Software by Sonic Assault

Synth and loop recorder. 32-Step Dual Synth Arp - Loop Recorder
2 Independent Synths with HADSR Envelopes
User Selectable Single, 16/24-bit Wave Player or Soundfont Oscillators...

Stereo Filter Sequencer. 4 Host Synced/Manual 1-16 Step Sequencers with Level Scaling and Invert Controls
Step/Interpolation Control
2 SV Filters with Selectable Decay Rates...

Synth. - SoundFont synthesizer
- 24 Note polyphony
- ADSR Envelope Generator
- Coarse and Fine Tuning
- Level Control with Output Overload Indicators
- Pan Control...

64-Step MIDI Data Sequencer. Features:
- User Selectable 2-64 Step Sequencer
- Draw and Single Step editing
- Step / Interpolation control
- All Step Randomise
- Host Locked / Free Run...

Sampler. 24 Slot - 6 Stereo Output - 16/24-bit Sample Player with : Pitch, Level, Velocity Sensitivity, Pan, L/R Channel Swap Controls and L/R Clip Indicators,...

FM synth. - Single FM Modulator/Carrier Oscillator with Pulse Width and Sync Controls
- 12db SV Filter with Key Follow and Adjustable LP/BP Output
- 4 Patchable HAHDSR...