The Wild Bits

Author of Ask The Dj.

Software by The Wild Bits

Beat match & mix plugin for iTunes. * perfect beat-matching transitions * Completely automatic * switch tracks anytime without losing the beat * seamless iTunes integration * License...
Ask the DJ
Analyses beat and performs DJ-like cross-fades automatically. AskTheDJ analyses beats to perform truly seamless transitions between tracks. Like a real DJ, it matches beats and adapts tempos whenever needed so the music...
BPM detector. Batch-processes your library.. BPMer is more than a mere BPM counter. It also detects intro & fade-out and optimizes iTunes start and stop times for perfect, beat-matching transitions. It can...
Song recognition. Ever thought 'what is this song?' Let Tunatic hear it and you will get the artist's name and the song's title within seconds. Tunatic is the very first song...
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