Solid State Logic

Based in Oxford, UK, SSL is the world's leading manufacturers of the finest audio production consoles for the Broadcast, Film, Music and Post Production industries.

Software by Solid State Logic

Duende Native Bus Compressor
Bus compressor. The centre section compressor from SSL's 1980's G Series analogue console is an audio production legend. It is the secret behind countless classic recordings. It...
Duende Native Drumstrip
Drum processors. The secret to making an average drum recording sound incredible can be elusive. It takes the right combination of processors, with the perfect sonic character,...
Duende Native EQ & Dynamics Channel
Console channel strip. The Duende Native Channel plug-in is ported from the C200 console and includes separate high and low pass filters, a four band parametric equalizer, an...
Duende Native Vocalstrip
Vocal processing tools. Vocalstrip is an application specific plug-in that draws upon decades of SSL professional engineering expertise to combine the right four processing elements to...
Duende Native X-Comp
Compressor. X-Comp is a sophisticated and extremely versatile stereo compressor that cuts through the mass of freeware and bundled plug-ins available with genuinely...
Duende Native X-EQ
Mastering 10-band parametric EQ. X-EQ is an open and transparent sounding parametric EQ that provides the user with a truly comprehensive range of EQ tools within an intuitive user interface....
Duende Native X-Phase
Frequency specific phase control. SSL's SuperAnalogueTM console and processing hardware is renowned for exceptionally accurate audio imaging, especially with low and high end frequencies when...
Duende Native X-Saturator
Versatile analogue distortion circuit emulation. X-Saturator delivers a stunning range of analogue style distortion effects. It is an emulation of an analogue circuit that introduces either 2nd order valve...
Duende Native X-ValveCom
Saturating valve style compression. X-ValveComp is a fully-featured mono or stereo channel compressor with a full set of classic channel compressor controls and an added 'valve' emulation stage....
Duende Native X-Verb
Reverb. X-Verb delivers the density, warmth, depth and stunning detail usually only found in top-end hardware reverb processors. X-Verb uses revolutionary processing to...
Move audio projects from one DAW to another. Pro-Convert is a new software application designed to improve workflow and make it easier for producers to use their Digital Audio Workstation of choice....
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