Swar Systems
Swar Systems is a Switzerland-based company specialized in Indian music software. Their products are designed for students of Indian melody and rhythm, as well as for East-West fusion music composers.
Software by Swar Systems

Daw. Swar Studio is the first sequencer primarily aimed at music from India, whether modern or ancient. It includes both Indian and Western virtual instruments to...

Indian classical music encyclopedia. Discover Indian classical music through a rich multimedia presentation. Swar Tutorial covers this vast subject in 40 illustrated pages. Each section is...

Indian drums multi-tracks. SwarGroove is a VST/AU/RTAS multi-tracks Indian drums plugin that lets you add Indian drums ensembles to your compositions and live performances. It comes with...

Indian instruments. SwarPlug is a VSTi of 35 Indian instruments, sampled with state-of-the-art equipment from renowned professional musicians. SwarPlug is built on the much...