Gmedia Music

Editor of VST plug-ins: Oddity and M-Tron

Software by Gmedia Music

Synthesizer. This plug-in instrument is based on the original UK designed OSCar synthesiser, released in 1984 and which subsequently became a favourite instrument of...
Simulation Of Mellotron. The M-Tron is a software simulation of the classic instrument the Mellotron. The M-Tron contains 28 classic tape banks including Strings, Choirs, Flutes and...
Minimoog emulation. Minimonsta offers all the familiar features you would associate with the legendary original machine. Three oscillators with Triangle, Saw-Triangle, Sawtooth,...
Odyssey ARP Simulation. The Oddity is modelled on the classic ARP Odyssey which was used by artists as diverse as Gary Numan, Herbie Hancock, Kraftwerk and Portishead. In much the same...
Virtual String Machine
Virtual string synthesizer. Virtual String Machine is a virtual instrument that evokes '70's string synthesizers and more: over a dozen of the finest vintage string synthesizers. Emulations...
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