Audiofile Engineering

Audio shareware for Mac OS X : Sample Manager, Wave Editor, Audio Analyzer

Software by Audiofile Engineering

Audio utilities. Backline is an audio utility for Mac OS X. Think of it as Cocktail or OnyX for audio geeks. What does it do? * Audio File First Aid: repair malformed audio...
Music player. Fidelia is an elegant and powerful music player created exclusively for Mac OS X. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Fidelia proudly takes advantage of...
Loop Editor
Audio loop editor. Loop Editor 2 is a is powerful music loop editing tool developed by musicians and engineers for musicians and engineers. Loop Editor is the perfect replacement...
Live Audio Unit Hosting in a Virtual Rack. Rax lets you create your ideal rack of AudioUnit synthesizers and effects all of which can be controlled by a MIDI keyboard. Flexible audio and MIDI routing help...
Sample Manager
Batch audio processor. Sample Manager is a full-featured batch audio processor : - Full support of AIFF, WAVE and Sound Designer II audio files - Partial support for ACID,...
Real-time audio multi-analyzer. Spectre is a multi-instrument real-time audio analyzer for Mac OS X. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Spectre proudly takes advantage of Quartz, OpenGL,...
Audio editor. Features : - Direct editing of AIFF, WAVE, Sound Designer, ACID Apple Loop, and µLaw audio files - Partial support for Recycle (REX, RX2 and RCY) files -...
Automated voice-over batch recording for multimedia. VoXover is a truly unique and modern voice-over automation utility and batch-recorder for multimedia, video game, speaking dictionary and telephone...

iPhone/iPad Apps by Audiofile Engineering

Audiofile Calc is a full-featured musical calculator and an indispensable utility for engineers, musicians, music students and teachers, producers, DJs, video...
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