Aaron Cavanaugh
Personnal page of Aaron Cavanaugh, who develops free VSTi plugins for Windows
Software by Aaron Cavanaugh

Waveform oscillator. 3tone is a waveform oscillator featuring : 3 waveform oscillators (waveform 1 changes pitch, waveform 2 and 3 do not).

Drums sounds player. Percussion sounds player : Rimshot, Clap, Snare, Hihat, Ride, Tamborine, Crash, and Claves.

Wave oscillator. Wave oscillator features 4 wave oscillator, 2 independent oscillators. Good for bass sounds

Soundfont player. Simplesoundfont is simple Soundfont player made with synthedit released version 1.2.

Vocal synth. Talking Synth says up to 16 letter words or phrases and works well with 1/8th notes at 150bpm.

Tone genrator. Basic tone generator that an be used as metronome or tweak with VST Plugins. Made with synthedit released version 1.2