Micro-Timing Controller. AccuLAG is Master Midi Beat Clock Generator and Micro-Timing Controller that equips highest preciseness, and unique "Lag Slider" let's you dig your own Groove,...
    Wireless audio around your house. Play any audio across your network to a whole host of devices, all in sync! Airfoil sends audio to remote speakers including iOS devices, other computers, and...
    Easy audio device management. Control all your audio devices from the status bar, receive system notifications when relevant events happen on your audio devices and more.
    Test signals generator. AudioTest generates audio test signals and can save audio test signals as AIFF files. Wave types: Sine wave, Triangle wave, Sawtooth wave, Square wave, Pulse...
    Tools for working with audio and music.. Free open-source set of tools includes pitch and frequency converters, a metronome and tools for working with the harmonic series.
    AudioTools Pro
    Audio productions utilities. AudioTools Pro provides close to 40 production calculators and utilities that are often needed during audio production. Note: AudioTools Pro is included in...
    AWS Guitar Tuner
    Guitar Tuner. Simple guitar tuner program for Mac OS 9. Plays notes in standard and alternative tunings with multiple voices including acoustic guitars, electric guitars, and...
    Audio utilities. Backline is an audio utility for Mac OS X. Think of it as Cocktail or OnyX for audio geeks. What does it do? * Audio File First Aid: repair malformed audio...
    Bass Tuner
    Tuner for bass guitar. Tuner just for bass guitar. Small but powerful! Hands-free operation, listens while you tune. Optimized bass register pitch detection.
    Audio Preference Panel. BetterSound is a Mac OS X audio preference panel, offering some extra features in sound control management. BetterSound allows you to see all audio input and...
    BPM Analyser
    Determine the exact BPM of any song. This is a free program you can use to determine the exact BPM (beats per minute) of any song. BPM Analyzer allows you to: > > * Calculate extremely accurate...
    Time calculator / converter. In the same window, BPMcalc shows you the length in seconds or milliseconds of all normal/dotted/triplet notes from 1/1 to 1/64, for any given tempo, with an...
    Chromatic Tuner
    12-note chromatic tuner. It is a 12-note chromatic scale tuner application that utilizes a sound input device such as built-in microphone, line in, and iSight. Tuning: multi-tempered...
    A metronome for learning the Flamenco rhythms.. Hear and see the beats in the Flamenco rhythms. Learn how to count in the Flamenco styles.
    Delay Calculator
    Calculate digital delay timings based on a tempo.. Enter a tempo in beats per minute and click 'Calculate.' That's all you have to do. The application will then display many common, and some uncommon, digital...
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