Jonas Norberg
Personal page of Jonas Norberg, download my music and audio software (vst plugins and beos)
Software by Jonas Norberg

Multi band soft clipper. Firegain is a 3-band (soft-)clipper / shaper. I have a feeling that this is similar to a "harmonic exciter".
1. Divide the signal into three frequency bands...

Midi-controlled feedback delay. PlayDelay is a feedback delay where the delaytime is controlled via MIDI note on's.

Midi-controlled harmonic notch filter. This plug contains 64 narrow notch filters controlled by midi. By default no filters are active. When a note-on is received a group of notch filters...

Special filter effect. Square-o-matic is made up from some pieces :
- Envelope-Follower
- Square-maker
- Lowpass filter with resonance (cutoff is controlled by the env-follower)...