for Unicode ID3 tags
2. Bug fix - File list didn't update correctly when deleting a file
mac Amazing Slow Downer v 3.1.6 Jul 15, 2007 Windows
1. New - Support for Musepack audio files
2. Change - Fixed some ninor display problems when running on Windows 2000
windows Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0..6 Dec 5, 2006 Windows
1. New - Change speed at new loop has a new setting
2. New - Completely rewritten help file
3. New - Key commands for setting 125% speed, 150% speed etc - set in the Key Commands dialog
4. Change - Moved "Show Helptags" selection to Misceallaneous settings
5. Change - Restricted the minimum audio file duration to 250 milliseconds
6. Bugfix - When moving the Cue slider, error #158 could sometimes be generated
7. Bugfix - The "Eject" button icon was displayed upside-down in Metalic mode
macintosh Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.1 Aug 13, 2006 Windows
1. Minor improvements in the Type IV slow down engine
2. Cue Slider updates more correctly during playback
3. Bugfix - starting playback close to the end of file could possible hang ASD
pc Amazing Slow Downer v 3.0.0 Jul 5, 2006 Windows
1. New slow down engine with transient preservation (Type IV - old Type IV is now Type V)
2. Process bypass mode
3. Now possible to re-arrange the files in the tracklist (file player only)
4. Support for Ogg and FLAC audio files provided free frameworks are installed - see the help file
5. Support for Sound Designer II files
6. Support for LAME MP3 framework
7. Key commands for setting the speed now also toggles between the selected speed and full speed
8. Extended some slider's click region
9. Bugfix - because of changes in QuickTime 7.1, playback of Apple lossless files was broken
10. Bugfix - could possibly save another track than the selected
Roni music
Buy Amazing Slow Downer near Columbus, United States at:

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version 3.1.6, MacOS X UB
Lives up to its name! I've listened to a lot of software for slowing down audio, and have even written some myself, but this is definitely among the very best in terms of sound quality. Given that you'll be listening
Apart from the excellent sound quality, here are some other good points:
- User interface doesn't look fancy, but it's certainly usable and flexible.
- Choice of slow down methods, from "Slow Down Type I" through "Slow Down Type V". A different method may give better results depending on the type of music (though so far, to my ears, "Type IV" sounds the best for all the music I've tried).
- Batch processing: you can add a bunch of files to a playlist, then save slower versions of all of them in one go.
- Allows you to save slowed down (and/or pitch shifted) versions to mp3/m4a/etc. which you can then copy to your iPod or other mp3 player. Very handy if you want to learn tunes while listening to high-quality slowed down versions without using your computer.
Some minor gripes:
- The unlocking process when you buy is a bit odd. You don't get a product key; instead you get another installer which installs some file(s) that convert the trial into a full version.
- To save output as mp3, you need to separately download and install the LAME encoder (even though there's already a QuickTime mp3 encoder on the Mac).
- Saved slowed-down versions have the same file names as the originals, but don't preserve any of the tags (Artist, Album, etc.) of the originals. So if I save a slowed version of Eric Johnson's "Cliffs of Dover", and add the saved version to iTunes, it won't appear when I search for "Eric Johnson".
All pretty minor gripes. Overall, for the price, this is a remarkably good tool - especially given the excellent sound quality.
version 3.3.3, MacOS X UB
Programme simple, et époustouflant d'efficacité !! C'est le seul que j'ai entendu et utilisé qui permette de changer le pitch d'un ensemble audio sans que notamment la batterie soit déformée, et ce sur au moins 6 tons voire plus.
Le prix en plus est généreux !!

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