Software by GTG Synths

Poly synth. Polysynth with two oscillators, two LFO`s (one sync`ed to host tempo), a stereo chorus and a stereo delay. 8 voice polyphonic. Synth with warm and phat sound

Synthesizer. Made mainly for personal use. A good old analog polysynth with a 24dB filter, snappy envelopes and nice mod effects.

Analog synth. GTG JP7A : 6 voice analog synth. 24 dB filter with LP,HP and BP settings. Osc sync and pitch envelope. Mono mode with 4 key priority choices. Pitch bender with 3...

Analog synth. Kwop 7 : By request of a few users, a synth that reminds of a wellknown hardware-model from the early 80`s.

Organ module. Organ Module with drawbars, key click and two percussion switches. MIDI Automation and a stereo Modulation effect.